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  • av June Devall

    The Light of My Life is a collection of stories drawn from the author's century of living, both in the darkness and in the light. The reader will be inspired by the way Scriptures have been woven throughout the tapestry of her life - giving proof of the truth of God's word. For the reader who is very weary from trudging through a darkened world, there is hope when traveling with the Source of Light. For those who desire a more joy-filled life, The Light of My Life is an encouraging read.

  • av Ashley Bachmann

    Have you ever thought about how you'd be written in someone's testimony? After you think about it, will you stay the same or change? I never thought about it until I began writing my own testimony.In the blink of an eye my life was unidentifiable. I never imagined I'd face battles of this nature. My storyline changed direction the moment I called out to God for help. I remained faithful and trusted God while He orchestrated a rescue plan. God answered my prayers and met my needs in unexplainable ways. God sent His people from the city on a hill, one by one. May your strength and hope increase as you read about how amazing God is in my testimony."The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles." (Psalm 34:17)

  • av John Moody

    THE JOURNEY ON THE ROAD TO FORGIVENESS IS NOT ALWAYS EASY, BUT THE POWER OF FREEDOM ATTAINED FROM THE CAPTIVITY OF YOUR PAST MAKES THE TRAVELING PRICELESS. The meaning of family can vary in many ways, but for young John it was comforting to know that he belonged to a group that provided him trust, comfort, love care, and happiness. Early on, he thought the life he lived would be forever. Little did he know his perfect world would soon crumble, as his mother would leave due to domestic violence, and his father would leave six months later. While faced with challenges, disappointments, disaster, and despair, children learn to lean on the love they develop for one another. The pain of unforgiveness was the one barrier that kept young John from moving forward -- then he learned of the love God demonstrated through His Son, which allowed him to have a life of fulfillment and meaning.

  • av Eugenia Ortega

    ROMANS 5:3-4 "[W]e also glory on our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." As you read these heartfelt, raw stories, your heart will be moved. It will bring you laughter and tears. You will be transported in time and space to Dante's home. You will feel like you are there, taking a look through their window. Dante's mother, Eugenia, writes openly about raising a son with severe autism. She shares the positives and negatives as a woman, a wife, a mother of four children-one of them with special needs. Eugenia's human emotion pours through each page. As you read on, you will be uplifted and encouraged to see how she found strength in God and His word. You will be full of hope when you finish reading this book. You may be surprised to learn how typical and special needs people have more in common than many people realize. As you read this book your eyes will open, you will gain knowledge and understanding of what people with special needs and their families go through on a day-to-day basis. Your heart will feel hopeful.You may be going through something similar, or maybe you know someone who is. This book will bring you hope.

  • av Kristen Zuray

    With war on the horizon, will the citizens of Soteria choose the lies of Rasha or the redeeming love of Penuel, Joshua, and Matthew? Rasha's struggle for full control is reaching its climactic end. By developing a secret weapon, he plans to end all hope. To stop his enemy, King Penuel prepares for the return of his son, Prince Joshua. The battle for the souls of Soteria has never been more critical! The time has come for Soteria to make its final decision as to who will lead them. Will the love of King Penuel be enough for them to choose his son, Joshua, or will they make Rasha their leader?

  • av Greg Olney

    D- DistractionI- Implementation ProblemsS- SeductionT- Truth AvoidanceR- Robbing ProductivityA- Addictive CravingsC- Competing PrioritiesT- Time MismanagementI'm revealing these distractors so that everyone can see them for what they are and from where they draw us. Let me make something abundantly clear. Distraction is not aimlessly wandering. There is aim in distraction. The purpose of distraction is simply to aim away from something else. That process is not aimless. If you're aiming away from something or someone, your aim is merely at a bigger target that's easier to hit. It's difficult to take the road less traveled and to focus. I commend you for reading this book to learn how to travel that road.

  • av LHMC Patricia Tilley

    EXTRA, EXTRA!READ ALL ABOUT ITTRAUMA CAN BE REVERSED.Trauma Reversed gives you over 400 strategies so you can take your life back, be in control, and demolish the places where you have felt reduced. It's time to rebuild your life and stop hurting. This book will help even if there has been some havoc or something that feels cataclysmic or there have been years of events that showed you no mercy. The stories incorporate nature and Scripture, so it is relatable and pertinent. One thing is for sure: help is here on these pages and for you right now. Possibilities and hope await you!

  • av Craven A. Johnson

    "I have known Prophet Craven Johnson for about twenty years now. He is my covenant brother. A true man of God who loves God passionately. A man of God who loves his wife and kids. A man of God who loves prayer and holy living. It is a privilege to have him as a friend." -Reverend Dr. Modestus Moses Senior Pastor of Tower of Refuge Christian Assembly This intriguing book is described as powerful, inspirational, and insightful. It will pique your curiosity, and you will undoubtedly remain engrossed as you read. It is an easy read that is packed with scripture and terminology that demonstrates the authenticity of God's Word. This book is not embellished, but it is communicated exactly as God has revealed it to me. You will see how prayer activates visions and dreams and experience my own communications from God and how he uses me. You will receive impartation. You'll be amazed how these visions and dreams reveal components of the future. Shalom.

  • av Joanna Feather

    I KEPT SAYING, "JESUS, JESUS, JESUS," AND, INSTEAD OF GOING TO THE LIQUOR STORE, I LOOKED TO THE ONLY ONE THAT COULD CARRY ME THROUGH THIS PAIN. EMMA'S MIRACLE JOANNA FEATHERDecember 9, 2022 changed my life forever. I was met by an officer at my home telling me my beautiful daughter, Emma, was in a serious car accident and I needed to get to the emergency room as soon as possible. As a registered nurse, I knew the odds were far from her favor, but as a believer, I trusted anything was possible.This book will take you through Emma's miraculous journey of near death and show what faith can do with thousands of prayer warriors fighting for her recovery.I also bring you through some of my trauma and the different ways I dealt with those episodes-the miracle of looking to Jesus instead of alcohol, in this case, and how it changed my life. I want you to gain hope you've never had and show you the peace that surpasses all understanding through Jesus Christ.

  • av Savannah Resler

    As seasons change...REMEMBER God's Faithfulness AND RECALL WHAT HE'S DONE IN YOUR STORY.Sharing our stories, our heartache, and our moments of doubt helps remind us that we're not alone, and reading Bible stories of God's faithfulness, goodness, and presence throughout history helps us have hope, joy, and peace. All of our stories matter; all of our stories are intertwined with the bigger, grander story of God redeeming and restoring creation.Let's share and find comfort, hope, and peace together. In the pages of this book, you'll find hope, remember that you are not alone, and be inspired to record God's faithfulness in your own life. You'll learn, laugh, cry, and remember how good and faithful our God is; He is working all things out for your good and His glory.

  • av Kimberly Muka Powers

    An ambulance rushed her away to the emergency room at a local hospital. Her life was forever changed in that moment. In this powerful memoir and inspirational self-help book, Kimberly Muka Powers shares her triumphant story of living with bipolar type one disorder with psychotic features. Humbled by this life-altering mental health diagnosis, she learns above the setbacks of her illness and now as a Licensed Professional Counselor, equips and empowers others to do the same.Be encouraged with this inspirational true story. With a spiritual emphasis on Christian living, this book for adult men and women speaks to the challenges and victories of living with depression and mania, a mental illness that touches many individuals.Know you are not alone in your struggle. Break free from the isolating shame and stigma of mental illness by effectively learning to manage your symptoms. Pursue your God-given calling and purpose in education, relationship, career, and ministry goals. Learn the ins and outs of bipolar disorder to better understand yourself and your loved ones. Discover your true identity in Christ. If you are interested in considering how religion can help you while dealing with mental illness, this book is for you."A Mind Restored: Finding Freedom from the Shame & Stigma of Mental Illness" by Kimberly Muka Powers is a global award-winning creative non-fiction Christian self-help book.Powers' book is a must-read for those with mental illness, their loved ones, providers, and those seeking to gain more insight and understanding into the world of someone living with symptoms of mental illness.Kim's uplifting memoir assures readers that you too can rise above, and conquer your problems with courage and hope, maintain your health, and pursue your God-given calling in education, career, relationship, and ministry goals.Powers emphasizes you are not alone in your illness, and you are not defined by it. Her inspirational writing style ties in educational components about mental illness and holistic health, passionately spreading awareness and encouraging individuals to cultivate wellness, pursue their dreams, and find freedom, hope, and healing.

  • av David Johnson

    EXPLOITATION! Be careful of your God-given gifts being misused.David Johnson is married to the lovely Kim Johnson. They have been married for 42 years. The couple attributes the longevity of their marriage to THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! David and Kim have five children and eight granddaughters. He is the Pastor of New Living Truth Ministries in Fraser, Michigan.Pastor Johnson's email is

  • av Sylvia Richardson

    Have you ever wondered where sin originated? Was it before earth, on earth, or in heaven? Were there people on earth before Adam called seed mankind? Did you ever wonder where the giants came from? Why did Adam take the forbidden fruit so freely from Eve?

  • av Rev. June Ferguson

    THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED TO EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE, FOR WE ARE ALL CHILDREN OF GOD!Take Me to the River is a non-judgmental book which will lift your spirits and enlighten your soul, leaving you with a sense of freedom so that you will soar like an eagle in life.

  • av Thomas Rowan

    From Mercy to Judgment: The Story of Nineveh, An ExpositionWhen we think about Bible studies, we often pull topical aspects and devotions. There is nothing wrong with this method, but sometimes in doing so, we miss some of the key pieces that bind the Scriptures together. While similar to a full commentary, From Mercy to Judgement is meant to help you in your personal study of the Bible. It goes chapter by chapter and verse by verse in an expository, yet simplistic, way to help you understand and absorb the truth in the passages. Here is the story of mercy given to a city long forgotten and the judgment that brought them there.

  • av Eguenel Louis

    Have you ever imagined yourself in a situation where you thought you might lose a person very dear to you? A er only eight years of marriage, my wife was struck down with breast cancer in the midst of a pandemic. I felt hopeless and helpless, and I didn't know what to do with our two children. God Did It is the testimony of the trials and tribulations my family experienced during COVID-19. My wife was not only battling aggressive breast cancer, but she was also struggling to stay alive with a weakened immune system during the pandemic. As a caregiver, I had to overcome my own anxiety and depression to help my family. In our despair, we had to rely entirely on God, for He was our only hope. Sometimes God puts us through trials not to punish us, but to make us stronger.

  • av Kevin L. Antoine

    Are you ready for the journey of life? Follow me as I narrate the story of my life. In this book, I share some of the amazing, supernatural, and even unbelievable things I have experienced, so far, in the first half of my blessed life. If you have questions about unexplainable things that have happened in your life, this book just might be the answer to your questions.

  • av Stephanie Truax

    This lovely book will become a family favorite for the Christmas season. When the author's grandchild became fascinated with all things Christmas, she wanted to ensure he understood the meaning behind the celebrations while also having fun. Although the story of Jesus' birth can be challenging to comprehend, the author wrote a book that presents it in a unique and captivating way, without using religious language or sounding like a fairy tale. The book connects with children both emotionally and intellectually. The author hopes her book brings hope and joy to all who read it during the holiday season.

  • av Christina Warren Ivey

    Some people will spend years, decades, a lifetime even, trying to seek peace and fulfillment and never achieve it. That is the sad reality of a fallen world. Most recently, the subject of child sexual abuse, more notably child sex trafficking, has come to light publicly in a big way. But what about those children who have not been taken and sold into sex slavery; children who suffer sexual abuse from someone they know? When it comes to domestic child sexual abuse, the topic is seen more as a taboo. Can one overcome the shame and forgive their abuser? Does true healing exist? Better Than I Should Be expresses how: ¿ Childhood sexual abuse affects the psyche and relationships ¿ Personal healing doesn't happen äovernight; it is a journey ¿ Forgiving your abuser is not easy, but is possible

  • av Michael A. Asher

    Included In thIs book Is one man's journey In discovering the need to follow Jesus. Through the ups and downs of lIfe, he learned, wIthout questIon, that JESUS was the only way he could be saved. The primary force used to persuade the reader in this book is the Word of God. Scripture was provided to us by the Lord Himself through the chosen human authors who penned the various works included in the Bible. I can think of no better or more powerful witness than the words of God to convince you of your need to seek Him. I implore you to pursue the Lord Jesus with all your heart and soul.

  • av Derrick Gray Hinson

    Can the "puzzle" of God's creation design and His willingness to forge relationship with man be solved? Yes, it can, with this insightful synthesis of Scripture and science to reveal anew God's original plan in Genesis. In Puzzles & Promises, Hinson utilizes his unique style of teaching to bring to life in print once familiar Bible stories in Genesis. With personal insight and imagination, he gives us a fresh image of God creating and intervening personally with His crowning achievement through three distinct covenants offered at key epochal points in history. The author attempts, as in the days of Middle Ages Scholasticism, to reconcile science with faith choosing not to run from DNA and fossil evidence but instead to face it head-on. It is possible to fill gaps in the puzzle and successfully glean from the gracious promises made by God to redeem and create a relationship with man. His conclusions, uncomfortable perhaps to some, make fascinating reading and will conceivably surprise some skeptics and non-believers.

  • av John E. Richardson

    CANAAN REVISITEDAs the bedrock of three great religions; Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, one would expect the Old Testament of the Holy Bible would be one of the world's best read and best understood narratives. Unfortunately, this may not be the case due to the Old Testament's daunting length (984 pages and 39 books - my Bible), subject and book discontinuity, and the fact that present day society's interests and values have changed markedly over the past 3,500 years. Canaan Revisited's chronological timeline and synoptic format allowed the consolidation and reorganization of the Old Testament's pages to 175 and the books to 15. The Old Testament chronicles God's selection of Hebrew slaves in Egypt, whom He chose to introduce Himself as the one living God for all of humankind. It then describes God's guidance of the Hebrews to Canaan where they became Israelites and experienced prosperity, power, and prestige. However, their immorality led them astray from God's commandments for which they were vanquished and enslaved in Babylong. The Israelites' rise and fall is an incomparable saga covering 900 years. Crucially important for present day world-wide social order is God's message interwoven throughout the Old Testament's narrative: that if humankind accepts and adheres to His tenants, they will be blessed and they will prosper; but if they don't, they will fail and they will be punished. The message is crystal clear: if humankind is to avoid the cataclysmic experience of Israel and every succeeding world power over the past 2,500 years, present day's societal values and behavior must be immediately improved, and Canaan Revisited is the place to start. Canaan Revisited's "take-away message" is of critical importance for humankind to assure that their names are included in the Book of Life in order that they may experience Life Everlasting. Given the preceding, Canaan Revisited is a must read.

  • av Christy Rose

    He did it for you too, you know? HIS DEATH ON THE CROSS WASN'T JUST FOR THE ONES WHO'VE NEVER MESSED UP THAT MUCH OR THE ONES WHO SEEM TO HAVE SALVATION ALL FIGURED OUT. IT WASN'T EVEN JUST FOR THE ONES WHO GREW UP IN CHURCH AND KNOW THE BIBLE LIKE THE BACK OF THEIR HAND. His death brought life to all the King's daughters - the tattooed ones, the young wild ones, and the women with purple hair and nose rings. He sacrificed His life for them too. As He was hanging on the cross, He thought of the women with scars that are buried in the depths of their hearts, whose wounds are too painful to expose to fresh air. He died for us all. And when He rose from the dead and conquered death and the grave, He brought victory with Him! In fact, His supply of victory is limitless and is enough for you and me! The path to righteousness is laid out before you, so pick up this book and lace up your shoes! It's time to start walking.

  • av Kat Roedell

    5 Powerful Tools for Personal Growth is not just another inspirational "self-help" book. With candid stories and targeted exercises, this book can be used alone or with others to build your faith and unlock your ability to grow. You know you're stuck, and you need to change things in your life, but it's so overwhelming! 5 Powerful Tools for Personal Growth answers your questions: Why is forgiveness important? What if I'm not ready to forgive? How do I pray? What do I pray about? Why is gratitude important? Does it really change things in my life? What is the purpose of boundaries? How do they impact my life? How can I learn to be accountable? Whom should I be accountable to?If you are ready to move from stuck to prosperous, this book is for you!

  • av Osbertine Pierre

    God's Hate for Sin Does Not Affect His Love for Sinners, God's Love for Sinners Does Not Affect His Hate for Sin Do not let your sin trick you into thinking that you are condemned before having a meeting with God's love and justice, for God's justice is the opposite of men's justice. When you plead guilty in front of men, you get a sentence; however, when you plead guilty in front of God, He lets you walk free. Writing this book, just like any other assignments from God, has been a challenge for me in many ways. From the time this message was placed in my spirit, it has searched me, convicted me, taught me, and freed me. I hope the Holy Spirit uses it to do the same for you and more. This book will teach you how to love yourself and others better. It will bring peace knowing that there is hope after messing up. It will give you the courage to forgive and love people you may not like. This book will teach you how to find freedom over sin and live an abundant life.

  • av Stanley Carnell

    THE UNTHINKABLE HAD HAPPENED. THE UNIMAGINABLE HAD COME TO PASS. THE MIGHTY HAD FALLEN AND WERE NOW IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY. THE TRIBULATION WAS IN FULL SWING AND DEATH WAS EVERYWHERE. BUT THE SAINTS PRESSED ON.The story continues; the darkest hour is just before dawn. A warning comes before destruction, and a haughty spirit comes before a fall. Despite God sending His mighty word daily and telling man through signs and wonders to repent, they refused to acknowledge Him and do things God's way. They paid the consequences for doing it their way. Follow the saga of the book as it unfolds and takes you deeper into the tribulation. See how the saints lived and how they survived in unbearable conditions as they held onto the word of God in the midst of it all. Plus, go deep into the death camps to see the horror and trials through the eyes of Cecil.

  • av Rachel Brown

    We often speak about stewardship in the context of parenting, more specifically, in the context of carrying and cherishing a child whose life on earth will more than likely be limited. The Browns have embodied this concept beautifully in their journey with Anna, stewarding her story and stewarding their journey with beauty and authenticity. We also say that there simply are no perfect words to capture all that goes on in one's head and heart while loving and ultimately losing a child. But Rachel offers hers to us transparently, and I trust you will be as blessed by her story and her reflections as we have been. Through their faith, Anna still speaks. -Kelly & Daniel Crawford Founders of Abel Speaks Walk with a mother as she learns the tragic news of the life-limiting diagnosis of the baby she's carrying, but who, through it all, learns more about the goodness of God; how letting go and letting God take control changed their story. By trusting God and giving Him glory through it, you can learn that: life is more than what happens to you God is good no matter what joy is still possible through suffering, and God can truly work all things for good (even the most tragic).

  • av Jeffery L. Salmon

    Learn how the apostles spread the gospel with the power of Jesus Christ by working your way through this workbook answering questions and reading the Bible.The apostle Paul's love for God, persistence, and determination led him on his way throughout the Mediterranean region. This brought multitudes to believe in the saving gospel of Jesus Christ. Learn who the apostle Paul chose to bring with him on his journeys of sharing the gospel, and how he was pursued by enemies. The Acts of the Apostles Quizzes Workbook contains approximately three hundred multiple-choice questions. In the beginning of the workbook, the author provides a quick reference of chapter question counts so the reader can get an idea of how long it will take to complete each question set.

  • av Stacy Thowe

    The soap opera has become her real-life love story. Julia Melrose is a stereotypical soapaholic. And I don't mean she is addicted to the foamy, liquid kind. Julia spends her free time watching the rich, beautiful, carefree people who come to her through the television. Yet, Julia didn't start out as a soapaholic. She, like many people facing life-altering experiences, got lost. Let's go back twenty-five years to the fabulous eighties. Julia is young and in love. The kind of love others dream about. She has her whole life before her, but life doesn't always ask what you want. Sometimes it pulls the rug out from underneath you, leaving you scrambling to stay afloat. Fast forward to the present, Julia is divorced with two children. She has to face the life she chose all those years ago. She starts to hear a voice from the past calling out to her to live the life she was always meant to live. Will she listen? Or will she choose the road most traveled? Only Julia and her heart know.

  • av Fred King Andrews

    The EAPDP is your entre¿e to self-employment and income earning to fund the cost of your home and living expenses exclusive to your wages, for as long as you live. So, follow the link below and select Jobs-Club Franchise-Fill and submit the form to get interviewed for your entrepreneurial internship position. The EAPDP is a facility to continue the journey of life by rebuilding your world with friends, for life! The author is a creative visionary who embarked on a mission forty years ago to set economic prisoners free. He earned a diploma from Cipriani Labour College in Trinidad/Tobago, and the course of study in Trade Union Organization and International Relations caused him to realize the Labour Market was in fact the economic slave trade market.

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