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Bøker utgitt av Trilogy Christian Publishing, Inc.

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  • av Nhm Brian L. Arnold

    Yes, it's true! Now, at last, you may become "master of the world you live in" and walk in the light of the supernatural power of right thinking! Now you can cross over from the kingdom of darkness, death, and self-destruction by way of the cross and walk in the kingdom of light, life, and love if you live in God's Word and God's Word lives in you! Step-by-step, in clear, down-to-earth language, Brian shows you how to renew your mind to right thinking and tune into the highest frequencies of vibration in the universe. God's Word! Which changes everything! These mighty energies generate new health, new happiness, new abundant life, and new meaning to life. They also reveal your purpose for living! Read it to be wise and create wealth as you live, move, and have your being in it. Go to for more help.

  • av Marilyn K. Snyder

    WHY WOULD SOMEONE DISSOLVE A RELATIONSHIP THAT PROVIDED THE ONLY SECURITY THEY KNEW? Truth became twisted as the author found herself in a web of deceit. No longer able to discern what truth was nor where to turn, she clung to someone who promised hope and a future, only to realize the emptiness inside could only be filled with the love that Jesus offered. Follow the journey of a small-town, Christian farm girl who became ensnared in a homosexual relationship and entered into a civil union with her trans partner. Discover how an encounter with grace leads her to walk away from perceived stability, instead choosing to follow Jesus into full-time ministry. You will discover truth hidden in some popular mottos: "I Was Born This Way," "Love Wins," "My Life. My Rules," and "We're Here. We're Queer." And be challenged to look at "Our Vulnerability and Our Calling." Someone is waiting on the other side of our obedience!

  • av Linda M. Horne

    Hi! Want to know how to make your marriage or future marriage better? Get more wisdom and understanding given by God to resolve matters by checking it out here! You will gain insightful knowledge to move forward by reading this book and will be happy about your purchase! Through implementing the revelations herein, you will also gain experience to share with others! How? Well, because your understanding will be enlightened accordingly to resolve matters! In essence, you will see clearly how spirituality and sexuality combined establish a holistic marriage by God's design! And, by having both spiritual and natural principles to use as indicated, you'll understand God's purpose that says, "I am come that they might have life [natural], and that they might have it more abundantly [spiritual/supernatural]!" (John 10:10).

  • av Arlene Demar

    Layering the Art of Storytelling, In the Image of the Gardener captures the richness of the Christian tradition by artistically weaving it into the heart-warming experiences of the fictional characters. Welcome to the requested sequel of The Coordinates of Time, Treasure, and Truth, which picks up three months after Gloria's passing. We are warmly introduced to Gloria's best friend, Sarah Peterson, and her family. Meet her husband, Jack, and their children. Enjoy witnessing their spiritual formation: Monica is fascinated by hagiography, Amy is becoming quite a Bible scholar, and Keith, the gardener, is deeply rooted in God's created world. Say yes to their hospitality, and you will learn, reflect, and celebrate with them. Pull up a chair at the dining room table, as you are once again invited to the banquet!

  • av Simone Nicole

    Do you need to be lifted up and encouraged? Let this devotion lead you to the Word of God and lift your spirits! This book is meant to be a tool used to lift up and encourage people daily. Many years ago as a young teen, I was lit on fire to encourage others and I began to send encouraging texts to a small group of family and friends. Early into my adulthood I stopped sending those messages; this is the collection of them. It is my prayer that these messages strengthen your walk with God and encourage you to be on fire for God.

  • av Harriet Blanch

    IT IS TIME TO APPROACH THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM AND REMOVE HIM. Pornography is like Delilah to Samson: its strong magnetic pull will capture your heart, steal your strength, and blur a person's vision of the realistic world around them. The beauty of sexual intimacy is cheapened, and getting a fix from porn overtakes the need to connect on an intimate level with a real person who desires your love and attention.

  • av Wanda Moore Anker

    I HAVE LEARNED THAT LIFE IS IN CHAPTERS. Which chapter are you in? Each chapter in BROKEN is designed to help you to navigate your long-term care journey. My personal journey was taking care of two immediate family members at the same time, in two different long-term care facilities that were miles apart from each other, over a period of five years. In BROKEN, I have addressed many challenging areas of being responsible as a caretaker. You may find yourself with these questions:Where do I start on this journey?How do I build a community of support?How do I handle dealing with death and hospice?What position do I take with demetia and my loved one?Is there a way to resurrect fun and holiday memories?Could I use 31 prayers and scriptures of peace, strength, and brokenness?

  • av Louise Zevan

    "For God, who said, 'Let light shine out of darkness,' made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ" (2 Corinthians 4:6). Substitute "our" and "us" with your name, and that's the theme of this book. Do you wonder why you keep doing the things you hate? Have you always struggled with intimacy or maintaining relationships? Have you been told to "just get over it" or to "pray more," but that doesn't work? Are there sexual sins in your life, or family history, that torment you? Did you turn into the person you vowed you'd never be? Are secrets your constant companion? Do you feel invisible? Do you feel hopeless? No future?

  • av Amanda A. Albert

    "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall live under the shadow of the Almighty" (Psalm 91). Want to find this special place and live there? Then, you must read on. You know the feeling you get when you fully trust the other person, know that person, love that person, and know for sure they love you back? Imagine this feeling with the Father, Creator of all things seen and unseen. This journal will help you on the journey to the secret place of intimacy with Him.

  • av Ernie Robinson

    Despite our best efforts, grace is not something that can be earned. Grace is the unmerited favor of a God who loved us enough to send His precious Son to die for all our sins. We all need grace! Words of Grace in a Small Country Church is assembled similar to a 28-day devotional where the reader is invited into the sanctuary of the small country church in rural Fleming County, Kentucky. Here the pastor and members treat each visitor like beloved family members. Drawing upon his years in ministry, the author seeks to invite the reader to share in the joyful good news of salvation through testimonies of grace taken straight from God's own holy word and his own personal life.

  • av J. Morton Woolley

    WHOSE ARE YOU?It's time to revisit our roots. Do we want to live with the spirit, hope, and joy we felt when we were free? The freedom to express exactly who we are in the moment without judgment from others or from ourselves means we get to choose how free we want to be.

  • av Gabrielle G. Gracey

    In this book, Sky, the family dog, uses her imagination during the day to play alongside her family. Sky reflects on who God has called her to be by remembering dog facts that make her unique and perfectly made by God. Sometimes we all need to be reminded that God has a plan and purpose for each of us. God provides us with the Bible so we can remain true to who we are and who He designed us to be.

  • av Kayla K. Wint

    What are the mysteries that lie in giving? "One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want" (Proverbs 11:24 ESV). This book highlights the spiritual mysteries of our omnipotent God and His divine blessings that flow toward a giver. This is a spiritual, motivational, intriguing, and inspirational book that helps with everyday life solutions. It is a must-have with life-changing messages hidden within each page that make it a book worth reading repeatedly. It also provides: ¿ understanding to better solve daily issues;¿ a wealth of knowledge, wisdom, and understanding; ¿ many life lessons to bring deliverance from hurt, sickness, trauma, loneliness, and pain;¿ guidance and strength to face adversity.

  • av Elle Brooks

    Stuck on the lowest branch of the Christmas tree, Lad feels like his life is completely over...until he hears that there might be someone who can help, someone named Jesus. One problem: that someone is at the very top of the tree. A deer named Lacey offers to take him there, but between the two of them and their goal is a sea of branches, a series of colorful ornaments who may not be friendly, and a dangerous enemy lurking in the shadows.This Christmas Eve, the ornaments are coming to life to discover the true meaning of Christmas.

  • av Helen

    A Day of Change Moves the Heart: Out of It Flow the Issues of Life -Proverbs 4:23 moves the heart.This book, A Day of Changes Moves the Heart, covers love, forgiveness, pain, and the need to prosper all relationship books and yet, the most profound. Each day millions of men and women go online looking for love. Some are genuinely in earnest search while others troll for attention and flattery. Fact is, everyone wants love - we want to be loved and to have someone in our life to love. Love, and the sense of belonging, is an essential part of us that needs to be nurtured and honored. A Day of Change Moves the Heart is about entering into a vow with God to lead us to the right person, the right relationship, and at the right time. This book is about how relationships trust God so that we no longer have to spin and toil in a relationship that could possibly by hurtful, abusive, or demoralizing all the while trying to desperately to make it work if God knows the count of every hair on our head. He knows the right person He has in mind for us to love and to have us love back. God led me out of this relationship and brought me back into His arms again. God was there for me - calling for me, loving me. A Day of Change Moves the Heart is about trusting God to lead us in all ways.

  • av Mike Catalano

    The author wrote Charlie's Crossing: The Journey Begins in 2010 for his daughters so they could live life by the grace God has bestowed upon His children. It was after finishing the book that the author realized it could be an example to all ages and decided to introduce the book to the world. Having grown up in the Swiss Alps, Charlie went on several camping trips with his father at the age of twelve. These were not ordinary camping trips, however, as they allowed Nedwell to teach Charlie about life. Eventually, after Charlie's father passes away, he is left as the man of the house, growing up fast. Seeking answers about his father, Charlie returns to the camping area, where the animals lead Charlie on an adventure to "The Wise Turtle." The ending throws a twist into the lessons as Charlie learns that all the information he consumed was already in his mind...or was it?

  • av Esther Sanchez Colon

    "People in their journey of faith will fail at times. It is our duty to restore them back into the community of faith in a spirit of gentleness (Gal 6:1)." -Pastor Saturnino (Nino) Gonzalez Ministers do not remain exempt from making mistakes and falling into the schemes of the enemy. While they should maintain a healthy spiritual life and strong relationship with the Lord, they will face trials and situations that may cause them to stumble in their walk. Ministers, as human beings, are complex individuals who are shaped by childhood experiences and their environment, their spiritual health, their mental health, their physical health, their emotional state, and their relationships, both past and present.

  • av Christopher Greco

    WHAT'S TO KNOW ABOUT JOY?! This is the encouraging story of the lives of Chris and Joy: how they met and how God orchestrated it all. It miraculously unfolded into a beautiful love story. Prayer really works! Miracles really happen. Our story illustrates the promises that God longs to fulfill in our lives. When He speaks, it comes to pass. It sets in motion the breakthrough destined for you, if you only believe. Your miracle is just around the corner. Expect it! Do you need a breakthrough? Breakthrough is on the way. Nothing is impossible for God. Don't ever give up. What He did for us, He can do for you!

  • av Marilyn M. Jackson-Galbreath

    PRESENTED IN THIS BOOK ARE TRUE STORIES THAT DISPLAY GOD'S MIRACULOUS POWER. THEY WILL ENCOURAGE AND STRENGTHEN YOUR FAITH. YOU WILL BE CONVINCED THAT OUR LORD IS A VERY LOVING AND KIND FATHER WHO REALLY DOES CARE ABOUT US, HIS CHILDREN. It may seem as if God is quiet or just plain missing in action, but God is still working miracles among us today. In this book, the author shares true stories of God's intervention in very serious situations that just cannot be explained away in the natural. Some things, supernatural things, can only be explained by acknowledging and rightfully crediting them to our God. Your faith will be challenged and stretched after reading the true stories presented in this book. Doors will be opened in your spirit that will provide you with hope for desperate times; light for dark times; and stubborn faith to believe in God for the impossible.

  • av Richmond And Debbie Caldwell

    "The testimonies which follow Richmond and Debbie Caldwell's ministry are numerous. My wife and I have been touched deeply by the love and compassion manifested in their ministry to married couples and those seeking relational healing."-Parkey Cobern, Senior Pastor, Capstone Church"Richmond and Debbie are people of great character and integrity, but also of great imagination and humor. My wife and I are grateful beneficiaries of this book and their compassionate coaching."-Steve Cypher, nuclear power plant instructor"Many marriages in crisis have been genuinely touched and profoundly healed by the Lord through this delightful couple's ministry. Whether you need major assistance or just a tune-up, trust this wise teaching for sincere and effectual instruction."-Michael and Debbie Landis, information technology analyst and homemaker

  • av Harold D. Jackson

    Our Father called me by name! I heard His voice one night as I slept in the parking lot of a church in Atlanta. I went to this church parking lot to pray all night about a girlfriend that I wanted Him to change. Instead, I fell asleep thirty minutes in. I was awakened by a voice that said, "Harold!" I responded, "Yes? Your son is listening." Falling immediately back into a deep sleep, I woke up again several hours later to the radio playing, "God has Spoken" by Andrae Crouch. But who turned on my radio? He called me into a dimension that changed my life for others. He called me to marriage and clearly showed me my Queen. Jesus, "My Brother," cleared the path! As a human, I've realized that connecting with the creator God our Father has led me to my highest and best purpose in life. We all were created for a reason; He knew before we were born what our purpose would be on earth. Operating in that purpose will bring you righteousness, peace, and joy! I'm honored to share my interpretations of the scriptures as it relates to my life. Humbly speaking, it is just this simple-God our Father is everything. He is in everything. He is all-knowing. He is everywhere at all times. Connecting with Him was actually me wanting to dial His number from my heart. My view of Him had to change. Something greater than me oversaw destiny, and all I had to do was believe. All the different encounters and experiences that we have experienced are a part of our awakening. Our Father lives.

  • av Gina G. Parker

    Wait while He works. HE WILL TURN THE MONSTROUS INTO THE MARVELOUS.Tragedy had struck suddenly. I was swallowed in grief, overwhelmed with feelings of powerlessness, drowning in a sea of hopelessness, and devastated by the pain of a broken heart. The warm tears were like a flood that matched the pain in my soul. The Holy Spirit spoke, "Be still. Hush, Gina, don't say a word. Wait while I work." He reminded me that the battle belonged to the Lord and that I should wait as long as it took for Him. In the waiting, He revealed His glory, and I came to know the love of the Father. To know Him was worth the wait.

  • av Jr. Max C. Sconyers

    The gritty tale of a man-out of control in his mind, though well-intended in his heart-whose trip to paradise almost cost him his life. In thirty days of travels in Haiti, I received two bloody noses, was held at gunpoint, kidnapped, rescued, and witnessed two Haitians beaten and slaughtered... I've woven my personal stories with others' firsthand tales of the Haitian experience, as few have witnessed and most don't survive.

  • av Mary Jane Donaldson

    This is a true story of a family living in the Ukraine during the political unrest of the 1930s. Come with me and imagine yourself walking in their shoes. Allow yourself to taste the insecurity, fear, and desperation engulfing a family struggling to survive in unspeakable conditions in the face of an evil regime. Then, experience the overwhelming peace that comes only from the presence of Jesus and His Angel Armies, the provision, deliverance, and protection He makes available to His children yesterday, today, and forever.

  • av Martin P. Miller

    Explore new science and data from secular and Christian scientists. Most research into science is based on preconceived notions of Darwin's evolution. What happens when science glances in other directions? The book is a philosophical and scientific hypothesis of credible physics, quantum physics, archeology, paleontology, astrophysics, geophysics, biology, chemistry, probability, statistics, genetics, and sciences. The breakthroughs are written in an easy, understandable narrative. Understand why evolution is dead and the universe is designed. You may find the earth is younger than instructed. Know the verified facts, with endnotes, that lead to a confidence in understanding the Genesis of mankind.

  • av Sky High Praise

    WHAT PRAYERS "GRAB" GOD'S ATTENTION?In Samuel 13:13-14, we are told that God was looking for a man after His own heart. David, in the book of Psalms, was that man. David's prayers came from a sincere, open, and surrendered heart filled with repentance and thanksgiving. Experience how this same posture and attitude can be the key to reaching the throne room of God in our own prayer lives. Prayers After the Heart of God leads us to intimacy with God by reminding us of who God is and the promises of His Word, with reflections on His love and interventions for His children when we pray. Prayers After the Heart of God includes journal pages and model prayers to invite us into a deeper fellowship with God, to know His voice, to listen with open ears, and to release prayers seeking God's will, God's face, and touching God's heart.

  • av Alicia White

    Will you let the Master heal your crippling and most visceral wounds? In this book, Alicia goes to the place where so many more are, kneeling at the feet of the Father questioning "Why?" and pleading, "Help me, I can't take anymore." Alicia is raw and intense about her faith and brokenness. -Heather Nguyen, LIMFT, LICDC, CCTP-II After the suicide death of our daughter, my heart became a battlefield between seeking answers that could put all the pieces back together again, finding peace and courage that enabled me to forgive myself, and even God, to move forward. This is my journey at the cliffs of abandonment. It is a place of death, loss, hopelessness, and fear. It is a place of wrestling with who the Father truly is and who I am in Him. It is a place of courage to embrace the Father's cup of suffering He has permitted for me until all that remains is hope and resurrection life.

  • av Jerry Essary Jr.

    WHEN YOU FEEL LOST, HOPELESS, AND HAVE HIT ROCK BOTTOM, THERE'S ONLY ONE WAY TO GO, AND THAT'S UP. When confronted with adversity and trauma, Christian faith is an anchor that helps overcome these challenges. It teaches valuable lessons, such as seeking God's help, giving thanks for small blessings, and forgiving others. Praying for strength and trusting in God's plan can give courage and hope in times of trouble. Also, Christian community can provide love, friendship, and support. Through the power of belief in a loving God, those who suffer can find understanding, healing, and growth, empowering them to overcome adversity and to thrive.

  • av Terrance R Soltow

    "UNLESS I SEE...I WILL NEVER BELIEVE." - APOSTLE THOMAS (JOHN 20:25, NIV)"MY BELIEVER IS BROKEN!" -BREA JOYCEArcheologist Brea Joyce has spent a lifetime struggling with the inability to believe. Fleeing from a group that demands she believe, Brea is thrust into a quest to find the missing piece of an Ancient Roman shield.

  • av Arlene R. Galinos

    What Real Love Taught Me about "The Big C" is a true account of one woman's roller-coaster ride through the challenge of breast cancer. Transparently honest, Arlene's testimony will not only validate your feelings, but educate, inspire, and encourage you along the way with scriptures you can stand on. Whether you are in the midst of the battle or walking a loved one through it, peace is possible when you realize that "The Big C" is not cancer at all, but Jesus Christ Himself.

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