Om Assault of a Princess
Cuthburt was the only weak link in a suitable situation for all. He alone could demand the termination of birth. Unlikely, for this would bring out the possibility of a scandalous exposure. By demanding that everyone keep their mouths shut then no one outside of Cuthburt's inner circle would know. Would he love the child and embrace as a true bloodline? Edmond Baptist definitely thought not. the impression of Cuthburt's affections was cold, caring only for protocol and what reflected well upon him. Given the opportunity, Edmond surmised that Cuthburt would overthrow all procedures in favour of making Winston of Scott the next King of England. Claiming the throne himself would allow himself to be able to formulate means to decide who would be his successor.
The royal family is redundant, and maybe this story will plant the seed of change.
I think this has happen in the past history of all royalty and I think it just could happen today. I would root for the under-dog. Long live the commoner.
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