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  • av Daniel Gormally

    Have you ever wondered why you do well in certain tournaments and not in others? If your opening choices are the right ones? If your attacking play is good, bad, or Tinder swipe left ugly?In this entertaining account, the author explains how to achieve success in chess we need to understand our what works for us, but to achieve true mastery we should prepare to go beyond our zone of comfort. Along the way he takes us on a journey through his own world of discovery and explains how he became one of the best chess players in England. It’s a deeply honest and at times tragicomic memoir as he also reveals his strategy for taking on his biggest rivals and how best to use computers to improve your chess.

  • av Efstratios Grivas

    The Sicilian Defense is an opening that commences with the moves 1.e4 c5. TheSicilian Defense is the most popular and best-scoring response to White’s firstmove 1.e4. For example, 1.d4, is a statistically more successful opening forWhite because of the high success rate of the Sicilian Defense against 1.e4.The Sicilian is Black’s most dynamic, asymmetrical reply to 1.P-K4. It produces thepsychological and tension factors which denote the best in modern play andgives notice of a fierce fight on the very first move.’ The Modernized Grivas Sicilian is an unique variation within the Sicilian developed by Grandmaster Grivas, the reason why it has his name.

  • av Efstratios Grivas

    To learn and to play endgames well the chess player must love endgames¿ - Lev Psakhis. Different kinds of endgames have specific characteristics and rules. Every serious player must know many typical positions and main principles of all types of endings. That knowledge should help us during the game, but it is not enough to become a good player, not yet. There just too many different endings, some of them with two or more pieces, some are very complex. To be comfortable and play well those complex endings require specific knowledge and specific ways of thinking. We will call it `endgame thinking¿.I chose to write a book on advanced rook endings as I simply did not wish to write another book that would be like the many already available. I have done my best to present analysis and articles I have written over the past 10-15 years. Th is work has been presented in my daily coaching sessions, seminars, workshops, etc. The material has helped a lot of trainees to develop into quite strong players gaining international titles and championships. Now, it is your turn to taste and enjoy it!

  • av Daniel Fernandez

    The Modern Defence is not a solid opening. In fact, on some level maybe it's not an opening at all. It's the Wild West of chess opening theory, a safe haven for true chess lovers who are just spoiling for a fight. The structures that can result are almost unlimited in their variety and the potential for dynamic piece play is also huge. You need real passion to play it, and also the ability to work hard at the board. But it's also played at the very top: even the names Carlsen and Kramnik occur sometimes in these pages! This book is primarily intended for players who want to play the position after 1.e4 g6 2. d4 Bg7 for Black. However, and inevitably for the computer age, there is also a strong focus on chess truth. That means there are also some recommendations for White that are not yet well-known in mainstream opening theory, and that the book has something to offer everyone.

  • av Daniel Hausrath

    The main part of the book is divided into exercises and solutions, with 110positions taken from double fianchetto games. I have divided the exercisesinto chapters, with each chapter featuring games by players who have deployedthe double fianchetto quite often. You will find a lot of typical motifsused by these players.

  • av Sergio Trigo Urquijo

    The Philidor Defense is a most popular opening at all levels. In this first book Sergio brings a no-nonsense opening repertoire for players of all strenghts.You will find this book nor only a useful handy guide but find it also loaded with an indispensable source of inspiring ideas.

  • av Eduardas Rozentalis

    In his enlarged edition Grandmaster Rozentalis looks at some of the most important questions: the connection between the opening, middlegame and endgame. The book is the updated and enlarged version of the first edition published August of 2016. The author found new thrilling examples to prove his point once more: when to rely on your acquired knowledge or not. This book is highly recommended to all players as well as anyone who is coaching and cares for the pure understanding in the endgame.

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    av Daniel Hausrath

    This is the first book fully devoted to the double fianchetto for both colors, White and Black.GM Daniel Hausrath draws upon his vast experience to provide guidance on how to use the differentkinds of set-ups the double fianchetto has available for White and Black. In a clear manner, Daniel explains the many subtle move orders, the critical resulting middle game structures and typical endgame positions. His guidance through the presented games will bring you an immediate gain in the understanding of the benefits of the `Double Fianchettö.This is an ideal book for all club players and is written by one of the leading experts on the `Double Fianchettö.

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    av S.P Sethuraman

    The book you hold is the first work of GM Sethuraman and contains his efforts to find new paths and fresh perspectives on these two variations of these famous Sicilians.We hope you gain from information in this book as well as simply enjoy the games themselves.

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    av Vladimir Okhotnik

    It has been 60 years since I took up chess as a serious pursuit. Considering that sufficient time has passed I think that now I should look back and discuss the results of this effort!In the course of writing, I sought to make the book biographical but that did not always work out and some of the events from my chess life were not included in this work. Perhaps there will be a future book in which these events, as well as events yet to happen, can be told.For the past 10 years my name has had a special mark on the final standings - Veteran. At first this was somewhat confusing, but I soon realized that in all the spheres of human activity the word "veteran" has a noble meaning. My friends often ask me, "Vladimir, are you not tired of playing chess"? I always answer emphatically, "No, I am not tired. Where else can I find such a huge space for self-expression?"? Steinitz once said, " Chess is not for the faint of heart." I agree 100%! Chess players do not need pumped up muscles, they need a sound mind with which to resist the constant pressure exerted on every nerve that is experienced during combat. I do not always like this constant struggle and the stress that comes with it. It is even worse when one makes a mistake in a winning position. In this past decade another "problem" has been added - incredibly powerful computer engines that younger opponents skillfully use in preparation for the game. But when you win a beautiful game or use a theoretical novelty invented at home (albeit with the help of a computer), or defend a difficult hopeless position, how great it is! And at such moments you do not think about chess being a science or artistic effort or even sport. At times like these, they are just part of your life. Now it is time to let you turn the page and see just how incredibly interesting it is to be an active chess player, even as a veteran!

  • av Michal Krasenkow

    'Learn from Michal Krasenkow' is a splendid walk through the games and life of the author. Michal presents his games in the most instructive way and gives the reader a deeper look of his own thinking. We are convinced you will find many fascinating games inspiring the reader to improve his game as well!

  • av Alexey Kuzmin

    This book is the presentation of the history of all the Candidates tournaments and matches in the history of chess. However it is also a book of test and solutions, given in the format of game fragments with detailed comments. All the problems selected by the author have been taken from the games of all the Candidates competitions

  • av Efstratios Grivas

    Grandmaster Grivas presents the reader an unique and massive amount of amazing puzzles including their historical background. All the most famous and rare tactical themes are covered, promising the read of the year!

  • av Herman Grooten

    Before you lies the second volume in a trilogy about the Sicilian Defense. The first volume dealt with the Najdorf and Scheveningen variations, and it is now time to pay attention to three other extremely popular systems: the Taimanov, Kan and Richter-Rauzer variations. After careful consideration within the Thinkers Publis­-hing team, we decided that it made sense to group these variations together. In particular, the first two are closely related and share the feature that, in both cases, Black plays …e7-e6 and …a7-a6 at an early stage. They typically have the idea of retaining more options for their king’s bishop by postponing …d7-d6 (or even omitting it entirely.) The bishop may go to b4 or c5 in different lines. The Richter-Rauzer is, in theory, just one of the possible developments from a Classical Sicilian. We have already dealt with a few games that started with the Classical and where Black shortly played …e7-e6; and 6.Bc4 (the Sozin variation) was rightly treated within the Scheveningen pages. However, it is clear that White’s most po­pular counter, the Richter-Rauzer variation (6.Bg5) deserves separate attention. While looking at the variation structure for the Kan and Taimanov and deciding on which model games to use, I noticed a lot of possible transitions to the ‘Hedgehog’ structure, shown on the right. The key features are white pawns on e4 and c4, and at least four black pawns on a6, b6, d6 and e6. This structure is ideally suited to the task of playing for a win as Black, because of the very complicated middlegames that arise. (And one often needs complicated middlegames to have a better chance of ‘converting’ a rating advantage!) The ‘Hedgehog’ is definitely a structure rather than a variation, but it has such a distinctive character of its own that I chose to examine it first in chapter 2. This simplifies later discussion of the Taimanov and Kan variations by removing the need to discuss every possible way of entering a Hedgehog structure.

  • av Lukasz Jarmula

    Do you relish the prospect of setting youropponent awkward problems from the early start of the game? If so, you shouldjust continue reading, for in the Bg5 Najdorf, it’s every man for himself, andonly the best informed and most creative resourceful player survive. The Bg5variation gives White very dangerous attacking ideas, and Blacks really needsto know a precise defense to come out of this variation alive. This bookprovides weapons that are ideal choices for those who revel in forcingopponents into chaotic and uncomfortable positions.Lukasz Jarmula, a player and writer ofinternational caliber, will be your truthful guide!

  • av Romain Edouard

    The author focused in his first volume of pure chess calculation on middlegames. Romain has carefully selected 496 positions, which arose in real games in the recent past. He separated the exercises into 11 different categories, covering both tactics and strategy, attack and defence. This book is a fantastic training tool for any player to improve his level of chess thinking.

  • av Milos Pavlovic

    In his seventh book for Thinkers Publishing, Milos Pavlovic examines the Stonewall set-up in detail. Drawing upon his years of playing experiences and opening study, Milos highlights the key aspects and covers the most recent developments in this most solid line of the Dutch Defense. This book will provide you a great new arsenal of weapons when playing with the black pieces.

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    av Milos Pavlovic

    The Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Gambit Declined are amongst black's soundest and most universal answers to 1.d4. In his trademark style, Milos investigates the most positional ways to proceed after 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6. He analyses all the critical lines whilst also taking a close look at all the sidelines and gives Black many new possibilities to spice up the game. We are convinced that this book will bring you inspirational games and results.

  • av Armin Juhasz

    In his first book (we anticipate many more), the young Hungarian author makes a worthy attempt to walk his readers through a complete 1.d4 opening repertoire. Yet while he is taking you thru the opening he never forgets the other phases of the game. As a result, the subsequent middlegame and endgame elements are remarkably well organized benefiting both beginner and advanced players to acquire powerful skills with 1.d4! In what way is this book special? How can it make someone a better player? These are perfectly legitimate questions and whenever I buy a new chess book, I essentially ask the same ones.The short answer is that this book will give you a comprehensive understanding of the chosen openings. Unlike many other books with a similar profile, it goes beyond pure theory and in addition to giving a great deal of practical advice, it touches on issues such as sample games, typical tactical strikes and, in the last chapter, endgames. On top of all this, a homework section enables you to immerse yourself in a given topic and achieve an in-depth understanding of it in your own time.We follow this structure because as a coach, I know how important it is to receive as much guidance as possible on a new opening. Only this can lead to true mastery.Let me recommend this book to any player who wants to learn more about closed openings, adopt a new approach to chess and build up a thorough and sophisticated repertoire. I have tested these openings with my students with good results, so I believe this book is suitable for anyone with an Elo rating from 1600-2500.

  • av Romain Edouard

    The author focused in his first volume on middlegames, now his attention was drawn to endgames. Romain has carefully selected more than 496 positions, which arose in real games in the recent past. He separated the exercises into 11 different categories, covering both tactics and strategy, attack and defence. This book is a fantastic training tool for any player to improve his level of chess thinking.

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    av Milos Pavlovic

    The Open Spanish, Ruy Lopez is a variation that never givesa boring struggle. It’s one of the most active and dynamic defenses you willfind around. If Black is willing to learn the ideas and tactical twists thatunderpin this line, he has every chance to enjoy his winning chances. Our wellknown theoretician and grandmaster Milos Pavlovic will be your guide!

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    av David Navara

    This book is not a pure (auto)biography, rather a games collection. It consists mainly of interesting high-class games played by me, including many losses. Most of the games are preceded by accompanying texts, which vary from essays to tournament reports. The title of the book might seem presumptuous, but I wanted to show how I see or experience the competitions without denying the chess worlds of others. While the texts are mostly light and subjective, at the same time I tried hard to stick to the facts and provide some food for thought. GM David Navara May 2020.

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    av Justin Tan

    '1.e4! The Chess Bible’ (in three volumes) is a complete and authoritative repertoire for White based on sound main lines and the latest cutting-edge analysis. Existing theory is revisited and expanded with several fresh ideas, novelties and refutations which will appeal to dedicated 1.e4 players and theoreticians alike. However, each section is also carefully designed to be easily digested by players of all standards, with an opening overview, illustrated diagrams of key concepts, and instructive and annotated games.This book is an essential practical resource for any 1.e4 player and will greatly reward those who are looking to master their understanding of the open games.The openings covered in this volume are: The Scandinavian Defence, The Alekhine’s Defence, The Nimzowitsch Defence, The Pirc & Modern Defences andThe Philidor Defence.

  • av David Miedema Miedema

    The Winawer variation of the French is reached after 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4. This is one of the most exciting openings in the game. It's an alternative universe with alternative rules. In return for the Bishop Black gets a rock solid pawn structure and lots of dynamic capabilities. It should not come as a surprise that in these unbalanced fights Black can really play for a win. The groundwork was done by Nimzowitsch, Botvinnik and Kortchnoi in the old days. Nowadays players like Carlsen, So and Mamedyarov still use their ideas with success. People often ask, "does true love exist?" Well, Miedema and the French might be one of those rare examples. Fortunately the love has translated to countless novelties and fighting lines. This is his first volume on the French defence and his debut as an author.

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    av Thomas Luther

    Most chess games are decided by tactics. Grandmaster Thomas Luther brings a structured approach to capturing the subtleties of any tactical theme. The reader is challenged to regularly solve his exercises and in doing so improve his skills of motif recognition. This book is aimed at chess players of all ages and levels who want to significantly improve their results. This is the first book in the Thinkers¿ Chess Academy trilogy.

  • av Raja Panjwani

    In this brandnew revised edition from 2017, Raja presents the Hyper Accelerated Dragon. He demonstrates from the second move a dynamic way to fight 1.e4! He covers all main lines and side-lines, even the most critical ones get a new and objective treatment. Raja's book is recommended for all players that are eager to enter critical lines in this exciting Sicilian Opening.

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    av Alexey Dreev

    The middle game of chess is arguably the most complicated aspect of the game. Through carefully selected examples from real games, Alexey wants to make you more familiar with various aspects of the middle game. He believes that through careful reading and study of his book, any player regardless of which level will significantly improve their game. Even if you are unable to solve some of his exercises, they will regardless be of inevitable use for improving your understanding of chess. Therefore it is his hope that this book will be useful for the club player but the professional chess players as well.

  • av Michael Basman

    Co-author Michael Basman has been reputed to be an original and independent chess player and thinker for the whole of his chess career. However, around 1978 he mobilized his creativity to develop new ways in chess strategy, based on a personal set of avant-garde opening systems such as the St.George (early b4.. of ..b5) and Grob (early g4.. or ..g5). Consistently employing his new ideas, a whole new system of chess playing gained recognition among his colleagues, and generated a cult following among chess amateurs. Around 1990 Mike took the next step by creating the Global opening and it's pincer movements from the flanks. This constituted the final stage in the ultra-hyper-modern school of flank-strategy that he started 12 years earlier.Pressed by popular demand, Mike Basman has written several popular works on his ideas such as 'St. George's opening', 'The Killer Grob' and 'The Global opening' but these bestsellers have gone out of print a long time ago. So both authors felt it was about time to revive interest in the "Basmanic" school of chess. Mike has supplied most of the material, and co-author Gerard has accepted the task (as a former cult-follower in his younger days) to do a critical selection and examination of everything available. We hope that 2021, the year that Mike Basman turns 75, will see a revival of Basman's avant-garde ideas in chess among players of the new generations.

  • av Alexander Ipatov

    In this highly original book, Grandmaster Ipatov shares the chess philosophy that helped him become a top chess grandmaster. Contrary to the generally accepted norms that permeate the modern chess world, he argues that spending most of one's training time on studying opening theory and memorizing trending lines until move 30 is wrong. However, this is exactly how most beginners start learning chess nowadays. Some strong grandmasters also fall into this trap when they prioritize opening theory amongst other aspects of the game. This often leads to fundamental gaps in one's chess understanding which is really hard to fix, especially for young players. Ipatov's ideology lies in that one should work on enhancing his general chess understanding and take on a surprise-first approach when it comes to playing openings in order to avoid opponents' preparation in the mainstream theory and take them out of book in the early stage of the game. Most of the book is comprised of Alexander Ipatov's original analyses covering a variety of offbeat opening lines from both White and Black's perspective. His recent match against the 2018 US Chess Champion Sam Shankland, where Ipatov implemented a novelty on move two - something unheard of in the modern era with millions of games being played to date - serves as a good illustration that the philosophy deserves more attention and research than it currently has. This book serves to fill in this gap and welcome more debate on the subject.

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    av Evgeny Bareev Bareev

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