Om Bacon and The Dissociation Of Sensibility
The term "Dissociation of Sensibility" has its origin in an essay published by T. S. Eliot in 1921 on the Metaphysical Poets, in which he referred to a dramatic change in poetic experience taking place in the Seventeenth Century. He attributed this change to social and literary causes but, in fact, the true origin of this change lies in the development of scientific thought at the time and in particular in the intellectual activities of Francis Bacon (1561-1626). His advocacy of the scientific method and technological progress set in motion a "dissociation of sensibility" which has changed not simply poetic expression but our whole way of thinking about society and our relationship with the natural world.This book is an attempt to explore the background to this process of dissociation and to evaluate its effects. David Conduct is a retired History teacher, now living in Durham. When not writing he can be found busking from home @Durham Busker on Twitter and YouTube.
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