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Bøker utgitt av Texianer Verlag

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  • av Eugen Rispart
    342 - 439,-

    In the Middle Ages, during the reign of King Richard of England, a terrible anti-Semitic massacre took place in York in 1190. The city's entire Jewish community was trapped by an angry mob within the tower of York Castle. Members of the community chose to commit suicide rather than be murdered or forcibly baptized by the attackers.Eugen Rispart's great epic, crammed full of incidents, accurate in historical detail, delineating with a master hand the famous characters of the period, graphic in description, blending tragedy, comedy, and romance takes its place amidst the other masterpieces of Eugen Rispart. Through the great spectacle move the figures of Prince Richard, Eleanor the stern Queen mother, The Earl of Salisbury, Benedict, the Jew of York, and his partner Joscen. We are taken into the intimacy of the Jewish home and into the political arena of the struggle between Prince Richard and Prince John for the throne. Major William Schonfield created this translation in 1933 and it had disappeared until a recent discovery by the editor. It has now been thoroughly revised and additional information added to be made available once again. The reader cannot but become involved in this gripping novel.

  • - Selected poems from Hanane Aad's poetry, originally written in Arabic
    av Hanane Aad

    I am the child of time, I say: Time tastes of the most delicious wine, we drink it, and it drinks us, we and time awaitour drunkenness together, till the angel of indulgence, wholly unembarrassed, crosses our melancholy foreheads."Her poetry embodies a feeling of nihilism or absurdity, but in a positive sense, stimulating creation and innovation instead of death and surrender. This is the fruit of a transparent and sincere monologue, indicating the power of the heart and the power of the soul. The meditative inclination in Hanane Aad's verse may be founded on a strategy of her poetical writing to bring the abstract down from its throne to the level of the concrete and non absolute, in order to humanize what is abstract and to set up a possible dialogue with life, or the passing age, at least within the poem."- Jihad Hudeib, Amman, October 2004

  • - A Lenten Drama
    av Sharon Thompson

    I recently attended a performance of Peter Shaffer's play, Equus. The play was inspired by an irrational crime-a young man had intentionally blinded a number of horses with a sharp object. The playwright knew nothing about this individual or the circumstances surrounding the crime-only of the crime itself. The play seeks to create a mental world where the crime can be made comprehensible.This short drama is of the same nature. We do not really know Judas: we only know his crime. What could make the crime of Judas comprehensible? We have limited information about Judas. He was from a Judean village, Kerioth; he was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, the only non-Galilean. He was appointed treasurer of the group; he betrayed Jesus into the hands of the Jewish authorities and subsequently committed suicide. Since we do not know the "real" Judas, or never will, his characterization must, of course, be imaginary. This drama is an attempt to present one possible set of circumstances that could have motivated Judas to act as he did.

  • - A Collection of Writings
    av Hugh J Schonfield

    Hugh Schonfield is best known for his controversial book (and the film) "The Passover Plot" yet he was a writer of considerable scope and often composed essays or gave talks on many of his pet themes, including approaching ancient religious literature from a historical point of view. Through these studies he portrays man on a path of destiny to a Wellsian future and often calls his listener to consider the meaning of true religion.In this book we are confronted with a collection of essays which have never been put into print and which were discovered in the articles of the Mondcivitan Republic (Commonwealth of World Citizens).Although the idea of founding a virtual Republic based on the concept of a serving world nation seems far-fetched to readers today, it expressed ideas of non-violence and sharing which perhaps will one day find themselves realised in another form from which their originator envisaged.Hugh Schonfield arrived at his revelation of a Servant-People though his extensive research into Christian, Jewish and Biblical history. This becomes apparent when reading this collection of essays.It has been a purpose of the Hugh and Helene Schonfield Trust to keep these ideas alive for that future generation who will one day take up the gauntlet of finding a way of creating a better and more peaceful world for all.Schonfield‛s ideas did not fall on deaf ears and inspired many of his followers to make their own attempts of making this ancient dream a reality.I have also included an essay from Sir Anthony Brooke who was a strong supporter of Schonfield's ideas.It is hoped that the reader will find these essays both inspiring and a source of pleasure.Stephen A. Engelking (Editor)

  • av Hugh J Schonfield
    255 - 342

    A long-lost and forgotten book by the author of the Passover Plot, Hugh J. Schonfield under the pseudonym of "Hegesippus"First published in 1932, this little book caused a sensation and stir amongst conservative Christians yet its explanation of the famous so-called Sermon on the Mount still blows like a breath of fresh air today!The original dust jacket reiterated current reviews: "From first to last the pages vindicate the tenets and words of Christ." - the Christian"This moving book which all earnest Christians will welcome." - Dr. McInnes in the Scots Observer"His book is of immense importance." - City Mid-Week"The Arguments are put forward with so little passion or rhetoric and are so obviously supported by scholarship and knowledge that the case seems beyond refutation." - City Mid-Week"The exposition here given is supported by Talmudic and other Jewish writings ... singularly apt and illuminating." - The ChristianIt probably remains, as also stated on the front cover: The Greatest Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount

  • - Short Stories
    av Murat Tuncel

    Every life is a theatrical play and has its own intriguing story. But there are some lives that don't dovetail into plays or stories. Their lives exceeded the dimensions of one particular story or play, transforming into a chain of stories and plays.While I was constructing the story of their strange life, I found myself on stage in a play. Nobody told me to act in it. I'm a volunteer actor in this play.The theater is where this play, in which I'm an actor, opens its curtains while you're snoozing away in your warm, comfy bed. Sometimes after a one-act play is played, it closes its curtains before midnight, and sometimes it stays open until the morning to watch the awakening of those in the bosom of sleep. I'm the one who plays in and watches this strange game until the stories are yours.

  • av Miriam Baermann

    Increasing violence amongst youth in society, burn-out as a widespread disease, and scandals in companies are only some of the headlines which appear regularly in the news media. Politics scarcely seems to have any success in fighting violence and injustice in society and the world. The thesis suggests that people do not have to wait for a savior such as a politician but that everyone can contribute to a less violent, more peaceful, and just world. It will be demonstrated that organizations have an enormous influence on society and this book deals with the possibilities which an organization has to contribute to a less violent culture. By the term "organization" all forms of organized groups of people who come together for a certain purpose are meant, for example, schools, clubs, public social aids, and others, while we mainly concentrate on companies in our research. The intention is to focus particularly on the issues related to the theme of creating a nonviolent culture in the workplace. In the first part on culture, we deal with several questions regarding culture, including such fundamental questions as What is organizational culture? What are the dimensions of culture? and is it possible to in- fluence it and if yes, how does it work? In the second part, we take a look at the terms violence and nonviolence, and a survey of how these aspects occur in society and organizations is made. The third part is the largest and deals with the qualities of leadership and with the organizational conditions which are necessary to create a nonviolent culture. We hope it will become clearer to the reader that nonviolence is not a strategy or a formula to be used. It can appear very different in different situations. There are component elements that can promote it and there are certain principles that cannot be violated if one wishes to establish true nonviolence. Nevertheless, there is no one patent formula nor one exclusively correct way of creating a nonviolent culture. It requires considerable creativity and endurance to create it and can take a variety of forms.

  • av David Henryk Ropschitz

    Nel 1982, verso la fine di una vita notevolissima, il medico psichiatra David Ropschitz decise di scrivere per mettere nero su bianco la sua storia personale di sopravvivenza durante la guerra.In questo romanzo autobiografico, egli narra il percorso da un'infanzia agiata nella Vienna degli anni '20 si suoi studi di medicina negli anni '30 in Italia, fino al suo internamento, nel luglio 1940, ad opera del governo fascista, nel più grande campo di internamento italiano, Ferramonti di Tarsia.In questo romanzo il dottor Ropschitz ricorda con tenerezza ed umorismo i tre difficili anni passati a Ferramonti: le amicizie, gli amori, le privazioni, la fame e la costante incertezza.Questo racconto accattivante porta il lettore in un viaggio dalla Calabria agli Abruzzi, dal filo spinato alla libertà, esplorando lungo la strada i temi della fede, dell'umanità, e della psicanalisi.

  • av Johanna Rosa Engelking
    249 - 378,-

    This much cited work by Johanna Rosa Engelking was originally a Master's thesis. It has now been edited and made available in book form with additional biographical information about this remarkable woman.Coming from a background of education and culture from her pioneer German-Texan ancestors, much involved in early Texas and later US politics, she gained respect and influence in those sympathetic to the ideal of freedom.In this well researched book we discover another interpretation of Texan history that was very much linked to the issue of slavery.

  • av Murat Tuncel

    Every life is a theatrical play and has its own intrigu- ing story. But there are some lives that don't dovetail into plays or stories. Their lives exceeded the dimensions of one particular story or play, transforming into a chain of stories and plays.While I was constructing the story of their strange life, I found myself on stage in a play. Nobody told me to act in it. I'm a volunteer actor in this play.The theater is where this play, in which I'm an actor, opens its curtains while you're snoozing away in your warm, comfy bed. Sometimes after a one-act play is played, it closes its curtains before midnight, and some- times it stays open until the morning to watch the awak- ening of those in the bosom of sleep. I'm the one who plays in and watches this strange game until the stories are yours.When the stories are yours, my acting as well as my spectatorship is over. The curtain of your theater goes up the moment my acting as well as my spectatorship end. Then maybe I'll fall into a deep slumber. Then again, maybe I'll fall into the trap of a new story and forget about sleep.

  • av David Henryk Ropschitz

    Nel 1982, verso la fine di una vita notevolissima, il medico psichiatra David Ropschitz decise di scrivere per mettere nero su bianco la sua storia personale di sopravvivenza durante la guerra.In questo romanzo autobiografico, egli narra il percorso da un'infanzia agiata nella Vienna degli anni '20 si suoi studi di medicina negli anni '30 in Italia, fino al suo internamento, nel luglio 1940, ad opera del governo fascista, nel più grande campo di internamento italiano, Ferramonti di Tarsia.In questo romanzo il dottor Ropschitz ricorda con tenerezza ed umorismo i tre difficili anni passati a Ferramonti: le amicizie, gli amori, le privazioni, la fame e la costante incertezza.Questo racconto accattivante porta il lettore in un viaggio dalla Calabria agli Abruzzi, dal filo spinato alla libertà, esplorando lungo la strada i temi della fede, dell'umanità, e della psicanalisi.

  • av Sharon Thompson

  • av Wilhelm Haller

    Wilhelm (Willi) Haller (*25. Juli 1935; ¿ 2. August 2004) was not a theologian but an industrialist. Within the framework of his commitment to the Fellowship of Reconciliation, he also lectured on theological topics. He is mainly known for his contribution to the humanization of work but he was much concerned with philosophical and religious issues. He was very much influenced by the teachings of the bible scholar and Messianist Hugh J. Schonfield and convinced that a Servant Nation was the only way to solve the fundamental problems of mankind. He not only founded the leading flexible working hours and security equipment company, Interflex, but also was instrumental in innovative social projects. An unbelievable entrepreneur (most of his initiatives are still operating today), he was a gentle approachable person and father of four children.

  • av Lewis Carroll
    221 - 233

  • av Hugh J Schonfield
    290 - 504,-

  • av Thompson Sharon Thompson
    219 - 276

  • - Erzahlungen
    av Murat Tuncel & Senay Plassmann
    251 - 361,-

  • - The People of Ferramonti: Then and Now
    av Yolanda Ropschitz-Bentham
    289 - 361,-

  • av Hugh J Schonfield

  • av Merih Gunay

  • - A Collection of Writings
    av Schonfield Hugh J. Schonfield

  • av Merih Gunay

  • - an seine Eltern Karl Samuel Hubsch und Friederike, geb. Pagenstecher 1833-1838
    av Huebsch Wilhelm Huebsch

    Im Jahr 1833 wanderte Hubsch als Mitglied der Mainzer Auswanderungsgesellschaft aus. Wilhelms Enthusiasmus verflog, als seine Gesundheit und seine Ressourcen erschopft waren und er kehrte zuruck.

  • av Merih Gunay
    221 - 316,-

  • - The Struggles that Led to a New World
    av Engelking Stephen A. Engelking & Hertneck Friedrich Hertneck
    316 - 466

  • av Wilhelm Huebsch

  • av Wilhelm Haller
    289 - 303,-

  • - Süsse Schokolade - Streifzüge - Gegen Ende der Nacht
    av Merih Gunay
    330 - 507,-

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