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  • av Sunil Gupta

  • av Griha Shiksha Kendra

  • av Pran Pandit

  • av Brig Pabitra Chakravarti

  • av Arjun Singh

  • av Puneet Tyagi


  • av Amulya Sharma


  • av Pavnesh Kumar



  • av Arun

  • av Prafulla Chaulia

  • av Dr Dalip Singh

  • av &#2366, &#2352, &#2344, m.fl.

  • av Major General V K Singh

  • av Sangeeta Saikia Pathak

  • av Madhav Das


  • av Pramod Sonar

  • av S Kannan

  • av K Shreedarshan

    Indian Stories for children How did Narahari realise the oneness of Hari and Hara? Why is the son of Lord Vayu known as Sankat Mochan Hanuman? Why is Adi Sankara's disciple known as Padmapada? How did Sri Lalitha Sahasranama originate? These fascinating and endearing tales of the gods and goddesses continues in the third volume of the Bharatiya Katha Vaibhava series. The book introduces children to mythological characters and Hindu deities in a simple and easy-to-follow manner, which is both entertaining and instructive. The stories in this collection, which are drawn from local folklore and the Hindu epics, illustrate the importance of inculcating humility, bravery, and devotion. This is a book that will be treasured by children and parents alike!

  • av Surekha

  • av Manisha Dagar

  • av Anu Bhatia

    ज़िंदगी को पढ़ने के लिए नज़र नहीं, नज़रिया चाहिए !अनु भाटिया जो गत 15 वर्षों से अध्यापन क्षेत्र से जुड़ी हैं, व्यावसायिक रूप से एक अध्यापिका होने के साथ- साथ एक कर्तव्यनिष्ठ पारिवारिक महिला भी हैं। लेखन कला में अभिरुचि रखने वाली इस लेखिका ने विविध विषयों पर आधारित लेख, भाषण, कहानियाँ, गीत और विशेषकर कविताएँ आदि लिखकर विद्यालयी स्तर पर तो योगदान दिया ही है तथा इनकी कई रचनाएँ प्रकाशित भी की गई हैं। पाठ्यपुस्तकों की लेखिका और संपादिका के रूप में सहभागी बनकर कई प्रकाशन संस्थाओं ( ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड, इंडिएनिका, रचना सागर आदि ) के साथ भी संलग्न हैं । 19 वर्ष की अल्प आयु में विवाह के उपरांत स्नातक(बी ए ) और स्नातकोत्तर ( एम ए ), बी एड कर तथा तीन बच्चों के मातृत्व भार का वहन करते हुए ये साधारण गृहिणी कार्यक्षेत्र के मैदान में उतरीं जिसका श्रेय ये अपने पति को देती हैं जिन्होंने सदा इन्हें आगे बढ़ते रहने के लिए प्रेरित किया। आज इनके दवारा लिखित प्रस्तुत उपन्यास भी उन्हीं की प्रेरणा का परिणाम है । ज़िंदगी के बहुत कम समय के सफर ने इन्हें बहुत कुछ सिखा और दिखा दिया है और आज इन्होंने उसी सफ़रनामे को उपन्यास का हिस्सा बना दिया है । शब्दों के चमत्कार से बुनी गई नहीं है ये कहानी. इसमें हैं सच्चाई भावों की, मर्म है और है ज़िंदादिल ज़िंदगानी, मन के हारे हार है, मन के जीते जीत इस यथार्थ की है इसमें रवानी, स्वाभिमान और आत्मबल की सुलगती चिंगारी है और बदलते रिश्तों का बहता पानी, अपनों के लिए जीने की तड़प है और बेगानों से निस्वार्थ,गहरे रिश्ते जुड़ने पर होती हैरानी, इसमें है परिस्थितियों के घातक वारों से टकराकर, हमें कैसे हिम्मत और ज़िद्द की शमशीर है चलानी, ये कहानी है ऐसे एक शख़्स की जिसने मौत से पहले,मौत को नहीं करने दी मनमानी !!!

  • av Krishna

    Life often seems confusing and illusory. Is the past, present, and future interconnected? Is everything only a simulation? What is the relationship between life and perception? Just at the moment when it becoming increasingly difficult for the protagonist to distinguish real from unreal, and he is pondering these philosophical questions, an alien who claims to be his friend from a previous birth appears in front of him. In the conversation that ensues between them, the protagonist and his friend speak about the existence of extra-terrestrial life, the state of technology on other planets and the Universal law that guides beings on all planets. In the process, the protagonist also witnesses scenes from his previous births, and begins to detect patterns of behaviour that have persisted through the ages. He wonders how many more lifetimes he still has to live before achieving moksha, all the while realising that the true path to knowledge has already been revealed to humankind by the yogis of the past. The novella engages with questions of faith and rationality, science and spirituality, and the ever changing nature of human experience. This is an engaging and compelling novel about the mind, body, and soul and the ultimate union of the individual consciousness with the Universal consciousness.

  • av Krishna Nath Pandey Yesha Sikka

    Krishna Nath Pandey, Ph. D . is an author and academician who traversed through UN as a volunteer; served Government of India after the recommendation by the Union Public Service Commission and joined the Corporate World beginning with NTPC in 1988. He moved on to POWERGRID and superannuated from there as C - suite executive but only after writing his first book and obtaining his Ph. D . During his tenure with the Government of NCT of Delhi he was deputed, a number of times; to sort out the problems arising due to unbundling of the formerly known Delhi Vidyut Board. He also functioned as a quasi judicial authority as a member of the Wage Revision Committee of the Government of NCT Delhi. At the age of 60 years he entered Academia as the Professor of Practice and left it as a Dean, School of management and Commerce, Lingaya's University; Delhi NCR;Faridabad . Besides writing a number of research papers, his answers have also been read by more than 1.5 million people on Quora . He has published the following books in the Global Domain and the geography known as India. Paradigms of Knowledge Management: With Systems Modelling Cases Studies - [Volume 60 in the Springer's series of Studies in Systems, Decision and Control (2016) ] Contemporary Conviviality of Trade Unionism: Perspectives from the Power Sector Trajectory of Transmission for Renewable Energy: An Inclusive Case of India 4 . Bodacious Human Capital: The Tiara of Knowledge Management 5 . Dynamics of Investment: The Metropolitan Scenario Yesha Sikka has completed her educational endeavour for Conservation Psychology ENVR - 40000 from the University of California at San Diego while still preparing for her Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination in the area of Commerce at Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi . She has been functioning as Research Assistant to Prof. Krishna Nath Pandey since 2020 .

  • av Manoj Soni

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