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  • Spar 14%
    av Valery M. Nakariakov
    1 337 - 1 566,-

    The book presents a broad and in-depth overview of recent achievements and the current state of research in magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) oscillatory and wave phenomena in the coronae of the Sun and stars. Major progress in coronal wave studies has been achieved thanks to the combination of high-precision multi-wavelength observations with spaceborne and ground-based facilities, elaborated theory of the interaction of MHD waves with plasma non-uniformities, state-of-the-art numerical simulations, and novel data analysis techniques. It has allowed the research community to reach a new look at the role played by MHD wave processes in the enigmatic phenomena of coronal plasma heating and wind acceleration as well as powerful energy releases such as flares and coronal mass ejections. In addition, the waves are intensively used as natural probes in the remote diagnostics of the coronal plasma parameters and physical processes operating in solar and stellar coronae via the method of MHD seismology. Individual chapters cover recent cutting-edge results obtained on the analysis and theoretical modelling of several most intensively studied coronal MHD wave phenomena, namely, kink and sausage oscillations of coronal loops and other field-aligned plasma structures, plus running and standing slow magnetoacoustic waves. A dedicated chapter assesses the reliability of proposed theoretical mechanisms for heating of the coronal plasma by MHD waves. Another chapter summarizes the current state of our understanding of the physical mechanisms and observational properties of quasi-periodic pulsations in solar flares, considers their analogy with similar processes detected in stellar flares, and thus establishes solid ground for the further exploitation of the solar-stellar analogy. An important discussion of novel data analysis techniques designed recently for MHD seismology applications is presented in a devoted chapter. The direction of future advances in the designated research areas are discussed.The book is a spin-off from the Topical Collection "Oscillatory Processes in Solar and Stellar Coronae" of the journal Space Science Reviews.

  • Spar 16%
    av John Chathanatt
    3 330,-

    Published in the Series Encyclopedia of Indian Religions, this volume is devoted to Christianity in India, where it has had a long presence, going back to the time of the apostles of Jesus Christ. Divided into two parts, this volume focuses on the history, origin, organizations and local engagements, belief system, worship practices, Rites, Rituals, Christian life, Contributions, Spirituality and a few of the main doctrinal items. The Second Part covers the doctrinal and theological arena. It examines the earlier phase of the history of Christianity starting with the traditional belief of the arrival of St. Thomas in AD 52, moving to the periods of its association with the Chaldean church, the Portuguese, the Dutch, English and so on. This volume highlights the missionary activities of persons like St. Francis Xavier, the creative contributions made to the inter-religious dialogue by such people as Roberto de Nobili (1577-1656) and Swami Abhishiktananda (1910-1973), the linguistic and educational contributions of some of the pioneers like the German Jesuit Johanne Ernst Hanxleden (known as Arnos Padiri) (1681-1732), Herman Gundert (1814-1893), St. Elias Kuriakos Chavara (1805-1871), and, a fortiori, the enormous contributions in the healthcare area throughout the country. Caring for and serving the socio-economically marginalized ones, the peripheralized people formed an integral part of the Christian activity In India, as it is done even today. This is highlighted very much in the volume. It, further, explores the contact India had with European Christianity, showing that European Christianity proved to have wider influence in the Norther part of India, unlike Indiäs early episodic encounters with Palestinian and Persian forms of Christianity, which had deep influence in the Southern part of India. The volume also highlights the inner struggle among the followers resulting even in its division originating at the Synod of Diamper in 1599 manifesting, by and large, the Church-state ¿love and hate¿ relationships. In fine, in spite of the drawbacks of putting the herculean task of two thousand years of history in eight hundred pages or so, this volume gives a rather comprehensive view of Christianity in India especially to those who are unfamiliar with its life and dynamics in the Indian context. The wide range of photographs, especially of the churches revealing the architectural beauty and multiplicity along with the ensample of art and paintings and pilgrimage centers adds to the enrichment of the volume.

  • Spar 12%
    av Allan I. Pack
    1 123 - 1 272,-

    The aim of this book is to provide health care professionals with an overview of the main aspects of recent advances in sleep medicine, with an emphasis on advancing basic science into clinical medicine. It is divided into three main parts. The first part is to cover the basic sleep mechanisms which includes genetics in sleep, and neural and humoral regulation of sleep and wakefulness. The second part focuses on the epidemiology of sleep, and the final part consists of the pathophysiological mechanisms of snoring and sleep apnea and other common sleep disorders as well as the consequences. The content of this book is written by experts and sleep specialists from all over the world and this book aims to optimize the health of individuals by "e;translating"e; bench side findings into clinical practice.

  • Spar 14%
    av Bernard Faye
    1 337,-

    This practical guide is intended for all actors in the sector who work with large camelids, whether in breeding, technical advice or veterinary care. It successively describes the general aspects of the species, the physiological bases of reproduction, lactation and feeding, the main production processes, and health and hygiene management in camel breeding. Chapters on slaughter, important camel products and their processing complete the volume.Large camels (camels and Bactrian camels) are domestic animals that are increasingly used in Western countries, as well as in Africa and Asia, for tourism, sport, and production of milk, meat, and wool. In addition, camel husbandry systems are changing, taking a greater share of sedentary systems, specializing in breeding, and intensifying production. At the same time, many veterinarians and breeders are not familiar with the animal, its needs, physiology, diseases, and management, which is often based on practicesintroduced for cattle and proving ineffective.This work is a practical aid for all interested readers who want to embark on the adventure of working with large camelids in a cultural context where they are not yet a dominant element of the agricultural landscape. The numerous photographs and drawings that support the text make it a unique and entertaining read.

  • Spar 14%
    av Kenneth A. Farley, Kathryn M. Stack & Kenneth H. Williford
    3 030

    NASA's Mars 2020 mission successfully landed the Perseverance rover in Jezero crater on February 18, 2021.This book provides the definitive pre-landing documentation of the Mars 2020 mission, its scientific payload elements, and its exploration area.The chapters in this volume include detailed descriptions of: The Perseverance mission, and its relationship to a possible Mars Sample Return campaign; The geology of the mission's exploration environment in Jezero crater; and The purpose, design and operation of all seven instruments aboard the rover (Mastcam-Z, SHERLOC, RIMFAX, Supercam, MOXIE, PIXL, and MEDA) as well as the engineering cameras and the Mars helicopter Ingenuity. NASA's ambitious Mars 2020 mission extends a long arc of Martian exploration by seeking evidence that life may once have existed on Mars, and by preparing a collection of samples for possible return to Earth by a future mission. Mars 2020 will also enable future exploration by characterizing modern weather conditions and by demonstrating new technologies.Previously published in Space Science Reviews in the Topical Collection "The Mars 2020 Mission"

  • Spar 13%
    av John D. Richardson
    1 593,-

    "The Heliosphere in the Local Interstellar Medium", the Proceedings of the First ISSI Workshop 6-10 November 1995, Bern, Switzerland, edited by R. von Steiger, R. Lallement, and M.A. Lee and published in 1996, was the first International Space Science Institute (ISSI) book in the Space Sciences Series. This book covers the knowledge gained in the subsequent 27 years that revolutionized our understanding of the interaction of the heliosphere with the very local interstellar medium (VLISM). Entirely new regions of space have been explored! The Voyagers both crossed the termination shock, passed through the heliosheath, crossed the heliopause, and entered the interstellar medium. New Horizons was launched with more modern instrumentation and explores low-latitude regions of the outer heliosphere. Energetic neutral atoms observed by IBEX and CASSINI allowed exploration of the heliosphere over the whole sky. The initial reconnaissance of the heliosphere and VLISM is complete with in situmeasurements, observations of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), neutral VLISM H and He, UV emissions, and interstellar dust.This book is a collection reviews from experts in the many aspects of this field that describe the current state of knowledge of the heliosphere¿s interaction with the interstellar medium, puzzles yet to be solved, and future plans to continue these studies.

  • Spar 15%
    av Thomas Immel & Douglas Rowland
    1 684 - 1 956

    This book provides a comprehensive overview of NASA's ICON space mission. Written before ICON's launch, the papers contain the most complete description of the ICON flight instruments and preflight operation plans.In addition to the technology and engineering, the volume describes ICON's scientific mission to investigate how lower atmospheric tropospheric dynamics affect the high altitude ionosphere, and why special emphasis was placed on understanding how neutral winds affect the ionospheric dynamics. This book helps researchers better understand ICON's workings and why ionospheric behavior is so important to technically advanced societies, as systems based on satellite communications and GPS rely on the propagation of radio waves through the ionosphere. Previously published in Space Science Reviews in the Topical Collection "The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) mission"

  • Spar 15%
    av Xavier Fauvergue
    1 864 - 1 915

    This book presents an exhaustive overview of the theoretical foundations and practical applications of biocontrol in agriculture. It encompasses all kinds of nature-based approaches for crop protection: introduction and conservation of natural enemies, release of sterile insects, enhancement of plant defenses, use of microorganisms, biopesticides, and semiochemicals. Cutting-edge knowledge in population biology, microbial ecology, epidemiology and chemical ecology is presented in accessible terms. The potential of field application is discussed with regard to practical aspects but also socioeconomic constraints. The 62 authors are researchers from a large panel of disciplines, from theoretical biology to social sciences.   

  • Spar 14%
    av Tom Cresswell, Michael D. Wood, Gayle E. Woloschak, m.fl.
    1 337,-

    This proceedings volume results from the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on 'Biomarkers of Radiation in the Environment: Robust Tools for Risk Assessment (BRITE)'. The BRITE workshop discussed insights from cancer research, epigenetics, non-human and human risk assessment, since many of the state-of-the-art biomarkers being developed for humans deserve consideration for environmental applications and vice versa. Sessions were very wide-ranging covering methods, mechanisms, cross disciplinary application and regulation.The chapters in this book have been grouped into five major themes that were covered by the BRITE workshop:· Techniques for biomarker development· Low-dose effect mechanisms· Biomarkers for risk evaluation· Biomarkers in wildlife· Biomarker use and responses Each chapter has been written independently and reflects the views of the chapter author(s). Therefore, the readers can form their own balanced view of the different perspectives on biomarkers of radiation in the environment. Given the breadth of topics covered and the state-of-the-art perspectives shared by leading experts in their respective fields, this book should form a valuable resource for anyone with an interest in how biomarkers can be used to improve our understanding of radiation in the environment and its potential impacts.

  • Spar 14%
    av Chi-Sing Man
    1 820

    This book starts with an introduction to quantitative texture analysis (QTA), which adopts conventions (active rotations, definition of Euler angles, Wigner D-functions) that conform to those of the present-day mathematics and physics literature. Basic concepts (e.g., orientation; orientation distribution function (ODF), orientation density function, and their relationship) are made precise through their mathematical definition. Parts II and III delve deeper into the mathematical foundations of QTA, where the important role played by group representations is emphasized. Part II includes one chapter on generalized QTA based on the orthogonal group, and Part III one on tensorial Fourier expansion of the ODF and tensorial texture coefficients. This work will appeal to students and practitioners who appreciate a precise presentation of QTA through a unifying mathematical language, and to researchers who are interested in applications of group representations to texture analysis. Previously published in the Journal of Elasticity, Volume 149, issues 1-2, April, 2022

  • Spar 14%
    av Carol Soon
    1 453,-

    This book focuses on developments and trends pertaining to online falsehoods and mobile instant messaging services (MIMS), the impact of online falsehoods transmitted via MIMS, and practice and intervention. As the reliance on mobile devices for news seeking and information sharing continues to grow, the spread of online falsehoods on MIMS is a problem that confounds academics, practitioners, and policymakers. Recent developments in countries such as Brazil and India demonstrate how MIMS facilitate the spread of online falsehoods. Given that a number of non-academic and non-governmental institutions in the region are doing important work in countering the influence of online falsehoods, this book also includes contributions by practitioners who design initiatives and programmes in this area. The book is a timely contribution in addressing the distinct issues of online falsehoods in a large, technophilic region such as Asia, grappling with problems of online falsehoods on so many fronts, including ideological extremism, political opportunism, cyberscams, political activism, digitalised learning, geopolitical tensions, and more. Relevant to researchers and policymakers, this book provides a timely and critical analysis of both research and practice conducted in the Asian context by scholars hailing from a range of disciplines such media studies, political communication, cultural studies, and cognitive science.

  • Spar 15%
    av Filip Hostiuc
    1 684 - 1 956

    Science for Peace and Security (SPS) cooperation brings together NATO & partners to address common security concerns reflected in the so-called SPS Key Priorities. These include emerging security challenges such as terrorism, cyber defense or energy security, as well as human and social aspects of security, support to NATO-led mission and operation, advanced technologies with security applications, and early warning.  The SPS project "e;Advanced Civil Emergency Coordination Pilot in the Western Balkans"e; addresses several of these areas. As a key regional SPS flagship project, it helps to build capacity in response to a concrete security challenge. The Western Balkans is a region frequently affected by natural disasters and the pilot project provides emergency responders in the region with an incident command system that allows sharing information about disasters in a fast and easy way, enhancing situational awareness and building capacity in the area of civil emergency coordination.

  • av John Collins, Maura Cesaria & Antonio Calà Lesina
    2 086

    The investigation of light-matter interactions in materials, especially those on the nanoscale, represents perhaps the most promising avenue for scientific progress in the fields of photonics and plasmonics. This book examines a variety of topics, starting from fundamental principles, leading to the current state of the art research. For example, this volume includes a chapter on the sensing of biological molecules with optical resonators (microspheres) combined with plasmonic systems, where the response this system are described in a fundamental and elegant manner using coupled mode theory. Symmetry plays a major role in the book. One chapter on time reversal symmetry in electromagnetic theory describes how to control the properties of light (e.g. scattering and directionality of the flow of light) in materials with certain topological invariants. Another chapter where symmetry is prominent reformulates, using a gentle and pedagogical approach, Maxwell¿s Equations into a new set of fields that reveal a ¿handedness¿ symmetry in electromagnetic theory, which can be applied to photonic systems in, for example, the sensing of chiral molecules and understanding the conditions for zero reflection. Also, for students and researchers starting in the field of nanoplasmonics, the book includes a tutorial on the finite element time domain simulation of nanoplasmonic systems. Other topics include photonic systems for quantum computing, nanoplasmonics, and optical properties of nano and bulk materials. The authors take a pedagogical approach to their topic, making the book an excellent reference for graduate students and scientists starting in the fields of photonics or plasmonics.

  • av Vanda Claudino-Sales
    1 306,-

    This book presents the natural, environmental and scenic richness of the world's coastal and marine areas classified by UNESCO as "Natural World Heritage Sites". Representing well-preserved areas of exceptional significance to the planet and to humankind, they include a total of 49 marine sites, formed by reefs, atolls and gulfs, and 35 coastal sites in all oceans and all continents with exception of Antarctica. They are being protected and preserved from most degrading uses for future generations as an important legacy from the past. Exploring their richness, this book analyzes and explains these sites in a clear, understandable, scientific way, and is of interest to all who work in or care about the geosciences, environmental sciences and biosciences.

  • av Hassan Askari, Ebrahim Esmailzadeh & Davood Younesian
    1 956

    This book covers both classical and modern analytical methods in nonlinear systems. A wide range of applications from fundamental research to engineering problems are addressed. The book contains seven chapters, each with miscellaneous problems and their detailed solutions. More than 100 practice problems are illustrated, which might be useful for students and researchers in the areas of nonlinear oscillations and applied mathematics. With providing real world examples, this book shows the multidisciplinary emergence of nonlinear dynamical systems in a wide range of applications including mechanical and electrical oscillators, micro/nano resonators and sensors, and also modelling of global warming, epidemic diseases, sociology, chemical reactions, biology and ecology.

  • Spar 14%
    av Gabriel Flynn
    1 704

    Gabriel Flynn and Patricia H. Werhane This book points to a necessary relationship between ethics and business; the success of such an alliance depends directly on sound business leadership. Without the sort of leadership that upholds the dignity and rights of employees and clients, as well as the interests of shareholders, even the most meticulously prepared ethics statements are destined to founder, as evidenced at Enron and elsewhere. Over the past 30 years or so, since business ethics became established as a discipline in its own right, much progress has been made in the ethical conduct of business at all levels. In short, business people, like politicians, doctors and church leaders, have come to realize that it is not possible to avoid involvement in ethics, for much of what business people do and cannot do may be subject to ethical evaluation. While the history of business ethics as currently practised may be traced to the medieval and ancient periods; our principal concern is with developments in the ?eld over recent decades. A consideration of how the topic has been treated by the Harvard Business Review, the business world'sleadingprofessionaljournal,provideshelpful insights into past progress and present challenges. In 1929, just as business ethics was beginning to evolve, Wallace B.

  • av Kazuhiko Nishijima
    1 333,-

    This book is a translation of the 8th edition of Prof. Kazuhiko Nishijima's classical textbook on quantum field theory. It is based on the lectures the Author gave to students and researchers with diverse interests over several years in Japan. The book includes both the historical development of QFT and its practical use in theoretical and experimental particle physics, presented in a pedagogical and transparent way and, in several parts, in a unique and original manner. The Author, Academician Nishijima, is the inventor (independently from Murray Gell-Mann) of the third (besides the electric charge and isospin) quantum number in particle physics: strangeness. He is also most known for his works on several other theories describing particles such as electron and muon neutrinos, and his work on the so-called Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula.The present English translation from its 8th Japanese edition has been initiated and taken care of by the editors Prof. M. Chaichian and Dr. A. Tureanu from the University of Helsinki, who were close collaborators of Prof. Nishijima. Dr. Yuki Sato, a researcher in particle physics at the University of Nagoya, most kindly accepted to undertake the heavy task of translation. The translation of the book can be regarded as a tribute to Prof. Nishijima's memory, for his fundamental contributions to particle physics and quantum field theory.The book presents with utmost clarity and originality the most important topics and applications of QFT which by now constitute the established core of the theory. It is intended for a wide circle of graduate and post-graduate students, as well as researchers in theoretical and particle physics. In addition, the book can be a useful source as a basic material or supplementary literature for lecturers giving a course on quantum field theory.

  • av Gabriele Iacovino
    2 667

    This book presents a fresh and original contribution to the debate on the policies and technologies needed to achieve a Greener Defence. It will provide an overall and comprehensive analysis of the current state and future prospects of the public and private discourse on the matter, by leveraging on four different and complementary perspectives: the national experiences of relevant NATO Member States and Partner Countries, the institutional framework of International Organizations, the role of industry and private companies and the intellectual contribution of research centers and academia. It will provide new policy recommendations and advanced and innovative technological solutions to be implemented in order to reduce the environmental footprint of Armed Forces, while improving at the same time the energy efficiency and strengthening the operational capabilities of Militaries. The book is addressed to all those interested in studying the connections between climate change, environmental issues, energy security and the role of Armed Forces, the latter seen as an important actor for reducing the environmental impact of human activities and as a forum where to discuss and implement new green technological solutions and applications.

  • av Tünde Anna Kovács
    1 306,-

    This book collects the latest research results on security-related advanced technologies. The chapters contain relevant and interesting topics from numerous research. Data science and artificial intelligence research nowadays one of the most important topics for the industry and the security sectors. The autonomy and counter-autonomy research topic are also very interesting. Autonomous cars have become a part of the common days, but their safe and secure application is not assured. The research results in this field want to support and assure safe and secure autonomous applications in our quotidian life. Also, the safe and secure robotics in the industries and the defence assure a high standard of living and the given research results in this area can use to increase it. The researchers work on it and publish the results that can be interesting for the other researchers and the innovators, but also the industrial part members. The researchers work on it and publish the results that can be interesting for the other researchers and the innovators, but also the industrial part members. Communication is a part of our life, but the communication systems mesh all around the world. Communication is the basis of modern life because without it life stop. One other interesting and very important research area is the material sciences. Virtual life cannot exist without hardware and materials. The new technical applications require new materials, that can suffice the mechanical and physical, chemical properties demand. Nowadays a common requirement of the materials the high strength and lightweight. Researchers want to serve the industrial requests and innovate new composite materials or increase the properties of the material through a new technological process. The authors publish the latest results of the security-related research area including the newest innovations and technologies which rise the interest of the defence and the modern industries even the interest of other researchers.

  • av Pamela Grace
    1 696

    This handbook provides tools for nurse educators, ethics educators, practicing nurses and allied health professionals for developing confidence and skill in ethical decision making in interdisciplinary settings such as acute and chronic care hospitals and clinics. It is useful for all healthcare personnel who face ethical issues in the course of their work and who work with nurses to resolve these issues. While the content is based on a US context, the concerns of nurses internationally are discussed and emphasized. Nurses working in acute and chronic care settings face many obstacles to providing good care and are often the first line of defense related to patient safety and meeting the needs of patients and their families. Some of the obstacles to optimal patient care are institutional, some sociocultural, and others the result of inadequate communication.  Evidence points to the idea that while nurses do have the knowledge and skills to address practice problems of various sorts, they may not be confident in their skills of ethical decision making and advocacy actions. This is a resource to develop moral agency on behalf of individuals and to address broader barriers to good care raised at the local, community, or social levels. 

  • av Peter G. Jonker
    2 086

    This volume provides an overview of the fast-developing field of tidal disruption events. For several decades, astronomers speculated that a hapless star could wander too close to a massive black hole and be torn apart by tidal forces. Yet it is only with the recent advent of wide-field transient surveys that such events have been detected.Written by a team of prominent researchers, the chapters detail the discoveries made so far in this burgeoning field of study across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from gamma-rays through X-rays, ultra-violet, optical, infrared, and radio. In addition, they show how tidal disruption events can be used to study the properties of otherwise undetectable supermassive black holes; the populations and dynamics of stars in galactic nuclei; the physics of black hole accretion, including the potential to detect relativistic effects near a SMBH; and the physics of (radio) jet formation and evolution in a pristine environment.Finally,the book outlines important outstanding questions about TDEs. With more than 100 color images, the volume will be useful to researchers and others interested in learning more about this promising area of astrophysics.Previously published in Space Science Reviews in the Topical Collection ¿The Tidal Disruption of Stars by Massive Black Holes¿

  • av Pierre Gasselin
    2 216

    This book analyses situations of coexistence and confrontation of agricultural and food models according to four major dimensions of territorial development: the tension between specialisation and diversification; innovation; adaptation; and food transition. New agricultural and food models are being deployed in territories around the world in response to criticisms of the old forms of agriculture and food production, and in order to meet new challenges. These models embody archetypes of the observed diversity, actors¿ projects or new norms.A number of conceptual studies and case studies from France and other countries allow us to understand the interactions between these models (confrontation, complementarity, co-evolution, hybridisation, etc.), taking us well beyond the characterisation of their diversity and the evaluation of their relative performances. The coexistence and confrontation of these models build up their capacity for radical change.The book asks original questions about the analytical framework, its methodological challenges and the expected outcomes for the support of agricultural and food development in rural and urban territories. It is intended for researchers, teachers, students and professionals interested in territorial development.Pierre Gasselin, Sylvie Lardon, Claire Cerdan, Salma Loudiyi and Denis Sautier are the scientific coordinators of this book. They are geographers and economists at CIRAD, INRAE and VetAgro Sup, where they conduct research on the transformation of agriculture, food systems and territories in France and other countries. This book is the result of a collective research process involving 36 authors from Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Burkina Faso, France, Japan, Switzerland and Vietnam.Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, author of the Foreword, is Professor Emeritus of Rural Sociology at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands and Associate Professor of Agricultural Sociology at the China Agricultural University in Beijing. He has conducted extensive research on processes of agricultural transition and on dynamics of rural development.

  • av David J. Knudsen
    1 679

  • av Alberto Carpinteri
    2 063

  • av Helmut Lammer
    1 956

    This volume takes an interdisciplinary approach to the evolution of terrestrial planets, addressing the topic from the perspectives of planetary sciences, geochemistry, geophysics and biology, and solar and astrophysics.The review papers analyze the chemical, isotopic and elemental evolution of the early Solar System, with specific emphasis on Venus, Earth, and Mars. They discuss how these factors contribute to our understanding of accretion timescales, volatile delivery, the origin of the Moon and the evolution of atmospheres and water inventories of terrestrial planets. Also explored are plate tectonic formation, the origin of nitrogen atmospheres and the prospects for exoplanet habitability.The papers are forward-looking as well, considering the importance of future space missions for understanding terrestrial planet evolution in the Solar System and beyond. Overall, this volume shall be useful for academic and professional audiences across a range of scientific disciplines.Previously published in Space Science Reviews in the Topical Collection "Reading Terrestrial Planet Evolution in Isotopes and Element Measurements"

  • Spar 17%
    av Sergey Pulinets
    1 406,-

    This book discusses how the increased emanation of radon and other gases from the Earth¿s crust in the vicinity of active tectonic faults triggers a chain of physical processes and chemical reactions in the atmospheric boundary layer and the Earth¿s ionosphere over an earthquake area several days/hours before strong seismic shocks occur. It presents the two main concepts involved in this mechanism: atmosphere ionization and the global electric circuit. The Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) concept is strongly supported by experimental data showing the atmospheric and ionospheric precursors for major recent earthquakes including 2004 Sumatra; 2008 Sichuan, China; 2011 Tohoku, Japan; and 2015 Nepal. The book not only addresses the theoretical considerations but also includes information on experimental techniques used for precursor observations based on the space-borne systems. Providing practical methods of precursor identification and interpretation, it is an excellenttextbook for graduate courses in geophysics, earthquake science, atmospheric physics and remote sensing. Moreover, it offers a wealth of information for scientists and experts from governmental and international agencies working in the fields of natural-disaster mitigation, response and recovery.

  • av Carole Bedos, Pierre Cellier, Jean-François Castell & m.fl.
    2 216

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