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  • - A Present Day Journey Through John Bunyan's 'Pilgrim's Progress'
    av Carolyn Staley

    Carolyn Staley has been serving as a pastor's wife for over 45 years and she has been laboring over this exposition of PILGRIM'S PROGRESS for the last ten years. In her own words from her Preface we read: 'My journey to the Celestial City began at the age of nineteen when the Lord opened my heart, brought me to the Lord Jesus Christ, and saved me by his grace. In those early days as a young Christian, my tendency toward morbid introspection caused great mental anguish concerning the assurance of my salvation. During that dark period, I first became acquainted with John Bunyan when I was given two of his books, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners and The Pilgrim's Progress. At first I was actually afraid to read them, afraid that they would confirm my worst fears. However, as I began to read and ponder these works written so long ago, a glimmer of hope began to arise in my mind. I was not alone after all! John Bunyan suffered the very same things and wrote of them. At last I could give a name to the spiritual turmoil I had so often experienced. It was the murky Slough of Despond. The tormenting fear that so often held my heart and mind captive also had a name, Doubting Castle, baronial estate of Giant Despair. Thus I felt an immediate affinity with the humble tinker of Bedford that greatly encouraged me in those first days of my own pilgrimage. Many years later when I was asked to teach The Pilgrim's Progress to our teenagers in Sunday school, I gladly accepted the challenge and began an in-depth study of that great work. Using those early lessons as a foundation, I later expanded and revised them into a series of thirty meditational studies that were published in Adam's Rib, a monthly periodical especially designed for Christian women. These meditations provided the framework for an even more comprehensive study that resulted in the writing of this book."

  • - The Church's Neglected Possession
    av James I Packer & Alan M Stibbs

    The authors of this book approach their theme with the conviction that "the gift of the Spirit to indwell God's people, corporately and individually, is the supreme and crowning blessing held forth by the Gospel." Yet as they frankly acknowledge, the doctrine of the Spirit is tragically neglected by the Church.

  • - Edited by George Offor with Marginal Notes by Bunyan
    av John Bunyan

    JOHN BUNYAN was C. H. Spurgeon's favorite author and his legendary work, THE PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, is the most popular book ever written apart from Holy Scripture. Spurgeon loved reading and re-reading this work, claiming to have read it over 100 times!

  • - Belgic Confession of Faith, Heidelberg Catechism & Canons of Dort

    The Three Forms of Unity - THE HEIDELBERG CATECHISM - THE BELGIC CONFESSION & THE CANONS OF THE SYNOD OF DORTEDITION: We are honored to be able to use the edition of the Three Forms edited and introduced by Dr. Joel Beeke of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan.This edition includes a Scripture Index.EXTRAS:In addition to the Three Forms, this edition also includes: THE APOSTLES' CREED - THE NICENE CREED & THE ATHANASIAN CREED


    THIS IS THE PAPERBACK EDITION OF OUR DELUXE 1689 CONFESSION OF FAITHBOOK INCLUDES:Historical Introduction by Jim RenihanOriginal Letter to the ReaderThe Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689Original Appendix on BaptismThe Baptist Catechism with Scripture Proofs

  • - Held Forth to the Humble: A Classic Exposition and Application of 2nd Chronicles 7:14 to the People of God
    av Professor of Philosophy John (University of Reading) Preston

    A Puritan Classic exposition of the well-known, but oft-misunderstood 2nd Chronicles 7:14, "If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land." John Preston wrote a true masterpiece.

  • - Sermons Upon the Westminster Shorter Catechism
    av Thomas Watson

    In 1878 Charles H. Spurgeon wrote a Preface to his publication of a new revised edition of Watson's 'Body of Divinity', which he introduced with these words: "Thomas Watson's BODY OF PRACTICAL DIVINITY is one of the most precious and peerless works of the Puritans; and those best acquainted with it prize it most."

  • - Good Words from God's Word for the Young
    av Richard Newton

    This was the very first book written by the man who went on to become known as "The Prince of Preachers to Children." Newton explains the origin of the book in the Preface: "The following sermons have been published at the request of the teachers of the Sunday-schools of St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia. For the last two years, there has been a service for the children of this congregation, on the afternoon of the first Sunday of the month. On these occasions, the children occupy the body of the church. The usual service is performed, and a sermon preached, designed especially for the benefit of the children. It is called, 'THE CHILDREN'S CHURCH.'"For more than 30 years Newton conducted CHILDREN'S CHURCH each month in which he preached a full length sermon prepared for the young lambs of his flock. Thousands upon thousands heard these masterful addresses, and the Lord used these messages mightily and raised up an army of faithful servants who went into pastoral ministry, the mission field, and numerous other places where the name of Christ is honored. THESE MESSAGES ARE BOTH TIMELESS AND TIMELY."Every page is adapted to rivet attention, both by freshness of its matter, and the simple, yet graphic character of the illustrative anecdotes. Christian mothers will find ample material here for a dozen pleasant Sunday afternoons with their children, and teachers a store of instructive and interesting matter." -from the original publisher's advertisement

  • - Jesus Displayed in the Riches of His Grace
    av Richard Newton

    "We sometimes see a bright jewel which has many smooth polished sides or surfaces. It is pleasant to take up such a jewel; turn it carefully over; look at its many surfaces, one after another, and notice the different views they present of the beauty shining out from that precious stone.Now, the character and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, our Blessed Savior, may well be compared to such a jewel. There are many sides to this jewel. And there is a wonderful variety in the rays of light and loveliness, that shine out from these different sides. No two of them are exactly alike. It is an interesting and profitable study to examine this jewel carefully, and see the amazing brightness and beauty that are hid in it, and are all the time shining out from it.The aim of the present volume is to assist the young in doing this. Their attention is here called to a few of the shining surfaces of this great Jewel. Jesus, in the riches of His grace and the wonders of His love, is the one theme of these sermons.If the reading of them shall help any of His young friends, in their efforts to know Jesus more, to love and serve Him better, and, in so doing, to be happier and more useful, the writer will feel abundantly rewarded for his labor." - from the Author's Preface

  • - Lessons for Children of All Ages
    av Richard Newton

    I. The first giant I am to speak of is the GIANT HEATHENISM. This giant doesn't live here. He is found in countries where the Gospel is not known. His castles may be seen in Africa, and in India, in China, and in the islands of the sea. He is a huge giant. This giant is very strong, and very cruel. Well, what are we to do to this giant? Why, we must fight him, as David did Goliath. The Bible is the brook to which we must go. The truths which it contains are the stones that we must use.II. The second giant I would speak of is the GIANT SELFISHNESS. The giant selfishness never sees, or hears, or does anything for anyone but himself if you find that you are getting to think more of yourself than of others, then be sure the giant is after you. We must fight this giant by self-denial.III. The third giant I want to speak about is the GIANT COVETOUSNESS. This giant is very large in size, and very strong in limb; but he has the tiniest tittle bit of a heart you ever saw, might put it in a nutshell. The only wonder is how so huge a frame can be supported by so little a heart. But this is not all, for little as his heart is, it is hard as stone. He is ashamed of his name, and won't answer to it. He pretends that his right name is — frugality. But this is a great story. Frugality is a very different person. He is a good, true, honest fellow If you ask, How are you to fight him? I answer, by learning to give.IV. The fourth giant of which I will speak is the GIANT ILL-TEMPER. But how are we to fight against, this giant? I answer, By trying to be like Jesus. We always think of Him as — the "gentle Jesus, meek and mild." Do you suppose that this giant ever got a single link of his chain on Jesus? No.V. The last giant I wish to speak about is the GIANT INTEMPERANCE. He is a very ugly-looking fellow. When he is in a good humor, and feels jolly, he puts on a silly face, and looks very foolish. But when he gets in a passion he is awful looking, and it makes one shudder to see him.In addition to these Five Giants Dr. Newton also has Five addresses on the following:THE GOOD SOLDIERS: on 2 Timothy 2:3THE CONQUEROR'S JEWEL: on Exodus 28:19THE WONDERFUL EYES: on Proverbs 15:3ACKNOWLEDGING GOD: on Proverbs 3:6THE CURE FOR CARE: on Genesis 22:14

  • av James Buchanan

    "James Buchanan belonged to the bright galaxy of theologians who graced the early days of the Free Church of Scotland. His brilliant and uniquely conceived treatment of the Holy Spirit expounds his Ministry first biblically and theologically, then in a series of biographical studies, and finally systematically in the life of the Christian. Buchanan superbly combines the reliable with the readable, the doctrinal with the practical, the theological with the devotional. 'The Office and Work of the Holy Spirit' is a classic work on the Holy Spirit and a master class in theology." - Sinclair Ferguson

  • - A Decade of Gospel Conversations
    av Tony Miano

    "A resource such as 'Cross Encounters', where conversations are transcribed, proves to instruct, humble, and stir us up to zealous evangelism. Let God's people read this volume with gospel-believing gladness and humble delight in observing how God uses faithful witnesses to speak His gospel to the lost so the Spirit of grace may grant new birth!

  • - How God's Instruction Manual Gives Effective Prescriptions for Life's Most Difficult Problems
    av Ed Wallen

    "Ed's life was shattered by the death of his daughter and all that flowed from that event. In this book, he describes some of the pain he experienced. Sometimes 'dark nights of the soul' can be devastating to one's faith and trust in God. Sometimes they can leave the sufferer seemingly forever suspended on the gallows of 'Why?' and 'Why me?' Ed certainly writes as one 'acquainted with grief, ' the kind of grief from which we all want to hide our faces. But he also writes as one who lives by the promises of God. This is a book written 'out of the depths' (Ps. 130:1). This is a great book because it is an honest book, one that deals with the deepest agonies of human life in the light of God's providential love and overcoming grace. And this is a work of genuine pastoral theology. No shepherd of God's flock should be without it. Tolle lege! 'Take and read!'" - Dr. Timothy George

  • - The Little-Known Man Behind the Well-Known Hymn
    av Thomas Garrett Isham

    Sadly, Augustus Toplady is not known as much as his most famous hymn 'Rock of Ages.' Thomas Isham seeks to redress that reality in his latest book. You will find out that the man who wrote this great hymn was a gifted and godly man who accomplished a great deal more than just writing a few worthy hymns that are still sung hundreds of years after his death. The man with the odd name was a true and noble champion for the Doctrines of Grace, and he did not shy away from entering the theological arena. He sought to follow the counsel of Jude who urged the people of the first century, "to contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered to the saints." This book will bring back to life the little-known man behind the well-known hymn. Take it up and read it for your good.

  • - The Work of the Holy Spirit in True Conversion
    av Austin Phelps

  • - Timeless Words of Wisdom for Today's Family
    av Dr James R Miller

    Moody Monthly said the following about the 1945 edition: "These pages teem with gracious counsel, admonition and help from the pen of an unusually thoughtful man of warm sympathies, a rich life experience and a broad outlook. His thesis has been developed on the highest level of Christian thought and feeling." Pastor Bill Shishko said, "If any 19th century American Christian writer warrants reprinting, it is J. R. Miller! His writing style is delightfully smooth, his insights are spiritual diamonds on every page, and his pastoral applications are delivered with the skill of a well-seasoned physician of souls."

  • av Austin Phelps

    Austin Phelps (1820-1890) was a congregational minister, a professor of sacred rhetoric and homiletics, and later a president of Andover Theological Seminary. He wrote several books which were widely read, but none as much as "The Still Hour." What is said about THE STILL HOUR deserves to be said about STUDIES OF THE OLD TESTAMENT. The opening essay on "The Prophet of the Broken Heart" and the closing chapter on "Christ the Centre of Biblical Thought" are truly worth the price of the book, but all of the other 22 chapters are soul-stirring and heart-warming as well.

  • av Gregg Hodge

  • - A Reformed and Baptistic Perspective on God's Covenants
    av Greg Nichols

  • - Lessons for Young People from History, Sports and Odds & Ends
    av Peter Jeffery

  • - Classic Discourses on Paul's Ministry in Athens

  • - A Compact Summary of the Old and New Testaments
    av John Gresham Machen

  • av Thomas Spurgeon

  • - A Baptist Distinctive

  • - Answering Common Objections Concerning God's Sovereignty in Election
    av John Samson

  • - Changing Our World for Christ
    av Adolphe Monod

  • - Exemplified in the Life & Writings of Isabella Graham

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