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  • av Swami Yogananda

    These Stories will Inspire you and especially your Children. Bigger Fonts, Easy to Read. This book is an early collection of reminiscences of wisdom and wit of the great Kriya Yoga Master Paramahansa Yogananda. These are true stories. The fourteen anecdotes are among those that Paramahansa Yogananda recounted to lecture audiences in America or that were told to SRF disciples by his relatives and friends who had known him in his early life in India. In his narratives the great Master did not always mention names, dates, and places. He would often start out: "One time, this friend and I..." and then proceed with the tale. Therefore, in writing the stories, I have not always been certain about the chronology, settings, and personal names. I have found it expedient to bestow fictitious names on certain people in various episodes. The only true names are Mukunda, Sri Yukteswarji, Ananta, Roma, Prabhas Chandra Ghosh, and "Maid-Ma." During Paramahansaji's last years, I had the blessing, as a disciple at Mount Washington Center, of seeing the Master often. In this book I have tried to depict in words, which are inadequate at best, the spirit of Yoganandaji: a spirit ardent with love for God, tender with sympathy for all men, forgiving, kindly, humorous; yet resolute and forceful when strength was needed; never afraid to side with a righteous cause, however unpopular.

  • av Swami Yogananda

    The Fact is that the present age is Dwapar Yuga and 194 years of the Era is passed away, which is the Cause of the rapid development in all departments of knowledge. Dwapar Yuga, scientific theories were gradually reduced to practice, and they begun to contribute much to the happiness of mankind. The text provides a close comparison of parts of the Christian Bible to the Hindu Upanishads, meant "to show as clearly as possible that there is an essential unity in all religions...and that there is but one Goal admitted by all scriptures." Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri was born Priya Nath Karar in 1855 to a wealthy family. As a young man, he was a brilliant student of math and science, astrology and astronomy. He joined a Christian missionary school where he studied the Bible and later spent two years in medical school. After completing his formal education, Priya Nath married and had a daughter. But he continued his intellectual and spiritual pursuits, depending on the income from his property to support himself and his family. After the death of his wife, he entered the monastic Swami order and became Sri Yukteswar Giri, before becoming a disciple of famed guru Lahiri Mahasaya, known for his revitalization of Kriya Yoga. Then in 1894, Sri Yukteswar Giri met Mahavatar Babaji, an ageless wise man who is said to have lived for untold hundreds of years. At this meeting, Mahavatar Babaji gave Sri Yukteswar the title of Swami, and asked him to write this book comparing Hindu scriptures and the Christian Bible. Swami Sri Yukteswar obeyed.He also founded two ashrams, including one in his ancestral home. He lived simply as a swami and yogi, devoted to disciplining his body and mind, and thus to liberating his soul. Among his disciples was Paramhansa Yogananda, credited with bringing yoga and meditation to millions of Westerners. The Holy Science consists of four chapters. The first is titled "The Gospel," and is intended to "establish the fundamental truth of creation." Next is "The Goal," which discusses the three things all creatures are seeking: "Existence, Consciousness, and Bliss." Chapter three, "The Procedure," is the most practical of the sections. It describes the natural way to live for purity and health of body and mind. The final chapter is called "The Revelation," and discusses the end of the path for those who are near the "three ideals of life." Swami Sri Yukteswar also displays his impressive knowledge and understanding of astrology by proposing his theory of the Yuga Cycle.Each yuga is an age of the world that tracks the movement of the sun, Earth, and planets. Each age represents a different state of humanity. There are four yugas:- Satya Yuga is the highest and most enlightened age of truth and perfection.- Treta Yuga is the age of thought and is more spiritually advanced than Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga.- Dwapara Yuga is an energetic age, although not a wise one. During this yuga, people are often self-serving and greedy. The age is marked by war and disease.- Kali Yuga is the age of darkness, ignorance, and materialism. This is the least evolved age. Today, The Holy Science is highly respected among those seeking to understand the relationships between world religions and cultures. While some still believe that we are in Kali Yuga, many others believe that Swami Sri Yukteswar was accurate, and that his calculations "correct previous errors," that artificially inflated the length of the Yuga Cycle.

  • av Swami Yogananda

    Evidences of Praeceptas that it has came from Master Himself ! Swami Yogananda writes as fast as he receives them from the Infinite. Though CC (correspondence course) has not paid yet, it has immortalized the Lessons, which I would not have written without proper incentive. Even in the circle of saints, I hear highest praises about the Lessons, for systematizing the steps of realization so scattered and buried in Yoga books. An immortal work has been done. Besides, all our members, and specially real seekers, who cannot come in touch with me personally (which is impossible to do; life is too short and distances too great) unanimously agree how well pleased they are with the Lessons. I know from my experience in Europe and India that my Lessons are visible proof of the spreading of Lahiri Mahasaya's teachings. Lectures evaporate from the minds of the many --- but written Lessons stand as permanent proof of the depths and practicality of a teaching. We should never abandon the system of Lessons; that's the only way of keeping our people steadily going on in this path. Those that are thirsty would come to me or drink from my written teachings impregnated from my soul's perception. The fortnightly instructions have started of on July 1, the actual date when we promised to send out Lessons. ---- This was one of my great wishes fulfilled.Without a central teaching as foundation, no work can go on. We will immortalize the work in the Praecepta. These lessons are not an ordinary metaphysical "hash" between book reading and imaginary self-realization, but they are God-inspired, God dedicated truths which Swami Yogananda writes as fast as he receives them from the Infinite.There are thousands of testimonials about these weekly Heaven-uplifting instructions.They are all spiritual techniques which can be put into practice for step-by-step development in attaining God through Self-Realization.

  • av Swami Yogananda

  • av Swami Yogananda

    The need for a complete biography in English of Yogiraj Shri Shri Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahashaya has been very strongly felt. There are chapters on Shri Shri Lahiri Mahashaya in the English Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda, his spiritual grandson. But all the other biographies of this Great Saint are written in Bengali or Hindi. The present volume is an outcome of a Gracious Command of my beloved Gurudeva Yogiguru Shrimat Brahmachari Anilanandaji Maharaj. How else could I dare to go into the mystery of an astounding spiritual personality like Shri Shri Lahiri Mahashaya? The main outlines of the life of the Yogiraj are the same in all the available versions of his biography. There, are, however, a few minor differences in details. In such cases I have followed the descriptions of his great spiritual descendants whose insight can be absolutely relied upon. Let the fruit of this labour be offered to the Lotus Feet of Shri Guru."Hari Om."

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