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  • av Cynthia Di Filippo Elomaa

    Nicky has to clean his room, but once his clothes are in the drawers, they jump right out again. When he puts his stuffed animals on his bed, they run away eager to play.Oh no, Mom's on her way up the stairs, and his room is still a mess! How can he get all his things to behave in time?Join Nicky and his wondrous imagination as he learns it's fun to play, and sometimes it's okay to ask for help.

  • av Bary Fleet

    When you were younger, you knew you were Magnificent. All you needed was a couple of safety pins and a towel, and you were transformed into a super hero! Then life happened, this business of "adulating," and our feeling of magnificence got covered up.This book gives you the invitation to recover it, one day, one week, one month at a time. Included are seven areas of magnificence to reclaim: Your DayYour ThoughtsYour ActionsYour RegretsYour EnvironmentYour GoodnessYour Truth

  • av Alice Cross

    The little fox was a supporting character in A Patch of Shimmering Light. This book tells its story: As punishment for his and his grandfather's cruelty, a boy is changed into a fox. The curse will not be lifted until the small animal does good in the world.But how can it be helpful when others are afraid of its sharp teeth and drooling smile?Still, the lonely beast does all it can to be a good neighbor for the forest, sometimes with the aid of its beautiful bushy tail. Along the way, it makes unlikely friends and survives being hunted, hungry, and cold.

  • av Robert B Stone

    What would it have been like to come from a prominent, honorable family, experience the murder of your father, become an impoverished orphan, and rise again because of your father's gift of teaching you to read and write and understand numbers? What if, during your life, you became acquainted with luminaries of your age and discovered the location of a fabulous pirate treasure? What if it all took place in the early 18th century in Rhode Island and New England? These are The Chronicles of Benjamin Prescott.Benjamin Prescott runs from the scene of his father's murder at the hands of his uncle and arrives in the colonial capital of Newport. He assumes a new identity in fear that his uncle will hunt him down as the only witness to his crime. As Thomas Gray, he is befriended by a group of street orphans known as the Dock Rats, who survive by carrying messages for the businesses and colonial offices of Newport. When it is discovered by his friends that Tom can read and write, he agrees yo teach them using the only book he possesses: the King James Bible given to him by his father with the admonishment to never let it out of his possession. Tom warns his fellow Dock Rats to keep their ability to read and write secret. It is because they are thought unable to read that people trust them to deliver their messages.Tom is introduced to a well-known tavern, The White Horse Inn, by a fellow Dock Rat who becomes his best friend for the rest of his life. Because of the owner's kindness, Tom prospers and, as Newport grows in importance, so does the circle of acquaintances who learn of Thomas Gray's talents in reading, writing, and mathematics. He becomes the minute's secretary for the Town Council and is engaged as secretary to a famous philosopher who comes to Newport. This person becomes his early benefactor, and he will be rewarded for his kindness as a direct result of Tom's actions. Tom becomes an integral part of the White Horse Tavern family and when the husband of the owner dies, he pledges to care for his widow.Tom has always been curious about what his father said when he returned from the sea about his Bible: "This is where your fortune be. Mind you! Ye must look within it carefully to find the way." Tom discovers the clues to the mystery within the Bible. The discovery of an incredible pirate treasure leads to the adventure of his life, and enables him to continue his education, gain success and prominence within the community of Newport, and empowers him to take revenge upon his uncle and gain his rightful inheritance.

  • av Nishita D Roy-Pope

    Boringville is a place that is really...BORING. There are no playgrounds, no beaches, no soccer fields, no basketball courts, no video games, no ice cream trucks, and definitely no recess at school. It is against the law to use your imagination in Boringville. Everything must be done the way it has always been done.Well, at least Boringville used to be so boring. Until an unexpected discovery of a magic soccer ball brought together a group of students-known as the Courage Kids-who want to make the world better. They must use the soccer ball to save their town before it disappears!Will they be able to use their teamwork and problem-solving skills to save Boringville in time? Will they be able to complete the mission without getting caught by Principal Bland? There is only one way to find out... read this adventure-filled book!

  • av The Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island

    We hope you are enjoying Sacred Stories: Stained Glass of Rhode Island Episcopal Churches in which we share with you the beauty of some of the stained glass windows in our Episcopal churches in Rhode Island.Stained glass windows, both as an art form, and as a sacred offering to God have adorn chapels, churches, and cathedrals since the Middle Ages. Beyond their beauty they are an important means of sharing our faith by depicting Bible stories of our saints and significant moments in our sacred history. Our Rhode Island Episcopal churches have a unique collection of windows that are wonderful examples of all of this. We invite you to explore in person by visiting the churches where they can be found. For more information about the windows and churches featured in this our first coloring book, please go to from our coloring book support the efforts of Episcopal Charities which works in partnership with our churches and local nonprofits to provide basic human needs for our neighbors all around Rhode Island. Since its creation in 1952, Episcopal Charities has raised millions of dollars to meet critical needs in Rhode Island.We are thankful for your support of this project and for our participating churches, Thea Ernest our artist, and Archdeacon Grace Swinski for their work in creating this coloring book.The Rt. Rev. W. Nicholas KniselyBishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Rhode Island

  • av Glenn Lowney

    Inspired by the 1958 TV show Concentration.

  • av Susan Lataille

    Gloria Gemma's Forever in Our Hearts brings you the stories of ten courageous people who share their vulnerable stories of love and loss, how their loss changed their lives, and how life continues in the wake of their loss. Their intent is that their story offers hope and inspiration to the reader.The Gloria Gemma Foundation states in the introduction that, "Grief is a unique and often muddy creature. It is defined as 'deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death, ' but grief can be more than an emotion; it can impact our physical, behavioral, and spiritual wellbeing. Some people deal with their loss and move forward, while others seem perpetually fixed in a state of mourning, unable to experience true happiness-even years after their loss."In these stories, you'll discover: That you're not in it aloneInspiration to take actionEach story of grief is uniqueThere's no right or wrong way to grieveFeeling your emotions is the only way to process griefSelf care is of utmost importanceThese heartfelt stories are written from the authentic heart with many details of their own and their loved ones' journeys. This is the first of the series that will be published over the upcoming years, as everyone's story is important to share."I would be lying if I said this wasn't hard. Talking about loved ones we've lost is one thing; reliving the heartache is something totally different. But for as many times that I thought I couldn't write my chapter, there were just as many moments that I felt extreme gratitude for this opportunity. Not only was it an opportunity to tell the story of my loved ones and my journey with grief, it was also an opportunity to further heal and remind myself and others that so much good can come from a great deal of sadness. Writing my story and hearing the stories of others during our monthly calls provided a missing piece to healing that I didn't even know I needed. Contributing to this project was a reminder that I am not alone in my grief and that hope is always present." -Author Christina Pirolli

  • av Brian Power

    Brian Power, blessed and cursed with a prodigious memory for detail, brings you a story of victories, failures, laughter, tears, and a lifetime of learning experiences. Born just after the end of World War II, Power provides a snapshot of what it was like growing into maturity at the front edge of the Baby Boom.Brian Power graduated with a bachelor's degree in English literature and secondary education and later earned a master's degree in international relations. He is a retired corporate consultant and trainer. He also retired from the US Marine Corps Reserve as a lieutenant colonel where he completed twenty-four years of active and reserve service. He currently lives in Rhode Island.

  • av Richard Rezendes

    During Sunday mass Father Harris predicts the coming of the rapture for later that day.That afternoon multiple tornados tear across Rhode Island causing extensive damage. Soon after Halifax, Nova Scotia is leveled followed by parts of Texas and Oklahoma. The death and devastation are on a scale not previously seen.These storms are followed by an ice age-like winter and expand over the world. As relentless hurricanes, rain storms, tornados, tidal waves, blizzards, wildly fluctuating temperatures, and radioactive dust clouds sweep across the world and comets strike the earth it does appear to be the coming of the end times.Can mankind survive the windy outbreak?

  • av J. Baptiste

    Expanding one's mind into learning before doing is an excellent idea and way to go. This book is not only a great asset to you, the potential tenant, but also to the landlord. It will provide helpful insight on certain criteria that you need to know prior to becoming a tenant.A little about me... I was born and raised in the beautiful U.S. Virgin Islands. I have worked in the mortgage compliance industry for over 17 years, the last two as a Regulatory Analyst and Advisor. I am also certified as a CFCP and a MCPC. Throughout my entire mortgage compliance career, I have come to understand that there is such a tremendous need for simplified educational materials as reflected in this book, for first-time home buyers or anyone planning to own a home. I felt that it was my obligation to help educate anyone planning to purchase a home or property, by providing them with the information they may not have known or have heard of in an easy-to-understand way.My hopes to all of my readers is that you use the insights provided in this book to take the reins on your purchase. Go into your potential purchase with knowledge and understanding, remembering to never be afraid to ask questions or question something that does not look right. Always trust your gut!To my readers thank you for stopping by and I wish you many blessings always on your journey!See you on the upcoming read!

  • av M. Alexis

    Young Maria is a joyful, high-spirited girl who grows up on the East coast in the early 2000s. She lives with her three sisters and mother. Maria and her sisters endure poverty, emotional abuse and neglect by their mother, Regina. Regina's life is focused on her own needs, love affairs and pain killers. The irresponsible parenting leaves her children vulnerable to a predator.Tony is a family friend that hides behind the disguise of his church and claims to be 'a man of God.' He invades the family by offering Regina help with baby-sitting, stocking the refrigerator and surprising the children with gifts. In plain sight, Tony preys on Maria. His abuse makes her become isolated, groomed and manipulated. As she grows up, Maria realizes that she is stuck under the reign of Tony's control. Will she decide to save herself? Or continue to let Tony destroy the light that is left within her?

  • av Nancy Patino Sanchez

    Fifty Women is a compendium of the life story of fifty migrant women from Latin America and The Caribbean who migrated to the United States to play an important role in the life and development of the state of Rhode Island.Fifty Women, in addition to sharing fifty life stories, represents fifty slices of Latin American and Caribbean culture that excite and touch our hearts in a firm yet tender way. The lives of these fifty women have a common denominator: love. This is what has prompted them to leave their countries of origin in search of better horizons in a new environment.These stories will be an inspiring lever for more women, whether young, teenage or adult, to continue enriching their "journey of the soul".Cincuenta mujeres, además de ser cincuenta relatos de vida, representan cincuenta pedacitos de la identidad cultural de América Latina y El Caribe que nos recrean, emocionan y nos tocan el corazón de una manera sutil, firme y tierna.Cincuenta mujeres es una narrativa construída desde las más profundas entrañas del ser, es la hija alumbrada con verdadero dolor y con infinito amor, son las historias de vida de estas incomparables mujeres, en cuyos rostros se refleja la sabiduría, la constancia y la tenacidad, hilos con los que se ha ido tejiendo una colorida manta con la que ha cubierto, protegido, y enaltecido el Estado de Rhode Island.Estoy completamente segura que cuando lean estos relatos lo disfrutarán y será la palanca inspiradora para que más mujeres, niñas, jóvenes y adultas sigan enriqueciendo este "viaje del alma".

  • av John Michael Lafauci

    Middle school can be a fun, challenging, and confusing time for adolescents who are forced to experience it. It winds up being a period of three years that encompasses many physical and emotional changes, along with new responsibilities placed on them by teachers and parents. This short book is a look at the humorous and serious situations that are thrust into the faces of these unsuspecting youngsters. Some of the situations are normal and others are strange, at best. Together, they add up to a mishmash of emotions and predicaments that will leave you shaking your head, wondering how today's children ever make it through middle school in one piece.

  • av Terry L. Nau

    What is Pennsbury Pride? For the purpose of this book, one aspect of school pride is reserved for alumni who served in the military over the past seventy-five years. The school's alumni have fought in wars ranging from WW I to Afghanistan, marching forward into the never-ending battles of our complicated modern world.Pennsbury's community has always taken pride in its veterans. This book tells us about a few of them, in their own words. The book also informs us that Fallsington High (Pennsbury's predecessor) had several World War I veterans, led by Carol Christman, Class of 1897.Three career veterans-Staff Sgt. Wayne Rogers (Class of 1997), SFC Jim Tams (1977) and Lt. Colonel Jacqueline Siciliano (1983)-lead off Pennsbury Pride with personal histories of their military service in Operation Enduring Freedom.The middle section of our book features stories about grandparents, parents, and uncles who joined up for World War II and Vietnam. Kevin Lendo (1966) writes about how he and his brother Art (1964) became involved in a chase for information on their uncle John Lendo, who perished in December 1944 when his plane was shot down during a bombing run over the Pacific Ocean. By some miracle, the Lendo brothers found the plane their uncle trained on stateside. The Lendos have endowed a Fellowship Program at Pennsbury in honor of their family's military veterans.The book ends with three chapters that reinforce the connection between Pennsbury's veterans and the school itself. One chapter speaks to the "Operation Christmas" gift drive for Lt. Joseph Yatsko's troops in Vietnam. Another details the creation of the Wall of Honor in 2001 and the scholarship fund started by Pennsbury veterans to reward students in the school's Junior ROTC program.Our book closes with a list of 579 veterans who at one time patrolled the halls of Pennsbury High. - TERRY NAU

  • av Jaque Cobb

    "While hospitalized I was diagnosed with major depression, PTSD, and RO Bipolar Disorder. I was discharged three weeks later with Depakote and Zoloft. The Depakote was used to treat my bipolar symptoms while the Zoloft was used as an antidepressant. I felt like I was staring into space at this point since I was so doped up. Medication was their method to sustain me whenever I was out of control."This memoir was motivated by my experiences growing up and becoming an adult. Despite all the hardships and challenges I encountered, I decided to keep moving forward. I have been abused in some of the worst ways possible, yet I never let it stop me from becoming the person I was meant to be. This tale is about overcoming obstacles and forging your own path toward the life you envision. I hope that each person who reads this will come away from it with the motivation to keep going.Thank you.

  • av Katelyn Simeone

    Meet Adelynn, a girl who has never felt like she belongs in her prestigious New York town. She attends high school every day, trying to avoid her ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend at all costs. After a night out on the town ending in a car accident, Adelynn's life gets flipped upside down when she awakens in a local hospital. As her difficult recovery continues, various signs begin pointing toward a different reason for her hospital stay, and even for the boy in her dreams.

  • av Donovan Lewis

    When the dead walk, you have a few options: You can run, you can hide, or you can put those monsters to work.That is the path that the couriers of the Balefire Express walk. Ghouls make great sled dogs after all; They don't sleep, they don't tire, and as long as the enchanted flame of your balefire brazier stays lit, they probably won't rip you to shreds.Winona, though young, thought she had seen it all in her time as a courier: undead hordes, bandit attacks, whiteout blizzards, and more. But when tasked with transporting medicine to a remote northern city, she stumbles onto something far more sinister, a growing power that will shake the foundations of everything she believes.But there is still a job to do, and the Balefire Express always runs on time.

  • av Hank Ellis

    A forest filled with secrets, or the strange imaginings of a few townspeople. Someone is about to discover the truth.School's out and two adventurous brothers can't wait to explore their favorite place. Ages twelve and ten, Peter and David Wilson have visited the forest behind their house ever since they could walk. This day in late June begins no different than any other but ends with an astonishing discovery of an underground cavern protected from the elements for centuries. Despite the excitement of discovery, a dream convinces Peter it must remain a secret-even from his parents. More dreams and many riddles are deciphered by both boys before they meet Eli-the maker of their dreams. Through a series of strange and supernatural encounters, Peter and David Wilson rely on resourcefulness, perseverance, and love to lead them to an opportunity they could never have imagined and make a decision that will change their lives forever.The first book in "The Promise" series.Grade level 7 and up - Reading ages 10-100"Readers are kept on the edge of their seats...""...a story that will keep both younger and older readers intrigued." reviews

  • av Gina Russo

    A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this book will be used to support The Broken Chains Ministries. Gina Russo Barbosa may be best known for her appearance on the TV program Dr. Phil where she appeared with her husband, Brian "The Bull" Barbosa, a former Interim World Champion boxer. In the segment titled "Beauty and The Boxer," Gina brought Brian's heartbreaking story of brain injury, trauma, and addiction to the world in an attempt to get him the help he's so desperately needed. Gina was able to accomplish this because she was no stranger to addiction and narcissistic behavior. Broken Chains is Beauty and The Boxer's back story. It's Gina's story of domestic violence, addiction; Trauma and PTSD. It's the unveiling of the downfall of a naïve Pastor's daughter. From teen pregnancy to prison; prostitution, and psych wards, near fatal attacks and attempted suicide. It's all the things she learned in life that gave her the ability to finally tame, "The Bull". It's everything you didn't see in the Dr. Phil episode; The before, the after, and where they are now. It is jam packed with a roller coaster ride of evil acts and mind-blowing miracles. Today, as an ordained Minister, Chaplain, recovery coach, Founder of Broken Chains Ministries, Gina travels the country sharing her inspirational story and working to help those who suffer from these afflictions in their own lives. "In the often cold and indifferent landscape of literature, a flashpoint will occur, someone somewhere will find the rarefied air of inspiration-that doesn't just advocate for the "saved" or the well-to-do; but the down and out, the disenfranchised and the dispossessed. This is one of those rare gems of a book-like a burning bush you have to stop and see!" -Chad Taylor Author of Why Revival Still Tarries

  • av John Gartner

    Henry has a problem fitting in. A BIG problem. Will he ever feel accepted?John Gartner has led a storied life as a teacher, principal and stunt-man. As astunt man, he appeared in many iconic TV shows of the 1950s and 1960s. Hehas a Master's Degree in Elementary Administration from Providence Collegeand worked for many years at a school that catered to children with special needs.The author is 92 years old and though battling interstitial lung disease andheart disease, continues to enjoy writing, reading, conversation, and looking athis outdoor bird friends. The story is based on a hurtful time when, as a child, he was told he could no longer visit his aunts' house because his voice was tooloud. He wants both children and adults to know that sometimes it is possible totriumph over adversity, but that you should never give up.

  • av Indian Lake Community Association

  • av Kris Shaw Monk

  • av Michael Fine

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