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  • - How To Handle Toxic Parents
    av Priscilla Posey

  • - Mastering The Art Of Female Leadership
    av Priscilla Posey

    If you are a woman who wants to discover the secret to attaining everything and anything you desire in this male-dominant world, then keep reading…Are you tired of men making you feel incapable of power or influence just because you're female?Do you feel as if it's nearly impossible to speak out and go for the things you really want in life?According to Forbes, "In 2018 just 5% of senior roles were held by women," which by this day and age should certainly be higher. If you're among the women who want to advance and level up within their career, what can you do to make a change?You may not even be here for career advice, but just looking for a way to gain a little more control in your life, whether it be for a relationship or finding direction again, or yet something completely different.You may ask, "Can I actually change?" Yes, you most definitely can. "But how?"It's not a quick fix, but it will transform your life and allow you to achieve anything you desire.The answer? Leadership.By understanding how to become an efficient leader and utilizing it for your own benefit, you will start to see a drastic change in how you grasp everyday issues.By working on your leadership skills, you will notice a boost in: Confidence Self-Esteem Happiness Communication skills ProductivityAnd those are just a few of the many aspects to be positively influenced when you begin working on your inner leader.The best part is that anyone can become a leader, and despite what you may think, it doesn't require taking additional courses or attending any motivational seminars, only the desire for self-improvement and a handy guide to back you up.In Female Empowerment Series Vol. 1, you will discover: The 8 bad habits holding you back from reaching your full leader-potential What types of leadership are most effective for women for career and personal life How to choose the leading style that suits your personality best The secret to overcoming low confidence and self-esteem The uncommonly-known impact gender has on leadership The best exercises helpful for bringing out the natural leader in you Why being a female leader matters in today's largely male-dominated societyAnd much more.Even if you feel like you're not "leadership material," this is something any woman can benefit from, regardless of the incentive.By improving your leadership skills, you will begin to see growth in all aspects of your life, even outside of the one you chose to work on.The decision to take control of your life and design your future exactly how you would like is within your grasp, so why not take a leap of faith and trust in your instincts? The worst that can happen is you uncover something about yourself that you didn't know was there.So what are you waiting for? Now is the time to discover everything you have to offer and show the world all the strength you're keeping deep down inside you!If you want to get rid of that anchor holding you back from discovering your full potential and want the power to achieve everything you desire, then scroll up and click the "Add to Cart" button right now.

  • - Como Sanar de Relaciones Toxicas y Abuso Emocional (En Espanol/Spanish Version) (Spanish Edition)
    av Priscilla Posey

    Si deseas recuperarte del abuso narcisista y sanar de unarelación tóxica tan pronto sea posible sin tomar ningúnantidepresivo ni cambiar quien eres..sin importar hace cuántotiempo ocurrió el abuso narcisista, entonces, sigue leyendo..¿Has pensando alguna vez por qué no puedes parar de pensar en el narcisista que estuvo en tuvida?A pesar de tus mejores esfuerzos, siempre te sientes atrapado en un bucle continuo y atascado enel proceso de recuperarte del abuso narcisista.Este es el trato:Recuperarse del abuso narcisista y sanar de una relación tóxica no tiene que serdifícil. Incluso si intentarte otras soluciones que antes no funcionaron. Este libroes la solución.ΓùÅ No necesitas: Gastar cientos de dólares e incontables horas en terapia. Ahorra tutiempo y tu dinero.ΓùÅ No necesitas: Tomar antidepresivos dañinos. Es mucho más simple que eso.ΓùÅ No necesitas: Mantenerte ocupado para distraerte del dolor. De hecho, esto esbastante contraproducente.ΓùÅ No necesitas: Reemplazar el amor del narcisista, con el amor de alguien más. Estopodría hacerte implorar incluso más la atención del narcisista.ΓùÅ No necesitas: Gastar más tu tiempo investigando sobre narcisistas. Esta es una delas peores cosas que puedes hacer durante el camino hacia la recuperación.Y en este libro vas a aprender algo que la mayoría de las personas jamás sabrán...Esta es la guía paso a paso exacta sobre cómo avanzar con tuvida... Estas son sólo algunas de las cosas que descubrirás en este libro:ΓùÅ El sencillo proceso de 3 pasos para ayudarte a identificar rápidamente a unnarcisista. Éste método es usado por expertos en psicología.ΓùÅ El sorprendente impacto físico que el abuso narcisista ejerce en tu cerebro y cómorevertir el daño.ΓùÅ Cómo recuperar tu poder luego del abuso narcisista.ΓùÅ Artículos físicos que promueven la sanación al estimular tus sentidos. Estos objetosestimulan la parte de tu cerebro que resultó perjudicada debido al abuso narcisista.ΓùÅ 8 estrategias clave para ayudarte a recuperar del abuso narcisista. Una estrategiaen particular apresura el crecimiento y la sanación de tu cerebro.ΓùÅ 8 obstáculos comunes en el camino a recuperarse del abuso narcisista y cómovencerlos.ΓùÅ Cómo incrementar la producción de una hormona particular en tu cuerpo. Estahormona aumentará tu autoestima y seguridad.ΓùÅ Una técnica de sanación poco conocida creada por un psicólogo que puedeshacer por ti mismo sin un terapeuta. Estas son las mismas técnicas usadas porpacientes de TEPT.ΓùÅ Y mucho más!La conclusión es que PUEDES recuperarte del abuso narcisista yde relaciones tóxicas, sin gastar demasiado dinero en unterapeuta. Este libro te enseña cómo.¡Sube, y haz clic en el botón “Comprar” ahora!

  • - How to Classify, Counter, and Conquer the Covert Control of Others
    av Priscilla Posey

    Forgetting how conversations "actually” went down? Doubting your perception of reality? Feeling like you’re going crazy? Read on…It’s not unheard of, yet not your doing.Does anyone in your life constantly blame you every time something goes wrong, or even try to publicly humiliate you? Does he or she tell you you’re crazy or sensitive, or try to belittle you?If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may be a victim of gaslighting, a form of manipulation causing the targeted person to doubt their sanity and perception of reality.Psychological abuse is not something to ignore or take lightly as it can be detrimental to your well-being, and according to HealthLine, can lead to:Difficulty in concentratingDepressionAnxietyInsomniaChronic painSocial isolationPost Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)If someone in your life is causing you to question your own sanity and is driving you into the ground, don’t worry, you are not crazy, nor are you alone in the matter. Most importantly, it is not your fault!Did you know that according to National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, “48.4% of women and 48.8% of men have experienced at least one psychologically aggressive behavior by an intimate partner” That’s nearly every other person!Psychological abuse, however, isn’t only seen between partners, but can also be evident in other aspects of your life, such as at work or within your family. No matter the case, it can take a great toll on your overall well-being.Everyone deserves a life filled with happiness, so if you have any speculation or concern that you may be a victim of gaslighting, then you owe it to yourself to get down to the bottom of it.In Gaslighting, you will discover:The red flags to look out for in your relationshipsThe 4 areas in your life where manipulation can be present that may be going undetectedWhy not every manipulator is the sameThe best way to counter your manipulator according to their type and technique of controlThe hidden world behind what goes in on the mind of a manipulatorWhy gaslighting behavior is neither normal, nor should it be accepted by anyoneThe secret to empowermentHow to rebuild your life after emotional abuseAdditional resources to help you through the path to recoveryAnd much more.Even if you don’t believe you have the power to stand up to your manipulator and make a difference, as long as you have the right knowledge and support to back you up, anything is possible.With words of empowerment meant to build up confidence, nothing can stop you from getting the life you deserve. Everyone has the right to be in control of their own life, so why shouldn’t it also be the same for you?Take charge of your life and escape the grasp of your tormentor today. By dealing with the issue step by step, you will find it freeing and feel the weight of the world lifted off of your shoulders.Take the first step right now, and once again experience a life of endless opportunities.If you want to break free from the cycle of psychological abuse and uncover the path towards recovery, invest your copy right now.

  • - Understanding and Engaging the Narcissist in Your Life
    av Priscilla Posey

    If you've always wanted simple and proven methods on understanding, engaging, and dealing with a narcissist in your life, then keep reading...  Have you ever felt as if someone you love does nothing but put you down?Perhaps you are always drained after interacting with him or her, despite the fact that nothing you did was particularly strenuous.After every interaction, you may begin to worry about your own self-worth, or worry that you are not good enough for the other person. Despite your best efforts, you always feel like you are not enough and that you will never live up to expectations. Do you find yourself doing things or putting up with things you never would have thought were okay prior to meeting or interacting with a particular person? Can that person do no wrong, despite you being sure that something was his or her fault, but you feel like you cannot speak up because you either fear the response, or you worry no one will believe you?If any of this sounds familiar, you may have a narcissist in your life. These people are individuals with personality disorders that prevent them from being able to see the world for what it really is. For some reason, these people perceive and project themselves as blameless or perfect, though they are anything but. This might sound intimidating or concerning, but do not worry: Dealing with a Narcissist: Understanding and Engaging the Narcissist in Your Life is here for you.This book will provide you with the information you need to understand and interact with the narcissist in your life in ways that are as painless as possible for all people involved. It seeks to create a roadmap for you with easy to understand, clear explanations and no-nonsense advice on how to interact with narcissists in ways that are the least likely to lead to an explosion of narcissistic rage without giving up who you are or putting yourself in harm’s way.Here is just a fraction of what you will discover:The DSM-5 criteria for diagnosing narcissistic personality disorderMultiple explanations of why narcissists behave the way they do, ranging from coping with stress to being too insecure to do anything but pretend to be someone they are not.How the insecurity and vulnerable feelings influence the narcissist and fuel his or her cognitive distortions.How the narcissist’s desire for perfection presents a huge, counterintuitive problem.How to engage the narcissist using techniques from schema therapyHow to recognize the 18 maladaptive schemas that are the most likely reasons for the narcissistic behaviorHow to avoid losing yourself when trying to help a narcissistWhat narcissism looks like in various contexts and relationshipsHow to talk to others outside of the narcissistic relationship about what you are going through and how to ask for their supportHelpful apps in dealing with narcissistic peopleHelpful affirmations to remember when dealing with a narcissistAnd, so much more..!Claim your copy of this book NOW and make the greatest investment in your well-being

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