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  • av Ken Chant

  • av Ken Chant

    If you have been looking for a balanced study of the themes of divorce and re-marriage, the ministry of women, the place of glossolalia in the modern church, along with an exploration of other riches found in Paul's wonderful First letter to the Corinthians, then you are holding it in your hands right now! Ken Chant manages to encompass all these within the pages of this one book, yet each theme is sufficiently well-covered to satisfy the demands of most readers. The work is scholarly, well-researched, yet very readable, and is packed with insights and gems of wisdom, drawn from the author's 60 years of ministry as a pastor, writer, teacher, and preacher. Some of the other themes dealt with are incest; the church and the legal system; the eucharist; the question of miracles and a charismatic church; the resurrection of Christ and of the dead at the end of the age; and the question of tithing. Treasures indeed! This is a book to read and to go back to again and again. It would be a worthy addition to anyone's library.

  • av Ken Chant

    How do you write a book about the most wonderful theme in the universe? Dr Ken Chant struggled with that question when he resolved to write about God. But of course, the task is absurd! Can finite words ever explain the infinite? Can something created ever truly comprehend the creator? No! Any human description of God must be deeply inadequate, like someone trying to describe a lovely panorama that can be seen only through a piece of dark and scratchy glass. At best a clear glimpse can be had here and there, while the rest of view remains shadowed and indistinct. Still, something can be seen. And so it is with God. We cannot do better than see a little here and a little there. Our knowledge must remain partial and fragmented (1 Co 13:9). But because we cannot know everything, it does not follow that we cannot know anything! And this book is an attempt to discover what scripture does reveal to us about the great and glorious God we worship. It includes, too, a discussion about the puzzling question of the future - is it wholly known by God, or only partly? The book is not so much a formal treatise as it is a series of wondering meditations, looking at the Lord with awe, love, adoration, and a song of endless praise!

  • av Ken Chant

    One entire shelf of my personal library is filled with books on eschatology, about 100 of them, representing a daunting array of "schools" of Bible Prophecy, each with its own ideas of what will happen in the "last days", the time just before and just after the Second Coming of Christ. One would have to be braver than I to insist that a new book presents the final solution of the question! Indeed, I haven't so much as tried to present a definitive system of eschatology - that is, the study of the last things. What this book does attempt, without endorsing or denying any of the diverse schools, it to draw a picture of all that the Bible definitely affirms about the glorious hope of the church, which is the return of the Saviour to establish the eternal Kingdom of God. Are there signs of his coming that we can observe? How will he come? What will be the result? When and how will the church be raptured? What judgments will occur? All these questions, and many others, are raised in these pages, and are answered, your author hopes, sensibly from scripture. But there's only one way to find out. Read the book yourself!

  • av Steve Fitzpatrick

  • av Timothy Marsh

  • av Stan Dekoven

  • av Ken Chant

  • av Ken Chant

  • av Stan Dekoven

  • av Ken Chant

    "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him;" (Hebrews 2:3). Part of our deliverance rests in the knowledge of our salvation. Those who neglect it are unable to attain the fullness of deliverance and blessing God has provided for His children. Our salvation, born of God, is immense and immeasurable indeed! This book, Great Words of the Gospel, will open up your understanding to that vastness. The various paradigms of our salvation in Christ, are introduced and explored through a detailed study of the "salvation-related" words found in the Bible, The plan and purpose of God to provide us with complete safety and soundness eternally, is seen through the use of these Great Words of the Gospel! Concepts of salvation are illumined by examining the meanings of the key words God Himself chose to use in Scripture; the New Birth, our redemption, the Atonement, various types of covenants, our propitiation, the meaning of marriage, adoption and justification among other key words. God has made an immense investment to set us free! Most people have no idea, just how saved we really are! That is about to change. You are about to discover the degree of effort and expertise God has applied to save us " to the uttermost."

  • av Kathy J Smith

    This book is based upon the spiritual gifts and how they are exercised. Discovering the gifts in your earthen vessel will help you better understand why God created you and empower you to fulfill your purpose in Him.

  • av Stan Dekoven & joseph bohac

  • av Barry Chant

  • av Stan Newton

  • av Ken Chant

    "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?" (Romans 10:13, 14). There is no higher or more important calling than that of preaching the Word of God Almighty. It changes the hearts of men and women, even the entire world surrounding us! This book, The Pentecostal Pulpit, deals with the practice and art of preaching the gospel in such a way as to maximize its impact on our world. The importance of gifting and calling are balanced with the more technical aspects of the art of preaching the gospel. Examples of powerfully effective preaching ministry are taken from the lives of Jesus, Paul and recent church history. The most common mistakes in preaching are also revealed. Study and preparation are discussed as primary keys for developing and nurturing the love of God's Word which is the chief ingredient for maximum ministry effectiveness. Every preacher will be greatly encouraged by the help this book offers!

  • av Ken Chant

    Chant discusses the earthly ministry of Jesus, in this companion work to "Emmanuel" and "Highly Exalted."

  • av Ken Chant

    This book, "The World's Greatest Story," is an exciting and particularly useful examination of Church history. It is only when we understand our past, that we can put our present in its proper context and gain a useful perspective. Knowing Church history enables us to take meaningful, positive steps that will impact the future. It is a lack of historical knowledge that often forces us to repeat the same errors our spiritual forefathers endured at great personal expense. Gathering an understanding of Church history helps us understanding HOW we came to where we are today. It also gives us concrete examples of what has been done both right and wrong, laying within us, a firm foundation for spiritual growth. More than anything else however, knowledge of Church history builds our confidence as we consider the great victories and advancements achieved by those who have gone before us in Christ.

  • av Ken Chant & Alison Chant

  • av Ken Chant

    This book, Authenticity and Authority of the Bible, by Ken Chant, explores how our Bible came into being in its present form; its inspiration and authority and that God is the author. It points out the differences between the Bible and the sacred books of other religions. Chapter 7 tells us of Jesus, the new man, committing himself to the Word and bringing forth an entirely new concept of the Word, that God is alive in Scripture. He broke the barriers of natural perceptions, natural desire, natural family, and his supernatural foe. By His dependence on the Old Testament, Jesus upheld its authority. Archaeology, down through the years, has proven over and over again, the truth of the Bible and its authenticity. Finally inspiration, faith, revelation, and science and all examined, demonstrating again, that the Bible is an authentic book on which we can rely.

  • av Ken Chant

  • av Ken Chant

    More than 2,000 years ago, an unknown Jewish author wrote a history of the miseries his people suffered under three Syrian tyrants during the second century before Christ. This text will help people become fully equipped to serve Christ through the remarkable power of the charismata the Holy Spirit has planted in the church.

  • av Ken Chant

    This book, Better Than Revival, takes a pragmatic look at Christian ministry and the concepts of revival and church growth. It covers the typical syndromes that hinder God's plan for growth and success in fulfilling His call on the Church. It keeps in view the biblical models for revival, growth and harvest in the Kingdom of God and reveals the most common assumptions that can be counterproductive to His plans and purposes. The historical experiences of the Church are reviewed in light of Scripture and God's proven methodologies for success. Our responsibilities for bringing about a sure harvest are explained as well as the simple ways, we can prepare for a powerful, supernatural move by God's Spirit. In the end, the reader will come to realize that there are some things in God's plan and purpose, that are indeed, Better than Revival!

  • av Ken Chant

    Back info for clothed with Power. One lesson that the history of church dogmatics should have taught us is not to be overly dogmatic! This book is a simple presentation regarding Holy Spirit baptism. The position taken generally represents both the Pentecostal and the Charismatic viewpoints. Its approach is somewhere in the middle of the road. The overall position regarding the baptism in the Holy Spirit depends on establishing four things: - That there is available to every Christian an experience known as "Holy Spirit Baptism." - That new birth or "regeneration" and the baptism are separate and distinct experiences that may occur simultaneously at times. - The "glossolalia" (speaking in tongues) is the usual initial evidence that a person has been baptized in the Holy Spirit. - The miracles gifts of the Spirit (the charismata) are still available and should be occurring in the worship of today's church. True glossolalia is not a product of human imagination; it has a spiritual and not a mental origin.

  • av Ken Chant

  • av Ken Chant Ph.D.

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