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  • av Dr John, Thomas Hariot & PH D (Anglia Ruskin University UK) White

  • av Luis Vélez de Guevara

    The novel The Limping Devil (El diablo cojuelo) was first published in Spain in 1641. The author of nearly two hundred dramas, Luis Vélez de Guevara was highly admired by his contemporaries, including Miguel de Cervantes and another prolific playwright of the time: Lope de Vega. It was this novel, however, that received the most widespread audience, and it was not due to Vélez de Guevara's own work. Instead, the French author Alain-René Lesage discovered the novel and decided to transform its action into a French adaptation: Le diable boiteux. The story of an ugly limping devil, and a young student, flying about the countryside and satirically commenting on the worst of its inhabitants became a best-seller in Lesage's hands, running through nine editions in its first four months alone, forty-two more by century's end, and is still published today. Lesage's version also became well known in English literary circles, with three translations and sequels, and a number of stage plays in England with references to a "Devil Upon Crutches" or a "Devil Upon Two Sticks." Even Charles Dickens refers to the novel in his The Old Curiosity Shop. The original work, Vélez de Guevara's Spanish text, however, has never been brought to light for the English-speaking world. It is that lacuna that we attempt to fill here, with a translation that is not only an accurate reading of the Spanish text, but one that attempts to vividly and fluently recreate the Spanish world of that time for the modern reader of English.This bilingual edition includes both a translation by well known academics Robert Rudder and Ignacio López Calvo, and also the Spanish text, a foreword and numerous footnotes, both in English and Spanish, intended to help the modern reader grasp the full quality of this classical text.

  • av Benjamín Jarnés

  • av Helen Hunt Jackson

    José Martí (1853-1895), one of the most distinguished authors, intellectuals and national heroes of the 19th century Latin America, offers in Ramona (1888) a literary translation that stands out for its aesthetic brilliance and ideological content, a unique text in the copious Marti work that, despite being a reflection of the concerns and conflicts of its time, still maintains a relevance and validity in our days.Originally published in 1884 by the famous American activist and writer Helen Hunt Jackson (1830-1885), Ramona would enter the annals of US history as the most representative novel of the so-called indigenous reform movement of the 1880s, becoming Jackson's latest attempt to denounce the mistreatment and policies of the federal government towards the indigenous tribes of his country.With more than 300 editions in English, a myriad of cultural adaptations and its colossal impact on tourism in Southern California, this great classic of American literature has never stopped being reissued in more than a century.Although Marti was a connoisseur of Jackson's cause in favor of the North American Indian, the Cuban thinker glimpsed another meaning through the pages of this book, postulating his translation of Ramona as "our novel."During his exile in New York he translated the novel arduously, and even paid for its publication to be distributed in Mexico.The plot that revolves around the interracial romance of the Indian, Alejandro, and the mestizo heroine, Ramona, serves to illustrate the hardships endured by the Indian and Mexican communities at the arrival of the white settlers just after the US intervention war in Mexico and the session of California and the rest of the Southwest to the United States.130 years after its publication, the reading and study of Marti's Ramona is essential today more than ever to learn from the past and encourage the construction of bridges and dialogues between all the peoples of the two Americas.

  • av Jean Paul Duviols
    1 707,-

    This book is focused on the human relations between the different Guarani groups that the Jesuit Missionaries had gathered in the «converse native villages», also known as «reducciones».It is based on the testimonies of various Missionaries, with references to their letters and texts written in the peace of their European retirement after the expulsion in 1767.In these gathered documents it is possible to recognize the goodwill of the evangelists, as well as the cultural differences that often imposed an unsurmountable gap.Undoubtedly the Jesuits pusued the natives' happiness, their «salvation» from their point of view, and the means they employed stemmed directly from their social utopia: to establish «God's City» on Earth.The controversies arisen by this unique one and a half century experience, contrast the enthusiasm and calling of the first christians with the accusations that it was indeed a veiled new form of commercial exploit and even enslavery.There is a great number of works that analyze the «Misiones» political and economical system, so in this book we have placed the focus in a different aspect of this unique experience, more related to the historical ethnology and the issue of «otherness», giving a special attention to the iconography and its documentary value.

  • av MARIANO & Azuela

  • av Francisco Fontanilles y Quintanilla

  • av Francisco Calcagno

  • av Emilia Pardo Bazán

  • av Leopoldo Alas

  • av Juana Gorriti

  • av Juan Manuel Marcos

  • - la puntuacion
    av Flor Maria Rodriguez-Arenas

  • av Emilia Pardo Bazán

  • av Jacques Lemoyne De Morgues

  • av Francisco Moran
    1 790,-

  • av Ramón Meza

  • av Jose Maria Llanas Aguilaniedo

  • av Jose M Llanas Aguilaniedo

  • av Soledad Acosta de Samper & Jose Maria Samper

  • av Ramon Perez De Ayala

  • av Pedro Mairal

  • av Camilo Cela

  • av Ignacio Manuel Altamirano

  • av Ines de la Encarnacion

  • - The Path to Freedom
    av Armando P. Ribas

  • - Realismo Y Socialismo En Manuela. Novela Bogotana
    av Flor Maria Rodriguez-Arenas

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