Om Dissecting Integration
Young Blacks already know that they have been betrayed by "civil rights." DISSECTING INTEGRATION delves into this issue from four fronts, each demonstrating how artificial obstacles prevent people from honestly seeking equality for all. The essay "Not To Be" is a brief comment on the defrauding of white America by America's white leadership, and how white Americans are handicapped as a result. "The Hispanic Factor" looks at the possibility of African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans forming a political bloc as a means of combating white America's racism. "White People Don't Read Black Books" questions the possibility of real integration taking center stage in the United States of America, and "We Changed" reveals the historical process that changed Africans who were shipped to this country as slaves into African-Americans in search of "equality" instead of independence. With so many negatives in play, focusing on integration at the expense of everything else could be risky.
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