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  • - nuevas aportaciones teóricas y aplicadas
    av Rakel Österberg

    De hecho, el tema del léxico y de la semántica ha sido abordado desde la óptica etimológica y filológica hasta la lingüística computacional y la traductología pasando por la morfología y la sintaxis en su relación con la significación. Tampoco se ha cernido a lenguas comunes, emparentadas o de la misma zona geográfica, sino que están representadas otras extracentrales" como el sueco o el japonés y el árabe. Desde la perspectiva etimológica se han presentado contribuciones sobre la parasíntesis preposicional y preverbiación, así como las formaciones parasintéticas verbales. El aspecto diacrónico de la semántica, marginada hasta muy finales de los años 1960, es la visión con la cual se ha enfocado el cambio léxico, las series etimológicas y la tensión entre innovación y tradición en los cambios léxico-semánticos. Desde esta misma perspectiva diacrónica, junto con las teorías lingüísticas de la recepción, se ha estudiado la recepción de las piezas léxicas y el cambio semántico, así como la opacidad etimológica y el deslizamiento significativo. Estos cambios etimológicos, deslizamientos y desviaciones semánticos solo se pueden estudiar de forma productiva diacrónicamente para el lexicón, y diacrónica y pragmáticamente para el léxico en uso.El estudio del léxico, desde este enfoque, cumple con dos requisitos fundamentales en las descripciones lingüísticas: la dimensión histórica general y diacrónica y la sincrónica actual; la sistémica léxica (de diccionario) y la usual social (lenguaje en uso). Así es como se puede entender que podamos encontrar en esta obra no solo el léxico latino y español, sino un glosario de 1600, además de ejemplos del japonés y del árabe. Asimismo, existen igualmente descripciones conceptuales y terminológicas referidas al léxico y al contacto de lenguas en los lenguajes de especialidad, especialmente el inglés y el francés. En estos análisis terminológicos se pueden apreciar características definitorias muy marcadas, particularmente en lo referente al registro tecnocientífico y el lenguaje jurídico.Las onomatopeyas, elementos semiléxicos condicionados semánticamente, se han estudiado desde el punto de vista de la lingüística contrastiva no centrándose exclusivamente en el aspecto intralingüístico, sino también extralingüístico. La distribución semántica de los constituyentes periféricos de izquierda y de derecha es igualmente una de las grandes aportaciones de este libro donde el corpus de análisis es una compilación de producciones lingüísticas de usuarios muy avanzados de español L2. Se ha estudiado igualmente el cambio de significado en la traducción y la problemática que genera la traducción de los fraseologismos religiosos en el marco de la interpretación judicial, con implicaciones que van más allá del significado convencional de diccionario para incidir en los condicionamientos ideológicos del significado. El léxico de las emociones y el discurso fraseológico está igualmente presente en esta obra abordándose el tema desde la perspectiva cognitiva. No falta, por supuesto, la perspectiva informática y computacional del procesamiento del lenguaje natural, específicamente cuando implica la traducción automática, y últimamente la interpretación automática. De hecho, uno de los acercamientos a los análisis semánticos es la exploración de la traducibilidad de casos específicos del lenguaje natural por algunos programas de traducción automática.

  • av Sara Bédard-Goulet

    When it comes to Canadian studies, the question arises as to whether researchers are not in some way participating in the nation-brand competition. These studies were in fact designed to project the image of a nation under construction. However, the various points of view on Canada play a major role in the circulation of narrative spaces. From the perspective of the Baltic and Nordic countries, Canada remains a country of the North, and the aim of this book is to describe the contours of a transnordic narrative, highlighting texts, images and cultural objects specific to this biocultural region.

  • av María Bernal

    The aim of this volume is to identify, explore and compare expressions of populism in the Romance-speaking part of the world. The volume includes studies from different academic disciplines such as discourse analysis, cultural and media studies. Populist discourses are generally characterized by a deep polarization of positions and a disproportionate reliance on accusations. Populist discourses frequently reinforce existing antagonisms and undermine the traditional political argumentative style, based on the factual confrontation of opinions in the public space. Populist leaders often present themselves as the unfettered spokespersons of the people with whom they form a community of "us" in the struggle against "them". This accords with the strong polarization mentioned earlier. The rise of populist discourses in many countries over the past decades could be due to changes in political communication. The constant and overwhelming dissemination of information in all types of media, the consequent relativization of truth, as well as a less clear political division on a left-right scale, could favor political alternatives based on personality and the highly polarized messages we see today. The question of how to reach voters in today's media buzz is a much bigger question today than it was a few decades ago, and the exposure of faces and comments has increased exponentially, which in itself can promote a certain kind of politicians. In fact, there is a strong emphasis on the leadership of populist movements, which is also a recurring theme in this book, alongside the impact of the new media landscape on political discourses.In this light, some of the recurring themes in the thirteen studies included in the volume are the denunciation - by populist voices - of the corruption of the so-called elites as well as their inability to solve concrete political and economic problems. It is also about the escalation and reinforcement of populist discourses as an expression - an act - of extreme criticism, even hatred, against traditional political leaders. These populist voices are looking for scapegoats and claiming proximity to the people, represented in the discourse as an authentic and uniform group. Other recurring themes are the emphasis on traditional values, national symbols, ethnicity, and nostalgia for a bygone era, which are effective subjects for eliciting feelings and fostering a sense of togetherness. The interplay between some of these issues is explored in more detail in the book. The chapters of the book indeed show to what extent populist discourses introduce a system based on characteristics such as unilaterality, through the designation of a threat and/or a common enemy, and on the strong focus on the rejection of the legitimacy of the adversary.

  • av Mickaëlle Cedergren

    Cette étude porte sur la circulation, la médiation et l'interprétation des littératures francophones, circulant non plus vers le centre mais vers la périphérie. Dans ce livre, la Suède constitue un exemple de cas de périphérie non francophone à partir duquel les analyses sont menées. Ce point de départ a permis de reconsidérer la portée des littératures en provenance des aires géographiques francophones décentrées (dites périphériques) et de mettre en valeur les pratiques de négociation à l'¿uvre par la périphérie non francophone. En évaluant la visibilité et la resémantisation de ces littératures d'une part, en dehors du centre et d'autre part, en dehors du système littéraire francophone, ce livre a apporté de nouvelles connaissances sur le fonctionnement du transfert littéraire des littératures francophones en dehors du système littéraire francophone.L'ambition de ce livre a permis ainsi de (re)définir le positionnement et le degré d'autonomie de la périphérie, tant suédoise que francophone, par rapport au centre parisien en étudiant les échanges littéraires entre la Suède et le système littéraire francophone. Pour atteindre cette finalité, cette recherche procède en trois étapes en s'inspirant du modèle tripartite de Bourdieu pour présenter a) la sélection de la littérature traduite du français en suédois et la diffusion de la littérature de langue française dans la presse journalistique b) les modalités de médiation avec lesquelles les agents culturels opèrent et c) les représentations de la lecture critique en ¿uvre dans les journaux. Ce projet axé autour de la production, de la médiation et de la réception des littératures francophones en Suède s'articule autour de quatre études majeures. Les trois chapitres d'approfondissement (IV, V et VI) traitent respectivement des médiateurs (acteurs de presse et traducteurs) et de l'analyse des deux aires géographiques les plus significatives dans nos données (L'Afrique du Nord francophone et L'Europe de l'Ouest francophone). Ces trois études reposent à leur tour sur l'analyse des flux de production et de diffusion, effectuée à partir de l'ensemble des données quantitatives rassemblées en traduction et en réception journalistique pendant la période d'étude (1989-2019). En misant sur un ensemble d'études croisées, ce livre examine la circulation littéraire des littératures des aires géographiques francophones en périphérie et parvient à dégager des conclusions restées jusque-là invisibles. En conclusion, trois différents types majeurs de stratégies sont ressorties : a) les pratiques de sélection appelées stratégies de positionnement, b) les pratiques de médiation dites stratégies de configuration et finalement 3) les pratiques de lecture ou stratégies de légitimation. Après avoir observé des différences de traitement entre les littératures francophones du Nord et du Sud, l'étude s'achève en énonçant quelques propositions futures pour l'étude du transfert des littératures francophones vers les périphéries non francophones. Ce genre d'analyse contribue à rééquilibrer la place des littératures francophones dans le monde et montre les continuels déplacements et repositionnements à l'¿uvre auxquels peuvent participer les marges de la francophonie où s'inscrivent les territoires périphériques non francophones.

  • av Magnus Tessing Schneider

    What can artists learn from theatre scholars when it comes to performing historical works on stage today? What can theatre scholars learn from today's artists when it comes to understanding the works and practices of the past? How is the experience of modern spectators affected by attending performances in historic theatres? And how, aesthetically, do we experience the reconstruction of productions from the remote past?This collection of essays covers the findings of the research project 'Performing Premodernity': an international group of theatre whose work centred on the Drottningholm theatre from 1766: just outside Stockholm, this famous theatre has authentic stage sets and machinery preserved almost in their original eighteenth-century state.Behind all the essays is a mixture of fascination and dissatisfaction with today's performances of drama and opera classics, particularly those that take place in historic theatres, and those operating within the so-called Historically Informed Performance movement. Moreover, they reflect a desire to develop and expand the methods traditionally used by theatre historians. And they present a variety of angles on today's performances in historic theatres and on today's attempts to revive theatrical practices of the past.The authors combine academic and artistic research as a way of deepening and nuancing our understanding of eighteenth-century theatre practices. The historical research is set in dialogue with the dramaturgical insights and aesthetic experiences the historians gained from their practical doing in historic spaces. Experimentation with lighting, costumes, stage movement, vocal and instrumental practices, and the flow of energy between performers and spectators led to the investigation of topics that theatre historians otherwise tend to ignore. In turn, this has led the researchers to challenge long-held views of the sites, repertoires, and performance practices of eighteenth-century theatre.Performing Premodernity's experimental, practice-based approach accords with the view of the late Enlightenment as what Vincenzo Ferrone has called 'a real and still unexplored laboratory of modernity'. The second half of the eighteenth century was a time of both wide-ranging artistic innovation and earth-shaking political revolutions; it was a period when ideal and practice, philosophy and art influenced and guided each other to an unprecedented degree. The essays start from the conviction that any attempt at a holistic understanding of the theatrical practices of the time must take these exchanges into account. And that a strictly antiquarian approach that merely tries to establish 'how it really was', without considering the utopian dimension of the reforms of people like Rousseau, Gluck, and Mozart, will fail to grasp the impetus and the dynamic, communicative aspect of eighteenth-century theatre. Therefore, several of the essays revolve around the group's historically informed production of a true 'avantgarde' work of the eighteenth century: Pygmalion, Jean-Jacques Rousseau's scène lyrique from 1762. Performing Premodernity's research-based production premiered at ¿eský Krumlov Castle Theatre in 2015.The present anthology is essential reading for theatre scholars and musicologists studying eighteenth-century performance as well as for theatre and opera artists concerned with period performance practice.

  • av Malin Roitman

    This volume deals with the pragmatic dimension of negations and is oriented towards empirical studies of negatives' meanings and functions in media and public discourses. Negation is one of our most central phenomena in human language and we use it daily for a vast range of different purposes: for rejection, denial and for expressing non-existence. Negation is certainly one of the most multidimensional and complex units in language, semantically, cognitively and syntactically, as well as from a functional, pragmatic, perspective. Depending of the theoretical framework, sentence negation in particular has been identified as a modal operator, a truth-value operator, a rhetoric device, a figure of thought, a polarity item and a marker of linguistic polyphony and as a linguistic unit with a variety of discursive and contextual meanings.There remain, nevertheless, a large number of unsolved questions regarding negative forms of expressions and negative functions within specific languages, within different social settings and throughout the languages of the world. Thus, by bringing together scholars from different countries, with studies on different languages this volume aims to shed light and contribute to new knowledge about the forms and functionality of this universal phenomenon. Linguists and pragmaticiens generally agree that the use of negatives escapes logic and pure semantic description and is therefore best analysed with tools from cognitive and pragmatic theories. Similar themes connected to negatives approached from different perspectives and examined in different languages offer a contrastive reading that actually enlarges the spectra of new knowledge presented in the books's chapters. Based on hypotheses within pragmatics and discourse analysis, the main assumption is here that forms of expressing negatives emerge and adjust constantly and in accordance with the cultural domain and the social setting of their appearance. This is why this volume focuses on the functions of negative expressions in specific domains and types of discourses.

  • av Aitor Aldama Campino

    The purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to numerical modelling of the ocean and the atmosphere. It originates from courses given at Stockholm University and is intended to serve as a textbook for students in meteorology and oceanography with a background in mathematics and physics.Focus is on numerical schemes for the most commonly used equations in oceanography and meteorology as well as on the stability, precision and other properties of these schemes. Simple equations capturing the properties of the primitive equations employed in models of the ocean and atmosphere will be used.These model equations are solved numerically on a grid by discretisation, the derivatives of the differential equations being replaced by finite-difference approximations. The focus will be on the basic numerical methods used for oceanographic and atmospheric modelling. These models are based on the Navier-Stokes equations (including the Coriolis effect) and a tracer equation for heat in both the atmosphere and ocean and tracer equations for humidity and salt in the atmosphere and ocean, respectively. A coupled atmospheric and oceanic general circulation model represents the core part of an Earth System climate model.The book starts by presenting the most common types of partial differential equations and finite difference schemes used in meteorology and oceanography. Subsequently the limitations of these numerical schemes as regards stability, accuracy, presence of computational modes and accuracy the computationally determined phase speed are discussed.The shallow-water equations are discretised for different spatial grids and friction and diffusion terms are introduced. Hereafter implicit and semi-implicit schemes are discussed as well as the semi-Lagrangian technique. Coordinates for atmospheric as well as oceanic models are presented as well as a highly simplified 3D model. A brief description is given of how some atmospheric general circulation models use spectral methods as "horizontal coordinates". Finally, some "pen-and-paper" theoretical exercises and a number of GFD computer exercises are given.

  • av August Strindberg

  • av Camilla Bardel

  • av Andreas Hedberg

  • - Media-Specific Approaches to Neon Genesis Evangelion

  • - Delvise forbindelser
    av Monica Grini

  • - Lines and Life in a Tokyo Neighborhood
    av Patrick W Galbraith

  • - Meaning, Moral Value, and Profound Intellectual Disability
    av Simo Vehmas & Reetta Mietola

  • - Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan

  • - New Objects-New Approaches
    av Sonya Petersson

  • - The Dynamics of Cultural Interaction
    av Herbert Jonsson

  • av John Lennon & Magnus Nilsson

  • - Nigerian women writers, femininity andspirituality in world literature
    av Paula Uimonen


  • - From the Viking Age to the Middle Ages
    av Stefan Olsson

    The aim of this book is to investigate the taking and giving of hostages in peace processes during the Viking Age and early Middle Ages in Scandinavia and adjacent areas. Scandinavia has been absent in previous research about hostages from the perspectives of legal and social history, which has mostly focused on Antiquity (the Roman Empire), Continental Germanic cultures, such as the Merovingian realm, and Anglo-Saxon England.The examples presented are from confrontations between Scandinavians and other peoples in which the hostage giving and taking was displayed as a ritual act and thus became symbolically important. Hostages were a vital part of the peace processes and used as resources by both sides in the ‘areas of communication’ within the ‘areas of confrontation’. Literary texts as well as runic inscriptions, picture stones, place names, and personal names are used as source material.

  • - Expressions of Populism in Romance-Speaking Countries

  • - Teoretiska tillampningar i konstvetenskap: 2

    This book is about a concept which is constantly used in many different ways, but also one of the most common concepts in humanities: context. However, the significance and use of this concept shifts between disciplines, and sometimes within the same discipline.All chapters in this edited volume, address a concrete situation of interpretation of this concept. The authors demonstrate how it can be used in interpretations of images, buildings and places from different historical periods, and how it affects the ability of interpretations to create meaning and knowledge. The interpretative action thus entails different forms of contextualisation.The book is primarily addressed to students of art history and others who take an interest in questions of visuality and visual practices. Offering not only a theoretical understanding of the concept, it strives to point out ways and possibilities of the practical use of contextualisation.This book constitutes the second volume of Theoretical Applications in Art History, which forms part of the series Basic Readings in Culture and Aesthetics.

  • - In Merovingian and Viking Scandinavia

    The authors of the present volume, Myth, Materiality, and Lived Religion, focus on the material dimension of Old Norse mythology and the role played by myths in everyday life. More broadly expressed, the collection looks at the social, ceremonial and material contexts of myths. This topic has been underexplored in previous research on Old Norse myths, despite its important theoretical implications. However, discussions around materiality, in a more general sense, have for a long time been signifi cant for historians of religion, especially archaeologists. Myth, Materiality, and Lived Religion seeks to make the case for the relevance of materiality to literary historians and philologists as well.Questions relating to the theme of materiality and lived religion are posed in this book, including: What do myths tell us about the material culture of the periods in which they were narrated? What role did myths or mythical beings play in connection to, for instance, illnesses and remedies during the Viking Period and the Middle Ages? How did ordinary people experience participation in a more formal sacrifi cial feast led by ritual specialists? The editors of this book are all associated with the Department of Ethnology, History of Religions and Genders Studies at Stockholm University, Sweden.

  • - Med en inledning om tredjespraksinlarning och tvarspraklig medvetenhet
    av Annika Johansson

    This book deals with two research fields and brings them together: contrastive linguistics and third language acquisition. The book describes the following linguistic structures in Dutch and Swedish from a contrastive perspective: spatial adverbs, copula, impersonal passives, impersonal constructions and finally the posture verbs stand, zit and lie. Dutch and Swedish are usually acquired as a third language and not as a second language, which implies that learners already comprehend various other languages. When learning a language these multilingual learners have developed certain strategies which draw on their competence in earlier studied languages. In the process of learning a third language, metalinguistic and cross-linguistic awareness play an important role. Comparing linguistic structures in two closely related languages as Dutch and Swedish can enhance cross-linguistic awareness and therefore be used as a didactic tool.

  • - The Story about a Post-War Swedish Cohort, and a Longitudinal Research Project
    av Sten-Åke Stenberg

    At the beginning of the 1960s, Swedish researchers started a sociological study of all children born in Stockholm in 1953, Project Metropolitan. This book describes the project's at times dramatic history, where issues of personal integrity and the role of social sciences were heavily debated. These discussions were fueled by the rapid and far-reaching digitalization in society at large and also within social sciences. As such, Project Metropolitan came to symbolize the benefits and potential risks related to an expanding body of research based on large groups of individuals and multiple register data sources.At the outset, the project's founders sought to answer the following question: "Why do some get on better in life than others?" One of the main aims of the project was to study the long-term impact of conditions in childhood. The book therefore also includes an updated presentation of the main findings, as they have been conveyed in over 160 publications to date. These publications cover a wide array of topics and phenomena such as social mobility and education, substance abuse and crime, health and ill-health, peer influences and family relations, and adult lives of adopted children.Today Project Metropolitan is known as the "Stockholm Birth Cohort Multigenerational Study (SBC Multigen)" and is still in full vigor. From its original group of 15,000 children, the study has become multi-generational by adding data about their parents, siblings, children, nieces and nephews. As they approach their late 60s, it will also be possible to follow these "children" into retirement and old-age.In the concluding chapter the author discusses some of the challenges contemporary social research is facing. What are the current threats to academic freedom and what opportunities do the unique data registers in countries like Sweden provide?Sten-Åke Stenberg is professor of sociology at the Swedish Institute for Social Research at Stockholm University. He has worked with Project Metropolitan for several decades. He has also been part of the study since he was born in 1953.

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