Om Christians?
This work came about because of the state of our Country (USA), in the year 2018. Not from wars, invasion, or threat of nuclear power. There is a much graver state than any nuclear power could cause. Yes, losing our lives is grave but losing our souls, that is an eternal nuclear blast.There is a lack of the very basic of our God-given nature, common decency. The oval office is no longer a place of common decency. The words from the room that at one time was considered a place of honor must endure crude and bombastic rhetoric.The media news networks multiply the garbage by reporting it daily. Our souls are constantly under attack by the lack of leadership and the hypocritical silence of those who call themselves Christians or of any other religious faith.I have spent eighty-five years on this planet, in this Country but never have I had to listen to and watch our beloved Country being tarnished by a tyrant fool and those who would blindly support and emulate him.Jesus Christ was a savior in His time. Is there none in ours? Will, can common decency be restored? Like peace, only if we are willing to rise to the occasion and stop the bloody massacre of common decency.The intent of this work is for those who lack the knowledge of their inherent nature of common decency, therefore, believe they have the free rains to mistreat their fellow human beings. Not so, it will bite them in the butt when they least expect it. So read this, and learn something about yourselves, and be open to change for the sake of a Nation where Christianity is on life support.Included are reviews of the Spiritual Heart Center and The Christ Centered Prayer meditation. It is hoped that these may help reveal your innate courage to rise and become that savior who is so desperately needed.The author acknowledges the necessity for law and order. It is not the law that is on trial here but the administering of the law and the injustice of the handling of our fellow human beings.
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