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Bøker utgitt av Scarlet Leaf

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  • av Roxana Nastase

    Un detectiv mai comod, o imigranta superba, cu talente mai ciudate, un caz oribil si evenimente paranormalen ultima vreme, dezamA git, cu inima E i mndria rA nite, Mark nu prea mai aE teaptA multe bucurii de la viaE a sa, ci continuA sA i facA treaba ca un robot, numA rnd orele rA mase pnA ce poate sA se ntoarcA acasA . Mark are obiceiul sA disparA atunci cnd este multA treabA de fA cut, dar soarta i azvrle n poalA un caz oribil de traficare umanA . Oare ce va face detectivul atunci cnd va trebui sA se ocupe de caz el nsuE i?E i oare ce va merge prost?Oare va nceta Mark sA se autocompA timeascA E i va lupta pentru cei oropsiE i? i va aduce detectivul pe cei vinovaE i n faE a tribunalului?E i oare ce se va ntmpla cnd i va apare n cale Soledad, o frumoascA sud-americancA , care are toate darurile pentru a-i fura inima? Va reuE i ea sA distrugA zidurile pe care Mark le-a construit n jurul inimii sale sau va lA sa n urmA o cochilie goalA atunci cnd cazul se va ncheia?Ei bine, pentru a urmA ri acE iunea, citeE te a treia carte din seria MacKay - Detectiv Canadian. Oare te vei regA si de partea lui Mark?

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Rowena Dawn

    Ariel nu mai are incredere nici in ea insasi si nici in puterile ei. Mai mult decat atat, tanara se teme ca nu se va indragosti niciodata si nu mai nutreste nici un fel de iluzii ca ar avea vreo sansa sa il intalneasca pe Fat Frumos intr-o zi. Pur si simplu, tanara femeie isi traieste viata pe pilot automat, plina de resentimente, neimpliniri si aproape complet infranta. n mod obiE nuit, Ariel nu E i-ar fi aruncat ochii la Max a doua oarA E i abia de i-a tolerat prezenE a n cele cteva ocazii n care s-au gA sit n acelaE i loc. Cu toate acestea, se vA deE te cA Max este singurul care o poate ajuta atunci cnd tnA ra femeie are mare nevoie de ajutor. l va vedea Ariel ntr-o luminA nouA ? Oare va fi Max cel care va duce la ndepA rtarea blestemului care o tulburA de la naE tere?

  • - Cartea a Patra Seria Familia Winston & Seria Jumatatea Perfecta
    av Rowena Dawn

    Lily mai c¿ a renun¿at la idea de a avea parte de fericire. Mark este un fugitiv ¿i sper¿ doar s¿ î¿i p¿streze pielea intact¿. O întâlnire întâmpl¿toare o face pe Lily s¿ spere din nou, iar Mark î¿i g¿se¿te în sfâr¿it locul în lume. Lily provine dintr-o familie de vr¿jitoare ¿i are un blestem deasupra capului. Familia Winston este mare, plin¿ de minun¿¿ii, fericire, dar ¿i de am¿r¿ciune.Mark este ¿ansa ei de a dezvolta o reläie cu un b¿rbat care nu seam¿n¿ cu nici un altul pe care l-a cunoscut mai înainte. Este un b¿rbat puternic, plin de secrete, cu inima aproape înghe¿at¿. Mark, de asemenea, se arunc¿ asupra ¿ansei de a fi cu Lily, dar dou¿ întreb¿ri cer un r¿spuns. Oare o va face trecutul lui s¿ fug¿? Oare secretele familiei ei vor cauza o bre¿¿ între ei doi? Lily ¿i Mark aduc împreun¿ eroii ¿i eroinele a dou¿ serii de iubire, astfel umplându-le vie¿ile cu suspans ¿i paranormal.

  • - Roman polițist
    av Roxana Nastase

  • - Roman polițist
    av Roxana Nastase

    Dan este un tip comod cu o înclina╚¢ie pentru femei. Motto-ul lui este destul de simplu: cu cât mai multe, cu atât mai bine.Via╚¢a este un joc pentru el, iar el are grij─â s─â pun─â mâna pe tot ce poate f─âr─â s─â aib─â remu╚Öc─âri ╚Öi f─âr─â s─â caute scuze.Imagineaz─â-╚¢i surpriza lui când s-a pomenit un cadavru pe podeaua unui lift.

  • - Crossover Series The Winstons & The Perfect Halves Book 4
    av Rowena Dawn

    Lily has almost given up on her happily ever after. Mark is just on the run and hopes to keep his hide intact.A chance encounter makes Lily hope again, and Mark find his stopping point.Lily comes from a family of witches, and she has got a curse over her head. The Winston family is large, full of wonders, happiness, but also bitterness.Mark is her chance to get involved with a man who resembles no one she has ever known. He is a strong man, full of secrets, and almost cold-hearted. Mark seizes his chance with Lily, but two questions remain to be answered. Will his past chase her away? Will her family secret come between the two of them?Lily and Mark bring together the characters of two romance series, infusing their lives both with suspense and paranormal.

  • - Cartea a Treia din Seria Familia Winston
    av Rowena Dawn

    Jay nu dorea decât s─â se amuze. În schimb, ╚Öi-a pierdut inima ╚Öi lini╚Ötea sufleteasc─â.Jay nu este un b─ârbat prea la locul lui. Poate citi mintea oamenilor, de╚Öi nu foarte bine ╚Öi nu întotdeauna. Cu toatea acestea, î╚Öi folose╚Öte talentele pentru a juca c─âr╚¢i ╚Öi a câ╚Ötiga.Din p─âcate, joac─â o dat─â în plus. Î╚Öi pierde banii ╚Öi abia scap─â în via╚¢─â, dar numai pentru c─â are un înger p─âzitor. Acum trebuie s─â decid─â dac─â ceea ce simte pentru acel înger este recuno╚Ötin╚¢─â sau iubire.

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • - Poems and Parables of a Seasonal Pretense
    av Ken Allan Dronsfield

    With a blend of Wordsworthian poetry style and contemporary American poetic voice, Ken Allan Dronsfield wonderfully weaves human emotions, mysticism and Nature’s beauty as well as its harshness in his poetry. Zephyr’s Whisper will undoubtedly keep on maintaining the balance of soft soothing waltz and strong challenging winds like effects on the hearts and souls of avid poetry readers of all generationsVatsala Radhakeesoon (Mauritian author/poet)An American Mihai Eminescu, Ken Allan Dronsfield always tugged at my heart. His poems are suggestive, imagistic and lined with subtle emotion. Reading this collection of poems, I did have the feeling that the Zephyr was whispering at me. Roxana Nastase (Romanian/Canadian writer/poet/editor)Whispers from the ZephyrSugar cane flowing like ocean wavesFlorida winds blow as egret’s hunt lunchtapestry woven in a wildness of saw grassbuzzards perch high on branches of oakdragonflies rest on blades of palmettounscrupulous clouds build to a zephyrhorizontal rains pelt all within the gladessaunters by quickly; sun now reappears.Spanish moss drips from Cypress treescurtains of humidity hold a damp gripsongbirds fluttering, the gators cruising;in the great Florida swamp; days roll by;a muskrat swims in the calming watersa pinkish haze envelops the twilight skyGreat Blue Herons stand at stoic repose;Listen to the whispers from the zephyr.The poem "With Charcoal Black" won the Nature Poetry Contest. "The refreshing poem is a wonder-filled read and our judges enjoyed the journey!" -

  • - Becka's Awakening & Matt's Dilemma
    av Rowena Dawn

  • - A Crime Novel
    av Roxana Nastase

  • - A Suitable Epitaph & an Immigrant
    av Roxana Nastase

  • - Roman Politist
    av Roxana Nastase

    Cartea a doua din seria poli¿ist¿ MacKay - Detectiv Canadian este un roman de sine st¿t¿tor.Victor se afl¿ pe urmele unor ucigäi f¿r¿ con¿tiin¿¿, dar ajunge s¿ fac¿ cunötin¿¿ cu lama unui pumnal. Va supravie¿ui oare?Un Imigrant este un roman poli¿ist împletit cu suspans, întors¿turi de situäie ¿i surprize. Totul este asezonat cu urme de paranormal, dragoste ¿i umor (uneori sec, alteori cinic...). Te va intriga ¿i nu-l vei putea l¿sa din mân¿.Nu pierde ¿ansa de a p¿trunde într-o intrig¿ elaborat¿ ¿i de a întâlni personaje unice.Oh, ¿i s¿ nu uit¿m - vei primi ¿i un bonus la finalul romanului: re¿eta pentru una dintre cele mai delicioase pr¿jituri române¿ti. ¿i se tope¿te în gur¿, într-o explozie de nuan¿e, Aten¿ie: gustul este pe m¿sura caloriilor ¿i este extrem de adictiv.

  • av Michael Johnson

  • av Robin Wyatt Dunn

  • av Ghosh Pranab

  • av Roxana Nastase

  • av Vatsala Radhakeesoon

    Death and After Wait, wait, I’m coming!Neither am I scared nor screaming,With joy my eyes are dancing,I can hear Divine Music echoing. Feel, now, O, Detached Soul, you surely can!Feel pure light, perfect knowledge of Immortal Friend;Fly freely to all planets, you surely can!It’s All- blissful, no sorrows to mend. Depth of the River is the author’s second collection of poems emphasizing on her life as it is. She considers this book as her open confessions manifesting from her subconscious mind.This book also brings forth, social and global issues that touch the Human race, as a whole.Through her poems, the poet has also pointed out that the connection to the Divine energy,that is God, is the best cure to all sufferings and the priceless means to recognizing real joy and leading a peaceful life. The poems in this book have been written by blending elements of modern and traditional poetry. Some have a rhyming pattern. Others are purely in free verse.   "Life is like a river. It flows and we cannot stop it. The stages of life, that is, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age naturally flow. No human with a normal life span can skip any of those parts.As far as there is life, happiness and sorrows will always keep on flowing. And it is only by going at the depth of this river-like life that we can see, understand and accept our lives as they truly are.This book is divided into two parts: Life and God/Spirituality. Some of the poems in the first section are based on my personal experiences and they have been expressed as open confessions, and can be considered as the manifestation of my subconscious. Other poems bring the social and global issues touching the lives of the whole human race and these poems have been written as philosophical reflections. The second part of this poetry book bring forth poems about the power of the creator of the universe and the maker of our lives, that is God. Much emphasis has also been laid on the undeniable fact that in this hectic mundane life, real peace, solace and joy can only be achieved by remaining connected to the Divine.Poetry is also like a river. It is the flow of communication from the poet’s pen to the hearts and souls of the readers. It invites the readers to first swim at the surface and then dive deep down to explore new horizons, new perceptions and new thoughts. Thus, the river-like Poetry can transform individual human beings as well as a whole society by broadening their knowledge and awareness. This in turn can lead to positive change, innovation and continuous progress in the world.May the Divine Light enlighten the soul of each human being!May each creature on Earth be blessed with love, peace and joy!"  Vatsala RadhakeesoonApril 2017

  • av Robin Wyatt Dunn

  • av Robin Wyatt Dunn

    Love and war in the Middle East:Robert is a disillusioned reporter; Rachel an agent for Mossad. Modeled on the Song of Solomon, Black Dove explores the intricate interconnectedness between love and war, violence and friendship, and the complicated relationship between the United States and Israel.When Robert moves to Jerusalem to chase his beloved, he finds that changing addressees changes something within him, and he abandons the role of disinterested observer to aid in the transformation of the Middle East, and the United States. But what he discovers is that Mossad is actually working against a Jewish-only state, and that to aid the Palestinian people they must subvert parts of their own government.Black Dove reveals how the Middle East is a crucible for change around the world, and in the human heart. "A terse , taut read sometimes miserably bleak splintered with moments of dark humour and heightened poetics."-- Saira Viola, author of Jukebox 

  • av Rowena Dawn

  • av Roxana Nastase

    L¿comie ¿i invidie într-un or¿¿el în vestul Oklahomei.Era o muiere rea ¿i voia s¿ îi controleze pe to¿i. Aceasta i-a semnat certificatul de deces.Descoperi¿i viäa într-un orä mic - secrete, leg¿turi licen¿ioase ¿i surprize ¿ocante.Daca v¿ plac romanele poli¿iste, atunci ve¿i savura acest roman poli¿ist.

  • - Double-Edged & Eyes in the Dark
    av Rowena Dawn

  • av Ananya S Guha

  • av Rick Edelstein

  • - Recipes for Health
    av Daniel Andrews & Mona Illingworth

  • - Wham, Bam, Thank You, Ma'am!
    av M D David & MD Perlmutter

  • av Fethi Sassi

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