Om Before the Giant Anteater
"Before the Giant Anteater" is an outrageously humorous short story collection by Peter Clarke. The title story serves as a clownish follow-up to André Breton's poem "After the Giant Anteater." Each story in this collection begins at a place just before absurdity strikes-like the moment just before Dali showed up in Paris with his giant anteater on a leash. It's a safe bet that, from there, the stories all fall off the hook and venture into a realm of chaos as quickly as possible. The collection also explores themes involving the madness of technology, modern occultism, and the comedy of the impending end of the world. Many of the stories in this collection first appeared in literary journals including Juked, 3AM Magazine, Drunk Monkeys, Pacifica Literary Review, Fixional, Cheap Pop, Empty Sink Publishing, Red Fez, Weirderary, and Two Cities Review.
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