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  • av Dale E Best
    212 - 450

    True Success is a story of Harry McKenzie and his early professional life in the law office of Fleming & Johnson as a law clerk with the goal of achieving full partner. His life is unfairly stressful and leads to dire health conditions. While hospitalized he is forced to consider the negative impact of his career on his health and his marriage to his wife, Gemme. A new life's mission emerges of rehabilitating and helping the homeless in his city reenter society once again as productive individuals. In his new career, Harry and his wife, Gemme find True Success.

  • av Lisa Stewart
    212 - 450

    We all have a sense of who we are from a human perspective. Yet, many have a need for acceptance, approval, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment. Some of us know who we are spiritually, while others have a deep need to discover their identity in Jesus Christ. My dear sister, if that's you, you don't have to seek or wonder any longer! Second Corinthians 6:18 says I will be a father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty! What does that mean? It means you are a child of God, a beautiful daughter of the King of Kings! The daily messages in this devotional book will not only provide insight into your identity in Jesus Christ but it will also provide encouragement of the wonderful blessings you have as a Daughter of the King!

  • - A Heartwarming Story of Faith, Hope, and Victory in Spite of Heartrending Times!
    av Kerry Byers
    212 - 450

    Kerry is raised in a Christian household, but when she finds out she's pregnant, she doesn't know what to do. She is an unmarried teen faced with some very difficult decisions. Either she could abort her baby or carry the child to term. If she does have the baby, will she keep it or give it up for adoption and if so, to whom? Carried is the true story of Kerry's not one but two teenage pregnancies and how God carried her through every step and every decision that ultimately saved the lives of her two unborn kids. She eventually walks through the valley of adoption to miraculous restoration. God says that He alone is the Giver of life-that He makes plans for each person long before they are created in the womb. If you're at the crossroads of deciding what to do with an unplanned or even planned pregnancy, know that Jesus loves you. He loves your baby and has a plan for you both. He can and will make a way for you. Ultimately, God carries us through this life if we let Him. He's in every detail in every situation and in every way. When we let Him direct our lives, it is always for the better! He carried Kerry; he will carry you, too.

  • av Kelly Ann

    The pain of heartache and struggles of everyday life are revealed for one single purpose: to open the eyes of those who are struggling in their own relationships. There is hope and I encourage you to seek professional help when you feel there isn't any hope. Then seek the Lord who offers unconditional love, mercy, and grace. Run to His open arms and allow Him to hold you. You will be so glad you did! He supplies all your needs with the unconditional love that surpasses all understanding. This book contains other people in the Bible who have struggled and won God's Grace. For example, Job didn't give into Satan's temptations, Esther didn't fear when her life was on the line, and the woman from Samaria didn't deny her sins when they were confronted. Reading about others' struggles should give you encouragement to get through your own adversity. I pray God's blessings on you!

  • av Emmanuel Atoe

    The Bible teaches the all-important subject of righteousness in the Old and New Testaments. It also identifies righteousness as indispensable in the believer's walk with God. The same Bible condemns unrighteousness as well as self-righteousness in clear terms. Many people are ignorant of self-righteousness and how the enemy uses it to torment and derail lives. It keeps many souls from being saved and has been keeping many believers from making heaven. In this ground-breaking book, the author, Pastor Emmanuel Atoe, stresses that believers must know the true meaning of righteousness and accept God's righteousness rather than seek their own (Philippians 3:7-10). The book highlights comprehensively what self-righteousness entails. It also explains the character of a self-righteous person. A self-righteous person is defined as one who is confident in his or her own righteousness. He or she also shows superiority above all others, especially if they have a different opinion than theirs. It identifies the root causes of self-righteousness as excessive focus on self, ignorance, pride, unbelief, frustrating the grace of God, among others. Also, the book reveals the manifestations of righteousness and warns us to avoid its booby traps and pitfalls. We should learn from all that Jesus pointed out about the self-righteous attitude of the Pharisees in Matthew 23.

  • - Parables and Wisdom from the Little Prince
    av Robert R Fuggi
    212 - 450

    The Little Prince is cloaked in imagery and concepts that are not apparent at first blush. Originally written in French, Le Petit Prince was published in 1943 and has transcended time and place to become one of the all-time great literary works. Young readers have enjoyed the journeys and encounters of the title character-and the book has also captured the imagination of adults. In The Long Journey Home, author and theologian Robert F. Fuggi uncloaks the many theological concepts that may be gleaned from The Little Prince. He observes that in many ways, the story is similar to the parables that Jesus taught. In the parable of the lost coin, when a woman had ten silver coins and lost one, Jesus says, "Does she not light a lamp, sweep the house and search carefully until she finds it?" In the parable of the treasure hidden in the field, a man finds treasure, but doesn't own the field so he hides it again, and then in his joy, he goes out and sells all he has to buy the field. In the story of The Little Prince, if you look carefully for the hidden treasure, you will be rewarded.

  • av Ashlyn Blake
    212 - 450

    Faith is exercised according to God's Word, prayer, and praise. When we find ourselves out of balance with these three actionable fundamentals, we cut ourselves off from the Holy Spirit's power to help us through our storms. In an inspirational guide, Ashlyn Blake offers a step-by-step approach to building or restoring faith while navigating through the increasing challenges and temptations in daily life. Through her testimony, Blake reveals how she, a Christian since childhood, struggled to maintain her faith during the greatest difficulties in life. Through her guidance that includes biblical examples of characters who regained their faith walk with Christ, believers will better understand faith in general, learn where faith begins, grow faith in God, build a strong bond with Him, take faith steps during storms, understand the way God tests our faith, submit thoughts to the authority of Jesus, and embrace God's promise, purpose, and power, and much more. Step-by-Step Faith weaves personal testimony with biblical inspiration to provide real-life insights that believers can apply daily to build and restore an unwavering faith in God.

  • - Biblical and Practical Answers For Suffering in Our Lives
    av Wally Long
    174 - 390,-

    After experiencing a host of family tragedies, author Wally Long found himself asking: "Why me, Lord? Why have you allowed all of this tragedy to take place in my family?" He searched the scriptures for answers, and God gave him a sermon. It was a sermon he needed. It was a sermon born of deep grief and suffering. That sermon serves as the foundation for this book, Why Me, Lord?, Wally prays the lessons he learned through his tragedies will be a blessing. Neither a Bible study nor how-to book, he offers a host of Biblical principles meant to encourage you while you're going through difficult times and trials in your life. In Why Me, Lord?, Wally presents general thoughts about trials, afflictions, and suffering; addresses what causes suffering; and discusses the purpose of suffering. He shares the message that regardless of the cause of your challenges, God can and will use your suffering, giving you a purpose to it. He'll use your sufferings to show himself strong in you, strengthen you, purify you, steer you back on course, reveal your character, accomplish his plans, and prepare you for his glory.

  • - How Christ Fulfills God's First Promise
    av Shane M Anderson
    212 - 450

    In today's world, Christian leaders are being exposed to the public through sex scandals or abuse, gender wars fill social media feeds, and religious institutions are viewed with distrust, disgust, and disenchantment. Thankfully, everlasting hope and the answers we seek are always found within a relationship with Jesus Christ. Shane Anderson relies on his experience as a lay-theologian to explore and connect biblical concepts to reveal how Jesus Christ is at the center of human relationships and how the first promise of God in Genesis 2:18-that God will make for man a suitable helper-is fulfilled in Christ. While offering believers a fresh understanding of the transformative power of the Spirit of truth, Anderson reframes the ancient story of man and woman in the garden to rediscover the mystery of God's radiant love, embrace the timeless truths clearly laid out in the scripture, and repent, restore, and find new hope while fulfilling Christ's mission to save a hurting and lonely world. Helper is a groundbreaking narrative of how Jesus Christ fulfills God's first promise, found in Genesis 2:18, to make for humanity a mutual helper.

  • av Tabitha Ellis
    187 - 426

    This book shows the human condition of a young Black male's journey, navigating through the pandemic of racism in the U.S.A.. Many claim the U.S. is not a racist country. I heard you don't have to be racist. Just be silent. Government laws now still take away young Blacks' freedom with the "War On Drugs". Just like catching runaway slaves in slavery.

  • av Joseph R Sapone

    Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is very short but each haiku creates a powerful image almost immediately. Most haiku celebrate nature in all of its aspects and inspire the reader to envision a world of beauty and wonder. One is always taken by surprise in the 17 syllalble poem.

  • - A Story of Home Renovation, Remodeling, and Restoration
    av Lindsay Evans-Mitchell J D
    224 - 426

    How does a psychiatrist cope with trauma when a failed marriage results in severe depression and anxiety? It's not often that the emotional experience of mental health professionals, who-like their patients-are fighting to find answers for their own healing and wholeness, can be explored. It can be hard to accept that sometimes even therapists, need therapy. This book explores what it's like to have the tools to build a stable structure, but all that still develops is a broken house. After counseling college students and treating thousands of patients in psychiatry, the authors (a husband-and-wife team) found that their marital counseling ministry was more successful when empathetic transparency about their own mistakes and failures was given. Instead of using hammers, drills, screws, and nails, this couple had to learn to use techniques that tear down walls and expose the true condition of a damaged relationship. Embark on a journey with the "Chip and Joanna of marital counseling" as they reveal how a dilapidated house in foreclosure helped them start the renovation process on a marriage that was broken, and in disrepair. If you're in a relationship that feels hopeless and are wondering if a seemingly bad investment has any real value, you'll discover valuable lessons in this amazing story.

  • av Deana Perry
    187 - 342

    Enjoy these short stories about Boone and his parents doing ordinary things. Boone is always asking "why?" His parents struggle to satisfy his curiosity until they begin to answer Boone's questions in relation to the Bible. From doing yard work and decorating for Christmas to playground fun and bed time, Boone and his parents learn that everything we do is an opportunity to put Christ in the center of our lives and families.

  • - and the unutterable things that can now be told
    av Jim Strahan

    Jim Strahan: In this book, I will demonstrate how the writings of Moses, John, and Paul, speak to three resurrections, and I will connect them to Paul's experience when he was caught up to the third heaven. I will also present twenty-one other scriptural references that reveal how this underlying pattern of "threes" spans from Genesis to Revelation. Dr. David Konstan, professor of Classics at NYU following three decades at Brown: You know that what you have to say is important, and you invite your reader to carry on a dialogue. You defend the idea of a third resurrection with due citation of texts, and make a very strong case for it. Boyd Purcell, PHD: I am highly impressed with Jim Strahan's ability to logically and systematically analyze The Holy Bible in depth, from historical, mathematical, and scientific perspectives. Even if readers do not agree with this author on the three resurrections and the third heaven, they can learn a lot by carefully reading and studying this book, seeing that the Bible is even more symbolic than what they may have ever heard or thought. Michael Riley, Electrical Engineer, and co-author of "Is God Fair? What about Gandhi?" To the prospective reader, I would like to encourage you to drink deeply from the ideas and arguments in Jim's book, for you have likely never heard or seen them before-a merging of Scriptures into a belief that today's Christianity in general, not only does not teach, but likely has never even considered. The number three appears predominantly throughout Scripture. In this amazing book, you will learn of a novel use of this number that explains Paul's use of the phrase, "each man in his own order." Intrigued? Well, the answer this book gives is a solid and meaningful explanation of it. And there is more, much more. May you enjoy the exploration.

  • - Living an Epic Life of Radical Christianity
    av Catherine P Butte

    In recent years the cultural climate of America has shifted dramatically away from a biblical worldview. For the committed Christian, this turn of events poses many problems. However, Believers do not have to shrink back in fear or run from the battle. There is also a counterculture of passionate Christians who are not willing to sit by idly as our history is rewritten, our legacies destroyed, and our future stolen. Instead, this counterculture aims to take back our nation and ultimately reform and restore America. In a thought-provoking exploration shared to encourage the remnant and call others out of darkness into God's light, Catherine Butte challenges Christians and nonbelievers alike to rise from the ordinary and move into the extraordinary in order to experience more of the epic life God has planned for each of us. Through her guidance and insights, readers will: - Experience the liberating truths and freedom that comes with a biblically-based discourse on matters that are attempting to divide our nation and the Body of Christ; - Be armed with the truth of our nation's biblical roots and its righteous foundation; - Be encouraged and inspired by the wonder of the supernatural and miraculous in the life of the Believer; and - Receive God's unconditional love, grace, and mercy. Counterculture is an uplifting presentation that offers the truths of God's Word to encourage Christians and nonbelievers to join a passionate movement to see America gloriously reformed and restored.

  • - God's Chosen DNA
    av Mike Boryla
    212 - 450

    Mike Boryla, an NFL quarterback who played for the Philadelphia Eagles and Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the 1970s before becoming a lawyer and actor, has read the Bible ever since 1972, when he was an all-American quarterback at Stanford University. God has revealed to the author that Joseph and his father, Jacob, had been turned into mummies, so today's generation could test their DNA and discover who God's true chosen people are. However, when he shared what had been revealed to him to pastors, they all looked stunned and never wanted to speak to him again. The author determined that Joseph, who became the lord of all Egypt, must be buried in the Valley of the Kings where the pharaohs were buried. Then, he found out about burial chamber KV46, which was discovered Feb. 5, 1905. The chamber included a gilded chariot, a signet ring, and gold necklaces. YuYa was carved on the huge coffin, short for Yusuf ben Yacob, which in Hebrew means "Joseph, son of Jacob." But where's Jacob's mummy? R1b God's Chosen DNA tells the incredible story of an expedition to Israel to uncover where the book of Genesis says his remains are buried.

  • av Katie Kincaid

    There are times in our lives when life doesn't seem to be fair or we're not sure why things happen the way they do and choices are hard to make. Butterfly Wings is a story about a young girl, named Sadie Kincaid, who found herself in a place that she never expected and had to make a lot of hard choices. But the most important choice that she had to make was whether she would compromise the treasure that God had created in her or if she would stay true to who God created her to be. We all find ourselves in difficult situations and there are lots of things that can and do want to lead us away from who we are created to be. God created each of us to be a unique gift, amazingly designed, for lots of purposes. I pray that you find hope, strength and encouragement to make the right decisions when those hard choices come along. It takes courage to make hard choices but you have a Friend who wants to help you. Jesus is not just an idea. He's living with you and He walks beside you each and every step you take, no matter where you go. Butterfly Wings is a journey of the heart, a journey of the mind and a journey of the soul. So join Sadie Kincaid as she travels on her own journey through the Old West and see how God helps her make wise decisions and puts her on the journey that was written just for her. Trials become triumphs in God's hands.

  • - A Spiritual Son of God
    av Candace D Keller

    Throughout centuries, the identity of a woman has suffered because she has not been taught to understand the truth about her created identity and her potential for overcoming deception. The Bible contains scriptures that hold the key to unlocking the ordained path that will lead to a woman's personal fulfillment as well as her destiny by knowing God through intimate fellowship with Him. It is a message that is powerful, liberating, and life-changing. In a thought-provoking exploration of this fascinating topic, Candace Keller, a certified lay speaker with the United Methodist Church, details how scripture defines a woman. It addresses how and why the first woman was named Eve, scrutinizes the consequence of mankind's fall that impacted the identity of all women that existed after her. It examines how the current condition of the woman differs from the original intent and design of God and what that means to each individual woman today. Woman: A Spiritual Son of God provides a detailed analysis of the Bible's definition of a woman and how she has learned to discover her identity through embracing His unconditional love.

  • - Sweet Stories to Uplift the Spirit and Cheer the Heart
    av Sharon Lee

    When a miserable, grumpy man takes his frustrations out on his neighbor's tree, he is surprised to find his life changing. A creature suffering from an old, painful wound finds help from an unexpected source. A desperate young man thinks all hope is lost until he unknowingly meets an angel. Full of sweet life lessons, A Miserable Man, a Magic Tree, and Other Inspiring Tales presents a series of uplifting short stories designed to offer magical fun and teachable values for all ages. Each heartfelt parable shares wholesome biblical principles in a warm, imaginative way and provides the opportunity for reflection through a thought-provoking summary. The tales include themes such as forgiveness, trust, repentance, friendship, and grace. Heartwarming and earnest, this collection of God-inspired short stories invites readers of all ages to use their imaginations and learn valuable lessons along the way.

  • av Natalia Rae
    249 - 487,-

    Alena Pearson's life as an emergency room nurse at the Camden Community Hospital keeps her too busy for a social life. At least that's what she tells herself. Until now, she has managed to avoid romantic entanglements, but life as she knows it is about to change. Detective Liam Weston came to New Jersey in search of answers. He closes cases at work, but he's unable to solve his own personal mystery. While investigating his current case involving an unidentified girl wandering the streets, he is given a new opportunity to uncover his secrets. Despite Alena and Liam's rough first encounter, an unexpected connection develops as they attempt to rescue a young girl trapped in a perilous situation. Alena becomes invested in assisting Liam explore his past, leading to more adventure and danger than she could ever have expected.

  • - My Life Altering Prayer
    av Alexis Lackey
    212 - 450

    At one time Alexis Lackey's life appeared perfect from the outside. Yet on the inside, she was hurting. With an empty heart, she turned to something that ultimately prevented her from ever finding peace or joy. What she mistakenly thought was going to give her freedom from her pain, became her worst nightmare. Before she knew it, Alexis slid down a long dark hole. As her life took a devasting turn, the person she once was no longer existed. In a moving testimony about her complete restoration from alcoholism, she reveals how God removed the disease from her body. She was NOT in recovery but was CURED. Alexis shares insight into how one prayer, changed her entire life. She discloses how God rescued, the one that went astray, silenced her monster and lead her to witness nothing short of a MIRACLE. Throughout her testimony Alexis inspires others who are hurting to connect with the one they need the most, their Heavenly Father.

  • - Reaching through Time to Guide Us Today
    av Tim Mulgrew
    249 - 487,-

    A relationship with God should be a constant enjoyable experience. Reading scripture should be exciting and a source of great guidance. We tend however, to read out of an obligation, a duty as it were. What if we learned to find ourselves in our daily reading? What if it turned out to be all about us? (Our favorite subject) That's exactly what we will find when we read scripture in a different light. When we stop hiding from the light and start using it as a guiding light. This book introduces us to how we can see things in that light - and therefore use them to make our life more fulfilling, more exciting, more rewarding, more what God wants for us.

  • - Eight Stories of God's Faithfulness
    av Ana Marija Franc Weinhardt

    This is a collection of eight amazing stories of people who went through both common and extraordinary circumstances. Step into accounts of everyday hardships interwoven with miraculous endings, as well as stories of God's light piercing through deep darkness and delivering people from unbearably heavy situations: A young boy from Yugoslavia, persecuted because of his German background, seeing his mother suffer cruelly, being abused by his step-father, and living in a graveyard for years as a teenager. A young soldier, surviving a serious accident in the war in Afghanistan, left without any hope and on the brink of suicide. A life full of fleeting pleasures - drinking, girlfriends, pornography - all leaving a young man empty and unsatisfied. Young parents going through the unimaginable as they watch their firstborn five-year-old daughter battle an aggressive brain tumor. "These true life stories shake, question, and invite us all into the embrace of the One who calls us all to his yoke and his rest." -arko orevi, Professor of Theology at the Faculty of Theology in Novi Sad; Bible Translator (New Serbian Translation); editor of this book in original Serbian language Each of these true stories - collected by the author from people she knows personally - showcases the astonishing grace of God. Each is a powerful testimony that will not leave you indifferent, but will inspire you towards a deeper walk with Christ, who is the main character throughout this book and the source of all hope and perseverance. Be ready for this book to captivate you from the first page to the last.

  • av Sarel Van Der Merwe
    212 - 463,-

    The apostolic movement of this season is a fathering movement, restoring not only fathers to their families and spiritual sons to ABBA Father but ultimately restoring spiritual fathers to His (God's) Church! The Kingdom of God is a Family where the King is also our Daddy, ABBA Father!

  • - How to navigate through the Chaos caused by addiction
    av Ruth Ann Boaz
    212 - 450

    Many marriages are difficult, especially when the union is comprised of two very different broken people living in a broken world. When alcoholism is added to the equation, marriage becomes even more challenging. Still, no matter how often we pray about it or wish for it, positive change does not happen overnight. It takes unconditional love, patience, and grace for our spouses and ourselves to ultimately heal and move forward into a new chapter. In an inspirational guide, Ruth Ann Boaz draws on her faith-filled experiences living with alcoholics to share tools and resources that help Christian wives navigate through the daily chaos caused by addiction, realize that divorce is not the only option, and find peace even if their spouse never stops drinking. In addition to detailing her personal story, Ruth offers insight into why it is so difficult for an alcoholic to admit he has an addiction, why it is important for wives to give their controlling nature a break and realize they also have an addiction, how to find healing and forgiveness, and how to make big decisions. Included are journal prompts that encourage personal growth. Wives over Addiction provides tools, personal stories, and resources to help Christian wives of alcoholics lean on hope, faith, and love to find peace throughout their daily challenges.

  • - As It Happens
    av Bette Pratt

    The book starts off with a very ill Mommy, a very caring Daddy and a 2 year old little girl. Mommy and Elsa fly home, but Daddy is detained because men cannot leave the war-torn country. 6 months later, Daddy finally gets home to find Mommy has died, Elsa is living with her uncle who is determined to keep her away from her Daddy.

  • - Understanding the Signs, Wonders, and Miracles of the Bible
    av Steven D Graham
    287 - 577,-

    The nature and availability of spiritual gifts can be confusing. Often, new believers study signs, wonders and miracles without knowing their purpose. Steven D. Graham, a veteran pastor and Bible teacher, wrote this book for those who earnestly want all God truly has to offer. In it, he establishes a biblical basis for understanding the reason for spiritual gifts and, in the process, explores what many find to be three of the most confusing chapters of the Bible: 1 Corinthians 12, 13, and 14. He answers questions about the "signs, wonders, and miracles" of the Bible and how they fit into God's plan (and therefore, His plan for you and me). By drawing on a sound study of God's Word, he leads new believers on the right path toward growth in Christ and away from the misguided approach that so many have taken. God is the creator of language, and as such, He is consistent, noncontradictory, and purposeful in all that He does. That purpose involves you and me and is revealed to those willing to search out these things diligently and skillfully.

  • - God's Letter of Divorce
    av Johan Andreas Rautenbach

    The book is all about the lost tribes of Israel in the Bible and what happened to them when God gave them their walking papers. He gave them a certificate of divorce, but He also gave them many promises of reinstatement as well as covenants with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and His people called Israel. Who are they really? Can you identify all the stars and galaxies by looking up at the sky? God is a God of covenants. He keeps His own covenants. Shouldn't we take notice of what He said? It is all made very clear in the Books of Moses and the Prophets and the New Testament.. These things are coming to pass before our very eyes right now! See A Third of the Submarines in the sea died. And where do the two witnesses of Revelation fit into this picture? It's all there, clearing up faster and faster the nearer we are coming to the Valley of Jezreel, as God promised.

  • - Christian Work Book Volume 1
    av Pastor Chris DeLong

    Teach and show your faith with your children, as you train them up in the ways they are to go! By teaching your child Christian Values, They will learn, respect, manners, Christian morals, with Bible verses to memorize, and monthly charts for you to fill out, you will be able to monitor your child's growth. As you watch them transform into the Christian you knew they would become. With Little Knights and Dames you can rest assure that you will be teaching instilling Christian values for your children's life time!

  • - Blessings In Boldness
    av Margie Shade Nelson

    Who Will Stand? Is a collection of poems about navigating the world's challenges through the strength and power of GOD's Word and prayer. The author encourages us to take a stand, be the voice of truth, and a light. It's time we bring truth to our fellow man in a world that keeps bowing. She poses the question, who will stand?

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