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  • av Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Kunstbibliothek

    Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter ""Seit es Kino gibt, ist das Plakat das wichtigste Medium in der visuellen Kommunikation von Film. Es bringt das Kino auf die Straße, weckt Gefühle und verdichtet die Handlung des Films zu einem einzigen prägnanten Bild. Das Buch stellt Filmplakate der 1900er bis 2020er Jahre aus der Sammlung Grafikdesign der Berliner Kunstbibliothek vor. Es lädt ein zu einer Reise durch Jahrzehnte der Filmplakatgestaltung - von expressionistischen Lithografien im Stummfilmkino über die moderne Grafik für Neue Filmkunst und Atlas in den 1960er Jahren bis hin zu aktuellem Design zwischen Papier und Pixel. Was ein gutes Plakat ausmacht, liegt dabei stark im Auge des Betrachters. 26 Profis und Promis aus Schauspiel, Regie, Kinobetrieb, Filmwissenschaft, Kunst und Grafikdesign stellen ihr Lieblingsplakat vor. Mit dabei sind Klassiker, Kultfilme und grafische Glanzstücke. Zudem enthält das Buch Plakat-Stories von 1905 bis 2023, vertiefende Essays sowie ein umfassendes Glossar zu Begriffen des Filmplakats.

  • av Museum Natur und Mensch Städtische Museen Freiburg

    Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter ""Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde Japan zu einem Sehnsuchtsziel vieler westlicher Reisender. Das Land, das sich gut 200 Jahre abgeschottet hatte, öffnete sich Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts unter dem militärischen Druck der US-Marine dem Handel mit dem Westen. In der Folge strömten immer mehr Reisende in das Land.Insbesondere Fotografien von typischen Japan-Ansichten, die vor Ort von den zahlreichen Souvenirläden und Fotoateliers zum Kauf angeboten wurden, entwickelten sich zu beliebten Souvenirs, die von westlichen Reisenden in aller Welt verbreitet wurden. Die zarte Farbigkeit der in großer Kunstfertigkeit handkolorierten Bilder von Landschaften, Tempelanlagen, Stadtansichten, von Genreszenen oder Menschen in traditioneller Berufskleidung beeinflussen und prägen bis heute den Blick auf das Land. Rund hundert dieser Fotografien der Ethnologischen Sammlung des Museums Natur und Mensch werden erstmals in diesem Katalog der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert.

  • av Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

    A view into the book you can find under ""This exhibition sees the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister turn its attention to women artists long overshadowed by the male Old Masters of the 16th to 18th century. Proportionally, they are in the minority and unlike their male colleagues they remain far from household names. Very few talented women had the good fortune to grow up in a working artistic environment, where institutional and social barriers could be sidestepped or at least partly overcome. This catalogue presents women painters and print­makers of the modern era, with exhibits selected from the collections of the Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister and Kupferstich-Kabinett. The five essays explore the work of these extraordinary artists, including Marietta Robusti, Lavinia Fontana, Diana Scultori, and Angelica Kauffman.

  • av Generaldirektion der Stiftung Preußische Schlösser und Gärten Berlin-Brandenburg

    A view into the book you can find under ""Traces of colonialism in the palaces in Berlin and Brandenburg are evident. This guidebook presents 24 places, biographies and works of art with colonial references. Notes on the art and cultural-historical context are complemented by a perspective that focuses on aspects of colonial history, problems of existing narratives or information hitherto ignored.When visiting the palaces and parks, this guidebook enables all those interested in colonial contexts to discover stories previously untold. But it also invites all other visitors to broaden the thematic context of their tour.

  • av Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

    Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter ""2023 marks the 350th anniversary of the birth of Rosalba Carriera, the most famous pastel painter of the 18th century. Dresden surpasses even Venice, the artist's hometown, as the place where visitors can best admire her work. For it was here, in the Gemäldegalerie that opened in 1746, that a total of 157 of her pastels went on display in what was known as the "Cabinet of Rosalba." This book traces the history of this unique collection and presents the 73 pastels remaining in Dresden today - still the world's largest collection of her art. Carriera's artistic career began with lace-making, for which Venice was famous. However, she soon turned to miniature painting and, finally, to painting with pastels. She created allegories, portrayed friends and artists, but also the European nobility of her time. In doing so, she created a visual vernacular that gave expression to the social type of the lively and self-confident woman - a type she no less embodied. By devoting herself to art and pursuing an enviable career as an independent artist, she serves as an early role model for feminist artists.

  • av Alessandra Nappo

    Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter ""Seit knapp 50 Jahren zieht sich das Thema Mode wie ein roter Faden durch das Schaffen der US-amerikanischen Künstlerin Cindy Sherman - die Ausstellung Cindy Sherman - Anti-Fashion setzt darauf erstmals den Fokus und beleuchtet ihr fotografisches Werk aus einer neuen Perspektive. Dabei wird das Wechselspiel zwischen Mode und Kunst deutlich, denn Sherman nutzt ihre zahlreichen Aufträge von Modezeitschriften sowie ihre enge Zusammenarbeit mit berühmten Designerinnen und Designern als ständige Quelle der Inspiration. Das Thema Mode erweist sich für die Künstlerin als Ausgangspunkt ihrer kritischen Fragen nach Identität, Gender, Stereotypen und dem Umgang mit dem Altern. Shermans große Bandbreite an Charakteren zeigt die Künstlichkeit und Wandelbarkeit von Identität, die mehr denn je wählbar, (selbst-)konstruiert und fließend erscheint.For almost 50 years, the theme of fashion has been a constant in the work of US artist Cindy Sherman. The exhibition Cindy Sherman - Anti-Fashion is the first to focus on this close engagement with fashion and approaches her photographic oeuvre from a new perspective. In so doing, it sheds light on the interplay between art and fashion. For Sherman uses her numerous commissions from magazines and her collaborations with renowned designers as a constant source of artistic inspiration. The exhibition reveals the subject of fashion as the starting point for the artist's critical investigation of gender, stereotypes, and our attitude to aging. The wide range of Sherman's assumed characters highlights the artificiality and changeability of identity, which - now more than ever - is shown to be selectable, (self-)constructed, and fluid.

  • av Anja Hell

    Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter ""The Blue Onion Pattern is almost as old as the European invention of porcelain itself! But what is so special about it? Why has it fascinated us for three hundred years? What role did the Onion Pattern play in 18th century Chinese export porcelain in underglaze blue and famille rose? The history of the Blue Onion Pattern is intertwined with the history of blue-and-white porcelain painting itself. Anja Hell sheds light on the beginnings of Meissen underglaze blue painting until the year 1739, and later covers the range from the 19th century to the present. She examines the artistic development of blue-and-white painting and the associated economic implications for the Meissen Manufactory.Lutz Miedtank cogently presents the results of his many years of research on the early period of the Blue Onion Pattern. Inspired by Chinese export porcelain and underglaze blue decorated faience, Meissen's blue painters created their own Meissen Blue Onion Pattern on hard paste porcelain around 1730. Hitherto unpublished Chinese export and early Meissen porcelain with "Blue Onion" designs including several over-decorations that were re-dated using XRF data, as well as numerous imitations of the pattern on 18th century European porcelain and faience are shown. They provide important evidence for new and surprising insights into the genesis of the Meissen Blue Onion Pattern.This English edition is based on the revised 2023 German edition of Von China nach Meissen. 300 Jahre Zwiebelmuster published in open access. It features an Introduction by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Pietsch, Director emeritus of the Dresden Porcelain Collection. A large number of previously unpublished porcelain objects, copious comments and annotations, and a comprehensive list of primary sources render this book an indispensable reference work for collectors, art dealers, historians, and friends of the Blue Onion Pattern.

  • av Stephan Koja

    A View into the book you can find under ""Ancient Egyptian culture continues to exert an unbroken fascination to this day. The appeal of these artefacts lies, among other things, in their great antiquity and good state of preservation, in their vibrant colours, the formal clarity and distinctiveness of their iconography, as well as the monumental impact of even the smallest objects. Egyptian works have been collected in Dresden ever since the early eighteenth century, when the foundations were laid for what is now a remarkable collection including, for example, the Dresden Book of the Dead papyrus, the famous mummies from Saqqara, and the remarkable temple reliefs with representations of the Sed Festival. This book explores the history of the collection and of Egyptomania in Saxony during the Baroque Period, as well as elucidating the Ancient Egyptian pantheon and the concept of the afterlife as reflected in the Dresden Egyptian collection. The informative and lavishly illustrated catalogue section presents around 170 selected works. It not only offers a scholarly overview of the collection, but also sheds light on the royal cult of the gods, private religious practice, Pharaonic ideology, as well as the Ancient Egyptian cult of the dead and the afterlife.

  • av Förderverein Weltkulturerbe Hellerau e.V.

  • av Frédéric Bußmann

    Eine Leseprobe finden Sie unter ""Das Museum Gunzenhauser widmet einem besonders eigenwilligen Bauhaus-Schüler eine retrospektive Ausstellung. Max Peiffer Watenphul war es möglich, durch seine vielseitigen Tätigkeiten in den verschiedenen Werkstätten des Bauhaus eine singuläre figürliche Stil- und Formensprache zu finden und weiterzuentwickeln. Von der Kunstgeschichte bisher eher wenig beachtet, war Max Peiffer Watenphul innerhalb der künstlerischen Avantgarde jedoch bestens vernetzt. Die vielfältigen Kontakte zu Künstlern, Galeristen, Literaten und Intellektuellen prägten sein Werk. Die Freundschaft mit Otto Dix förderte etwa Peiffer Watenphuls Auseinandersetzung mit dem Porträt. Alexej von Jawlensky bestärkte ihn darin, Farbe in seine Bilder aufzunehmen.Museum Gunzenhauser is devoting a retrospective exhibition to a particularly wilful Bauhaus student. Max Peiffer Watenphul succeeded in finding and further developing a singular figurative stylistic and formal idiom resulting from his various activities in the different Bauhaus workshops. Although he has so far been paid only sporadic attention by art historians, Max Peiffer Watenphul was actually very well connected within the art avant-garde. His many and varied contacts with artists, gallery owners, authors and intellectuals shaped his work. His friendship with Otto Dix, for example, fostered Peiffer Watenphul's engagement with the portrait, while Alexej van Jawlensky encouraged him to introduce colour into his paintings.

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