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  • av John Roman Baker

    Nick's Fugue is the sixth book in John Roman Baker's Nick & Greg series which charts the lives of Nick and Greg from their first teenage meeting through decades of personal and societal change.In this book, Nick leaves his home and finds himself in a destructive relationship that is both sexually and emotionally abusive. But when he is given the chance to help another person, he finds a new sense of purpose in life.Set in the early 1980s, the gay community itself is facing a brutal challenge. Nick's Fugue is a powerful and moving story about the destructive power of cruelty-a tough look at how lives can be destroyed by others, and how through endurance, hope can once more be believed in.John Roman Baker is a British novelist, poet and playwright who has lived and worked mainly in London, Paris, Amsterdam, and Brighton. It is these cities which provide the inspiration and focus for his work.

  • av John Roman Baker

  • av John Roman Baker

  • av John Roman Baker
    218 - 221,-

  • av John Roman Baker
    209 - 288,-

  • av John Roman Baker
    222 - 360,-

  • av John Roman Baker

  • av John Roman Baker

  • av John Roman Baker

    Brighton, 1961. Eighteen year old Greg is struggling to come to terms with his sexuality and to find his place in the world. He leaves home and embarks on a life driven more by chance than by choice. Through his encounters in Brighton he learns more about himself and starts to expand his horizons, but Nick remains his secret obsession. Soon he is on the run again, this time to London where he immerses himself in the vibrant scene developing in Chelsea. Clubs like the Gateways and Le Gigolo provide a kind of refuge, but homosexuality is still against the law and Greg finds he is always looking over his shoulder.

  • av A D Pritchard

  • av John Roman Baker

  • av Robin Newbold

  • av John Roman Baker

  • av Robin Newbold

  • av John Roman Baker

  • av John Roman Baker

    Nicholas should be at ease with the sexual liberation of mid-1970's England, but finds he is more on its margins than at its centre. He is not taken in by the propaganda. He meets Peter who is more integrated into the spirit of the decade and they begin an obsessional relationship which soon spirals out of control. Nicholas's story is told from four perspectives. Whose version is to be believed or trusted? Where is the truth in their desires and where the reality? What indeed is reality? Only one thing is certain: Nicholas is cracking up and sooner or later he will hit the ground. Between sanity and madness, life and death, reality and unreality, there is No Fixed Ground.

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