Norges billigste bøker

Bøker utgitt av Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig

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  • - On Being an Angel
    av Francesca Woodman

    Featuring rarely seen photographs by Francesca Woodman, this catalogue accompanies the exhibition at the Moderna Museet.

  • - Concorde
    av Wolfgang Tillmans

  • - Collages 1958 - 1967

  • - Sexshops

  • - one is so public, and the other so private

  • - Contemporary Photography and Lens-based Art From India

  • - Kamikaze

  • - Gaza Works

  • av Boris Groys & Emily Wei Rales

  • - or, What's Contemporary in Museums of Contemporary Art?
    av Claire Bishop

  • av Achim Borchardt-Hume, Lamia Joreige & Sandra Dagher

  • av Stefan Gronert


    Reich bebilderter Katalog zur neuen Ausstellung von Cosima von Bonin in der Schirn, in der die Künstlerin noch nie in Deutschland gezeigte Arbeiten bekannten Werken gegenüberstellt.Cosima von Bonin schafft Transformationen des Alltäglichen und greift hierfür auf zahlreiche Referenzen aus Popkultur, Film, Mode, Musik und Kunst zurück. In ihren Installationen bevölkern erschöpfte Kuscheltiere, weiche Zäune, Comicfiguren wie Daffy Duck oder Bambi, Raketen und textile Bilder den Raum. Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung in der Schirn, für die die Künstlerin jüngste, noch nie in Deutschland gezeigte Arbeiten bekannten Werken gegenüberstellt: Skulpturen, Installationen, Performances sowie eine Auswahl ihrer charakteristischen "Lappen". Für den Katalog führt Katharina Dohm nach einem umfassenden Bildteil in die gleichnamige Ausstellung ein, Diedrich Diederichsen beleuchtet das Spielzeug mit seinen unterschiedlichen Parametern, Clara Drechsler geht der Figur Daffy Duck und deren Verbindungen zu Cosima von Bonin auf den Grund.Text: Katharina Dohm, Clara Drechsler.



    A founding member of the Black British Arts Movement, Claudette Johnson is considered one of the most significant figurative artists of her generation. For over 30 years she has created large-scale drawings of Black women and men that are at once intimate and powerful. Working in a variety of media, ranging from monochrome works in dark pastel to vast sheets brightly coloured in vibrant gouache and watercolour. Johnson's distinctive drawings of friends, relatives, and often herself seek, as the artist puts it, "to tell a different story about our presence in this country".Ed.: Elizaveta Shneyderman, Grace Storey.Text: Dorothy Price, Claudette Johnson and John Akomfrah.







    Aline Bouvy's catalogue takes the form of loitering, in that it is as much about sexual vagrancy and police patrols as stray dogs and queer flirtations.On the horizon of this poetic, transgressive deviation, we spy the utopia of a fluid sexuality which the visual artist assimilates less with pragmatic LGBT militancy than a permanent critique of the aesthetic and health codes which society uses to keep our bodies in check and contains its desires. Anticipating the end of mortifying inhibitions, her artistic approach undertakes an unbridled eroticisation of our environment by incorporating rundown materials, decadent postures and disused territories. Her multidisciplinary palette, alternating thermoformed Plexiglas, inlaid linoleums and remote-controlled vehicles, surprises the public through its infringement of good taste and its disregard for taboos.


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