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  • av Hung Cao

    In Call Me an American, Captain Cao's triumphant journey of sacrifice and perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds, speaks to the enduring power and promise of the American dream. Deeply relatable and unapologetically honest, Captain Cao shares hard-fought lessons as a war refugee, combat veteran, and political candidate to remind readers that the fight to preserve our Republic begins with the same uniquely American values which are under attack today. From failure to humility, from faith to victory, Call Me an American, is an anthem to the imperfectly exceptional country that provided him refuge from the destruction of communism. From his childhood growing up in sub-Saharan Africa to his years fighting to preserve life as a Naval Officer in Special Operations, Captain Cao refutes the insidious narrative that the American dream is no longer accessible or achievable. Instead, he uses his gift of storytelling to expose the lies threatening meritocracy, equality, and individual liberty.

  • av Matthew Kroenig

    In 1977, then presidential candidate Ronald Reagan was discussing foreign affairs when he said, "My idea of American policy toward the Soviet Union is simple, and some would say simplistic. It is this: We win, and they lose." Three years later, Reagan was elected president; by the time he left office, the United States had won the First Cold War. Today, a New Cold War has started, this time with the People's Republic of China (PRC). While Beijing challenged the United States for many years, Washington only awoke to this reality in 2017 when President Donald J. Trump declared "great power competition" with China and Russia as the greatest threat facing the nation. We are in the early days of the New Cold War, and Washington is still struggling to define a clear China strategy. Inspired by Trump and Reagan, this book proposes a straightforward goal for the struggle with China: we win, and they lose. Brilliant and engagingly written, this book provides a conservative foreign policy strategy--A Trump-Reagan fusion--for winning the New Cold War with China. We Win, They Lose explains why a conservative worldview is best suited for the coming confrontation with China and provides a comprehensive strategy for tackling every major foreign policy issue facing the United States, including: defense, trade, and values; Russia, Iran, and North Korea; allies and institutions; border security and immigration; energy and the environment, and more. With this strategy in hand, the GOP and the United States can spring to action. It is time to win the New Cold War.

  • av Rainer Zitelmann

  • av Brandon J Weichert

    Is peace with the Islamic Republic of Iran possible? There has been an ongoing shadow war between the West and Iran, one that could explode and plunge the world into a third world war. The Biden Administration's move to make peace at any cost with the mad mullahs of Iran may be the very spark for a regional war that turns into a global conflict, the likes of which not seen since the 1940s. As the Biden Administration pines for a return to the ill-fated Iran nuclear deal, Tehran makes ready to consolidate its growing power in the Middle East at America's expense. For the last decade, Iran has consistently expanded its own reach and influence across the region--all while judiciously building up its military capabilities. As America looks for a way out of the Middle East and a return to the Obama-era nuclear agreement, Iran enhances the ability of its terrorist proxies, like Hezbollah in Lebanon or the Houthis in Yemen, to threaten the security of Israel and to destabilize the Saudi regime. Each time the Biden Administration signals its willingness to negotiate with Iran, Iran gets more aggressive. In the words of one Saudi official, Iran is a "paper tiger with steel claws." These steel claws have extended to encompass the whole region, and they include Iran's growing arsenal of complex drones, precision-guided munitions, EMP weapons, and their nuclear weapons arsenal. Thankfully, there is a path forward for the United States and the solution can be found in the policies outlined by the previous Trump Administration; in the form of the Abraham Accords and daring "maximum pressure" campaign against Iran. But time is not on America's side. Should President Biden continue down the destructive, illusory path to "peace" with Iran, he will not only have abandoned America's long-standing allies, but he will have also helped to trigger the very conflict he seeks to avoid. After all, as Ronald Reagan once quipped, world wars do not start "because America is too strong." They start because the United States is deemed too weak by its rivals. In The Shadow War: Iran's Quest for Supremacy, author Brandon Weichert explores how the next world war is unfolding right before our eyes and explains how the American government can avoid it while maintaining its position of strength and support for its allies.

  • av William G. Hyland Jr.

  • av Mark Robinson

  • av Jeffrey Sikkenga

    The Civic Education Crisis: How We Got Here, What We Must Do is a call to action, an effort to save our republic through better civic education. America faces a crisis in civic education that imperils the long-term health of the country. Too many Americans--especially young people--do not have the knowledge of history and principles necessary to sustain the republic. In what has become a vicious cycle, young people are not learning about their country--its history and how it works--and they grow up disengaged and distrustful. Too many young people do not understand the principles of self-government on which America was founded. And they do not understand America's history as the story of the struggle to live up to those principles of freedom articulated in documents like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Instead, too many believe that America's story is essentially one of oppression, not freedom--injustice, not hope. In the first half of the book, authors Jeff Sikkenga and David Davenport diagnose the problem while proposing solutions in the second half. Truly, America faces a civics crisis and action is needed now to reverse the trend.

  • - Lessons for Strengthening America at Home and in the World
    av Jr. & Joseph F. Johnston

  • - What Is It Really?
    av Claes G. Ryn

  • av Nicholas DeIuliis

    Precipice: The Left's Campaign to Destroy America is a rallying cry in defense of the 'doers' to inspire awareness. Western society was built by the Creator, optimized by the Enabler, and refined by the Server. These three professional classes are the best society has to offer, and without them quality of life instantly degrades. America was designed to allow these classes to freely toil, achieve, and grow. Government was minimized and existed to serve the people. The American system of meritocracy created, grew, and sustained the middle class. Today the situation has changed for the worst, with America teetering upon a tipping point. The Leech, a class that exists solely to appropriate and consume the fruits of others' labor, has grown across every segment of the economy and society. As the Leech grows, the Creator, Enabler, and Server suffer. Successful culmination of the Leech campaign results in the destruction of the middle class, control resting with the 'haves' of the entrenched Leech elite, and the rest of society becoming indentured 'have-nots, ' who are perpetually dependent on an unsustainable system.

  • - A Novel
    av John Cribb

  • - Without Firing a Shot
    av Jim Hanson

  • - Healing a Nation Broken by a Lawless Government and Godless Culture
    av David Kupelian

  • - A Defense of the American Justice System and a Proposal to Reduce Incarceration While Protecting the Public
    av Barry Latzer

  • - How Radicals, Elitists, and Pseudo-Experts Sell Us Corruption Disguised As Freedom
    av David Kupelian

  • - How Scare Politics Robs Voters, Corrupts Research and Poisons Minds
    av George Melloan

  • - The Untold Story of How I Destroyed Swiss Bank Secrecy
    av Bradley C. Birkenfeld

  • - A Novel
    av James Reston

    Everyone knows what happened on September 11, 2001. But do we really know what was behind this act of war? What was the lure? What was it about the Hamburg cell that appealed to him? What lured this educated son of a successful Lebanese family to the jihadist message of destruction and annihiliation that would result in the death of 3170 Americans? These questions torment Sami Haddad as he pondered his choice, in August of 2001, whether or not to join the 9-ll hijackers. Through a series of tape recordings which Sami had made in the months before the operation, he tells his beautiful and feisty Turkish-German lover, Karima Ilgun, of his first meeting with Muhammad Atta in Hamburg, of his training in Afghanistan under the watchful eye of Al Qaeda's military chief, of his meeting with Osama bin Ladin where he swears his oath of allegiance, and of his final months of preparation in Florida where he comes to loath Muhammad Atta but cannot find the courage to flee. A sense of doubt and skepticism suffuses his musings to her, but also of weakness. After the attack on 9/11, Kommissar Recht, a rumpled German government investigator), is tasked to ferret out Karima's role, if any, as an Al Qaeda operative. He comes to suspect that she is withholding valuable evidence, but under German privacy law he is barred from employing strong-arm tactics that would force her to talk. Surviving members of the Al Qaeda cell in Hamburg also suspect Karima is hiding Sami's tapes. To them Sami's recollections are sacred artifacts of what they deemed to be their successful mission, but they fear his presentation of the attack might be something less than heroic. Karima is caught between these two forces, either of which could have terrible consequences for her. How she resolves this dilemma is the climax of the novel.

  • - A Journey Into the Heart of a Divided Nation
    av Daniel Allott

  • - How America Remains a Superpower
    av Brandon J. Weichert

    When President Donald J. Trump announced the creation of America's sixth branch of the military, the United States Space Force, many in Washington scoffed. But, U.S. rivals in China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea took notice. Since the end of the Cold War, these American foes have chafed under the full-spectrum dominance that the American superpower has enjoyed globally. They have identified space as a key strategic domain where they can challenge--and possibly defeat--the United States military. And, depriving the U.S. military and/or its economy of access to space during an international crisis could spell doom for the United States in other strategic domains (land, sea, air, and cyberspace). After all, space is critical for America's vaunted information dominance. Satellites overhead are the backbone of America's global military. Remove them from orbit and U.S. forces worldwide are rendered deaf, dumb, and blind. What's more, space is a more than $1 trillion economy just waiting to be developed. Whichever country gets there first will have considerable economic and geopolitical power on Earth. Despite President Trump's creation of the Space Force, Swamp Dwellers in Washington continue resisting his reforms to U.S. space and technology policy. Winning Space tracks the increasing competition the United States is facing in the technology sector and depicts how the United States has been engaged in a Second Space Race--and how it has been losing. Author Brandon Weichert warns how the United States is at risk for a Pearl Harbor-type event in space. Weichert advocates for the full embrace of Trump's reforms for America's flailing space policy, while also calling for a minimum $1 trillion investment in advanced research and development here in the United States, to stay ahead of America's advancing foes. Contrary to what many Americans may think, the United States has been declining in space and the high-technology development sector. Should it lose its dominance in these areas, it will surely lose its superpower status. The next decade presents U.S. policymakers one last chance to preserve the superpower status that America fought two world wars and the Cold War to build. Time is not on our side. We are on notice, but we have not noticed.

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