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Bøker utgitt av The Little French's Media LLC

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  • av The Little French

    Have you ever experienced how love is strengthened in the most difficult situations in life? Have you ever felt that love is capable of overcoming any obstacle, of transcending even death? If the answer is yes, then I invite you to immerse yourself in the pages of this book of stories about love. Here you will find moving stories about how love is born, grows and is strengthened in the toughest tests in relationships, whether friendship or love. You will discover that love is capable of overcoming all barriers and that it does not distinguish between races or sexes, because it is only love. Get ready to feel, to get excited and to believe in the power of love. Welcome to the world of love!

  • av Enza Scalici

    El doctor Alan Morris, joven y brillante neurocirujano, durante unas vacaciones en Las Palmas vuelve a encontrarse con Chiqui Álvarez, una hermosa muchacha que había conocido fugazmente en Paris. Comienzan la que, tácitamente, será una aventura de verano, pero cuando se acerca el momento de volver a casa y Chiqui desaparece sin dejar rastro, él se da cuenta de que está perdidamente enamorado de la joven. Amargado y desilusionado, Alan regresa a su rutina y se lleva una sorpresa cuando se entera de que una paciente que se había negado varias veces a dejarse operar, ahora, siendo ya un caso extremo, aceptó entrar al quirófano. Sin muchas esperanzas de poder salvarla, él vuela a la ciudad donde vive su paciente, sin saber que aquel viaje estremecerá su vida

  • av Gary Bills

    Lorina Skene moves between two worlds, the every day and the supernatural, and in both she is a killer, at large and beyond suspicion in Victorian London. She is protected by her privilege and her power. But who, or what is pulling the strings? This is a Gothic nightmare, and a tale of controlling, obsessive love, with plenty of twists, turns, and weird happenings along the bumpy ride through fog and gaslight. Expect to be disturbed, and expect a broken heart, when silence falls and realization dawns.

  • av Eli Tabariai

    An intricate exploration of the music of the 1980's from one man's point of view. This exploration features a ranking of the songs that were released in the 1980's and the reasons why they are ranked the way they are. In addition, graphic illustrations are displayed to represent some of the titles of the music. The top 1000 songs according to the author's opinion are noted as well as 100 songs that are honorary mentions.

  • av The Little French

    Le conseguenze di una separazione e/o di un divorzio sono il dolore. Esprimi la tua tensione emotiva ogni giorno che leggi ogni verbalizzazione e così il tuo cuore troverà sollievo...

  • av The Little French

    La suite d'une séparation et/ou d'un divorce est un deuil. Versez votre tension émotionnelle chaque jour que vous lisez chaque verbalisation et ainsi votre c¿ur trouvera un soulagement...

  • av The Little French

    The aftermath of a separation and/or divorce is grief. Pour out your emotional strain every day when you read each verbalization and so your heart will find relief...

  • av Marco Antonio Diaz

    Affair of heart, betrayal, infidelity, swindle take place.A broken heart and even murder are part of a circle of friends, which becomes a club.(Honorable mention in Paris Book Festival 2021)

  • av Tito Maciá

    Podemos imaginar los doce signos zodiacales como doce baúles de un artista de teatro ambulante, cajones que contienen todo lo necesario para realizar la Opera Prima de cada uno de nosotros. Los doce signos zodiacales sirven para saber que tendemos a adoptar patrones de comportamiento que no sólo dependen de la genética y de la influencia de la educación recibida de padres y educadores. Los patrones de conducta no obedecen exclusivamente a la cultura en que nos desarrollamos o la religión que profesamos, también existen patrones de conducta astral que nos afectan de manera "especial."

  • av Tito Maciá

    "Hay doce casas en el cielo", decía Lilly *. Los signos (una franja en el cielo dividida en 12 partes), siempre fueron las casas de los planetas, ubicados debajo de las estrellas, en la "Esfera Celeste."

  • av Alvaro Pérez Betancourt

  • av Phil Webberley

  • av The Little French

    Este es un libro de 53 fotografías de la modelo Victoria Lambert, con diferentes vestuarios y en diferente ambientes, acompaña a cada verso escrito en el libro.

  • av Oliver Frances

    At the start of this heartwarming romance, emotions run low, but as Kenny, a young man, meets Pat, a woman in her early thirties, on a sunny summer day, their connection sets off a whirlpool of feelings. As they delve deeper into their love affair, Kenny begins to contemplate the significance of the simple things in life that are often overlooked, while Pat discovers the essentiality of cherishing every moment. "Summer Love" tells a compelling story about the power of emotions and how they shape our perspectives on daily events.

  • av Gabriela Llanos

    Facundo Cabral. Crónica de sus últimos días es un libro testimonial narrado en primera persona por Percy Llanos, amigo y acompañante de la última gira del cantautor argentino, testigo fundamental de aquella fatídica madrugada del 9 de julio de 2011, cuando Facundo Cabral fue injustamente asesinado. Una narración lineal, que comienza y termina en el Range Rover blanco al que nunca debieron subir. Un relato testimonial, emotivo, imprescindible para los muchos admiradores de Facundo Cabral, cargado de ese humor cáustico y brillante que lo distinguía; reivindicando el mensaje positivo y la paz que procuraba transmitir al subirá un escenario. Percy Llanos: Es periodista y un reconocido hombre de radio. Fue director de Radio Universidad de Córdoba (Argentina) y del mítico programa El Discotecario de la Noche. Desde hace tres décadas es presidente de la empresa Contemporánea Producción Artística, que produce espectáculos y artistas de renombre internacional. Gabriela Llanos: Es periodista y escritora. Actualmente trabaja en la Wradio, la emisora internacional del Grupo Prisa, y en la Cadena SER (España).

  • av Oliver Frances

  • av Emran Jamal

    This erotic/suspense romance novel tells the story, which is somehow a parody style of noir in the seventies, about a reporter and his adventures; then the landlady and her real life adventure seeking souls for writing good mystery and horror novels.

  • av Elaine Crume

    Cousin Fred leaned forward in his chair and stage-whispered, "She left the babies in the bed and ran off with a salesman." So many questions went through my head. What could compel a woman of the 1860s to leave three young boys sleeping in their beds and flee with a stranger? Why did Fred have nothing to say about her husband, my great-grandfather? Where did she go and how did it work out for her? The reason for Lydia's shocking decision was lost to history for over 100 years-until I stumbled across her yellowed and tattered journals in my great-uncle's trunk. Now the truth can be told.

  • av Pauline Verhoeff

  • av Oliver Frances

    As Kant's quote: Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. So in this book to bring ourselves into maturity, the readers will learn about phrases that describe the world of emotions, others that explain what is love and where this could be found, others that even philosophy about our world, and lastly there are phrases that delves into the significance of wisdom.All the concepts written here come with their respective justifications.

  • av T. R. Sami

    A boy in his early 20s... who left his hometown to work on his dream of becoming an artist. One day, he decided to spend some time in the bar, and there he witnesses a performance of a girl who plays on the piano. Her music hypnotizes him in a state of absolute acceptance of everything around. One day, when he has a chance to talk with her, he realizes that she was a different type of dreamer than he is, and he tries to understand her views. Immediately she became something like his muse.This is a story about dreamers in today's society. They take their dream seriously or it is like a wave that pushes them towards what they desire truly. The people who appeared in the middle of the path that they have chosen, whose struggles are like warning signs along the way, make them scare their dreams away or encourage these dreamers to carry on and to go where only a few have managed.Contributor Notes (0 / 2500)

  • av Joan Kofas

    A third generation Norwegian, Freddie with a gambling addiction and nostalgic for the sixties counterculture, inherits the low-budget motel on the city's outskirts. As Freddie struggles with his own problems after leaving the motel maid pregnant, he is caught up in the lives of transients; a white supremacist, a black ex-con, a former mental patient and an unstable Vietnam veteran, among others.Against the background of the moral majority movement of the 1980s, Freddie faces not only a moral dilemma, but an existential one.The unraveling of his own life, and the lives of motel guests, force him to reexamines his own middle class values in a society that equates immorality with the marginalized souls like those staying at the Strassen Inn.

  • av Morquecho Sánchez

    La tragedia marca a una familia. La suerte juega en su contra. La historia cuenta la vida de una familia acomodada en un estatus socioeconómico privilegiado, sin embargo eso no evita que las vicisitudes de la vida los afecte. Un evento trágico cambia por completo sus vidas. Al final la determinación dirá si podrán superar esto.

  • av Oliver Frances

  • av Victor Garcia

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