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  • av Kent Warneke

    Harlan Brandt needed a Good Samaritan. Would anyone answer the call for help? Would you? On any given day at any given time, we may be called to help someone in need. It could be someone close or someone unfamiliar. When Harlan Brandt, a cattleman living and working in northeast Nebraska, was critically injured in a horrific tractor accident, a slew of friends, family and strangers came to his rescue. This is the story of how and why each of these people came to Harlan's rescue. These are their Good Samaritan stories.

  • av Daniel First

    Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. -Ecclesiastes 12:13 ESVJesus offered us an abundant life. That life is not measured in the acquisition of earthly wealth and monetary gain. It does not include the promise of perfect physical health. It does not shield us from temptation. It does not guarantee that we are elevated in the sight of others. So, what is this abundant life?The abundant life is the experience of righteousness, peace, and joy found only on the other side of obedience to God. The Scriptures lay out our path in the form of principles and commands. Obeying God is choosing to seek life and blessings. Disobeying God is choosing death and curses. When we disregard His scriptural mandates, we should expect negative consequences. God's medicine is usually preventative in nature. He gives us guidance so we do not destroy ourselves and those we love. The good news? This information is available to us all!

  • av Judy Starr

    THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN FOR YOU:If you have been crying out to receive the healing leaves from the "Tree of Life" (Revelation 22:2) that Jesus won for you at the cross and have not been able to receive it. If you lack understanding of "the wonders of heaven's great love and provision" for you, this book will help make a way to receive what Jesus purchased for us at the cross. Jesus wants you to receive the healing that He made available. If you are one who wants to see more people healed and restored, making the love of God more visible to the world, this book is a world changer!To help you find the "straight way" to the Lord so that you might receive His healing touch and newness of life. If you have an intense desire to get more people healed, thus revealing the goodness of God to the world. Most of these testimonies are given in detail in the manual.

  • av Janet Torres

    I have always known Jan as a gifted encourager - it's in her DNA; it is who God made her to be. And that is what you will find in this book; the gift of encouragement! No matter what you're facing or what challenges you've experienced in the past, the steps outlined in this book will help you take the necessary strides to rise above. -DAPHNE DELAY, Christian Bible Teacher, Founder of Mirror Ministries, Co-pastor of Transformation Church in Seminole, Texas. You were created by God for a purpose. Regardless of age or situation, there may be seasons in life where you wonder, now what? where do I go from here? What do I do? God has those answers. The purpose of this book/journal is to help you find the answers to those questions as you seek His face and spend time with Him. "For I know the plans I have for you, declare the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

  • av Sr. James R. Love

    ENDURE UNTIL VICTORY COMES IS A JOURNEY DISCOVERY, WITH THE HELP OF SCRIPTURE, TO LEARN HOW TO OVERCOME PAIN AND DISAPPOINTMENT. THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF REALITY IN THIS FALLEN WORLD IS TO LEARN TO ENDURE HARDSHIP. YOU WILL DISCOVER THAT VICTORY COMES WHEN YOU LEARN THE SECRET OF HOW ENDURE. Be encouraged in the midst of the vicissitudes of life to wait patiently on the Lord to change the situation. The message of this book is that life is often unfair and unreasonable. Job was right when he said, "Man born of a woman is of a few days and full of trouble" (Job 14:1). There are some things that life will throw at you that you will not be able to wiggle, finagle, or talk your way out of! At such moments you have to stand firm until victory comes.

  • av Kaylesa M. Hinsey

    Throughout history, God called many unqualified people to do His work; fear is never an excuse. Have you spent most of your life searching for validation by achieving or choosing to watch life from the sidelines but always longed to get in the game? Who am I? Why am I here? These are questions we all ask ourselves as we make plans, fail, succeed, and start anew throughout life. As course corrections unfold, we answer with decisions that push against change or welcome it, but no matter how long we take to reach the destinations God planned for us, He remains faithful.This story will motivate you to:Face the internal issues that hold you backEmbrace the lessons that accompany difficultyOvercome fear of failure and successFind safety within yourself, God, and communitySay goodbye to the imposter within.

  • av Margo Klundt

    Behold the Lamb of God... as a lamb without blemish and without spot (John 1:29, 36 and 1 Peter 1:19).Did you know that:¿other stories were happening behind the scenes at Jesus' birth?¿"Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger," as spoken by the angel, had a special meaning?¿the wise men were not present immediately after Jesus' birth?¿lambs were symbols for Jesus from Genesis to Revelation?The little lamb in this story answers some of these questions and tells of his role in the nativity story and beyond.

  • av Christine Evette

    WHY ME?Have you ever added "me" to the end of the question "Why?" when something negative happens? When life seems unfair? When you experience a loss? When things don't go the way you planned? When disappointment comes?Do the words "Why me?" provoke emotions of jealousy, stress, doubt, confusion, sadness, or anger?If you answered yes to any of those questions, then this book is for you! Instead of being stuck on "me" when faced with setbacks, Adonai invites you to journey with Him as He leads you to cross your Read Sea to your "why."Adonai and I is a transformational journey about Christine reluctantly leaving her "why me" story to confidently live God's "why not me" plan. This book of self-hope, surrender, and discovery will impact how you walk across your Read Sea on purpose, and for a purpose = His purpose.

  • av Aya Yatim Rhodes Nickels

    Aya and her younger sisters were born and raised in Beirut, Lebanon. Their mother and the girls fled Lebanon in 2004 to escape the war-torn country. After their mother developed a severe mental illness, the three girls faced years of abuse, neglect, and homelessness trying to survive on the streets of Washington, DC. Eventually the girls were taken into state custody, and Aya was separated from her sisters for over two years while spending most of her time in between foster homes. When she turned 15, Aya desperately wanted to be reunited with her sisters but knew it would take a miracle for someone to want to adopt 3 foreign preteen girls.

  • av Alex Penduck

    Is there a purpose to my career and business beyond making money and becoming successful? Is it possible to honor God yet become highly successful in the marketplace? The corporate business world can feel like a jungle where the fittest survive and thrive while the weak are crushed by the competition. In an increasingly ruthless world where profit is king and loyalty is limited, it has become difficult to live a life that fully honors God in the corporate business world. Through The Christian Business Leader, Alex Penduck creates a path to help change your business and career mindset. Not only will you become a success in the environments you walk into, but also you will honor God with your life and walk in the purpose He created for you.

  • av John Coatney

    WRITTEN IN THE HOMESPUN CADENCE OF ITS AUTHOR, STORYTIME WITH UNCLE BUD...IS A COLLECTION OF SHORT STORIES WORTH READIN'.**"Stires like Mickey D's, The Rusty Dog, Hunn-nee and many more that Uncle Bud has told for years. Some of them drawn from personal experience - all of them sent from God. Each story sings of life harmony with Christ's love for us and others. So sit a spell. Read a bit. Laugh. Learn. Be inspired. Most of all enjoy. And when you're done, pass it down to family, friends, or neighbors."Pastor Chris Edmonds, Bestselling author of No Surrender: a Father, a Son and an Extraordinary Act of Heroism That Continues to Live on Today,"Hilarious, surprising, fun - this little book is Jesus-glorifying and well worth the time it will take to read. Do not be fooled by the hillbilly grammar and Appalachian cracklin' cornbread sensibility; below the surface, the author has great depth of insight. John will show you the same world through wiser eyes - and you will be better for it."Reverend Lincoln Speece, Presbyterian Circuit Pastor, Lowndes County, Alabama"Some stories teach a lesson, and some just make you smile on the inside. Slow down, pull up a chair, adjust to John's way of talking, and experience some great stories that I have had the privilege to hear from my mentor over the years."Dr. Rick Glover, MD

  • av Dylan Pierce

    IF EVERYONE IN THE CHURCH LOVED LIKE JESUS DID, HOW COULD WE TRANSFORM THE LIVES OF THOSE AROUND US? WHAT WOULD LOVING OTHERS AS GOD LOVES US LOOK LIKE IN PRACTICE? We are given clear examples of how to love others in Scripture, but how often do we follow those examples? I believe the church has a love problem; we fail to demonstrate the love of Christ in our interactions with others, and it is damaging our witness to the world. The Greatest of These Is Love will take you on a journey through the ways Scripture instructs us to love Him, our friends, our family, our enemies, and even ourselves. For our church to be effective, we must re-learn to love as Christ does. Without love, we gain nothing!

  • av Jesin S. Abraham

    TREASON POISONS THE PEACEFUL KINGDOM. CHAOS ERUPTS AND NOW TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR THE WAYWARD PROVINCE. Emperor Justus and his only heir, Prince Ariel, rules Illuminaria, a prosperous, peaceful kingdom. Unexpectedly, treason is introduced by First Knight Lucien, creating imbalance and setting off upheaval. Lucien rigorously campaigns to convince the subjects to turn against Justus. The province of Vivatrania is the first to fall and is quickly sealed off to prevent its poison from spreading. A mysterious hourglass is turned at the capital, marking the time before the province self-destructs. Trapped within is Princess Taara, Ariel's bride-to-be. Rescue is possible but comes at a steep cost. Will the price prove too high, even for a prince?

  • av Dori Gleason

    "Dori's ability to paint a canvas with words will have you captivated from beginning to end." -Justin Schwarzentraub, Worship Pastor"An authentic and captivating story written with raw honesty." -Becky Beans, Ministry AssistantThe Prodigal will answer the basic questions all of us ask at some point in our life: Who am I, and what is my purpose? The Prodigal takes you into a world few know or understand. You will be captivated as you follow the life of a multi-generational Mormon and discover the secrets lying deep within the temple walls. Then, after bottoming out as an LAPD cop during the 1992 riots, Dori faced the ultimate choice between good and evil; evil prevailed. Suicide seemed like the only way out.

  • av Bethenie Robin

    "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." -Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)ABC's of the Bible was truly inspired by God. It is important children learn about God, receive His love, and live His Word. It is my prayer that this book will help the children, as well as those who read it to them, follow a Christian example and walk with a pure, Godly heart. Children can learn their alphabet while learning about God and the hope, faith, and love found through Him.

  • av Catherine Garant

    Unbelievable!This is a harrowing true story of survival - how a little girl lost her childhood to a plague of sexual molestations and a home life ruled by an unpredictable, abusive alcoholic. Terror and danger were constants.Told in a unique, brutally honest style, this saga of perseverance and self-discovery leads the reader to realize there were even worse secrets to be uncovered on her way to healing.Beautifully written: riveting, raw, powerful, and awe-inspiring. This almost-unbelievable, yet entirely true and unabashed story will leave all who read it forever changed.It is, from beginning to end, a revelation of how the Divine Hand of Love mysteriously directed the course of her life toward ultimate transformation, forgiveness, and healing. Included is insightful guidance on 'how to do it'. You or someone you know needs to read this life-changing story.

  • av Tasia C. Taylor

    When God decided to save you, He already knew the sins you would commit next week, in five years, and throughout your lifetime, but He still chose you.Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a continuous shame spiral? Maybe you are stuck in the same sin, promising God you will stop, but never truly letting go of it. Young adoptive mother and wife, Tasia Taylor, writes about her experience finding freedom in Christ throughout her teens and early twenties. With vulnerability, Tasia shares hardships in her life that caused her to fully rely on Christ, such as break-ups, adopting teenagers, overcoming shame, and more. Using familiar characters in the Bible such as King David and Job, the author draws a connection between biblical figures and modern-day problems. We can find freedom in Christ through stories in scripture and living out our salvation.

  • av Dawn E. Johnecheck

    Walk through life's desert places with me, and, together, we can learn how to trust more in God's plan, to empty our arms so that we may receive what our Loving Father has for us. From being born and meeting her husband in northern Michigan, Dawn and her family moved a lot, never really settling in one place for more than a few years. Dealing with considerable hardship with her family, she was stretched many times to her breaking point. Through this, she was able to learn many lessons, allowing her to grow in her faith. Dawn began writing poetry at an early age. Then it was what she describes as "very dark." After moving from northern Michigan to southern Oregon in the early 2000s, she started attending a wonderful local church. It was there she and her husband made new friends and began learning solid biblical teaching. That is when her writing went through a dramatic change, becoming more uplifting and God-centered. This eventually led to writing her first book. She looks forward to continuing this journey God has set her on and seeing what new adventures lie ahead.

  • av Sushma Gorrela

    "Let all those who seek You rejoice and be glad in You. And let those who love Your salvation stay continually. 'Let God be magnified!'"Psalms 70:4 (New King James Version)This book encourages everyone. You will learn how God leads you through your difficult times. Even with a lot of ups and downs, the journey with the Lord is still awesome. The end result is a wonderful glorification of God.

  • av Karen Moffett

    Take a look inside to find out what adventures await these animals on the farm!Everyone can learn to make wise choices as they read about the animals in this book:Trust and follow God.Respect yourself and others.Get enough sleep.Get enough exercise.Plan ahead.Drink enough water.Know how to find a safe place.Eat healthy foods.Listen and follow directions.Take turns and act fairly.Love and protect yourself and your family.Clean up.Take care of your property.Play and have fun!

  • av Gerry Tchir

    A recent survey reported that over 80 percent of college graduates would go back to school to learn meaningful and practical life skills. This book shows you how to take ownership of your personal and professional life and create a happy, debt-free life of financial and personal freedom. Society today is experiencing a "Crisis of Trust." Most people distrust the media, political parties, government, and big business. This book presents a value-driven and life-changing guide to success, happiness, and inner peace. It becomes your personal domain for creating the fruitful life you desire. May this book bring you much love, clarity, joy, and peace of mind on your exciting life journey.

  • av Julia Love

    Sveta in Ukraine overnight discovers she is a homeless refugee.Samuel in Burkina Faso suddenly has to face a terrorist attack all alone.Ana in Bolivia is badly bullied and rejected by her classmates.Nathan in the Philippines leaves home after an unusual run-in with his angry stepdad.Rebka struggles with bulimia and body image in Israel.Manuel in Mozambique has to face his greatest fears of hippos and witch-doctors.Kun suddenly becomes a "forced" defector from North Korea.Come and see how God enables these desperate but valiant teenagers to overcome the massive challenges they are facing in life.

  • av Dorothy Roberts

    Prevailing Prayers: Carrying the Mantle of Prayer is my personal journey of discovering I carried the mantle of prayer and intercession. This book will answer many questions why you may feel a burden to pray and intercede for others. Many people believe in prayer, but sometimes they don't believe God hears them when they pray. God hears every believer when we pray. Dorothy will help unlock and explain how to identify the mantle of prayer and intercession. By gaining understanding of your prayer assignment, you will be able to position yourself to tear down Satan's kingdom. Never underestimate the power of prayer and intercession.

  • av Ebony Ingram

    From a young age, author Ebony Ingram faced a host of challenges, events that changed the trajectory of her life. In Defying the Odds, Ingram shares the story of her life inspired by her childhood, adulthood, marriage, and divorce while finding her voice in a world full of noise. It's the story of a woman learning to be independent rather than codependent. In this memoir, Ebony journeys through the major areas of her life where she saw God's hand must evidently. Raw, uncut, true, and transparent, she lays it all out discussing everything from daddy issues, self-discovery, molestation, a suicide attempt, relationships, breakups, true love, and ultimately, finding God. Defying the Odds tells how Ingram's story would not exist without Jesus Christ. It shares her trials and chronicles how she came out of her difficult times with a renewed sense of faith and perseverance. It illustrates how important it is for women to be independent in and out of love.

  • av Maria Antoinette Seaman

    WITHOUT HIM, THERE WOULD BE NO HER! In the beginning, he housed her. She came forth out of him. She proves that he is full of potential. There is now more to come. How will his destiny unfold? It is based on the power of his womb. What does he have within (his character) that will cause him to make the right choices and accomplish his ultimate purpose? There are challenging choices ahead. Yet, he is strong. We will find out...

  • av Kathryn Brady

    WHO DO YOU TALK TO WHEN YOU CAN'T EVEN TALK TO YOUR CLOSEST FRIEND? WHAT DO YOU SAY WHEN YOU HAVE NO WORDS AT ALL?Within the pages of this well-written and power-filled book are twelve prayers that will guide you to an understanding of a loving God who listens to, cares for, and heals the brokenhearted. As you explore these prayers, they will engulf you in a surety that you are in the arms of a comforter who is clinging to your every word. You will find a peace in these informal eyt extremely relevant prayers for some of today's most difficult situations. You will undoubtedly meet a wonderful Savior, a God who listens, and a Lord that never fails nor leaves.

  • av Shannon M. Hicks

    "JOURNEY THROUGH THE VALLY: UNVEILING GOD'S REDEMPTION IN THE DEPTHS OF LOSS"In the depths of unimaginable pain and loss, He Sits Beside Me offers a profound testament to the power of faith and divine presence. In this compelling memoir, Shannon Hicks shares her heartfelt journey through the wilderness of grief, grappling with the devastating loss of her adult son to addiction. With raw honesty and vulnerability, she reveals her personal traumas and the redemptive power of God's love that carried her through the darkest moments. This captivating narrative unveils the transformative nature of prophetic dreams and visions, which became instruments of healing and restoration. Through her remarkable story, Shannon offers solace, inspiration, and an unwavering reminder that God is always by our side, even in our deepest sorrow.

  • av Jr. Kenneth Charles Levert

    Do you love rocket ships? Do you love playing with lots of toys? Do you love cleaning up after playing with all those toys? A little boy's choice takes him on a ride he will never forget! He loves his rocket ship, and he loves to play with all his toys, but does he love his toys more than he loves his family? Read through these wonderfully illustrated pages and find out!

  • av Pastor Endiryas Hawaz

    CHANGE YOUR LIFE BY CHANGING YOUR MIND. Everyone wants to be successful and have joy in their lives. Do you ever feel like you are carrying around loss, sadness, failures, or other burdens? Do you want to know why some people are successful and others are not? All of the solutions to your problems begin from knowing and using the God-given power of your mind. Your mind is the gate for the spiritual, the store for the intellectual, and the pipeline for the natural. If you really want to change your life and become a blessing for others, it is worth reading this amazing book.

  • av Reasons for Hope
    237 - 295,-

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