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Bøker utgitt av Romeo Romano

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  • av &1604, 1575, &1587, m.fl.

  • av 1040, &1080, &1085, m.fl.

  • av &1493, &1494, &14, m.fl.

  • av &955, &9, &969, m.fl.

    Καλώς ήρθατε στο "Τάκο Φιέστα Ένα γαστρονομικό ταξίδι μέσα από γευστικά Tacos"! Αυτό το βιβλίο μαγειρικής είναι μια γιορτή για το αγαπημένο μεξικάνικο πιάτο που έχει αιχμαλωτίσει τις καρδιές και τους γευστικούς κάλυκες των λάτρεις του φαγητού σε όλο τον κόσμο. Ετοιμαστείτε να ξεκινήσετε μια δελεαστική περιπέτεια καθώς εξερευνούμε τον ποικίλο κόσμο των tacos, από παραδοσιακά κλασικά έως καινοτόμες δημιουργίες fusion. Σε αυτό το βιβλίο μαγειρικής, έχουμε επιμεληθεί μια συλλογή με περισσότερες από 100 ακαταμάχητες συνταγές taco που θα ταξιδέψουν τους γευστικούς σας κάλυκες σε μια συναρπαστική βόλτα με τρενάκι. Από τα τρυφερά street-style tacos μέχρι τις γκουρμέ ανατροπές και τις χορτοφαγικές απολαύσεις, κάθε συνταγή είναι σχολαστικά σχεδιασμένη για να αναδεικνύει τις ζωντανές γεύσεις, τις υφές και τα αρώματα που κάνουν τα tacos πραγματικά εξαιρετικά. Είτε είστε έμπειρος σεφ είτε αρχάριος στην κουζίνα, αυτό το βιβλίο μαγειρικής έχει σχεδιαστεί για να σας εμπνεύσει και να σας καθοδηγήσει στην τέχνη της παρασκευής τάκο. Κάθε συνταγή συνοδεύεται από σαφείς οδηγίες, χρήσιμες συμβουλές και ζωντανές φωτογραφίες που θα δελεάσουν τις αισθήσεις σας και θα κάνουν το γαστρονομικό σας ταξίδι ακόμα πιο απολαυστικό. Πάρτε λοιπόν την ποδιά σας, εφοδιαστείτε με τορτίγιες και αφήστε το "Taco Fiesta" να είναι ο οδηγός σας για να δημιουργήσετε αξέχαστες γιορτές τάκο για την οικογένεια και τους φίλους σας. Ετοιμαστείτε να αναβαθμίσετε το παιχνίδι τάκο σας και να εμποτίσετε τα γεύματά σας με μια φιέστα γεύσεων. Ας βουτήξουμε στον κόσμο των tacos και ας ξεκινήσουμε μια γαστρονομική περιπέτεια όπως καμία άλλη

  • av &23665, &23736, 35029 & m.fl.

    最高の共連れクックブックへようこそ!この料理本は、共連れ料理 の技術を習得し、試合前の集まりを忘れられないごちそうに変えるため のオールインワンガイドです。あなたが経験豊富な共連れ者であっても、 興奮に参加したいと考えている初心者であっても、試合当日の経験を 全く新しいレベルに引き上げる準備をしましょう。 このクックブックでは、元気を与え、味覚を満足させる、大勢の人に喜ば れるレシピを厳選しました。ジューシーなハンバーガーや指をなめるような ウィングなどの伝統的なホッとする料理から、試合当日のお気に入りの 創造的なひねりを加えたものまで、私たちはあなたをカバーします。簡単 に作れて、持ち運べて、スタジアムの駐車場で楽しめる、おいしそうな料 理で仲間のファンを驚かせる準備をしましょう。 しかし、この料理本は単なるレシピではありません。また、必須の装備や 組織のハックから、誰もが楽しめるゲームデーのアクティビティまで、究極の テールゲート パーティーをセットアップするための勝利のヒントやコツも紹介 します。フットボールの試合、コンサート、その他のイベントに同伴する場 合でも、私たちの目標は、試合前の体験を思い出に残る、おいしい、そ して友情に満ちたものにすることです。

  • av &1072, &11, &1091, m.fl.

    Добродошли у Т е Бест һ Таилгатинг Цоокбоок! Ова куварска књига је ваш свеобу ватни водич за һ савладавање вештине кулинарства и претварања вашиһ окупљања пре утакмице у незаборавне гозбе. Без обзира да ли сте искусан возач или почетник који жели да се придружи узбуђењу, припремите се да своје искуство дана игре подигнете на потпуно нови ниво. У овој куварици саставили смо колекцију рецепата који ће задовољити вас и који ће подстаћи ваш ду и һ задовољити ваше непце. Од класични удобни јела һ һ као што су сочни амбургери и крилца која лиже прсте һ до креативни обрта на омиљеним играма на дан игре, һ покривамо вас. Припремите се да заслепите своје колеге навијаче укусним јелима која се лако праве, транспортују и уживају на паркингу стадиона. Али ова куварска књига није само о рецептима. Такође ћемо поделити победничке савете и трикове за постављање вр унске забаве на вратима пртљажника, од һ основне опреме и организациони акова до һ һ активности на дан игре које ће све забавити. Било да пратите фудбалску утакмицу, концерт или било који други догађај, наш циљ је да ваше искуство пре утакмице учинимо незаборавним, укусним и пуним другарства. Припремите се да креирате добитну понуду која ће вас учинити МВП-ом сваке забаве на вратима пртљажника. Нека игре почну!

  • av Tanya Salmon

    From the outside, it may appear that a child with Down Syndrome "cannot do" many things, but this book aims to transform that thinking into a space where readers see the ability rather than the inability of the child.

  • av Ph. D. Cn Chen

    "I am a diabetic, I have asthma, chronic bronchitis, triple heart problems, and was constantly living on antibiotics. Since I have been on Dr. Chen's program, I haven't needed antibiotics as much now. I would strongly recommend Dr. Chen's program to everyone. I feel so much better since I met Dr. Chen". -Stan Hinnant"I slept through the night with no pain. I lifted myself out of bed with no pain and even put a pair of jeans on and felt no pain. I could not believe that my abdominal pain had vanished just like this. My family and I are extremely grateful to Dr. Chen's nutrition program and her educating us." -Joann Golden"When I have lapses, as we all do, I understand why I am not feeling well and I know just what to do to get me right back on track. I am now healthier and I have more energy than ever before. Thank you Dr. Chen." -Arlene Dayboch

  • av Linda Blackmoor

    The second book in the beloved Wildlife in Bloom series follows Reya The Raccoon as she sets out on an adventure to clean up the litter in her forest home.In this enchanting tale, a magical raccoon named Reya embarks on a mission to save her beloved forest home from the menace of litter. In her journey, she uses her magical gifts to unite the forest inhabitants, revealing the mesmerizing diversity and beauty of the woodland creatures and their habitats.But when the task becomes overwhelming, Reya's world intersects with Noelle, a young nature-loving girl. Together, they form an extraordinary alliance, intertwining the magic of the natural world with the potential for human kindness. This inspiring tale weaves an intricate web of adventure, friendship, and shared responsibility, making it a captivating read for all who dream of a world where nature and humanity thrive in harmony.


    This is a work of the imagination depicting cities that did exist or may exist in the future, in a different world, or in an alternate reality, or in a lost, forgotten past. Mostly, they are beautiful cities, parklike, majestic, full of grand towers and crystal-clear canals and waterways.Thomas Jewusiak has been a working professional painter all of his adult life. He worked his way through college (he is a graduate of Fordham College) by painting street scenes and architecturally interesting buildings and selling his work through private commissions. He has designed homes and presented them through his own architectural renderings in oil on canvas and pen and ink. His love of architecture has brought him to old historic towns, capturing their magic of place through his brush. He inhabits the places he paints always painting on location where possible (even if that location is the interior of his own imagination.) He now paints only in oil on linen canvas cloth, in what at first appears to be a highly representational or even meticulously detailed photorealistic style; but upon examination his work reveals itself as highly "impressionistic", subjective, idealized and even fantastic, a streetscape of the mind- of a bridge unbuilt, demolished or obscured."Artist's Statement: I reject the description of the style of my painting as photorealistic. I make no attempt to duplicate a photograph. Although there can be a valid artistic point in doing this, it is decidedly not my point. I attempt to communicate a reality or rather an illusion of actuality, as perceived by the eye and mind that is more intense, more concentrated than that which can be captured by the camera and lens alone. I also attempt a more honest portrayal of what is real than can be produced by the simple photograph. Since many of my paintings are purely conceptual, existing originally only in the imagination, or as a distillation or manipulation of many separate scenes that may exist, did exist or I think existed, the charge of "merely" duplicating a photograph is particularly galling. By representing the finest detail in paint I attempt to foster the illusion, (or foist the illusion), to give a perceived concrete existence to a pure product of the interpretive imagination. The sometimes excruciating detail is fundamental to the intended impression, a sleight of hand (or eye), where we are perhaps distracted by the minutia, enamored of it and thus lulled into a forgetfulness that the whole is artifice, an elaborate construct that takes on a life entirely its own, an exaggerated reality so real that it seems dream-like, a dream more real than waking."


    This is a work of the imagination depicting cities that did exist or may exist in the future, in a different world, or in an alternate reality, or in a lost, forgotten past. Mostly, they are beautiful cities, parklike, majestic, full of grand towers and crystal-clear canals and waterways.Thomas Jewusiak has been a working professional painter all of his adult life. He worked his way through college (he is a graduate of Fordham College) by painting street scenes and architecturally interesting buildings and selling his work through private commissions. He has designed homes and presented them through his own architectural renderings in oil on canvas and pen and ink. His love of architecture has brought him to old historic towns, capturing their magic of place through his brush. He inhabits the places he paints always painting on location where possible (even if that location is the interior of his own imagination.) He now paints only in oil on linen canvas cloth, in what at first appears to be a highly representational or even meticulously detailed photorealistic style; but upon examination his work reveals itself as highly "impressionistic", subjective, idealized and even fantastic, a streetscape of the mind- of a bridge unbuilt, demolished or obscured."Artist's Statement: I reject the description of the style of my painting as photorealistic. I make no attempt to duplicate a photograph. Although there can be a valid artistic point in doing this, it is decidedly not my point. I attempt to communicate a reality or rather an illusion of actuality, as perceived by the eye and mind that is more intense, more concentrated than that which can be captured by the camera and lens alone. I also attempt a more honest portrayal of what is real than can be produced by the simple photograph. Since many of my paintings are purely conceptual, existing originally only in the imagination, or as a distillation or manipulation of many separate scenes that may exist, did exist or I think existed, the charge of "merely" duplicating a photograph is particularly galling. By representing the finest detail in paint I attempt to foster the illusion, (or foist the illusion), to give a perceived concrete existence to a pure product of the interpretive imagination. The sometimes excruciating detail is fundamental to the intended impression, a sleight of hand (or eye), where we are perhaps distracted by the minutia, enamored of it and thus lulled into a forgetfulness that the whole is artifice, an elaborate construct that takes on a life entirely its own, an exaggerated reality so real that it seems dream-like, a dream more real than waking."A book of pictorial art depicting imaginary cities in the past, future or in another world. The cities are garden cities, with wide boulevards, beautiful fountains, set in a virtual garden of Eden; with tall towers and traditional architecture.

  • av Kirsten Bohling

    Before Brighton and Cain fell in love and out of time in We'd Know By Then, they lived the same story a hundred times before....Don't miss the original novella, A Hundred Times Before, featured exclusively in the special extended edition of We'd Know By Then. Told from Cain's point of view, this "in between-quel" takes place before, during, and after the modern-day love story of Brighton and Cain, exploring two of their past lives and reasons why Death ripped them apart. Discover how their love blossoms in different yet familiar ways and just how far Cain is willing to go to end their curse.

  • av Michael J. Naumann

    Monday with Maka started as a pick-me-up weekly office email. The goal was to bring a little monkey knowledge, encouragement, and maybe a smile or two to what is normally a dreaded day (Monday...ugh). The author wanted others to experience the joy of having Maka in their lives like they've experienced themselves. After a round of layoffs occurred at work, the weekly posts continued but more in a blog format online.Maka's adoption day was in February 2008, and at the time, he weighed only one pound. The author drove four states away in a blizzard to pick him up, but in the end, it was worth it. Bonding with his new troop took a little time, but it wasn't long before Michael and his family realized that he was theirs, and they were his. So let's introduce Maka'ala (Maka), a fifteen-plus-year-old black-and-white capuchin who found his way into the Naumann's home fifteen years ago...and has yet to leave.It is said to never let a bad situation (like Mondays) bring out the worst in you--choose to be the positive person that God created you to be. This book is a summary of encouraging excerpts from the "Monday with Maka" posts--an attempt to start off each week with a smile, like a monkey with a new banana.

  • av Shawn Ness

    Our Rainbow Treehouse follows Ernesto, Halima, Kalani, Sukhi and Kofi as they try to build a rainbow colored treehouse, but they struggled to work as a team. Ernesto proposes that they share with the others what they do best. At first, it was difficult for the kids to understand how their unique skills could help. However, it quickly became apparent that when used together in harmony, their individual gifts could help create something truly amazing and awesome - like a rainbow colored treehouse! At the end of it all, each child could celebrate in unity for their accomplishments and embrace acceptance for who they are. Through teamwork and open-mindedness, the idea of inclusion is presented as something beautiful instead of intimidating.

  • av Allison McCabe Bruce

    A full color 365-day guide to live with more joy and intention; includes journaling space.

  • av Alfredo Villalon

  • av Apoorva Ravi

    Every human being traverses through the different stages of life experiencing love, loss, and loneliness. The book, 'My Odyssey' speaks about the author's tryst with life, learning to love, encountering loss, and experiencing loneliness. There are instances where the author 'sees light and hope' in different forms. The book talks about the author's mental health journey, relationships with people, and herself coupled with her lyrical reflections on life through poems. The author hopes that her book will help people embrace the love that they receive, accept the loss that they encounter, experience the inevitable loneliness with grace, and find hope in the little things of life.

  • av Ignacio de la Rosa Ferrer

    Estudio histórico, partiendo de 1520, de los pueblos que configurarán a partir de 1586 el llamado corregimiento de la diecisiete villas o de San Clemente (Cuenca). El libro es una continuación de El año mil quinientos de la Mancha conquense, comienza con un estudio de las Comunidades de Castilla y va detallando en los diferentes aspectos politicos, económicos, sociales y culturales la evolución de las sociedades de los pueblos del sur de Cuenca, desde lo que hemos llamado la revolución de mil quinientos hasta el ocaso del siglo. Una evolución marcada por la pérdida de dinamismo y la forja de sociedades más desiguales, la consolidación de grandes villas y la configuración a su alrededor de aldeas en expansión. En el devenir de las sociedades rurales, serán puntos de inflexión las crisis sucesivas que malograrán el modelo igualitario de labradores propietarios al que se aspiraba. Por último, se estudia la organización administrativa de la gobernación del marquesado de Villena y las causas por las que esta entidad gubernativa entró en crisis para dividirse el año 1586 en dos corregimientos.

  • av Paulo Fernando Vargas Fraga

    Is the universe a mathematical being?Is space-time real?Are subatomic particles entities that have a statistical nature?This book discusses these and other issues from a very particular point of view and proposes a new theory to explain the nature of the cosmos in all imaginable scales.With the view of an observer who does not integrate the scientific-academic environment, the author invites scientists and lay people to a revolutionary dive in the bowels of matter and universe.

  • av Elizabeth C R Setti

    Quanta história a Fortaleza São José de Macapá tem para contar?Quantas vidas estiveram envolvidas na sua construção?O romance "A Fortaleza de Gallucio" fala sobre o grande movimento político de Portugal de 1751 até 1782.Marquês de Pombal contrata engenheiros, cartógrafos, Astrônomos e arquitetos para compor a "Comissão Demarcadora de Limites". Henrique Antonio Gallucio, João Gaspar Gronsfeld, padre Brunelli, Landi e outros deixam suas pátrias para executar o plano da Coroa portuguesa nas terras do Cabo Norte.O impacto da gigantesca fortificação sobre os colonos vindos das Ilhas dos Açores e Madeira, durante a construção, que absorvia, sugava toda sua produção.Em formato de romance, a autora, Elizabeth C. R. Setti, devolve a vida às personas reais que levantaram as monumentais muralhas da Fortaleza, hoje palco de grande turismo, e aos açorianos que deram início à Vila São Josè de Macapá.

  • av Dreena Collins

  • av Shannon Mayer

    "I came to Werewolf Territory to rescue my brother ... And now he's gone. With a war for the crown on the horizon and the monstrous Hunters just days away, I've got to say goodbye to the only family I had left, and it's killing me. Worse, I can't help blaming Dominic for not keeping him safe--even if it is irrational. My heart is shattered--I feel like I've lost them both. Still, we've got to work together if we hope to defeat Edmund and put Will on the throne--no matter how hard it is to be near Dominic, and not touch him. Even as I wage war with my own heart and we prepare for battle against Edmund the Vile, a greater threat looms over the Territories. A being so terrible ... so strong, that it makes our current king look like nothing more than a chump with a chip on his shoulder. I can't help but wonder if our unlikely mix of werewolves, vampires, and humans can defeat Edmund ... and, even if we do, do we have any chance of surviving the hell-storm of what's coming next?"--

  • av Charles W Morris

    OVERCOMING FEARDiscover how to triumph over fear and live a life of joy and peace with Charles Morris' OVERCOMING FEAR. This one-of-a-kind guide offers a unique, Bible-based solution to ridding our minds of stinking thinking and unlocking the door to freedom from fear and anxiety. In OVERCOMING FEAR, readers will discover how to: - Embrace peace and freedom from anxiety by renewing your mind with God's Word - Bring your thoughts under control with the power of Jesus Christ - Change your mental and emotional habits to end unhealthy thought patterns - Stay present in peace, keeping your thoughts off the things that don't matter - Break free of a fear-imposed prison OVERCOMING FEAR will help you understand the origins of your fears, provide a timeless approach to living fearlessly, and give you the tools and strategies to truly experience joy and peace in life. Don't wait any longer, buy now and experience a life change!Be free from fear.

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