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Bøker utgitt av White Soup Press

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  • - Eine Variation von Stolz und Vorurteil

    Stolz und Vorurteil trifft SchottlandFitzwilliam Darcy, der immer noch unter Elizabeths Abfuhr leidet, findet heraus, dass sie aufgrund seiner Handlungen gezwungen war, in Schande aus ihrem Zuhause zu fliehen. Glasklar, was er nun zu tun hat: Er muss sie heiraten. Das ist eine Frage der Ehre. Dazu braucht es weiter nichts, als sie zu finden und ihr einen Antrag zu machen. Das sollte nicht schwer sein.Aber Elizabeth möchte nicht gefunden werden, ganz besonders nicht von Darcy. Seit er in ihr Leben getreten ist, folgt ein Desaster auf das nächste. Nun ist er ihr sogar bis nach Schottland gefolgt, und glaubt törichterweise auch noch, all ihre Probleme zu lösen läge in seiner Macht. Doch viel mehr steht auf dem Spiel als Darcy bewusst ist und Elizabeth sieht keinen Ausweg mehr. Darcys Suche nach Elizabeth führt ihn nicht nur hinter die Bühne des königlichen Theaters in Edinburgh, sondern auch in die wilden schottischen Highlands, deren Bewohner sowohl Freunde als auch Rivalen werden. Und nun riskiert er mit seiner Suche auch noch, lange gehegte Geheimnisse aufzudecken, die sein Glück und ihre Zukunft gefährden.Auf der Flucht und in Gefahr, sieht sich Elizabeth gezwungen, unerträgliche Entscheidungen zu treffen, um die zu schützen, die sie liebt - Darcy eingeschlossen. Immer stärker fühlt sie sich zu ihm hingezogen, und doch ist äußerste Vorsicht geboten, denn es steht unglaublich viel auf dem Spiel. Kann sie darauf vertrauen, dass er weiterhin für ihre Sicherheit kämpfen wird, wenn er die ganze Wahrheit kennt? Und wenn er es täte, dann aus Liebe ... oder wäre es lediglich eine Frage der Ehre für ihn?Begleiten Sie die Bestsellerautorin Abigail Reynolds wenn sie ihre Leser in diesem mitreißenden Regencyroman, basierend auf Jane Austens Stolz und Vorurteil, zu den schottischen Lochs und Bergen führt!

  • av Abigail Reynolds

    Apaixonado Pela Noiva de seu Irmão... No que diz respeito à Fitzwilliam Darcy, a única coisa boa que resultou da recusa de Elizabeth Bennet a sua proposta de casamento foi sua nova determinação de provar a si mesmo que agora ele era um homem melhor. Ele provaria isso também, acabando com a separação dolorosa que havia entre ele e seu distante irmão mais novo, Drew. E agora Drew está prestes a se casar… com Elizabeth Bennet. O dever familiar obriga Darcy a apoiar o noivado, especialmente porque até mesmo o menor sinal de desaprovação pode arruinar a reconciliação duramente conquistada pelos irmãos. Mas como ele pode suportar ver seu irmão se casar com a mulher que ele ama? Vê-la nos braços de Drew, carregando os filhos de Drew e para sempre fora de seu alcance? Um Compromisso Acidental Elizabeth não tem escolha a não ser aceitar um noivado com o belo Drew Darcy. Ele é amável, educado e respeitável, e se não fosse pelo sobrenome, ela nem se importaria com essa ideia. Mas casar com o irmão do homem que ela havia rejeitado tão friamente apenas alguns meses antes? Especialmente agora que ela estava percebendo que seus sentimentos por ele estão longe de ser fraternais. Como ela poderia se casar com Drew ansiando por seu irmão? Mas o custo de romper o noivado seria a ruína e, com ela, a perda de qualquer esperança de uma vida com Darcy. Preso pela lealdade, amor e honestidade, não há saída. Mas velhos segredos de família assombram os irmãos Darcy. Esses segredos, quando revelados, poderão mudar tudo? "O Preço do Orgulho" - esta variação intensamente emocional de Orgulho e Preconceito de Jane Austen fará você se apaixonar intensamente por Elizabeth e Darcy, novamente.

  • - A Story of Jane Austen's Fighting Men
    av Caldwell Jack Caldwell

    A decade ago, groundbreaking novel THE THREE COLONELS began the epic Jane Austen's Fighting Men series and transformed Austenesque literature with its blend of Regency romance and historical fiction. ROSINGS PARK is its long-awaited conclusion! The Napoleonic Wars are finally over, and Britain seeks to rebuild after a generation of war. Gone is the "green and pleasant land" of the early Regency. In its place, a natural disaster on the other side of the world exacerbates the country's woes: economic depression, widespread hunger, industrialization, and civil unrest. Great Britain faces ruin and revolution. Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy agree to take in the young and spirited daughter of Lydia Wickham, and all the while, their beloved Pemberley is being endangered by riotous Luddites. Colonel Sir Richard Fitzwilliam marries Anne de Bourgh but finds the management of Rosings Park no easy matter, especially with Lady Catherine de Bourgh ready and eager to offer advice. Haunted by despair and gravely wounded in body and spirit, a bitter Colonel Sir John Buford returns to England to be nursed by his wife, the former Caroline Bingley. Then, an evil out of the past returns to wreak vengeance on Rosings Park, and the Darcys, Fitzwilliams, Bufords, and their friends face a devastating truth: HAPPILY EVER AFTER MUST BE EARNED.

  • - Book Three of Jane Austen's Fighting Men
    av Caldwell Jack Caldwell

    The long-awaited sequel to Jane Austen's final novel, Persuasion-After an eight-year separation and a tumultuous reunion, Anne Elliot marries the dashing Captain Frederick Wentworth. The pair looks forward to an uneventful honeymoon cruise aboard the HMS Laconia.But the bride and groom find the seas of matrimony rough. Napoleon has escaped from Elba, the country is at war with France again, and the Admiralty imposes on Wentworth a mysterious passenger on a dangerous secret mission. The good captain is caught between duty to his country and love for his wife.All eyes are trained for enemies without, but the greatest menace may already be on board...

  • av Maria Grace

    Nobody had any compassion for dragon lore expert Thomas Bennet's nerves. >As much as her father might rant and storm about the need for secrecy and expect that to be the end of it, Elizabeth cannot contain her curiosity about all things dragonic. Nor, would it seem, could she stem the development of her unique and prodigious talent for bonding with the creatures. When Elizabeth discovers an abandoned clutch of fairy dragon eggs, Mr. Bennet finds an unhappy alternative before him. Somehow, he must save the dragon eggs, contend with the jealous estate dragon, and keep it all hidden from his family...or risk exposure of England's greatest secret and the breaking of the Pendragon Treaty that keeps the tenuous peace between man and dragon. And through it all, can he help his precocious, passionate daughter find her place in a dangerous world that little tolerance for little girls. A fresh new gaslamp fantasy adventure in the engrossingly intricate world of Jane Austen's Dragons. Anne McCaffrey meets Jane Austen perfect for dragon lovers and regency-era fans alike. Book 4 in the Jane Austen's Dragons series.

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