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Bøker utgitt av Sub-Saharan Publishers

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  • - The Two Worlds of Kwame and Kwabena Boaten. A Historical Novel
    av Noel (Razor) Smith


    The persistence of poverty in many developing countries, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, in the face of increased globalisation and rapid trade liberalisation during the past two decades has inspired considerable debate on the impact of globalisation, in general, and trade liberalisation, in particular, on poverty. In Ghana, as in many other African countries, poverty remains the fundamental problem confronting policy makers in the new millennium as highlighted in the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy. Yet, between 1991 and 2006, the headcount index of poverty fell by 23.2 percentage points with the proportion of the population living below the national poverty line falling from 51.7% in 1991/92 to 28.5% in 2005/06. Poverty had fallen in the countryside as well as in the towns, though progress had been more rapid in rural areas. This optimism is, however, tempered by the fact that while poverty declined, inequality increased significantly during the same period. Large reductions in the incidence of poverty have occurred among private sector employees in both the formal and informal sectors, and among public sector wage employees, but export farmers have experienced the largest reduction in consumption poverty. Poverty reduction among the large numbers of food crop farmers, on the other hand, has been modest. Reductions in the incidence of poverty over the period have been smaller also for the non-farm self employed and informal sector wage employees. A recent publication by the World Bank suggests that had there been no change in inequality, the reduction in poverty would have reached 27.5 percentage points, so that Ghana would have achieved the Millenium Development Goal (MDG) target of reducing poverty by half in relation to its level of 1991/92. This book is one response to the challenge posed by the paucity of recent empirical evidence on the poverty and distributional impacts of trade policy reform in Ghana. The main objective of the study is to contribute to our understanding of the poverty and distributional impact of trade policy reform in Ghana by analyzing how trade liberalisation affects the well-being of households and in particular, if the outcome it generates is pro-poor, with particular interest in the gender-differentiated impact.

  • - African Perspectives. Selected Essays
    av Professor of Philosophy Kwame Gyekye

  • - A Study of the Ewe People in German Togo
    av Jakob Spieth
    1 277,-

  • av Ruby Yayra Goka

    This book was awarded a Burt Award for African Literature, Ghana 2010. The Burt Award for African Literature is a new literary prize that the recognizes excellence in young adult fiction from Africa. He continued reading about the different methods of grafting, about how to cut and store and protect scions and what the best time for planting was. The light from the torch began to grow dim. Koku checked the time. It was almost midnight, he had been reading for almost two hours. He had to sleep now or he would never wake up on time in the morning for his lessons. He switched off his torch and turned unto his side still excited. He was dozing off when he heard a sound and sat up. He couldn't exactly say what it was but heard it. He got out of bed and tiptoed down to the hall. A light glowed dimly from the family room. Was it TV? His parents forbade them from watching late night movies but occasionally he and Sena disobeyed them and sneaked downstairs anyway. But if it was TV how come there was no sound? He stuck his head round the wall. Sena was behind the computer, her fingers pecking at the keyboard quickly. What was she doing? And who was she chatting with?

  • av Kwabena F. Ankomah-Kwakye

    The Deliverer was received a Burt Award for African Literature 2010. The Burt Award for African Literature is a new literary prize that the recognizes excellence in young adult fiction from Africa. 'Drop the stone, young man!' He screamed. Osei dropped the stone gently on the ground when he realised that the man had no arms and his garments were torn to shreds. He was a frightful sight to behold. With his chest still heaving up and down with rage he turned to find his friends standing around looking ashamed. 'When you are born to kill an elephant, you don't go bruising your knees chasing rats!' The strange man said.

  • - Towards a Sustainable Peace
    av A. K. Awedoba

  • - Governor Edward Carstensen on Danish Guinea 1842-50
    1 039,-

  • - Voices from the Humanities

    Questions about how social conditioning and historical circumstances influence assumptions about who we are and how others perceive who we are have attracted wide ranging discussion across the disciplines in the arts, humanities and allied sciences. Simultaneously, since the Independence period, scholars have deliberated over the varied implications of new states emerging throughout Africa. The peer-reviewed selected papers for this anthology represent a cross section of the diverse perspectives reflecting research and cross-disciplinary collaborations undertaken by members of the University of Ghana faculty and graduate students working in archaeology, literary criticism of African as well as English and Russian literatures, economics, history, cognitive psychology, linguistics, dance, music, philosophy, sociology, and the study of religions.

  • av K. B. Ayensu & S. N. Darkwa

    This study provides an overview of the development of Ghana's parliament from 1844 when it was under British colonial jurisdiction, through transition to sovereign rule in the 1950s. It further covers the period post the 2000 elections, the third successive multiparty elections, and consolidation of multi-party democratic governance. Some of the topics covered include: the various post-independence constitutions, the committee system, the introduction of women to parliament, and parliament and the media. An essay analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the parliamentary system and snapshot portraits of the presidents and speakers conclude the volume.


    Selena Axelrod Winsnes has been engaged, since 1982, in the translation into English, and editing of Danish language sources to West African history, sources published from 1697 to 1822, the period during which Denmark-Norway was an actor in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It comprises five major books written for the Scandinavian public. They describe all aspects of life on the Gold Coast [Ghana], the Middle Passage and the Danish Caribbean islands [US Virgin Islands], as seen by five different men. Each had his own agenda and mind-set, and the books, both singly and combined, hold a wealth of information - of interest both to scholars and lay readers. They provide important insights into the cultural baggage the enslaved Africans carried with them to the America's. One of the books, L.F. R¯mer's A Reliable Account of the Coast of Guinea was runner-up for the prestigious International Texts Prize awarded by the U.S. African Studies Association.


    Selena Axelrod Winsnes has been engaged, since 1982, in the translation into English, and editing of Danish language sources to West African history, sources published from 1697 to 1822, the period during which Denmark-Norway was an actor in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It comprises five major books written for the Scandinavian public. They describe all aspects of life on the Gold Coast [Ghana], the Middle Passage and the Danish Caribbean islands [US Virgin Islands], as seen by five different men. Each had his own agenda and mind-set, and the books, both singly and combined, hold a wealth of information - of interest both to scholars and lay readers. They provide important insights into the cultural baggage the enslaved Africans carried with them to the America's. One of the books, L.F. R¯mer's A Reliable Account of the Coast of Guinea was runner-up for the prestigious International Texts Prize awarded by the U.S. African Studies Association.

  • av Johannes Rask

    Selena Axelrod Winsnes has been engaged, since 1982, in the translation into English, and editing of Danish language sources to West African history, sources published from 1697 to 1822, the period during which Denmark-Norway was an actor in the Transatlantic Slave Trade. It comprises five major books written for the Scandinavian public. They describe all aspects of life on the Gold Coast [Ghana], the Middle Passage and the Danish Caribbean islands [US Virgin Islands], as seen by five different men. Each had his own agenda and mind-set, and the books, both singly and combined, hold a wealth of information - of interest both to scholars and lay readers. They provide important insights into the cultural baggage the enslaved Africans carried with them to the America's. One of the books, L.F.Rømer's A Reliable Account of the Coast of Guinea was runner-up for the prestigious international texts prize awarded by the U.S. African Studies Association.Selena Winsnes lived in Ghana for five years and studied at the University of Ghana, Legon. Her mother tongue is English; and, working free-lance, she resides premanently in Norway with her husband, four children and eight grandchildren. In 2008, she was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters for distinguished scholarship by the University of Ghana, Legon.

  • - Attaining the Millennium Development Goals

  • - Paul Erdmann Isert's Journey to Guinea and the Carribean Islands in Columbis (1788)

  • - International Migration and Development in Contemporary Ghana and West Africa

  • - from the 15th to the 19th Century
    av Akosua Adoma Perbi

  • av Amma Darko

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