Om Chocolate Sauce
This small but mighty follow-up to Pat Geisler's "The Plain Vanilla Astrologer" will be valued by professional astrologers and any astrologer who aspires to become a professional. Within its 66 pages the reader will find solid information and advice based on Pat's many years of experience as a professional counseling astrologer. Topics include "Ten Rules for Astrologers"-Pat's basic list, the Ethics of Astrology, How to Start Your Astrological Business, Setting Appropriate Fees, The Training Needed to Be a Professional and What to Do When Your Client Arrives. You'll find advice on handling a consolation and on various topics, including when the information may be received as "bad news" for the client, and information on techniques, computers, prediction, referrals and more-lots of useful information in this little book. It's definitely "Chocolate Sauce" for aspiring professionals!
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