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Bøker utgitt av White Crow Books Ltd

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  • av Herbert Thurston

  • - In His Own Words
    av Vincent van Gogh & Simon Parke
    195 - 328,-

  • - In His Own Words
    av Simon Parke & Meister Eckhart
    166 - 262,-

  • av Callum E. Cooper & Steven T. Parsons
    223 - 370,-

  • - Human Transformation and Alien Encounters
    av John E. Mack
    225 - 426,-

  • av Simon Parke & Thoms A. Kempis
    180 - 276,-

  • av Dwight Goddard
    195 - 276,-

  • - A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind
    av Richard Maurice Bucke
    246 - 412,-

  • - A Guide for Mediums and Invocators
    av Allan Kardec
    260 - 454,-

  • av Leo Tolstoy
    274 - 412,-

  • av Leo Tolstoy
    180 - 288,-

  • - In His Own Words
    av Sir Arthur Conan Doyle & Simon Parke

  • av Elsa Barker & David Patterson Hatch
    180 - 328,-

  • av Leo Tolstoy
    180 - 262,-

  • av Leo Tolstoy
    209 - 370,-

  • - Abbot Peter's Desert Years
    av Simon Parke

  • av William Barrett

  • av Gordon Phinn

    Gordon Phinn has been writing all his adult life. Arriving in Canada from Scotland as a sixteen year old in 1968, his love of literature, ignited at Glasgow Academy, expanded with every passing year. An interest in the esoteric, occult and metaphysical fields also developed during the 1970's, when the likes of Jane Robert's channeling of Seth and the wondrous instances of human/angelic cooperation in Scotland's Findhorn Garden were first revealed. He experienced occasional psychic contacts with his deceased father which developed over the years until by the nineties his OBE's and lucid dreaming accelerated into overdrive, spilling over into the composition of Eternal Life And How To Enjoy It, the type of guided tour of the realms that hadn't been seen in many a decade. Published in 2004, this was followed in 2006 by More Adventures in Eternity, where the promise of many lives, the soul's multidimensionality and the enigma of the Monad/Higher Self was fully embraced. Now we have the final installment of the Afterlife trilogy, You are History: The Soul, The Higher Self, and our Share of Divinity, in which the endless energetic interactions of past/present/future lives with their source self/higher self/Monad is explored and assessed. Here you will find the mystery of our spirit's true nature and ultimate destination approached, explored and unfolded.Gordon Phinn continues his writing, exploring, teaching and psychic facilitations from his home base in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. His videos can be viewed on and his blog at

  • av Robbie Graham

    More so than any other medium, cinema has shaped our expectations of potential alien life and visitation. From The Day the Earth Stood Still and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, to Battleship, Prometheus and beyond, our hopes and fears of alien contact have been fuelled by the silver screen. But what messages does Hollywood impart to us about our possible otherworldly neighbours, from where do UFO movies draw their inspiration, and what other factors - cultural or conspiratorial - might influence their production and content? Silver Screen Saucers is a timely and revealing examination of the interplay between Hollywood's UFO movies and the UFO phenomenon itself, from 1950 to present day. The book grants the reader a rare, close-up examination of the DNA that builds our perceptions of the UFO mystery: one strand of this DNA weaves real events, stories and people from the historical record of UFOlogy, while the other spins and twists with the film and TV products they have inspired. With our alien dreams and nightmares now more fully visualized onscreen than ever before, Silver Screen Saucers asks the question: what does it all mean? Are all UFO stories just fever dreams from LA screenwriters, or are they based in something else? Could any of them be real and are they part of a bigger message? From interviews with screenwriters and directors whose visions have been shaped by their lifelong UFO obsessions; to Presidents Carter and Reagan talking aliens with Spielberg at the White House; to CIA and Pentagon manipulation of UFO-themed productions; to movie stars and producers being stalked by real Men in Black, Silver Screen Saucers provides fresh perspective on the frequently debated but little understood subject of UFOs & Hollywood. The book addresses questions such as: ¿ Does Hollywood fuel the UFO mythos, or vice versa? In other words, are our beliefs about alien visitation shaped by UFO movies, or are UFO movies shaped by our beliefs about alien visitation? ¿ Do Hollywood's UFO movies fictionalize the UFO phenomenon in the public mind, actualize it, or both? ¿ If and when humanity makes full and open contact with an unearthly intelligence, would we, as cinemagoers, be able to divorce Hollywood's historical imaginings from the reality with which we are presented? Indeed... ¿ Should we? After all, a great deal of Hollywood's UFO movie content has been closely informed by supposedly factual UFOlogical literature, events and debates. Perhaps, then, there is more truth to be found in Hollywood's UFO movies than we might imagine - which raises the question: ¿ Just how has so much dense UFOlogical theory (by its very nature 'fringe' and subcultural) managed find its way into Hollywood's populist science fiction narratives? Is Hollywood's incorporation of UFO lore attributable to a "Hollywood UFO conspiracy" designed to acclimate us to a UFO/alien reality, or is it merely the result of a natural cultural process? Silver Screen Saucers is bursting with ideas and information that will excite and intrigue any reader with a passing or serious interest in UFOs and/or science-fiction cinema.

  • av Erlendur Haraldsson & Loftur Gissurarson

    The authors¿ preoccupation with Indridi Indridason spans several decades. Erlendur Haraldsson first read about him in the 1960s, perhaps earlier. He joined the Psychology department at the University of Iceland in 1973 and, during his course on paranormal phenomena, he would regularly discuss Indridason, Iceland's most prolific physical medium. Loftur Reimar Gissurarson, one of Haraldsson's students, soon became interested and wrote his BA thesis on Indridason (Gissurarson, 1984).Based on their research, they co-authored a monograph entitled The Icelandic Physical Medium Indridi Indridason, which was published in the Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research (Gissurarson and Haraldsson, 1989). The monograph was subsequently reprinted partially and in full in Renaitre 2000 in France, Luce e Ombra in Italy, and Parapsykologiske Notiser in Norway.Loftur continued the work and co-authored with William Swatos, the book Icelandic Spiritualism: Mediumship and Modernity in Iceland (Swatos and Gissurarson, 1997), much of it dealing with Indridi and the history of Mediums and Spiritualism in Iceland.Shortly after the year 2000, two Experimental Society minute books dating back to the Indridason period were unexpectedly found that contained new information (Haraldsson, 2009). Some time later, Haraldsson delved into the new material which resulted in three major articles being published in the Proceedings and the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research (Haraldsson, 2011, 2012a) and the Journal of Scientific Exploration (Haraldsson and Gerding, 2010). It soon became obvious that only a book would do justice to Indridi, as he deserved to be known to the wider international public. This is that book.

  • av Stafford Betty

    Heaven and hell-are they real places, or are they fantasies invented to inspire good behavior and overcome our fear of dying? In this book Stafford Betty, a university professor and international expert on afterlife research, answers these questions. He allows deceased human beings speaking through authentic mediums to describe their actual worlds. And what they tell us would revolutionize the world's religions if they would listen.Our brothers and sisters in the afterlife are not "resting," as Christian theology often asserts. They live in a world of infinite possibility, and their wills are as free over there as they are here. They are busy beings, and some are climbing toward higher realms while others languish. Suffering in the afterworld, not just joy, can be intense; it exists to awaken souls to their errors so they will enter into the happiness of those higher spheres, where corruption can't enter. Professor Betty explores those heavens, those places where love reigns unchecked-as well as those unhappy places where it doesn't.The religions we've fashioned here on earth could all use an upgrade. They are moons that derive their light from the central sun. This book is about that sun.

  • - Impressions of Near Death Experiences
    av Jody Long

    The Near Death Experience or N.D.E. is becoming the most talked about phenomenon of the 21st century. All over the world people experience life threatening events on a daily basis, and having been resuscitated, they often experience tunnels, light, beautiful surroundings, spiritual guides, deceased loved ones, other beings, a life review, increased universal knowledge, oneness, unconditional love, and the decision to return to the body.The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) has been reporting on these experiences for 15 years, and it provides a forum the people that have them. God's Fingerprints: Impressions of Near Death Experiences is an anthology of NDE's that will leave the reader, enlightened, uplifted, challenged, and importantly it may provide us information on what happens when we die, and how if affects us while we live.

  • av Simon Parke

  • - True Accounts of After Death Communication
    av Tricia J. Robertson

  • - A Study in Automatic Writing: The Cummins-Willett Scripts
    av Geraldine Cummins

    Swan on a Black Sea is Geraldine Cummins final book which was first published in 1965. The book is an account - an afterlife communication, from the British suffragette and philanthropist, Winifred Margaret Coombe Tennant who passed away in 1956 and first communicated with Cummins in 1957. Coombe Tennant communicated through Cummins using automatic writing; the object being to let her sons know she was still very much alive in the spirit world. The communications are made up of 40 scripts which were communicated between 1957-1960 Throughout her life Coombe Tennant was a talented medium but due to her professional and social standing, she choose to keep her gift a secret from all but a handful of friends, and anonymously she practiced her mediumship under the pseudonym, Mrs. Willet. Her sitters included Sir Oliver Lodge, the renowned British scientist who devoted much of his life to psychical research, and a select number of senior members of the Society for Psychical Research. Relaying her experiences as a travel writer might, reporting back from a distant land, she describes her ability to travel back and forth in time. It's as if her physical life is a film and she is able to "go into her film" at any time or place and examine her physical life - a life review or judgment some might conclude. On October 29, 1958 (script 32) she addressed her skeptical son Henry who was still alive at the time and was finding it difficult to accept that his dead mother was communicating,'There is a dream sweetness about my present state or place.Yet my environment is familiar and totally real. I live in an existence in form both in human etheric forms and surroundings such as in outline nature and man provide. Yet I can be of them and not of them. I am not wedded to them or welded into them. One's mind can govern and alter conditions in a manner not possible on earth. That is, if one exerts oneself, makes an effort.'At present I am at home again in the long ago of Wales. You remember my break in life through your father's death. You may recall how I went to live in London in a flat. All that period is not my present environment.'I am back again in my married life. It is different, though in appearance to my perceptions it is the same outer world of reason, order and sensible arrangements. But it is different, humanly speaking. I am much with Christopher, who is a darling, while your father pairs off with Daff. That is a new experience to me.'What is novel also is that I appear to be in a kind of kindergarten and in my working hours I relive in memory what earth time has snatched away from me. So in the study of memory I do not remain at Cadoxton. I enter the film of past events and make excursions into different times in my past earth life so as to assimilate it.The scripts are essentially an afterlife memoir of Winifred Coombe Tennant; they provide a fascinating insight into her world beyond the grave and are essential reading for anyone interested in psychical research and life after death.

  • - The Remarkable World of Spiritually Transformative Experiences
    av Carla Wills-Brandon

    Before answering a ringing telephone, do you already know ho is calling? What about the "sudden" urge to check on your child in another room-only to find he is about to stick a bobby pin into an electrical socket? Welcome to the world of spiritually transformative experiences, or STEs.A Glimpse of Heaven, by Carla Wills-Brandon, Ph.D. explores premonitions of disaster, death-related visions, prophetic and visionary dreams, pets with a "sixth sense," and communications from those who have died. These STE's, although almost impossible to prove in a science laboratory, happen all over the world every day. These experiences suggest not just an afterlife, but an extra life - a realm that lies beyond our own three dimensions, yet that is capable of interfacing with our ordinary lives.Wills-Brandon has had her fair share of STE's and feels that having them validated by others adds weight to their testimony. Here is one of her personal examples.My two sons loved their grandfather. Several weeks before [his] passing, my youngest son made an announcement. While traveling to the grocery store, he informed me that there was a "red-haired kid" sitting with him in the backset of the car. "Honey, what's your friend's name?" I asked. While pulling at the legs of his [toy] dinosaur, Josh looked at the seat beside him and answered, "Who, him? That kid? His name is Damus." "Sweetie, how long has Damus been around?" I asked. "Oh, Damus just got here a few days ago," answered my son. He came here for Da! [their name for their grandfather]"Wills-Brandon then asked her friend, Rabbi Jimmy, if he had ever heard the term "Damus."He looked up and said, "Sure, Damus or Damas translates to 'messenger of death,' a positive being who assists the dying. Where did you hear this term? It isn't that common."Shortly afterwards, Da passed away... and Wills-Brandon's son received no more visits from Damus.A Glimpse of Heaven is filled with incredible experiences and life-changing anecdotes from people around the world. STE's provide evidence that we are all connected by the strings of a fantastic and vast universe that works in ways we are only beginning to understand.

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