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Bøker utgitt av Sweetspire Literature Management LLC

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  • av Magdalena Gorrell Jaen

    Living in Fear is a reminder of the threat to democracy posed by the current rise in extreme right-wing politicians and political parties in the Western World. July 22, 2022, the Spanish Parliament approved a new Historic Memory law that, among other measures, declared Franco's government illegal, nullified the rulings of the dictatorship's courts and made the government responsible for recovering the bodies of the hundreds of thousands of people killed during the civil war and the subsequent dictatorship.85 years after Franco's death, it appeared that justice would finally come to all Spaniards, without revenge or reprisals. It might not be so, as the recent July 24 2023 national elections saw an active rise in the number of extreme right-wing members of Parliament. A wave of great unrest and fear is again sweeping the country.Living in Fear, the single volume updated edition of Damnatio Memoriae, is directed at drawing readers' attention to the Francoist genocide of Spain, the pre-WWII human catastrophe that served as a testing ground for Hitler's forthcoming holocaust.

  • av Duane Haynes

  • av Stephen W. Sweigart

    'CoNMaNSiNiT 2023' was written in that year. Brief biographies of 50 Congressman and Senators of USA, at present. Written in verse style of my poems: 'The Martyrdom' and 'Jason'. Satire, but factual. Like, 'Jason' can be read for sound and vision, alone. Better understood if follow prose biographies.

  • av Mary Seaton

    This is a story based on true events of Mary of The Shanty. Born in a shanty on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River, Mary is a simple girl who was born with an amazing will to live. Pure of heart and keen of mind, she is a survivor.Mary grows up on a small farm with her father on the banks of the Murrumbidgee River in Victoria. She was just sixteen years old when her father died and left her all alone during the great depression in Australia during the 1930s.Mary pulls herself up by her bootstraps and sets about fortifying her property against the influx of the poor, destitute, and desperate, people arriving in the area. These people end up in a camp on the commons on the very edge of Mary's land. Mary's father had warned her they would come and had asked her not to overlook the fact that these people were homeless and starving through no fault of their own.Mary takes produce from her market garden into the monthly market in town and manages to make a living. She is comfortable but hard working. One day as she was returning from the market Mary encounters a few of the camp children. Her heart goes out to them, and she goes to the camp to meet the people. Then and there she decides to help them to help themselves and a friendly alliance is born. Mary goes through their trials and tribulations with them, she adopts them and they her. But there are those towns people who don't want these people around and Mary and her group find themselves confronted and challenged on all fronts. She forms a bond with Dan, one of the men and together they forge a partnership which will bring all these people through these toughest of times.Mary experiences love and friendship along the way but there are those who wish to hurt her and they do it in the worst of ways. But these people hadn't reckoned on the fierceness of the quiet, unassuming man who loves her, and soon regret bringing his ire down on themselves. For he will stop at nothing to keep his loved ones safe.

  • av Merenptah Asante

    This book exploring the generational ties of a family across generations: various narrators tell their struggles with humour, comedy, and tragedy, where traditional storytelling, asserts the eternity of the soul as zero time.Because the soul is everlasting and reincarnates, every child is a reincarnated ancestor that returns from the eternal to the physical plane. The soul in the body is manifested from spiritual to physical being that is made flesh. It echoes the traditional black Zeitgeist that black people do not die, along the lines: "ln principio erat Verbum et Deus erat Verbum". In the second tenet of Ras Tafari: Almighty God is a living man!

  • av Joy Mocke

    Joy is the mother of twins doing their first year in university. While working in the banking sector, she obtained her Commercial Law Diploma 2000. After fifteen years in banking, she opted to be at home with her children. Joy has a passion for encouraging exploring and researching on real matters such as nature and matters that make our life comfortable. It was while sourcing suitable reading matter (i.e. books that are both educational and fun) that she wanted to make a contribution towards such reading matters to children. Despite living in South Africa all her life, Joy finally went on her first wildlife Safari in 2013. She found the whole experience very exhilarating and felt a deep spiritual connection with the bush and the wildlife. She found herself thinking about all the children (both in South Africa and beyond) who would never be able to access such an amazing experience. Inspired by her experience and driven by her passion to promote exploring among young children, Joy wrote "My great super Safari in South Africa '' It is her hope that through this book, children will access a world that is beyond their reach.

  • av David Byerlee

    Aom has lost her son while fleeing Burma across the border to Thailand. He is gone but is still there. Auk's spirit, his ghost or Nat, is watching over her and the many racing for their lives from burning villages as they try to escape crazed soldiers bent on a murderous, destructive mission of ethnic cleansing. The stricken mother and her close friend Mon near the glittering land of freedom only to be captured by slavers.Still there is hope even in the grip of toxic servitude making mobile phones for the rich in the far away, almost mythic lands of America and Australia. Auk's ghost does not forsake them, and soon the two women find a way out of this hell to the beeming Thai tourist city of Pattaya. With freedom they plan a rescue for those left behind ignoring the inherent danger of such a mission. With the restless soul of her lost son watching over her, Aom is unafraid.Meanwhile in Australia a warring couple, Grace Winters and Brodie Jamieson, finalise plans to make up with a trip to exotic, trendy Phuket. At the last minute the destination is changed to the raunchier (and cheaper) resort of Pattaya. As they begin to land in Bangkok, Brodie watches the aftermath of a terrible bombing in one of the city's restaurants on inflight TV. He listens as the killer of the terrorist, Police Chief Timon, answers questions about his hot pursuit and street shooting of the perp who happens to be Burmese or Maung. There is something about this man's beaming, proud face that fascinates him. Later he will get to know this charismatic 'cowboy' cop far more than he bargained for.Brodie turns off the disturbing sounds and images so as not to alarm his already jittery partner Grace before the two embark on a life changing adventure. What follows is a stupendous ride through the dark alleys of a red- light town up to a rescue raid in the deep jungles of Burma organized by Aom, Mon, Challai a sympathetic bar girl who manages to capture Brodie's heart, and funded by Grace's mysterious and long- lost father Ralph Winters, who just happens to be a former CIA operative who may or not be retired. Put your seat belts on this is a wild ride that will take you to places you haven't been before.|Ralph, a presumably retired CIA with many friends in influential places has much to offer for these wanting to go on such a dangerous assignment into rebel controlled deepest darkest Burma.Finally, back on the street he struggles to renew things with Grace as he keeps in contact with Challai. This juggling act SUPERNATURAL CRIME THRILLER can't last and doesn't last. As he tries to make sense of his life Ralph and a retired Black Ops Major named Dane Van Dyke assist some of the Maung freedom fighters in raiding some of the diabolical work camps where so much pain and death has occurred. Brodie is happy te help as they all live in interesting times. Watching over all are the restless ghosts of the dead including Auk, a lost spirit who has saved so many as his spirit yearns for justice and eternal rest. He and his fellow spirits have much to do.David Byerlee website for novel Ghosts of Burma

  • av Marin Paun

    The book is a memoir which introduces people to the notion of energies and great missions. It covers the road of a refugee from a communist system to a capitalist one, Achieving your significant contribution should be the aim of your life. Significant contributions are a good way to change the world faster. And energy are the things you need to live your life abundantly and happy.

  • av Ann Chatham

    In the ancient Aboriginal Dreaming stories all living things had a human spirit and could communicate with each other, interact with their Mother Earth and Father sky, their creator. There were rules set by the father and creator so that the children of Mother earth would live in peace. However. When rules are not adhered to conflict inevitably happens. This particular encounter is based on a real Dreaming story told by the old people in far western New South Wales. It shines a light on the reason why this particular group of Aboriginal people will not go out in the dark on their own.Woven into this story is a question of what happens when the old and the new Australian cultures meet. Escape Into Dreaming is an attempt to tell the story to children in the hope that they will better understand the spirituality of our first nation's people.

  • av Mary Seaton

    Based on a true storyThe Overlanders is a bittersweet, sometimes comical look at the lives and loves in the world of a droving team in the Australian Outback. Their trials and tribulations and the hardships they endured in the harsh desert country they inhabited. The dangers they faced from their enemies and elements alike. It also tells the story of the women they left behind time and time again to fend for themselves. Sometimes for months on end.Faced with the task of delivering cattle, sometimes hundreds of head, from point A to point B, sometimes hundreds of miles, the mighty drovers are a mostly unsung hero. In all weathers they pushed the cattle through. In searing heat and freezing cold, through drought and flooding rains they delivered the meat to feed a nation.Tom was one such a hero, though he would get a good laugh at hearing that said about him. He was a drive boss, and it was on his shoulders, rested the responsibility of delivering live and healthy livestock through the harshest conditions to their destination. It is a myth that these men enjoyed a laid-back stress-free occupation. Yet by the same token they would never entertain the idea of doing anything else.It was on a shortcut through Devils Canyon that Tom decided to take to save time and money that these men met a most harrowing and horrific foe. It would change their lives forever, and to this day these men are loathe to speak of it.A foe, so much more than the usual perils they faced as they drove stock across mountain and plain, through deserts and scrub and forests. Much more threatening than the constant search for water and pasture and the threat from rustlers. A foe so confronting that it made these men consider staying at home.Some happenings are so terrible that they have the power to bind people together in the strongest of bonds. These men came through their ordeal stronger but changed.

  • av Peter Dwyer

    The title of this short book is What's Next?, and the short answer is Who Knows? This is despite the mounting evidence that our current worldwide problems are leading people to reassess their priorities for the future and insist on the need for change. The purpose of the book is to take this contrast seriously, and not only to accept the task of seeing what is at stake as we enter upon a new future, but also to face up to the challenge flowing from what this reveals: Can We Do It?

  • av Alan Greenwood

    Adam Redfield is an adventurer of sorts and is planning the trip of a lifetime. little does he know that it could be his last trip. High in space an observer has noticed an object under the polar ice cap.This object could ultimately destroy humanity, the cause of this destruction is an Alien Virus.Out at sea Adam and his crew may be humanity's only hope.

  • av J D Williams

    The novel "Where is Henry? "is the first of a trilogy of international crime novels. Covering the globe from the United States to Thailand , Burma, and the far east. A worldwide cabal of drug dealers, illegal importation of ghost weapons, white slavery, nuclear tipped weapons, contract murder, whose aim is to bring down the government of the United States. The cabal is tracked around the world by secret agent Marjorie Swift, an ex- black op and director of worldwide secret operations. Will Henry be found and stopped before time runs out?

  • av Michael Britton

    Defeated but not destroyed, the darkness retreats to its lair. With wounds of their own and the pain of loss still fresh in their minds, our heroes have no choice but to give chase.As unrest grows at home our heroes find themselves fighting enemies on two fronts. With armies raised our heroes must overcome new obstacles in order to face the evil Maroxis again.Separated and forgotten, our heroes fight battles big and small. Powerful enemies and peasants alike.With weddings, banquets and coronations it's not all grim news as our heroes' experience their own feast or famine moments.

  • av Len Titow

    A dramatic story of a talented young designer who was forced to flee her home to protect her family and friends from criminal elements, who killed her husband and were intending to do the same to her. She hid in the town's central park and had to beg for money on the steps of the Town Hall to survive. She was continually confronted by a wealthy businessman who had involvement with the underworld and who had no time for beggars. He considered them trash and should be removed from the city streets. He often abused and physically attacked her as she sat begging on the steps of the Town Hall. She was helped back into the fashion industry by a businessman who got to know her story and who acquired a recognised fashion house which had previously gone into liquidation. Tragedy struck when the designer died before a major exhibition which the underworld intended to win. The principal running the fashion house for the underworld lost a number of fashion shows and a substantial amount of money during the GFC and to prevent being killed, took up occupancy in central park and was forced to beg on the streets to survive in the same way as did the girl whom he took exception to. The mystery intensifies as divine retribution is inflicted on the perpetrator. Throughout the novel, a number of controversial religious doctrines are raised and are intermingled with the storyline.

  • av Vp Saxton
    163 - 231,-

  • av James Bridgwater

    Mark Wilson suffered such abuse and trauma as a child he was psychologically damaged and developed problems including split personalities and psychosomatic blindness. Now he has a guide dog called Willow and a dark secret. Blind Justice is a transvestite vigilante seeking revenge on the world of pedophiles and that of corrupt celebrities and bankers. He uses help from his one remaining friend from childhood; Rocket Queen, now working as a drag act in New York. He gains in confidence, yet is pursued by his nemesis the Detective Inspector Tracy Hansard. Immorality in competition with sanity.

  • av Marshall Elmore

    Colors have meaning but they are not just seen they are felt. So, too do poems and this collection of poems I use the analogy because of the creativity and range I use. Touching on many spectrums of emotions. I hope you enjoy this heart felt collection and as always many thanks to you all.

  • av David Mbowa Rubadiri

    The book is a Joke book comprising short snappy jokes and a story joke that I have created. All jokes are original.

  • av Kevin Harris
    162 - 231,-

  • av John B. McMillan

    A light-hearted and humorous travel memoir, this is the first in a series describing the author's experiences of travelling light around the world in his retirement. After the death of his wife, mixing with youthful backpackers taking gap years and learning from the indigenous people in the countries he visited, enabled him to see himself as others saw him - a view that helped him come to terms with a life alone, recapturing youth while trekking among mountains, in jungles, exploring underwater, and in both polar regions.

  • av Pam Vause

    Lorenzo Medici, Duke of Florenze, employed Pietro as the city's medical practitioner. At the grand ball Pietro watched his friend Gerardo glide by with a beautiful Signorina. They twirled and whirled with the music, totally mesmerized with each other. The Pope watched Pietro. He knew he was a Waldensian youth, trained to spread Bible seeds of reformation wherever he went. The Pope issued his bull for Pietro's extermination, but how was he going to do this while Pietro was under the Duke's protection? THEN Pietro visited Rome for Gerardo's wedding, placing himself in great danger. He was caught and taken to the martyr-pile.

  • av Marin Paun

    Schizophrenia is a mental health condition, not a disease which in extreme cases can make the recipients take his/her life. There are currently 250 000 cases in Australia and 25 000 suicides. The book introduces people to five important symptoms of schizophrenia. Positive symptoms, negative symptoms affective symptoms, aggressive symptoms, cognitive symptoms. And the type of schizophrenia where European model differs from the American one. paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, (assuming position without expression), undifferentiated and residual type. The European system ICD-10 has defined two more categories 1 Post schizophrenic It is a depression of the recently recovered schizophrenia customer. It is an after effect of the condition and some minor symptoms still exist.2 Simple Schizophrenia. A development in negative symptoms. And there is no history of the psychotic disorder. There has been a pattern of OCD (obsessive and compulsive disorder) which can be found in schizophrenic patients.The diagnosis is done by asking a lot of questions the person and the loved one's Mental history is considered. When there is no evidence that other influences are causing hallucinatory, delusions and other disorders is finally decided the person has schizophrenia. The current medication and treatment are discussed. A true way of treating and dealing schizophrenia is presented. Making the mind the centre of the solutions like it should be. And saving a lot of lives. Schizophrenia is a temporary condition and is a condition of the mind. It does not have anything to do with the genetics, illness or chemicals in your brain. Is a condition given to you by the mind and not by the brain There is further development found in the book. The schizophrenia is not the final destinations. Acquiring self-esteem and going through the process of death is covered. Replacing the self-concept received in early life without questioning with a one which is challenged is covered in the development stage. The meaning of life is also covered, and it is an important part of your life because we are here for others. In the final chapter there are miscellaneous facts about us and our lives, which could not be put anywhere else. Like happiness, a goal of humans, music therapy, unfinished business and conclusions., I knew 20 years ago how to cure schizophrenia and it was to my disbelief to hear that there is no cure that you must live all your life with it, no wonder people commit suicide.

  • av Rose Clayworth
    192 - 260,-

  • av Nevaeh-Ellie Jacobs
    177 - 236,-

  • av Len Titow

  • av Damien Vappereau

  • av Danial Kenneth Mason
    289 - 404,-

  • av Lucille Turfrey

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