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  • av Deni Starr

    Sean is asked by a boxing trainer to find outwhy a promising teenage boxer has suddenlybecome morose and depressed. Before Seangets around to doing so, the young man isfound dead; an apparent suicide after havingjumped off a building. Motivated by guilt, Seanconvinces Cindy to leave the public defender'soffice and join him in a private investigationagency with the death of Damiyun Walker astheir first case. Cindy and Sean become bothbusiness partners and lovers.They discovered that Damiyun had found outthat a thirteen year old Vietnamese girl wasbeing used as a sex slave by a local gang and hewas killed when he tried to rescue her. Thehomicide detective looking into these twodeaths also ends up dead under circumstanceswhich indicate someone in law enforcement isbehind running the sex slavery of Vietnamesegirls in Portland. Sean, a Vietnam vet, has toconnect with his past contacts in the Marinecorps to find out who in Portland has theconnections in Vietnam to get these girls pastICE enforcement, and ends up in ashow-down with the ringleader.

  • av Steve Dimeo

    Nick Christmas and his young Girl Friday,Randi Degrotti, try to track down the famousGolden Diamond of Kolimar that wasapparently stolen from the estate of Wadeand Adeline Huntington, only to discovertwo other interests vying for its retrieval: anarcheology couple with two avid graduatestudent assistants versus two physicists andmysterious cohorts from an energy researchcompany called GEOS. Locating the diamondin the least likely place, the detective and hislady sidekick allow the archaeologist toexamine its suspected mystical properties in asurprising climax that pits them againstshadowy henchmen who want it for itsearthlier powers.

  • av Brian Bandell

    The world hung in the balance because she wanted to live, because he couldn't live without her. Former Florida police officer Monique "Moni" Williams carries in her bloodstream the most deadly substance on the planet, an intelligent alien microorganism. The alien life forms seek to transform Earth into a habitat suitable for their resurrected aquatic species, which fled their destroyed planet. Her skin is the only barrier preventing the start of this disruptive process. Moni is highly contagious. A drop of her blood, saliva or even a tear will overwhelm the defenses of any human or animal. They become alien-controlled slaves that undergo rapid mutation. Moni has prevented the aliens from conquering her mind, although their voices haunt her. She's been robbed of her ability to speak, communicating through a newfound telepathy, planting ideas and thoughts in the minds of both friends and foes. Moni's only ally is her boyfriend, Aaron Hughes. Despite being chased by agents from the FBI and the military, Aaron refuses to leave her side as she flees to the barren desert of New Mexico. A scientist, Aaron fights for a cure while the aliens strip away more of her humanity by the hour.Moni hopes her exile in the desert will protect the Earth from her plague, but she soon finds herself under assault from the desert's most dangerous inhabitants. The aliens are determined to spill Moni's infected blood or take away the man she loves. Equally threatening, rival policewoman Nina Skillings pursues Moni across the country, seeking revenge for her friends the aliens killed in Florida. Meanwhile in Florida, a sadistic mutant lurks in the underground waterways, hunting people. Renegade environmental scientist Harry "Lagoon Watcher" Trainer believes it's connected to the alien invasion and he's determined to pursue it through the watery depths beneath the state's limestone surface. In this dark maze of underwater caves, the air is far away, but terror is always near. Moni must decide. Should she cling to her humanity? Or should she embrace the purple, acidic blood flowing through her veins? As Nina says: "There are no judges out where we're going. There's survival, there's death and there's the one thing worse than death, and that's what your girlfriend is."

  • av Tiffany Weems

    Despite their attempts, Earth is nolonger hospitable to mankind. With alittle cooperation between the colonieson Mars, a spaceship is sent out to starta new habitat in the far reaches ofspace. The crew knows the risks asthey depart, but the journey provesto be much more than a peacefulone for Patricia… If only she knew what horrorsfrom the past are coming for her…

  • - Daughter and Daddy Superheroes
    av Clifford B Bowyer & Audrey Bowyer

    Cary Archer spent his life as a Protector, a member of law enforcement, in a world where everyone had super human abilities. It was not just a job, but a passion. He loved helping and keeping people safe. Until the day his daughter, Ally Lynn Archer, was born, and everything changed. Her happiness, her well being, her health was the most important thing, and while he helped people as a Protector, he also made enemies of those he brought down. He swore that these villains would never harm his daughter trying to get to him, and he retired from the force. But no matter how hard you try, sometimes your past catches up to you. An innocent looking package delivered by an old foe set on vengeance, ripped a hole in the fabric of space and time, and the Archer's were torn from their home and found themselves someplace else. A land where people had no super powers or abilities. Unsure how they could ever find their way back home, the Archer's-along with their sentient life form, Nanny and their trusty pet dragon, Loveaby-made a new home for themselves in this new world. Cary was determined to fit in to this new society and not draw attention to themselves. But in their hearts, they were heroes, and when the call for help was heard, they knew that they had to answer. And answer they did as Boston Bluey and Little Bluey, Daddy and Daughter superheroes!

  • av Bernadette M Welch

    Madison is thrilled her cousin Corrie is moving home, but her emerging psychic abilities warn that something's wrong with the beach house Cor's parents just bought. Once the home of a famous painter, the house has "peculiarities." At first its weirdly painted walls and secret rooms are an exciting adventure. Even when Madi and Cor hear whispery voices and see ghostly shadows, they're uneasy, but not afraid-until they accidentally discover the mysterious tunnels. Madi also has a secret-a glowing chest she found in her Gram's attic, that somehow followed her home. Now it suddenly appears, revealing disturbing truths and visions about Cor's house, the tunnels and her little brother, Todd's "imaginary" friend. When Todd suddenly goes missing, the girls must uncover the truth to save him. The first in the Light-Bearer's series, Madison's Secrets is an eerie, fun mystery. Are you ready to seek the truth?

  • av David DeGeorge

    Ty Sampson, production company owner, devises a game show in which contestants answer questions for money. Should they get a question wrong, the contestant loses their money but can start over. However, for each wrong answer, the contestant receives an electric shock, with voltage increasing upon each incorrect answer. And, unknown to the contestant, there is someone offstage giving the shocks-someone who wants revenge on them: scorned lover, survivor of a near fatal accident, one who's lost their spouse in a fire due to the shock giver's negligence, etc.The shock givers enjoy their retribution. The voltage then rises to serious levels where the contestant is twisting, squirming, even convulsing. Prodded by an assistant, Ph.D. scientist and partner in Ty's company, Kerry Hounslow, the shock-givers continue, as do contestants, who are encouraged by an audience of the host's production company employees.The shows air, contestants and shock givers watch and are "tortured" again by the reminder of their pain or guilt. Dealing with their struggles, contestants and shock givers agree to meet, admit they were caught up in the pressure of the show, its host, and audience as well as their own jealousy, envy, and desire for revenge. Although a breach of contract, the group discusses going public to reveal how scenes involving injuries, even loss of consciousness, were edited.Learning of this, Ty makes harassing calls, threatens to sue, and ultimately plots with a disgruntled game show contestant and an ex-girlfriend of another to end the others' lives.Kerry uncovers the trio's plans to destroy the home where the contestants are meeting and calls to warn them-as the house is set aflame.Faced with death, the victims rescue each other, surprised by strength they didn't know they had. In the process of survival, they become closer than they were before the incidents that originally drew them apart.

  • av Jane Tesh

    Mel Worthington wasn't sure what he'd find when he went over the edge into Fairyland. There he was amazed to discover his mother was revered as a goddess known as the Diamond Queen. Mel has a rightful claim to the throne, but his fierce bodyguard assigned to guide him in this world, has a claim of her own. Riley Evensong knows it's her destiny to rule Eldenfair and is suspicious of this human who's been asked over by the reigning king to help solve a technical problem. A strange social media fad called Flitter has all the young fae enchanted and is causing havoc, but this is only the beginning of the evil spells drifting in from the Other Side. Riley must put aside her resentment of Mel, and Mel must come to terms with his emerging magic so together they can save Fairy tales from becoming warped beyond recognition. Oh, and there's a talking animal side kick, of course.

  • av Rob Gullette

    Off the coast of Kenya, within sight of the lights of Takaungo, a cofferdam the size of a football stadium surrounds a top secret archeological excavation of three distinctly alien spacecraft-six legged beetle-shaped vessels with black chrysalis hulls. Over five hundred years have passed since the three Enferian troop carriers inexplicably landed in the sea. Now, with the Earth Confederation and the Enferian Empire at war, these long-forgotten sunken relics may hold the key to victory. The man behind the project, Yang Han, son of American astronaut Wendy Nagumo and Chinese taikonaut Yang Zintao, hopes the spacecraft will yield intelligence information vital to the war effort, like the secrets of Enferian gravity-wave communications and Galactic wormhole navigation. When he receives word one of the Enferian warriors on board may still be alive, the project takes on historic proportions. If true, this would be the first live subject ever obtained. The Enferian is taken to an isolation chamber for further study, an autopsy if necessary, its features hidden beneath an opaque membrane. As the membrane dissolves, Han begins to see the truth about himself and the Enferian. He sets out on a journey that not only gives him the answers he seeks and more, but also pits him against the Enferians and treacherous elements of the Confederation itself in a do or die battle that could alter the future of the Galaxy.

  • av Martin Berman-Gorvine

    When human rebels overthrow a god of human sacrifice, only to bring about the rise of a goddess even more cruel and perverse, is there any chance human dignity and freedom can survive?High school sweethearts Amos and Suzie have been surviving in the woods with their two little children and a small band of the like-minded for seven years, ever since they destroyed the bloodthirsty god Moloch. Their friend Vickie is with them, but she lives under a curse because she fell under the spell of the goddess Asherah, murdered dozens of people in her name, and then turned against her. Can Vickie overcome her overwhelming guilt and the curse that exiles her from human society-and can she and her friends bring Asherah down? And if they do, what new bloodthirsty gods lie in waiting? Find out, in Day of Atonement!

  • av Clifford B Bowyer

    Confidence. Faith. Courage. Heroism. Destiny. With belief in these things, one can face insurmountable odds without blinking and achieve almost anything. Doubt. Defeat. Failure. Pain. Even the bravest soul, the one destined to be the savior of all, can falter when faced with her own mortality. The realm is in chaos, and the one spark of hope that is the Child of Prophecy has lost her way. She cannot see through the darkness. She cannot regain the spirit that once drove her. Her despair will be more devastating than all of the tragedies that have befallen the Imperium to date. Kyria, the child destined to save the world, has fallen at the hands of the despot Zoldex. Once she knew defeating Zoldex would be difficult, but she truly believed in the outcome. She knew that good will triumph over evil. She believed in the prophecy and her role in ending the tyranny of Zoldex. Now she is fueled by doubt, by insecurity, by uncertainty. Now she is afraid of her future instead of boldly facing it. Unless Kyria can overcome the torment her mind has woven around her, the realm has little chance of resisting the insurmountable forces aligned against them. Conquest will be inevitable. Mica, the best friend and companion of Kyria, is determined to find a way to help her heal. They have been through a lot, and Mica will do anything to help Kyria get back to being where she needs to be. But she also is a scout in the middle of a war, and her duties pull her away, putting her in peril. If only Kyria was there to help her like she always had been before. Sartir, returning home after facing his own inner demons, he will continue to help Kyria where Mica leaves off. Unlike Mica, he has been scarred and knows something about torment and suffering. He can relate to Kyria and help her see the light at the end of the tunnel, even if it leads her someplace far different than where she ever expected to go. But the people of Adlai, while understanding of Kyria's plight, will not stand still to give her time to heal. The war is going poorly, and Kyria has a role to play in it. With changes to leadership and the direction of the war effort, to efforts to create new allies with the assistance of the famed gnomish inventor Vingalli, to the rescue of the Madrew, to continuing to prepare the next generation of Mages, there is never a dull moment on the Adlesian Islands. The true threat though is far from the Adlesian Islands. Where Mica is dispatched, in the Suspintian Forest. The last outpost in the south resisting against Zoldex's forces have prepared a delegation of emissaries to visit Turning Leaf, home of the xenophobic High elves, the largest elven city in the realm, in hopes of bringing them into the war against Zoldex. Success would turn the tide and push Zoldex's forces back. Failure would spell certain doom for the resistance and the realm. Lead by Master Cala, and having legendary heroes such as Arifos, Kai, Mylvannan, Theiler, Baldock, Ravinder, Grazlin, Lady Shanavie, and others, all hope may rest not on Kyria's shoulders, but the success of their efforts. Clouded Destiny will challenge everything the heroes know and believe, forcing them to find a new way to move forward, or falter under the mounting pressure. Too much is at stake, and true heroes will find a way to rise above their own doubts and insecurities and put the needs of others before their own fears and shortcomings.

  • av Bill Metzger

    When Michael Brockton agreed to defend a public school teacher against charges of statutory rape and assault, he didn't realize that he would face a corrupt cop, an assistant DA bent on revenge, and an overzealous teacher. Nor did he think that his personal drug use would become a danger. Yet as one of the best lawyers in the city, he had no intention of shrinking from the task of seeking justice for his client and facing down the pressures of a system that pretended to be objective. He, too, had friends, and would use them and his own wits to emerge the much admired, battle-scarred victor.

  • av B Pine

    Two wards are gone! Will the others stand a chance without them? The Syntrea and Academy massacres were averted thanks to the wards, but they have suffered a serious setback. Rohen has fled the Academy with Galen to save her from Humo, leaving the others behind, stunned and struggling to deal with their loss. Humo's terrible plan has failed, but the evil Headmaster is unaware. He believes that Galen is dead. And now her brother Ben is his next target. The dragons now watch closely, waiting for the opportunity to strike while the wards are apart and vulnerable. Rohen and Galen are gone. Megan must take on yet more training to defend herself against the drui. Jamu must complete his first year scouting assignment. And with Ben busy trying to wrest control of the mage's college Arcanum from the Academy, it is up to Princess Jania to find a way to keep her country safe and the Academy Headmaster under control, while also successfully completing her last year as a student mage. But how can she accomplish such a feat without her friends by her side? Severed from her companions, Jania looks to the atral plane for a way to keep the wards united. But to reach it, she will have to defy her most important ally, and face the deadliest dragon she has ever encountered.

  • av Josh Stricklin

    After a horrific accident, graphic artist Jack Simmons and his wife, Cindy, have lost all sense of a normal life. With their marriage in pieces, their only hope in setting things back is by starting over. The two pack their lives in boxes and migrate to the Big Easy. Upon arrival, Jack and Cindy fall into the jobs of their dreams. The new start they were hoping for seemed to have been waiting for them in New Orleans, after all. But something followed them. Something Evil. Jack is commissioned to create the artwork for a graphic novel about a voodoo king, The King of Evil. As Jack works diligently to create a masterpiece, drawing the images back and forth between paper and his computer, he starts seeing things. Images of his King appear in the corners of his vision. They spring up just as Jack falls asleep. Always only inches out of plain sight. The King grows more powerful, and soon he unleashes his power on Jack, Cindy, and the people in their lives. The King slowly destroys everyone around them, showing the newly rekindled couple what it's like to be evil for evil's sake. Jack and Cindy will need help from the King's past victims to stop him. The King of Evil is a heart-pounding, supernatural thriller. Its vibrant characters and intense action is certain to keep its audience reading well into the night.

  • av Mary Maurice

    Never before has Mongoose Falls, Minnesota seen a spring storm like the squall paralyzing the small Midwest town. Candy Jane Cane comes to, cold and disoriented. Fluffy flakes tickle her red nipped nose as her surroundings bewilder her. Jerky, bolting movements slide her through deepening white. Is she on a sled? Has she been caught by Fruit Loops the Serial Killer? Her heart stops and starts, as muffled moans moisten the duct tape sealing her lips.

  • av Jane Tesh

    Belinda Banner promised her mother she'd look after her younger brother, Jay, but when a well-dressed stranger named Ivor comes to her door with a tempting job offer, she sets aside her normal caution. She regrets her decision when she and Jay are carried off through a blinding light to Ivor's world of Belfair where Jay is expected to play the lead in an elaborate play for the annual festival. Jay is immediately taken by the director of More than Legend, a round yellow blob of self-importance named Parvan, who has been banished by his people to Belfair to learn humility. In Jay, Parvan sees a way to win his way back home, but he and Belinda immediately clash. Desperate to return to her world, Belinda insists Ivor take them back. He says he can't predict the doorways of light. Jay is having such a good time she finally resigns herself to the fact they'll have to wait. While Jay is rehearsing, Belinda helps Parvan's neighbor, a handsome young man named Martin, out of a serious depression by finding his living musical reeds, creatures he depends on for his part in the festival. Martin encourages Belinda to dance, a talent she has put aside in order to care for Jay. Yet there is something sinister about Ivor she can't explain, and no one in this peaceful world believes her warnings. And Belinda sees her dreams for Jay's future disappearing as her brother becomes more and more involved with the exciting opportunities this new world affords.

  • av Bill Metzger

    Frederick Middle School social worker Keisha Jones discovers a body in the school dumpster on the first day of a new school year. When the police identify her as Julia Rodriguez, a student, Keisha visits the reported address and finds an abandoned house. Opening school demands prevent Keisha from pursuing her suspicions about what happened, but experiences in her past cause her to recall events she has never come to grips with. Memories emerge randomly, unpredictable moments of deja vu. Instinct tells her there is a connection between Julia's death and her own memories. While seeking information about the student's death, Keisha discovers a link with one of the school's teachers. Despite lacking evidence, she uses her connections to reveal - and avenge - Julia Rodriguez's death.

  • av Tiffany Weems

    On Earth, despite the lack of water, John has managed to find a bit of peace. That is until his brother is killed. Unable to ignore the grievances of the harsh world any longer, John resolves to do the only thing he believes will save the people of Earth, build a spaceship to retrieve the water from Europa. With the enlisted help from Patricia, Stuart, and Tuft, the three manage to build a crude ship. However, they encounter a few troubles in gathering enough provisions for the long journey. Will the ship work? What awaits the crew beyond?

  • av Mike Lynch & Brandon Barr

    Abducted by a warrior civilization and brought to Arena Planet on the other side of the galaxy, Carter Stone is forced to fight against other alien species in gladiatorial combat. As long as he keeps winning, Earth survives. If he loses... * * * Carter Stone has had enough. No longer would be be a hitman for the mob. All he wants is a cabin in the mountains to live out his life in peaceful solitude. Never did he imagine the alien ship suspended above New York City the last several days is in search of the perfect warrior, and it has found him. Whisked away to Arena Planet with three others from Earth, Carter soon discovers they are expected to do one thing: fight against opposing teams of aliens to the death in gladiatorial matches. If Carter's team wins, they move up to the next level. If they lose, Earth is destroyed. Known only as the Overseers, they are a militaristic race that controls most of the galaxy. The Overseers have created Arena Planet as a means of enhancing their warriors' skills as they observe other races fight to the death. Carter and his team have been given the help of a mentor named Taliah, whose job it is to train them in various forms of combat. Unknown to Carter, his teammates and the Overseers, she has been waiting for her opportunity to instigate a rebellion against her planet's conquerors. All she needs is a warrior with the right skills who is willing to lead the fight, and she believes Carter is that man. There's just one catch. Carter must sacrifice his life to free Earth and the other planets under the Overseer's control.

  • av Jim Kochanoff

    Imagine a city with drones on each street, monitoring your every move. No crime goes unpunished. No criminal can escape. No place to hide. No one is ever alone. I live in the safest city in the world... until I tried to leave it.

  • - Survivor's of the Siege, Book 2)
    av Clifford B Bowyer

    Assistance granted. Favors exchanged. Help provided. Lives saved. From the shadows these interactions have been as small as providing food when in need, to prophecies that toppled nations. All with the cryptic reply that one day a mysterious "employer" would need something in return. That day has finally come. Arifos, the greatest Madrew warrior who ever lived is pulled away from his mission of vengeance against the legions of Zoldex as he fights to keep the Suspintian Forest free. Kai, the Madrew protector of the Child of Prophecy is overseeing her recovery after she was dealt a near-fatal blow in a confrontation against Zoldex. Kabilian, the collector of mystical items and self-proclaimed assassin is seeking his own fate before being swept up in the machinations of others. Rawthorne, the tyrant who butchered his own family to claim the Falestian throne now serves Zoldex, but finds doubts and has many questions about just how he got here. These four and their companions all have their own goals, their own agendas, their own sense of honor, yet all four must come together and form an uneasy alliance as their markers are all called in and they are forced together to deal with a threat from the past that they all thought was dead and buried. If they can work together, the debt will be paid. If not, an old enemy threatens to undermine everything that they work so hard to achieve.

  • av Rod Sterling

    On Halloween in 1777, the night of a blue moon, a Hessian cavalryman lost his head to an American three-pound cannon ball. He is said to ride in search of his missing head 'when the moon is full and the sky is clear.' But not in Sleepy Hollow. Washington Irving heard the story while staying at an inn in New Jersey and employed literary license to relocate the story. A paratrooper hero of D-Day survives the war in one piece only to be beheaded by the evil spirits in his home town - or was he? While being initiated into a secret society, George Panabaker must spend the night on a so-called haunted bridge. The next morning his body is identified only by the Airborne tattoo on his arm because his head is missing. The locals hush it up to avoid negative publicity. As a result, George's paratrooper buddy - private detective Tony Donohoo - does not learn of the death for eight years. George's younger brother hires Tony to get to the bottom of who actually killed his brother. Tony enlists the aid of his beautiful, but sarcastic red-haired girlfriend, Mindy McCall. Together they work to unravel the secret of who actually killed George Panabaker and why. In so doing, they must combat not only the local sheriff, but also community leaders who have something to conceal. Tony and Mindy narrowly escape death by the headless rider themselves, but ultimately prevail, culminating in a wild midnight chase of the spirit on horseback.

  • av K Van Kramer

    Earth is in trouble, but after a daring escape to a remote outpost on Mars, Dr. Lirren Lamar finds herself facing more than her appointed role to help feed a small colony. Aided by her boyfriend Xanders, and her prodigy son, it's not easy to survive on Mars or explain the stolen genetic mutant crop seeds that she brought with her - much less handle the politics. With an international campaign to safeguard the Colonial site from acute overpopulation, it becomes clear that the U.S. Martian Colony is ruled with an iron fist by the military, wrestling between peace and prosperity, secrecy and power. Together they play a defining role for human survival, but Lirren's idealism and rebellious regard to authority has unexpected consequences giving her a quick introduction to the rules there. It's not long before a cunning intelligence officer decides he wants her for himself, and Xanders must fight for her. Complete with a daring E.V.A. rescue in outer space, a space elevator, drones, and an unpredictable Russian space tycoon, Logan may hold the secrets people are willing to kill for. But as human life hangs in the balance between the two planets, Lirren, Xanders, and Logan will have to use all of their strength to prevail in this astonishing adventure.

  • av Deni Starr

    Sean O'Connor, retired boxer, is asked by Maybelle Preacher to check out the boxing gym her grandson joined. Doing a quick check, Sean agrees that the place feels wrong. To help him find out exactly what, he contacts the professional private investigator, Cindy Matasar, who helped him with his car accident. While they begin their investigation together, quickly developing a romantic interest, they soon learn that their efforts are not appreciated by well placed political figures. When boxers from he and his friend's gym end up murdered, Sean and Cindy find themselves targets of a well-organized criminal enterprise with political clout. Just when they think they know who is behind it all, they find their prime suspect has been dead for years. Now it is a race against time to uncover the killer before he strikes any closer to home.

  • av Hayley Myer
    236 - 365,-

  • av Martin Berman-Gorvine

    If a demon and its servants ruled your ordinary town, demanding an annual virgin sacrifice, would you have the courage to stop them? And at what price? This question confronts Amos Ross, Suzie Mitchell, and Vickie Riordan, high school seniors in the new horror novel, All Souls Day. In an alternate reality of the 1980's, twenty years after the Cuban Missile Crisis triggered World War III and left the United States a devastated wasteland, the ancient, demonic god Moloch, whose worship was forbidden by the Old Testament, exercises absolute control over the Philadelphia suburb of Chatham's Forge. The town is an oasis of prosperity that the nuclear war hardly touched, but its comfort comes at a fearful cost: at the high school prom every year, the prettiest and most popular senior girl is chosen by Moloch and his servant, the evil Pastor Justin Bello, to be spirited away to a former National Guard armory known as the Castle, where she is imprisoned alone for five months only to be beheaded and eaten alive by the demon on All Souls Day, the second of November, the anniversary of the war. And this year, 1985, it's Suzie's turn...

  • av Bill Metzger

    When Nate Callahan died, his brother Ed found himself the sudden owner of a micro brewery. And the bearer of a promise to his younger brother to make the venture succeed. Ed never pictured himself as a businessman. He had watched his brother build Callahans Brewery from the comfort of a tenured university professorship. In his forties, married and on a safe career path, he lacked the gregarious nature necessary to run a business built on beer. Running a brewery better suited his brother, a high school football star and pension fund manager who had quit his job and used his money to open Callahans. But Nate's untimely death thrust him into the new career. Someone had to carry on the family name and provide meaning to his brother's dream. "We have no other family," his brother had said. "This is our legacy." Determined to fulfill the promise to his brother, Ed expected to encounter some difficulties. What he didn't expect was that someone wanted Callahans to fail. And would attempt anything, including murder, to achieve that goal.

  • av Jane Tesh

    Desmond Fairweather, a young musician whose creative efforts are hampered by fears he may possess destructive magical powers, is swept up in a world of mystery and intrigue as he helps his tabloid writer friend Jake Brenner, who is on the hunt for a big supernatural story. Skeptical of the validity of the stories Jake hunts, Des reluctantly accompanies his friend on his latest adventure with the promise that Jake can help him secure an audition with the city symphony, a break Des desperately needs. This latest story brings the two out to the country to investigate some talking flowers at the Snowden estate. While investigating the flowers of Christine Snowden, a startlingly beautiful young woman appears to Des who claims to be magical. She is Kalida, a mysterious creature who has escaped from the people of the Caverns and renounced their evil ways. However, her people have found her and are pressuring her to return to their world. Butterfly Waltz captures the pure essence of two friends as they struggle with their own problems while trying to help out each other. It blends adventure, intrigue, mystery, and the allure of supernatural and inexplicable phenomena, all wrapped together in a delightful symphony that will capture the hearts and minds of readers.

  • av Jared Angel

    Benjamin Dusk Knight remembers nothing of the past two years or why he is in a prison mental hospital. In an effort to restore Dusk's memory, Dr. Matthews takes him on a journey through the tragic events of his childhood. After the death of his family, Dusk is sent to live at his aunt's house, where he finds nothing but abuse and neglect. His first foster home is not much better and Dusk completely stops communicating. The foster dad, Pepe, at his second foster home provides him with the love and security he needs to begin the healing process. When Pepe offers to adopt Dusk, another death of a loved one convinces Dusk he is cursed. He runs away and his life spirals out of control until a little girl gives him flowers. Inspired by her kindness, he gets his first job and a sense of normalcy. While Dusk is complacent with this memory, Dr. Matthews forces him to dig deeper into his hidden past, pushing him to the edge of sanity, when at last, his darkest and most horrific secret is revealed.

  • - Survivors of the Siege, Book 1)
    av Clifford B Bowyer

    Prophecy. Destiny. Schemes. Manipulation. Powerful forces have been at work to prepare the Imperium and the world around it for the dark times to come. Savior. Guardian. Tyrant. Despot. Roles have been cast, and sides chosen. The victors. The losers. Good. Evil. Only history will determine who was who and pass judgment on the times that can only be considered the end of days by those who experienced them. Zoldex and his legions have brought the once proud government of the Imperium to ruin, leaving an overwhelming sense of desperation and hopelessness to many of the survivors. His forces have spread out, claiming most of the land and dominating with an iron fist. Survivors of his siege seek salvation in the north, in Falestia, the only unconquered Kingdom of the realm. But even the glimmer of hope is threatened to be extinguished as Zoldex's forces hunt the survivors down. A new world order is in place. A tyrant sits upon the throne, victorious. Even those who would resist struggle to band together and organize, leaving most to fend for themselves. Even the Chilf of Prophecy, Kyria, the last hope of so many, finds that fulfilling her destiny will be no easy task. Corruption marks the beginning of a deadly new world, the foundation of Zoldex's reign. Seen through Zoldex's perspective, Bowyer's latest installment of The Imperium Saga will delve on the dark side and blur the lines of everything you know, or think that you know. Be warned, for once one is corrupted and let's darkness into their hearts, they'll forevermore be tainted.

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