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  • av Bïa Krieger

    On their next musical adventure, Mama and Papa Poss cruise up the Mississippi River aboard the Delta Queen to Memphis, the birthplace of rock 'n' roll.

  • av Nathalie Soussana

    A sweeping collection of 14 songs from Ireland that invites children to discover a rich tradition of hopeful and heartfelt music, filled with pride and passion.

  • av Nathalie Soussana

    A riveting selection of 20 nursery rhymes and lullabies from Ukraine, as remembered by immigrants living in France, Germany and Poland.


    Berceuses traditionnelles1 - Berceuse pour compter2 - La poule aux oeufs d'or3 - Dodo l'enfant do4 - Laisse-toi bercer5 - Doux dodo6 - Berceuse créole7 - Meunier tu dors8 - Dors mon petit, dors9 - Canon israélien10 - Arrorro mi nino11 - Au clir de la lune (avec Daniel Lavoie)Le disque inclut 11 enregistrements sonores ainsi que des fichiers imprimables avec les paroles de chansons et les illustrations.

  • av Joaquin Camp

    Children discover that a piano can give life to their feelings. Music can give life to anything and everything. And that's exactly what happens when a boy and girl play their brand new piano for the first time. As they take turns tapping keys, the children discover that even the simplest melody can stir up a symphony of sensations. This playful tale invites children to explore how music makes them feel. Hear how sounds attune to emotions. See how music colors the imagination. From synesthesia to onomatopoeia, these musical sketches show that learning big words and even bigger ideas can be as simple as PLINK, PLANK, PLONK. The accompanying animated video can be accessed with a QR printed in the book.

  • av Harris Aaron and Julie

    Encourage children to express their emotions with these 12 singalong songs and learning activities! Awaken children's vocabularies with this sunny collection of folk-pop songs. These upbeat melodies and accessible lyrics were written to help budding language learners discover how to share their feelings, hopes, and dreams. Young readers will have a blast singing their hearts out to songs about emotions, courage, family, and more! The picture book features the illustrated lyrics of each song, followed by activity ideas for teaching English. This musical picture book features the illustrated lyrics of each song followed by activity ideas for teaching English and is accompanied by a 12-song CD (and a unique digital download code).

  • av Misja Fitzgerald Michel

  • av Hélène DuCharme

    A tale passed down from generation to generation, featuring music from Mali and Senegal, about a boy's heroic quest to save his village from drought. In West Africa, a magnificent baobab presides over a village beset with a terrible drought. A long, long time ago, when the stars were still babies, the tree fell in love with the earth. As it buried its roots deep in the earth's heart, the sun grew jealous. The sun shone and shone, until lakes and rivers flew away and even its own heart dried up and disappeared. Ever since, it has been said that the only person who finds the sun's heart would be able to release the water. At the center of this tale is Amondo, son of the baobab, known as "The One Who Unites." Only he can restore hope to the villagers by freeing the water from the spell cast by the sun. But in order to succeed, he must complete four difficult tasks... This play, which includes seven songs in Bambara, transports us to the extraordinary world of African folklore, to a time when the moon, trees and animals spoke to humankind. The accompanying recordings can be accessed with a QR code printed in the book.

  • av Ana Gerhard

    Gnomes, fées, sorcières, elfes... Ces créatures fantastiques stimulent depuis toujours l'imagination des enfants. Dans cette compilation, des oeuvres de Mozart, Tchaïkovski, Verdi et d'autres compositeurs qui s'inspirent de légendes anciennes et de superstitions font connaître la musique classique aux petits. Merveilleusement illustré, le livre contient également un glossaire de termes musicaux et une courte biographie des compositeurs. Une ribambelle de personnages fabuleux à découvrir autrement! 20 extraits d'enregistrements de pièces exécutées par des orchestres de renommée internationale, dont l'Orchestre philharmonique de Londres, l'Orchestre du Théâtre de la Scala de Milan et l'Academy of St Martin-in-the-Fields.

  • av Christiane Duchesne

    An unpredictable musical tale that celebrates friendship, featuring 18 original and traditional songs! Once upon a time there were four friends who always had oodles and oodles of fun together. After their last adventure full of surprises, a sudden torrential rainfall forces Bertie and gang to take shelter atop Blue Mountain. When they emerge, they encounter an extraordinary girl named Alice, who can grow big or small at the snap of her fingers. Together, they spend a magical night singing and dancing under the moon and shooting stars. A sequel to A Picnic in the Sun, this imaginative musical tale is interspersed with four beloved traditional songs and 14 original tracks performed with pizzazz and emotion. Whimsical illustrations accompany this joyful and unforgettable celebration. Scan the QR code to listen to the narrated story and songs online.

  • av Magdeleine Lerasle

    Age range 3 to 7A collection of lullabies and nursery rhymes from Brazil and Portugal that invites children on an authentic musical journey to explore the strong cultural ties that bind the two countries. Traditional songs about everyday life, work and play, courtship and love, travel from Porto to Rio and Lisbon to Bahia. The fifteen traditional songs featured blend samba, modinha, fandago and bossa nova, and are performed by an ensemble of women, men and children. This uplifting and enchanting production, featuring several indigenous acoustic instruments, captures the convergence of rich and diverse styles. Lyrics are presented in Portuguese and translated into English, followed by notes on the Thorigin and cultural context of each song. The book includes a QR code to access the songs online.

  • av Hafida Favret

    Age range 3 to 7Presented in Arabic, Berber and French, this collection of lullabies and nursery rhymes from Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia draws children into a musical journey across North Africa, from the Sahara Desert through the Atlas Mountains to the Mediterranean Sea. In 15 songs about everyday life, children learn of the importance of rain, the communal aspects of meals, and the consequences of inappropriate behaviour. This uplifting, enchanting collection features traditional songs performed by women, men and children, and recorded with indigenous acoustic instruments. Capturing the meeting of ancient and modern styles, it's an absolute delight to musical ears. Lyrics are provided in Arabic and translated into English, followed by notes on each song's origin and cultural context. The book includes a QR code to access the songs online.

  • av Bïa Krieger

    Every Saturday night at the Fais Dodo Thibaudeau, a suave young possum with a Zorro-like moustache takes the stage with his dobro to lead the band. In the audience, a pretty, doe-eyed possum falls for his charms. But just who could these plucky marsupials be? Mama and Papa Poss tell the story of how they first met and where their glory days as a musical duo began! Take a trip to the bayou in this side-splitting, toe-tapping tale that pays homage to Louisiana's Cajun and Zydeco music traditions. Rockin' the Bayou Down in Louisiana! is the first story in the We're a Possum Family Band series, which follows Mama and Papa Poss on their travels that bring them across North America to the birthplaces of Cajun, jazz, country, rock'n'roll, blues, and traditional Quebecois music. At the end of each story, explanatory notes delve into the key figures, instruments and customs behind each genre. The book includes a QR code to access the narrated story and songs online.

  • av Marie-Eve Tremblay

    Cette compilation s'adresse à tous les amoureux des chats et des chiens ! Elle réunit des chansons irrésistibles provenant de plusieurs albums de la Montagne secrète. Il y en a pour tous les goûts: berceuses, rondes, comptines, chansons folkloriques et jazz. Dès la première écoute, les mélodies accrocheuses se transforment en ver d'oreille. Illustrés avec humour et tendresse, les meilleurs amis des enfants chantent du country ou voyagent sur la lune. Le disque comprend 10 chansons. A lighthearted collection of sing-along songs in French featuring irresistible animal characters, including cuddly cats and dogs who just want to be your friend, even on a rainy day! Share an umbrella with a heartbroken pooch who sings the blues, a tomcat who has a soft spot for sour cream and a rumbunctious little kitty who snores and growls. It's full of good cheer thanks to the playful, heartwarming illustrations and an accompanying CD comprised of ten catchy songs recorded by accomplished singers and skilled musicians.

  • av Raquel Bonita

    Une moyen astucieux d'apprendre le nom des instruments de musique. Maestra Evarista est une directrice d'orchestre à la recherche de musiciens. Traînant un lourd chariot rempli d'instruments, la petite lézarde compte bien aller jusqu'au bout de sa quête. À tour de rôle, huit artistes à deux ou à quatre pattes pigent dans son chariot leur instrument de prédilection et font devant Maestra Evarista une prestation. À mesure que son orchestre prend forme, Maestra Evarista avance d'un pas assuré, le coeur léger. Lorsque tout le monde travaille ensemble et joue sa partition, de grands rêves peuvent se réaliser. Les lecteurs de tout âge prendront plaisir à déplier, comme un accordéon, ce magnifique livre-objet. Chacune des pages dévoile un animal tantôt espiègle, tantôt discret, mais toujours vibrant d'émotion. Au fil de ce récit poétique, le lecteur verra se former sous ses yeux un tableau panoramique et harmonique haut en couleur. Un code QR est inclus donnant accès à une écoute en ligne. Maestro Evarista is a conductor in search of an orchestra. With a heavy cart full of instruments, the little lizard sets out to find musicians. One by one, she comes across an assortment of animals who lighten her load as they pick their parts in what becomes a ten-member menagerie. Her cart finally empty and her heart full, Maestro Evarista takes the lead in a concert that proves big dreams do come true with a little hard work to see them through. In a twist on the classic accordion format, this tale in French unfolds page by page and animal by animal until the full orchestra is presented across a panoramic, ten-panel spread. Introduced in rhyming verse, a vibrant cast of characters appears against a bold black backdrop to set the stage for readers of all ages. Includes a QR code for the narrated story with music.

  • av Nathalie Soussana

    An homage to the rich cultural heritage of faraway communities featuring 25 traditional songs. An enchanting collection of 25 traditional songs that pay homage to the rich cultural heritage and multilingual communities of East and Southern Africa. Mixed musical styles unique to each region demonstrate how these communities embraced new cultures and horizons. A wide array of styles--skipping rope songs from Mozambique, lullabies from South Africa, counting songs from Réunion, and traditional dance tunes from Madagascar--are all performed exquisitely by local musicians in more than a dozen languages and dialects. Vibrant artwork and homegrown instruments, such as the tube zither, kayamb, bobre, segakordeon, and ravanne drums round off this wonderful celebration of history, language, and culture. Lyrics appear transcribed in their original language and translated to English, followed by a map of East and Southern Africa and extensive notes describing the cultural background of each song. The musical picture book is accompanied by a CD (and a unique digital download code) featuring 25 songs. A free teaching guide and activity sheets are available at

  • av Han Han

    Un dépaysement musical tout en douceur grâce à l'instrument chinois, l'erhu. Un soir d'été, Xiaomi et ses parents préparent le repas quand, tout à coup, c'est la panne de courant. Pourquoi ne pas en profiter pour faire un concert dans le jardin ? Bientôt, tous les voisins les rejoignent pour danser au son de l'accordéon et de l'erhu, un instrument traditionnel chinois. La soirée devient magique grâce à ces jolies mélodies qui gagnent le coeur des familles. Une histoire douce et joyeuse accompagnée d'aquarelles belles et mystérieuses comme un clair de lune. L'album musical comprend l'enregistrement de la narration du conte et de la chanson thème. En plus du disque, un code unique pour le téléchargement des enregistrements est inclus. Xiaomi will never forget the magical sounds she heard one hot summer evening when the power went out in her family's apartment building. It happened at day's end while her parents were preparing dinner. Her father lit candles while suggesting they take out their musical instruments and descend to the yard to perform for their neighbors. He played the erhu and her mother the accordion while she danced. The songs made their way into each home, and soon, everyone joined the concert, laughing and singing under the moonlight: a joyful, music celebration that brought them together. In addition to an illustrated story in French, this book is accompanied by a CD featuring recordings of the narrated story and the theme song along with unique code for the digital download of the audio.

  • av Ana Gerhard

    Meet classical composer Joseph Haydn in this charming semi-autobiographical tale. Travel through time following a charming little mouse called Minim who loves cheese and music. He has just spent an amazing summer in the country with his cousin Maxim. The meals have been fabulous, followed by delightful concerts with gifted musicians who are there to play for the prince and his guests. Autumn is now upon them, and something has gone awry. The conductor has noticed that the members of the orchestra have grown tired and dearly miss their families. How shall he convey to the prince that the vacation has gone on for far too long? Only a brilliant composer like Joseph Haydn could devise such a plan! In addition to the illustrated story and introductory notes on the composer, an accompanying CD (and a unique digital download code) features recordings of the narrated story and a performance of the composition Adagio Finale from the "Farewell" symphony. Part of the Little Stories of Great Composers series, featuring Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Haydn, Schubert, and Paganini.

  • av Ana Gerhard

    Meet classical composer and violinist Niccolò Paganini in this charming semi-autobiographical tale. Travel through time following a charming little mouse called Minim who loves cheese and music. On this occasion, he finds himself bouncing around in Emily's skirt pocket as she joyfully skips down the stairs to her father's bustling workshop. A very special guest has just arrived, a musician deemed the best violinist in the world. Little do the luthiers know that they will come very close to witnessing a terrible accident: the destruction of Niccolo Paganini's most cherished instrument. Luckily, the little girl saves the day by miraculously catching the violin in midair before it hits the floor. Filled with gratitude, the maestro plays a piece for her--as if nothing else in the world ever existed. In addition to the illustrated story and introductory notes on the composer, an accompanying CD (and a unique digital download code) features recordings of the narrated story and a performance of the composition "Caprice 24." Part of the Little Stories of Great Composers series, featuring Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Vivaldi, Haydn, Schubert, and Paganini.

  • av Pedro Alcalde

    Parcourez tous les continents pour découvrir comment les meilleurs musiciens de la nature utilisent leur voix et leur corps pour créer une symphonie. Sur les scènes du monde entier, les gibbons adorent chanter au lever du soleil alors que les baleines à bosse fredonnent la même chanson toute la journée. Les loups ont l'habitude de former un choeur avant de partir à la chasse et la grenouille Odorrana tormota a le talent particulier de pouvoir interpréter une chanson sans produire deux notes identiques. Ce livre fascinant contient également de l'information sur les caractéristiques, l'habitat et les comportements des 14 grands musiciens animaliers sélectionnés. Un hyperlien imprimé sur la couverture du livre donne accès à une écoute en ligne des enregistrements des sons produits par ces animaux. On the world stage, gibbons love to break into song at sunrise, while humpback whales prefer to perform the same tune for an entire day. Wolves enjoy choir singing before setting off to hunt, and Chinese torrent frogs are excellent at carrying a tune without ever producing two identical notes. Additional information on the characteristics, habitats, and behaviors of these 14 animal virtuosos is included. Recordings of the sounds produced by each featured animal are available online.

  • av Ana Gerhard

    Catch the classical music bug with this critter-filled guide featuring 20 popular compositions. Introduce children to insects, arachnids, and amphibians, such as spiders, wasps, butterflies, frogs, and snakes through the works of Beethoven, Ravel, Prokofiev, and other composers An original and exciting way for younger listeners to discover classical music, this book pairs five centuries of music history with stunning and evocative illustrations of these fascinating little creatures. A glossary of musical terms and a short biography of each composer are included along with a CD (and a unique digital download code) of 20 compositions performed by world-renowned ensembles such as the Royal Scottish National Orchestra, Liverpool Philharmonic, and Nashville Symphony. WINNER OF THE PARENTS' CHOICE SILVER AWARD

  • av Pedro Alcalde

    Discover the musical talents of 14 animals, from singing humpback whales to howling wolves. Travel across the seven continents to discover how nature's best musicians use their voices or bodies to create a symphony. On the world stage, gibbons love to break into song at sunrise, while humpback whales prefer to perform the same tune for an entire day. Wolves enjoy choir singing before setting off to hunt, and Chinese torrent frogs are excellent at carrying a tune without ever producing two identical notes. Learn about the characteristics, habitats, and behaviours of 14 animal virtuosos from around the world. Listen to the recordings of the sounds produced by each animal for free at

  • av Jiu Er

    Une belle prise de vue sur l'amitié et le partage. Ce magnifique album audio propose un recueil de courts textes illustrés évoquant les bonheurs simples qui rythment la journée de Petit Soleil, un cochon tendre et attentionné, l'ami fidèle de Petite Souris et Mademoiselle Lapin. Empreint d'humour et de philosophie, ce regard précieux sur l'amitié et le partage apportera le sourire aux lèvres de toute la famille. Un hyperlien imprimé sur la couverture du livre donne accès à une écoute en ligne des enregistrements des textes récités. On y retrouve le son d'un instrument de musique pour indiquer à quel moment il faut tourner la page. This charming, original audio picture book features a collection of short illustrated texts evoking the simple pleasures that fill a day in the life of Little Sun, a fearless, adorable pig with a big heart. She's always on the lookout for challenges, big and small, and never seems to get discouraged as she embarks on all kinds of adventures with playmates Little Mouse and Miss Rabbit. A funny and endearing tale of friendship that will delight and enchant the whole family.


    Imaginative, funny illustrations offer an original interpretation of this classic children's French folk song about a frog in love with a toad, recorded by one of Canada's best-known children's performers and available on most music streaming platforms.


    Imaginative, funny illustrations offer an original interpretation of this classic children's French folk song, recorded by one of Canada's best-known children's performers and available on most music streaming platforms.

  • av Félix Leclerc

    Un voyage instructif dans l'univers merveilleux de sept grands auteurs-compositeurs québécois. Cet album propose dix chansons, habilement rimées, faciles à interpréter, qui invitent les enfants à célébrer la nature dans toute sa splendeur. Portée par des voix enjouées, cette collection festive conjugue avec poésie toute la sensibilité d'un patrimoine francophone vivace au coeur du continent nord-américain. En plus des paroles richement illustrées, on y retrouve la biographie des créateurs et un guide d'activités pour fêter la musique à l'école comme à la maison. L'album musical comprend 10 chansons. En plus du disque, un code unique pour le téléchargement des enregistrements est inclus. This musical picture book invites children to discover the magical, musical world imagined by some of the most influential songwriters in French-speaking Canada over the past century: Félix Leclerc, Gilles Vigneault, Claude Léveillée, Lionel Daunais, Alan Mills, Joseph Beaulie, and La Bolduc. This festive collection of clever, joyful songs by several well-known performers stands out as living proof of the French culture that is so vibrant today in the heart of the North American continent. In addition to the ten recordings on the CD (or as digital downloads) and fanciful illustrations that accompany the lyrics in the book, songwriter biographies and an activity guide for teachers are also included.


    Striking illustrations, rich in color and texture, offer an original interpretation of this classic children's folk song, recorded by exceptionally gifted singers and seasoned musicians. The recording of the song can be heard for free on Secret Mountain's website and on most music streaming platforms. Full color.

  • av Marie-Eve Tremblay

    Winner:2016 Parents' Choice RecommendedA delightful, lighthearted collection of sing-along songs featuring funny irresistible animal characters, including cuddly cats and dogs who just want to be your friend, even on a rainy day! Share an umbrella with a heartbroken pooch who sings the blues, a tomcat who has a soft spot for sour cream and a rumbunctious little kitty who snores and growls. It's full of good cheer thanks to the playful, heartwarming illustrations and an accompanying-CD comprised of ten catchy songs recorded by accomplished singers and skilled musicians.

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