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Bøker utgitt av ROCJANE

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  • av Roc Jane

    Nugget, un garçon transgenre doté d'une imagination extraordinaire, cherche un remède à la maladie incurable de sa mère. Attiré par les histoires sur la boue curative et les créatures mythiques de Mud Lake, Nugget et son amie Greta se lancent dans une aventure dans la forêt enchantée. Seront-ils capables de déjouer les gnomes intelligents, les lutins espiègles et de percer les secrets de Mud Lake ? La détermination de Nugget et les conseils d'êtres magiques peuvent-ils apporter espoir et guérison à sa mère malade ? Plongez dans Les secrets cachés de Mud Lake, une histoire captivante remplie de suspense, d'humour et qui enseigne le travail d'équipe, l'amour, la résilience, l'amitié, le courage et les propriétés curatives du lac de boue.

  • av Roc Jane

    Nugget, ein Transgender-Junge mit außergewöhnlicher Fantasie, sucht nach einem Heilmittel für die unheilbare Krankheit seiner Mutter. Angeregt durch Geschichten über den Heilschlamm und die Fabelwesen des Mud Lake begibt sich Nugget zusammen mit seiner Freundin Greta auf ein Abenteuer im Zauberwald. Wird es ihnen gelingen, schlaue Gnome und schelmische Elfen auszutricksen und die Geheimnisse von Mud Lake zu lüften? Können Nuggets Entschlossenheit und die Führung magischer Wesen seiner kranken Mutter Hoffnung und Heilung bringen? Tauchen Sie ein in "Die im Schlammsee verborgenen Geheimnisse", eine fesselnde Geschichte voller Spannung und Humor, die Teamwork, Liebe, Belastbarkeit, Freundschaft, Tapferkeit und die heilenden Eigenschaften des Schlammsees lehrt.

  • av Roc Jane

    Nugget, un niño transgénero con una imaginación extraordinaria, busca una cura para la enfermedad incurable de su madre. Atraído por las historias sobre el lodo curativo y las criaturas míticas de Mud Lake, Nugget, junto con su amiga Greta, se embarcan en una aventura en el bosque encantado. ¿Podrán burlar a los inteligentes gnomos, a los traviesos duendes y desentrañar los secretos de Mud Lake? ¿Podrán la determinación de Nugget y la guía de seres mágicos traer esperanza y curación a su madre enferma? Sumérgete en "Los secretos escondidos en Mud Lake", una historia cautivadora llena de suspenso, humor que enseña trabajo en equipo, amor, resiliencia, amistad, valentía y las propiedades curativas del lago de barro.

  • av Roc Jane

    Nugget, um menino transgênero com uma imaginação extraordinária, busca a cura para a doença incurável de sua mãe. Atraído pelas histórias da lama curativa e das criaturas míticas de Mud Lake, Nugget, junto com sua amiga Greta, embarca em uma aventura na floresta encantada. Serão eles capazes de enganar gnomos inteligentes, duendes travessos e desvendar os segredos de Mud Lake? Será que a determinação de Nugget e a orientação de seres mágicos podem trazer esperança e cura para sua mãe doente? Mergulhe em "Os segredos escondidos em Mud Lake", uma história cativante cheia de suspense, humor e que ensina trabalho em equipe, amor, resiliência, amizade, bravura e as propriedades curativas do lago de lama.

  • av Roc Jane

    Octavio and Amador are two young friends who uncover the secrets of organic farming and the power of teamwork. As they delveinto the mysteries of banana soil enrichment, they tried to discover if burying bananas can truly transform their struggling garden.Will they be able to prove the effectiveness of their revolutionary methods?Can Octavio and Amador save their garden, their community, and the planet from the clutches of pollution and greed?Find out in "The Smart Banana Gardeners," an engaging story of friendship, discovery, the transformative power of bananas in organic farming and the boundless possibilities of the natural world.

  • av Roc Jane

    Jamila and Makena are two teenage best friends with dreams of becoming FBI detectives. When their school assignment leads them to investigate the disappearance of the Lost Colony of Roanoke, they uncover a centuries-old mystery. What happened to the 115 settlers who vanished without a trace in 1590? These determined teenage detectives delve into history, piecing together clues and uncovering secrets that have baffled scholars for generations. What did they discover during their research? Will they crack the code of the vanished settlers? Can their dreams of becoming FBI detectives come true? Find out in" Vanished : 1590 The Lost Colony Roanoke, VA," an inspiring and captivating story about history, ambition, friendship, determination, and the enduring power of curiosity. This is a non-fiction/fiction story filled with facts and theories from history.

  • av Roc Jane

    Nugget, a transgender boy with an extraordinary imagination, seeks a cure for his mother's incurable illness. Drawn by tales of Mud Lake's healing mud and mythical creatures, Nugget, along with his friend Greta, embark on an adventure into the enchanted forest. Will they be able to outsmart clever gnomes, mischievous pixies, and unravel the secrets of Mud Lake? Can Nugget's determination and the guidance of magical beings bring hope and healing to his ailing mother? Dive into "The Secrets Hidden in Mud Lake," a captivating story filled with suspense, humor, and teaches teamwork, love, resilience, friendship, bravery and the healing properties of mud lake.

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