Om E-Z Dickens Superherojus Ketvirtoji Knyga Lithuanian Edition
Pirmajame E-Z tome Dikensas niekada nenor¿jo tapti superherojumi, bet archangelai nepaliko jam kito pasirinkimo.
Antrojoje knygoje E-Z susivienijo su L¿ja i Olandijos ir Alfredu Gulbiu trimitininku i Jungtin¿s Karalyst¿s. Jie tapo Trimis
Tre¿iojoje dalyje E-Z atranda Kitus ir yra priverstas susidurti su Furijomis.
Ketvirtojoje ir paskutin¿je knygoje atskleidiama idavyst¿, kuri priver¿ia E-Z ir jo komand¿ kovoti.
In the first volume of E-Z, Dickens never wanted to be a superhero, but the archangels left him no choice.
In the second book, E-Z teamed up with Leah from Holland and Alfred the Trumpeter Swan from the UK. They became The Three
In the third part, E-Z discovers the Others and he is forced to face the Furies.
In the fourth and final book, a betrayal is revealed that forces E-Z and his team to fight.
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