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Bøker utgitt av Rosefiend Publishing.

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  • av Cordell Melinda R. Cordell

  • - Tips and Fixes for the Creative Gardener
    av Rosefiend Cordell

  • - Tomato Gardening Tips and Tricks
    av Rosefiend Cordell

  • - How to Plan Glorious Landscapes and Gardens
    av Rosefiend Cordell

  • - Vegetable Gardening Month by Month
    av Rosefiend Cordell

  • - Tips for Flowers, Vegetables, Lawns, and Houseplants
    av Rosefiend Cordell

  • - Growing Gorgeous Houseplants
    av Rosefiend Cordell

  • - Lawn Care for Tired Gardeners
    av Rosefiend Cordell

    Many of you like to spend your Saturday evenings rolling around your lawn on your 327-horsepower John Deere Lawninator, enjoying the evening breeze while you mow, and maybe ruminating about the philosophical problems of the ages and even solving some of them while you work. And when you're done, you can look across the work of art that is your green, shiny lawn with the geometrically perfect lawnmower stripes, and say, "See what I hath wrought!" And that's cool too. Raising a lawn has its challenges, just as everything else does. You'll see yards everywhere with rough spots, uneven, or with bare patches. Or, as happened to some unfortunate homeowners while we were having a drought, somebody threw a still-burning cigarette out a car window and started a fire that burned its way across several yards before it was extinguished. So remember: Maybe your lawn doesn't look the best right now, but things could always be worse. A lot of folks who are juggling kids, work, household maintenance, and side jobs don't exactly have all the time in the world to sit down and study the fine points of lawn maintenance. I totally get that. This is why my lawn is a wreck. Also, chickens. So I'm making this book short and sweet, and I hope reader-friendly, though occasionally I'll throw a little science your way. Because it's SCIENCE. I'm going to lay out the best ways to make a great lawn without having to buy hundreds of dollars worth of chemicals and supplies. I'll talk about how to add fertility to the soil, how to water to keep the grass growing up and the water bill down, and how to keep your lawn mower serviced and working. And we'll pick up a lot of other helpful tips along the way.

  • - Trap, Spray, and Control Them
    av Rosefiend Cordell

    Japanese beetles arrived in America in 1916. Since then, the beetle has cut a destructive swath across a great portion of the United States.Japanese Beetles and Grubs: Trap, Spray, and Control Them is an indispensable guide for home gardeners, landscape professionals, and farmers. This Japanese beetle book is your secret weapon to help you control the beetles and safeguard your trees, roses, and vegetables.This book walks you through many methods for stopping Japanese beetles, whether through organic means or (in some cases) chemical means. The book relies mainly on eco-friendly ways to control these garden pests so you don't have to rely on harsh chemicals.In researching this book, I read through agricultural bulletins from the past and today. I've gleaned information from many University Extension sources and scientific studies, as well as good old-fashioned field work, to find out which control methods work (and which don't). I've put every control method I could find into this book, in order to give the gardener as many options as possible in vanquishing these pests. In short, in this book I have compiled as many weapons for your Japanese beetle arsenal as possible, where these weapons can be effectively used in the beetle's life cycle, and how they can be deployed. The Japanese beetle likely won't be eradicated. Great entomological minds have been working on this problem for a solid century now, using extremely lethal chemicals and other means to try and stop the infestation, and they were doing this way back in the days when Japanese beetle numbers were far, far smaller than they are now. However, there are ways that we can mitigate the damage the beetles do, and you might be able to bring down the scores of unwanted visitors to your roses, and kill off a number of the unwanted residents in your lawn. I hope to do this in a way that's interesting and amusing for you to read, because if there's anything I hate, it's the idea of my readers falling into a coma halfway through a paragraph. So I'll do my best to keep that from happening. It's only fair.Contents:Know Thy EnemyDamage Caused by Beetles and their GrubsJapanese beetle look-alikesControl of Japanese BeetlesControl of White GrubsNatural predators, parasites, and diseases

  • - Planting and Growing Great Perennial Gardens
    av Rosefiend Cordell

  • - An Easy-Growing Guide to Rose Gardening
    av Rosefiend Cordell

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