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  • av Shalom Jim

    This is a daily devotional in which we go through a scripture that shows that we are saved by grace. The Gospel is referred to as Good News, Gospel of Christ, and the Gospel of Grace. Apostle Paul told the Galatians not to go from the Gospel of Grace. This devotional will help you grow in grace. It will help you see how you receive grace by knowing, believing, and declaring God's great and precious promises. It's all about knowing Jesus. Knowing all the blessings we receive because of Jesus' sacrifice. II Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, Ephesians 2:8¿-¿10 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

  • av Shalom Jim
    156 - 163

  • av Shalom Jim

    The first three chapters of Genesis are a foundation of how to understand the rest of the Bible. This book will help you understand how God operates, His will, and His plan. You will see how Satan operates and how he easily deceives mankind. Revelation is a major key in seeing how things are done "in the spirit ". With this fresh revelation we will be able to worship Jesus on a higher level and pray more with the authority that has been given to us as " born again " believers in Christ. This book is a Teaching and a Daily Devotional. Jesus + Grace + Faith = Shalom/Peace.

  • av Shalom Jim

    The Gospel is Good News. This book covers Colossians to Hebrews. The Epistles are letters written for the express purpose of telling that Good News. All About Jesus is more than a devotional or bible study. Yes it is a devotional and a bible study but it also emphasizes Jesus. His name is Jesus : Jehovah Saves. His name implies what He came to do and what He has done for all that have faith in Him. It's' All About Jesus, He actually saves us. Too many ¿ believers¿ ,believe that He is Our Savior but continually try to save themselves. Our biggest problem is not really knowing and believing how Jesus does it. Gods' ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Because this book emphasizes Jesus, you will see what His has done for us and give Him the honor and praise for it. This is what the Christian Faith is all about. Declaring what He has done for us and then seeing it come to pass in our lives. To God be the glory! Blessings and Shalom 2 u Shalom Jim

  • av Shalom Jim

    This is a daily Devotional on the Book of Proverbs. My hope is that you will see it much more. As we go through the book of Proverbs, my main interest is to bring Jesus into the book. We are now living in the New Testament, under Grace and what Jesus has done through his sacrifice on the cross. Now when we put Jesus in Proverbs, we see the wisdom and understanding that He gives us and so much more through our faith and fellowship with Him. You will form a personal relationship with Jesus and be able to grow into His image and likeness. This was what God wanted and planned for us in the beginning. Shalom 2 U Jesus + Grace + Faith = Shalom 2 U Meditate on Proverbs and see Jesus Jesus is the fulfillment of Wisdom Learn how Jesus gives us His Wisdom Jesus gives life to the Book of Proverbs Receive Jesus's Love, Joy, & Shalom 2 U

  • av Shalom Jim

    This book is meant to be a daily devotional where you can meditate on a couple of scriptures to receive revelation. From there we go on to thank Jesus for all He has done for us and say a prayer at the end. It only takes a couple of minutes a day, but each and every day you will grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The more we know Jesus the more we will grow in grace and peace. ( 2 Peter 1:2) the Gospel of John keeps revealing Jesus as the Son of God and the son of man. Jesus continues to reveal the love of the father for all mankind. You will see and understand that it¿ about Jesus. His sacrifice gives us grace when we believe what he has done for us.

  • av Shalom Jim

    Meditation is lacking in the Christian faith. Without meditation on the word of God; we will experience little or no revelation. Revelation is needed so one can see with their spiritual eyes, hear with their spiritual ears, and be able to get it in their hearts. Once the word comes out of our hearts, we will speak faith words. Faith words are needed to fight the good fight of faith. It is the sword of the Spirit that enables us to defeat the enemy and live more victoriously. It enables us to come up against the kingdom of darkness. Now we will act like kings and priests in the kingdom of God. Revelation will increase your faith so that you will be transformed more and more into the image and likeness of God. You will start believing and declaring that you are a child of God and become a part of the Divine Nature that is made in the image and likeness of God.

  • av Shalom Jim

    The book of Romans may be the Apostle Paul's best work, although they all give us vital information about believing in Christ Jesus. The important thing about this book is that it repeatedly tells us that we are not under the Law but under Grace. This book will reveal how you can obey the Law through Grace. It's the " Christian Faith ", all about Faith in Jesus Christ. We have a hard time believing because we rely on what our flesh tells us instead of what the word of God says. This book will reveal to you how to " walk after the Spirit " and not after the flesh. This is a daily devotional where we meditate on a scripture, thank Jesus for what He has done, and pray for others all in a few minutes of time. Shalom 2 U

  • av Shalom Jim

    Jesus is the promised land. Everything that we need and want can come from Jesus. This is what 2 Corinthians 1:20 says: However many promises God has made, in Christ the answer is always Yes. Through him we respond, saying Yes to the glory of God. You see here that God is saying, everything that I have declared, everything that I have promised, everything that Jesus has fulfilled by His sacrifice is yes, and Amen. There are no "no's". There are no maybe's. Yes, we will have to wait but it shall surely come to pass. We have to know these promises. We have to believe these promises. We have to declare these promises. This is our part. If we don't do our part, then God can't do His part. God wants to do His part and we want Him to do His part. For God to do His part which is receiving His grace; we must "believe ". We have a tendency to take "faith " too lightly. We say that we believe but most of the time it is very general and passive faith. When we actually say what the specific premise is, then we are being specific. Knowing, believing, and declaring the promise will give you Revelation. Revelation is needed for you to believe. It lets you see with your spiritual eyes. You begin to picture it in your spirit. This helps you to believe. Rom 10:17. So faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. We are also told of the importance of abiding in Jesus: Hew 12:2. looking to Jesus, the author, and perfecter of faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising its shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Our continual fellowship and abiding in Jesus will help us be courageous and believing, and thereby be able to enter the Promise Land.

  • av Shalom Jim

    The book of Galatians is a book about how one can go from Grace to back to Law. from Liberty back to bondage. This happened to the early church while Peter and Paul were still alive and preaching the Gospel. Paul got more of a revelation of the Gospel then Peter did. Although Peter was the head of the church ( actually, Jesus is ), he still didn't know the full Gospel. Paul had to correct Peter and other leaders. They were still putting some under the Law instead of Grace. This is still happening today. Many sincere, well educated and devoted to the Gospel are still teaching Law instead of Grace. As we go through toThis devotional study, you will see time and time again that the Gospel is the Gospel of Grace. We are saved by Grace and not by works. Jesus does it all when we declare who we are "in Him'' and not who we are in the flesh. This is His Amazing Grace. The book of Ephesians tells us about the power of God and the Blessings of God " in us who believe ". These blessings are to know, believe, and declare. The book of Philippians tells us to look to God to meet your needs and work in you to do His will. We are called to forget who we are in the flesh but look to Jesus and who we are in Him

  • av Shalom Jim

    God¿ will be done. I think that we all want the will of God to be done. Sometimes we hear that it is God's will but aren't sure. A lot of people have the attitude that if it is God's will, it will be done. If it isn't God's will it won't be done. Then there are many who pray ¿ if it be thy will¿. In this book, we will go through many examples of things that were God's will but didn't come to pass. Why it didn't come to pass and what God had to do to make it come to pass. God has given all mankind, saved and unsaved free will; it¿ up to each individual to use it for God's will be done.

  • av Shalom Jim

    The Book of Acts is the start of the Church. It's the start of many things. For the first time, believers are being "Born Again", made a New Creation, filled with the Holy Spirit, saved by Grace through Faith. Now they have God working in them and through them. It's a time when more than ever that the blind see, deaf hear, unclean are made clean, lame walk, and the captives are set free. The Book of Acts was the first Pentecost but there have been many more since. We have had a number of Great Revivals through the years but we are going to experience the greatest Revival of them all. Right now in many different parts of the world, many people are being saved, healed, and delivered. It's a glorious time to be alive. The Book of Acts stresses that we are not under the Law but under Grace. This book is all about Jesus + Grace + Faith = Shalom/Peace. Your prayer life will increase and you will grow by Jesus' Amazing Grace.

  • av Shalom Jim

    The book of Corinthians contains so many important principles in our Christian walk with the Lord. It tells us that we are called by God. Isn't it wonderful that He even chose to call us before we were born and that He continually calls us, until we finally come to Him? It tells us that we are never alone but when we receive Jesus; he is always with us. It tells us that we can't keep the Law by our own strength, as by our flesh. We keep the Law by His grace. We are to declare our righteousness by grace through faith in who we are "in Him". We are a New Creation, a spiritual being, made in the image and likeness of God. Now we are called to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. This book is a study and a devotional. We will cover so many truths and respond to Jesus in praise and worship because of what he has done. praise the lord.

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