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  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    Just as one's DNA is made of chemical building blocks called nucleotides, our spiritual composition is made up of building blocks. And such blocks all should form part of the foundation of our faith, with Jesus being the cornerstone. Our entire lives should be built upon Christ, and everything else should flow from God. For a true believer to survive the storms of life, while also thriving and prospering, we need to be grounded in Christ. We need to make sure our foundation is rock solid. And we need to make sure all our building blocks are in place. Unless such a true foundation is in place, where we are settled in the complete, beautiful, infallible, incorruptible and untainted truth and ways of God, we then remain in danger of being swept away by the storms of deceptions, lies, manipulation, extortions, seductions and spiritual corruption. After all, we cannot build a house unless the foundation is properly laid and secured. Just so, unless the foundation of our faith is properly built and sealed by the Blood of the Lamb, how shall we truly know who God is, fathom His Kingdom or follow His will? For in His will is life, hope, and our strength.

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    In the Perilous Times series of work, the last of days as spoken about in 2 Timothy 3 is closely explored and dissected. Apostle Paul writes about the last days that will be perilous, and we are certainly living in such a time. It will offer a great opportunity for the Church to fulfil the Great Commission, but it will also be a time of great danger and threats. Perilous denotes something which holds danger, thus there are things that will happen in the last of days that will pose a danger unto believers, but at the same time, believers must also avoid such pitfalls lest they become perilous (a danger) to others. Perilous also speaks of great stress and trouble. These are indeed the days of great strife, apostasy, and deception, and more than ever holding one to faith and God's truth has become of paramount importance.

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    This is an in-depth study guide into the Holy Spirit, who is not a mere force. He is not energy. The Holy Spirit is a person and part of the Trinity along with the Father and the Son. God is Sovereign, and just so God wills and moves according to His will. Just so, the Spirit of the Lord moves and acts never out of His own accord, but always follows the leading of the Father. So the Spirit is interdependent, as there is a mutual dependency within the Trinity. The work of the Spirit is far greater in scope than merely the spiritual gifts, for the Spirit of the Lord leads us in our calling on the narrow path to the glory of the Lord. It is of utmost necessity for the Church to be one that is utterly and completely Spirit-filled, and not led by the flesh. Only in the Spirit can we fulfil the Great Commission, be true disciples and walk in His truth, His way and His life.

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    Written in these pages is not doctrine or dogma. It is neither intended as an in-depth history nor a philosophical lesson, even though a greater study in these fields will lead to a greater understanding of the winds of change over eras. This is but a burning cry within my spirit for the Bride to awaken from her slumber for we live in a world where God and faith are under attack. These pages reveal the spiritual struggles over history, attempting to show how a multitude of dark spiritual doors have been forced ajar by myriad and continuous tragic events during history to undermine the existence and work of God. We need to wake up and realise times are becoming tougher to be a child of God. To stand for our faith is not easy. The world has labelled God as cruel, despite denying His existence! As it has been for many hundreds of years, the ways of Jesus are regarded as offensive and there are calls for it not to be censored, curtailed and even terminated at all costs. Philosophers, academics and scientists may think God does not exist, while the narratives of the world may proclaim such a lie, but the truth is that God is real. He is alive. He is a personal God who loves us. Believers need to stand up and declare God is not dead. We need to be aware of the attacks and onslaughts against God, His truth, and His Kingdom. God is love. He remains the redemption and hope for all who call upon Him!

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    One may wonder why counselling is linked to deliverance. Well, if you consider what counselling is all about, be it professional or pastoral or simply speaking to someone about their problems, the goal is the same - healing and deliverance. Any trauma, mental sickness, suffering or hurt is a form of a stronghold that needs to be dealt with and broken down. It is an inner storm that needs to be stilled, inner demons that need to be faced and bondages of the spirit and soul that needs to be broken. You see, we all need deliverance from such strongholds because pain, rejection, fear, guilt, shame, trauma or anger for example enslaves us. We all need deliverance from certain yokes and bondages, for even wrong mindsets and hurt can cripple us emotionally, spiritually and can even lead to our bodies suffering sickness and ailments. Ultimately, no matter your pain, trauma, affliction, hurt, or oppression, it serves as a form of enslavement. God does not want us to be enslaved. He wants us to be free, liberated, restored and healed. Remember, God ultimately wants us to be healed spiritually, then in the soul and then in the body. True spiritual counselling thus adopts a holistic approach, dealing with the spirit, soul and body.

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    It is time for the Church to wake up and wake up fast! The world is slipping into spiritual darkness, and this is a very slippery slope yet it seems the spiritual watchmen - the believers in the Lord - are not raising an alarm on the hills. We are dangerously ignoring Ezekiel 33 which speaks of the watchmen who should be alert to the dangers that come against the Truth. This is the same danger that is threatening to envelop the Church from the inside, for the insidious nature of the enemy's strategy and plots to steal and deceive is going on unchecked. The spiritual realm is more real than the natural and the principalities and authorities of darkness have one plan which is to draw the world - Christian alike - into its web and snare. It is like a huge spider waiting and waiting and waiting and it waves its magic like the Sirens of Greek Mythology. For once caught in this world, drawn by intrigue and by the allure of innocence and excitement, then the trap is sprung and getting out becomes more and more difficult. The enemy is real and he is very active. And in this time as spiritual darkness descends on the world, we need to shine the light of Christ to pierce the blackness of deception and enslavement!

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    The spiritual war is real, make no mistake about this reality. War is defined as a state of armed conflict between different countries or different groups within a country. The spiritual battle can be defined as a war for there is a conflict between the Kingdom of God and the already defeated yet functioning kingdom of the devil. What we need to realise is that the nature of such warfare is first and foremost spiritual (Ephesians 6), but it manifests and spills over into the natural realm. We are not talking here about conventional warfare, as stated also in 2 Corinthians 10, but warfare in the spiritual realm. Our weapons are the truth of God, the Spirit of the Lord, faith in the great I AM and our conduct of righteousness. It is also very important to remember that everything within the ministry, or when it comes to the work for the Kingdom of God, is about spiritual warfare. Think about it. When you lead someone to Jesus, you lead such a person from captivity into liberty, from darkness into the light, and from damnation to salvation. That is warfare! You have encroached onto the enemy's territory and by the might and power of Jesus have managed to release a captive from the clutches of despair. Yes, it is time to go to war, which simply means fulfilling the Great Commission!

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    In the Perilous Times series of work, the last of days as spoken about in 2 Timothy 3 is closely explored and dissected. Apostle Paul writes about the last days that will be perilous, and we are certainly living in such a time. It will offer a great opportunity for the Church to fulfil the Great Commission, but it will also be a time of great danger and threats. Perilous denotes something which holds danger, thus there are things that will happen in the last of days that will pose a danger unto believers, but at the same time, believers must also avoid such pitfalls lest they become perilous (a danger) to others. Perilous also speaks of great stress and trouble. These are indeed the days of great strife, apostasy, and deception, and more than ever holding one to faith and God's truth has become of paramount importance.

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    This volume of work explores and unravels the mystery of the Trinity and the debates surrounding the baptism in Spirit and water. There are doctrines that have been misunderstood, while there are doctrines that are blatantly deceiving and confusing. Such doctrines apply to both the Trinity and the baptisms. As a disciple, it is of great importance to understand these concepts and to abide by the truth.

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    Contained in this volume of work are teachings and spontaneous prophecies relating to God's glory as captured roughly over 15 years from around 2008 to 2024. The collection of prophecies is in essence a cry from the Lord for people to know, seek and find their purpose in Him. It is a deep unto deep yearning for us to again become intimately, intricately and wondrously aware of His greatness, goodness, glory, might, power and beauty. God wants His Bride to walk in His glory and presence like never before. After all the years of serving the Lord, God's heart cry has never changed. He wants us to walk in the supernatural, and to know Him in His might and glory. While revising and editing this work, time and opportunity have been presented to revisit what God spoke years ago. In 2024, it is clear God's intent, His heart and will have never changed or altered. There will be an end-time revival, an outpouring of the Spirit, and He will raise an end-up remnant saturated by His Spirit and glory. The question is, what is God's glory? We need to grasp the concept since the cry of God is for us to walk in His glory. You can say the glory of God is the infinite beauty and greatness of God's manifold perfections. All of his perfections and greatness are beautiful as they are seen, and there are many of them. The glory of God can, therefore, be viewed as the infinite beauty and greatness of his manifold perfections. The glory of God is His magnificence, worth, loveliness, and grandeur, which He displays in His creative and redemptive acts to make his glory known to those in his presence. The glory of God is interwoven throughout the biblical story and forms the origin, content, and goal of the entire cosmic narrative. God deserves all the glory, for there is none like Him!

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    God is our Deliverance. He is not the means or the method of deliverance, but He IS Deliverance. If we want deliverance, we need God - but not an idea or the thought or religion about God, but God Himself. We need God in our lives and we need to abide in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to secure our deliverance and to walk in deliverance. Jesus is the Way of our Deliverance for He is the Truth and the Life. In this series of two books, we explore in-depth what is true deliverance when it comes to the spirit, soul and body. We look at the scope and nature of such deliverance. We separate the real from the false. There are, after all, so many false teachings, thoughts and doctrines regarding deliverance. Let us be empowered in God's truth, and let us remember all disciples are called to practise deliverance as led by the Spirit of God. It is highly recommended to read both volumes to be empowered to walk in freedom and to see the captives set free.

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    In this study, we will explore how to walk in the victorious life of Christ. 1 John 5:4 (NKJV) says "For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith." In Christ, we can lead a victorious life and a life of overcoming fear, uncertainty, strife and hopelessness. Christ is our hope of glory and in Him, we do not have to fear for the battle belongs to God! He is the Light, the Way and Life. God's grace, peace, and strength will get us through each day. When we are living in the power of the Holy Spirit, He will help us to move forward in victory. God will be our strength so that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). The victorious Christian life is the life that is lived, by faith, in a moment-by-moment surrender to God. The victorious Christian life is rooted and grounded in faith. The victorious Christian life is a life that triumphs over everything that opposes the Kingdom of God. It is also about conquering of fear, knowing God's peace and perseverance through trouble or hardship. Jesus Christ is the vine, the source of life and health and wholeness, and we are the branches, utterly dependent on the vine. As we abide in the Lord, we shall be victorious!

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    If we seek to find true life, we need to walk in the ways of God's Kingdom. We need to seek the Kingdom above all else. We can only walk in the manifested reality and glory of the Kingdom once we walk by Spirit, implying surrendering first our kingdom, laying down our crown and denying the Self. If we seek His Kingdom, then our kingdom (our ways, agendas, ideas) needs to be surrendered. What we believe to be truth, to be the right way, or the correct path, needs to be surrendered as we seek the true way of the Lord, which is the Way of the Kingdom. Jesus said He is the Way, Truth and Life, meaning He is the WAY of the Kingdom, and if we seek the Kingdom then we need to follow the Lord Jesus in spirit and truth. For then we shall walk in God's order and His will. We are called by Jesus to walk the narrow road, to deny the Self, to take up the Cross and to love the Lord above all. There is no other way except in Jesus for sustained life in spirit, soul and body. Not the way of money. Not the way of status or power. We need to know and discern the ways of the Lord and to follow His path which leads to quiet rivers and green pastures. In God, there is hope, joy and love. As we follow Him, we follow the way to spiritual peace, belonging and restoration.

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    More than ever we live in the reality of 2 Thessalonians 2, which refers to the great falling away or rebellion. The Greek word translated "rebellion" or "falling away" in verse 3 of the Scripture is apostasia, from which we get the English word apostasy. It refers to a general defection from the true God, the Bible, and the Christian faith. In such perilous times of deception and spiritual corruption, a great need exists to seek the Lord, follow His will, obey His truths and follow His narrow path of holiness. To restore the altar is to be a living sacrifice in service of God - a servant who will not compromise with the world and seeks only to glorify God above all. it speaks about building one's life on the foundation of Jesus, finding your liberty and salvation in Him and seeking no other god or fool's gold.

  • av Riaan Engelbrecht

    God is our Deliverance. He is not the means or the method of deliverance, but He IS Deliverance. If we want deliverance, we need God - but not an idea or the thought or religion about God, but God Himself. We need God in our lives and we need to abide in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to secure our deliverance and to walk in deliverance. Jesus is the Way of our Deliverance for He is the Truth and the Life. In this series of two books, we explore in-depth what is true deliverance when it comes to the spirit, soul and body. We look at the scope and nature of such deliverance. We separate the real from the false. There are, after all, so many false teachings, thoughts and doctrines regarding deliverance. Let us be empowered in God's truth, and let us remember all disciples are called to practise deliverance as led by the Spirit of God. It is highly recommended to read both volumes to be empowered to walk in freedom and to see the captives set free.

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