Om Creativity; a look beyond its conception as a gift
THE WINGS OF CREATION. Creativity, according to the Cultural-Historical perspective, can no longer be seen as something supernatural It is not a privilege granted to a few It is not even something that characterises crazy people It is not present in everyone as something innate But anyone can develop it, that is a fact It depends on interactions with the cultural environment throughout life A creative individual finds a way out of everything It is a question of elements of the imagination that are combined and result in new things, A being who creates is able to see beyond what has already been seen by someone else A being who creates is not limited by what is imposed on him But modifies his environment and does so with gusto If it weren't for the ability to create, we would still be living in caves We wouldn't evolve, we would continue in eternal sameness. (Anna Karoline Arraes Sousa).
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