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Bøker av Carla R Mancari

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  • - Meditation
    av Carla R Mancari

    Practice, Practice: Meditation is written to emphasize the importance of diligently practicing a meditation method. This work intends to wake up those who lack understanding of the importance of maintaining your meditation practice. You may believe you have free rein to treat your practice as an after-thought, but practice, practice you must to fully awaken.Included is a review of your Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer Meditation, and its practice. Bible Scripture verses are from the King James Version, London: Syndics of Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, American Branch, New York printed in Great Britain.

  • - A Diet For The Soul
    av Carla R Mancari

    DIETS, DIETS, DIETS! When we decided to write A Diet For The Soul, we wondered just how seriously you would consider it. Then it dawned on us just how many diets there are. Hundreds? Thousands? At least! And you may have tried one or more of them. Why not this one? After working with many individuals over the years, the Minute Meditation we have shared is the one diet you may be seeking. It is a diet for the soul, your soul! A diet for the soul, offered for your welfare, is backed by many years of experience. Many individuals and groups have tested and tried it with phenomenal results. In a chaotic world, A diet for the soul may make a difference in your well-being. It's either a diet for the soul or a lifetime of diet fads. Diet fads may work for a time on the outside but neglect what is happening within. A diet for the soul is a minor investment with significant returns. A diet for the soul is the missing link from most diet plans. You are a trinity. If any diet is to be a long-term success, your mind, body, and soul must be cared for. No part of you can be separated from your spirituality of being. You may have read many inspirational stories-stories written with good intentions to educate and motivate. The problem is that they may only give a temporary emotional lift-as do passing diets. The stories told here are meant to lighten your mood and help you to realize a diet for the soul is a gift to be unwrapped from the inside. You are its receiver and beneficiary. Accept it, and the rewards may be many. You will not need any additional paraphernalia to stay on this diet. This book and you are all the equipment that is required to get you started and to help you stay on it. Eventually, even the book will not be necessary. Everywhere you go, at home, on business trips, or fun vacations, you always have what you need to stay on a diet for the soul-you.Although this diet dares to prick your consciousness, it is user-friendly. It sets out to help you with details on how you may rid your soul of its extra pounds, enrich your life, relieve stress, and become a more conscientious human being who is committed to improving your health and life from the inside out.The Minute Meditation Book 4: A Diet For The Soul offers no money-back guarantees or proof of its worth. What it does offer is the opportunity for you to prove its worth. A healthier life starts from the inside. Take an adventurous journey to the awareness of your soul identity, awareness, mind, effects of conditioning, your "other heart," and the Minute Meditation. Enjoy yourself with wisdom, an ancient practice, and a bonus for spending time with us.

  • - Understanding and Mastering Them
    av Carla R Mancari

    The Rising Emotions: Understanding and Mastering Them is written with a two-fold purpose: there is a need for individuals to support, encourage, and perpetuate their progress on the spiritual path and understanding and mastering their rising emotions will do just that. The Rising Emotions: Understanding and Mastering Them developed out of the need for individuals to grasp more clearly the subtleties of the rising vibrating energy within their consciousness. The purpose is to further the understanding of rising emotions. It is the understanding of your rising emotions that allows you to master them.This teaching intends to offer a definitive, concise understanding of rising emotions. Shared are awareness of the Spiritual Heart Center and the Heart-Centered Meditation practice. It is a practice that drops the traditional aids and articulates a simplification of the ancient tradition.An introduction to the Heart-Centered Meditation Method may assist Christian and non-Christian individuals in learning about their emotions on an inner spiritual path. As you meditate, your awareness expands, and your understanding will evolve.Included are additional meditation methods. All are to help support your inner journey and to allow you to live your life effectively in the peace which surpasses understanding.

  • - Consciousness Change
    av Carla R Mancari

    Climate Change has almost become a dirty phrase. It induces arguments among family members, and friends, and it is a political bouncing ball among many politicians.In this work, climate change and the environment are the same. Climate change, good or bad, causes environment changes. Climate Change: Consciousness Change, does not set out to take sides of the climate change argument. Taking sides would only prolong the solution to what many consider, or do not consider, a serious problem.Climate Change: Consciousness Change does offer the solution. It is the solution that hopefully all sides of the issue may agree upon, work with, and move on.Included is a review of your Spiritual Heart Center and the Minute Method, which takes you on an adventurous journey to discover your "other heart." It delves into your awareness, consciousness, mind, and the effects of conditioning. It enables you to take charge and be an advocate for climate change and your wellbeing. You will learn how to clean up your interior environment while living in harmony with your outer environment. The stories included are ones either I have created, or I have heard many times from different teachers, masters, and gurus. Therefore, it is not possible to assign credit to any one particular individual for the originality.This is a one-of-a-kind solution to transforming yourself, along with your own living space and the world. Climate Change: Consciousness Change is offered for the welfare of the environment and your health. It is backed by more than forty years of a practice which has been shared with many groups and individuals.

  • - Get Ready, Set, Go
    av Carla R Mancari

    This work came about because of my own coming of a certain age. I am often being asked by someone (friend, relatives), "Are you ready, are you prepared?Hey, I am sure it is out of concern for my well being, or perhaps for those left behind who would have to deal with the details of my exiting. Either way, I am preparing beyond the details. The details are paperwork that has been taken care of long ago. Now, my priority is the preparation of my next world consciousness.I am hoping that this work will help you to understand and realize who and what you are. This way you too may be prepared for your Grand Exit.Included are a review of the Spiritual Heart Center and The Minute Method Meditation. These may help you to prepare for beyond a grave.

  • - Expressed, Sincere
    av Carla R Mancari

    Gratitude: Expressed, Sincere is a review of the appreciation of all that you are. It is the glorifying joy of realizing your spirituality.Included are a review of your Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer Method, and its practice. Gratitude: Ex-pressed, Sincere although written for and about Christians, the teachings may apply to Christians and non-Christians alike. All may begin a spiritual journey.Scripture verses are from The Holy Bible, King James Version, London: Syndics of Cam-bridge University Press, Bentley House, American Branch, New York, printed in Great Britain.1What Is It?Gratitude is the appreciation of all you are. It is the glorifying joy of knowing the spirituality of your being. You are grateful for realizing who you are, not for whom you may have wanted to be; and for what you have, not for what you may have wanted.You realize wherever you stand is holy ground. "And he said, Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground" (Exodus 3:5).Expressed, sincere gratitude is the one sign carefully watched for by a teacher, because it reveals transparent spiritual progress. Its importance in your spiritual progress cannot be overrated.

  • av Carla R Mancari

    The Jesus I Know is the account of when I first met Jesus, followed Jesus, and became a disciple of Jesus.My journey was a tantalizing, mystical one. A spiritual walk that was a wondrous and adventurous journey, but it was also difficult and devastating. I share the personal and impersonal Jesus, I know.Included is the meditation that Jesus revealed for this generation, the Christ Centered Prayer method, and a review of the Spiritual Heart Center. Recounted is an inner-outer journey with the personal man, Jesus, and the Christ, impersonal, that Jesus embraces and lives.The Jesus I Know outlines for the lay Christian community a path that may allow Christians to reconnect with their Christian roots. It is a journey that may allow you to meet the Jesus, I know.

  • - Meditations
    av Carla R Mancari

    For ten years, I traveled around the world studying with Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist teachers. I learned and practiced their meditation methods.This work came about from my working with Christians. They often wanted to know about Buddhism and other meditations. Also, many of the Christians who were practicing Buddhism meditation were seeking to practice Christian meditation. Therefore, this is written for the Christians who are ready and want to go beyond Buddhism to their Christian roots.I, however, recognize and respect all meditation practices. The inner journey has many twists and turns. Ultimately, there is one path, One Consciousness. Included are a review of the Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer, and additional Christian Meditations.

  • - Who Is the Beloved?
    av Carla R Mancari

    The Beloved: Who Is The Beloved? It is a review of the appreciation of all that you are. It is the glorifying joy of realizing your spirituality.Included are a review of your Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer method, and its practice. The Beloved: Who Is The Beloved, although written about Christians, the teachings may apply to Christians and non-Christians alike. All may begin a spiritual journey.Scripture verses are from The Holy Bible, King James Version, Lon-don: Syndics of Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, American Branch, New York, printed in Great Britain.

  • - A Dark Emotion
    av Carla R Mancari

    Hate: A Dark Emotion is written with the intent to review a dark emotion that has risen its ugly head in recent years in our culture to the detriment to all those touched by it. An emotion that may become an epidemic, if unchecked.Hate: A Dark Emotions' in-tent is for you to recognize its symptoms and escape the illness. It is Information that may help to awaken the spark of love within the smoldering ashes of hate.Included is a review of your Spiritual Heart Center and the Minute Method Meditation. The Minute Method Meditation does not rely on any particular concept of God, any specific religion, or age. All are welcome to become aware of their spirituality.

  • - States of Consciousness
    av Carla R Mancari

    Dreams may be profound, uplifting, inspiring, and challenging. They may be comforting when reviewed for practical use in your daily life. Dreams may contribute information and guidance to your spiritual journey. Dreams: States of Conscious-ness is written for those who seek a better understanding of dreams. Included are reviews of your Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer meditation, and states of consciousness to help you progress on your journey and realize your spirituality. Dreams may be profound, uplifting, inspiring, and challenging. They may be comforting when reviewed for practical use in your daily life. Dreams may contribute information and guidance to your spiritual journey. Dreams: States of Consciousness is written for those who seek a better understanding of dreams. Included are reviews of your Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer meditation, and states of consciousness to help you progress on your journey and realize your spirituality. Scripture verses are from The Holy Bible, King James Version, London: Syndics of Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, American Branch, New York, printed in Great Britain.

  • - Gut Wrenching Emotion
    av Carla R Mancari

    Grief: Gut-Wrenching Emotion is writ-ten to explore yours and your loved ones' spiritual nature thoroughly. Understanding spiritual life may allow you to understand better the possibility of "death ain't dead," and grief un-attached may transform into gratitude for love shared. You are and always have been beyond a grave. This world may hold you captive to the belief that your loved ones end in the grave, not true.Included is a review of your Spiritual Heart Center, your other heart. Also, included are the Minute Method meditation and its practice. It is hoped that what is written here will encourage you to begin your inner journey to the realization of your spirituality, eternal life, so that grief may no longer have a hold on your heart.

  • - Common Decency
    av Carla R Mancari

    This work came about because of the state of our Country (USA), in the year 2018. Not from wars, invasion, or threat of nuclear power. There is a much graver state than any nuclear power could cause. Yes, losing our lives is grave but losing our souls, that is an eternal nuclear blast.There is a lack of the very basic of our God-given nature, common decency. The oval office is no longer a place of common decency. The words from the room that at one time was considered a place of honor must endure crude and bombastic rhetoric.The media news networks multiply the garbage by reporting it daily. Our souls are constantly under attack by the lack of leadership and the hypocritical silence of those who call themselves Christians or of any other religious faith.I have spent eighty-five years on this planet, in this Country but never have I had to listen to and watch our beloved Country being tarnished by a tyrant fool and those who would blindly support and emulate him.Jesus Christ was a savior in His time. Is there none in ours? Will, can common decency be restored? Like peace, only if we are willing to rise to the occasion and stop the bloody massacre of common decency.The intent of this work is for those who lack the knowledge of their inherent nature of common decency, therefore, believe they have the free rains to mistreat their fellow human beings. Not so, it will bite them in the butt when they least expect it. So read this, and learn something about yourselves, and be open to change for the sake of a Nation where Christianity is on life support.Included are reviews of the Spiritual Heart Center and The Christ Centered Prayer meditation. It is hoped that these may help reveal your innate courage to rise and become that savior who is so desperately needed.The author acknowledges the necessity for law and order. It is not the law that is on trial here but the administering of the law and the injustice of the handling of our fellow human beings.

  • av Carla R Mancari

    The Minute Meditation, Book 5: The Three of You - You're Never Alone is all about you. It is written for you who seek a better understanding of who you are. Your life is like a three-legged stool - consciousness/soul, mind, and body. Its seat is that which holds it together, the One Consciousness. You must learn to balance your consciousness/soul, mind, and body. This is an opportunity for you to get acquainted with the three of you and the One Consciousness. The Minute Meditation is a gateway to accessing the One Consciousness, and this book explains why you can never be alone. With the help of The Minute Meditation and this book, you may come to realize who you are and achieve a balance in your life. Your life, after all, is in your consciousness. This book is all about you. So, let's get started.

  • av Carla R Mancari

    The Five Faces of Love is written for a better understanding of the word and its emotional attachment. The intent is to provide an inner path that may allow you to realize that safe place within you where the meaning of love is beyond words.When it comes to understanding love in a world of many words, you can use all of the help that you can get. Love's many faces penetrate the mind and the heart.It is for you to realize your spirituality and have the willingness to express it. There is a review of you're Spiritual Heart Center. Presented is a Heart-Centered Meditation Method that is an easy, quick practice requiring the least amount of you're time and effort.The Five Faces of Love intends to offer a definitive, concise understanding of the many faces of love. It is hoped that you may be transformed and live you're life effectively in the face of love that is beyond words.

  • - Prayerful Requests
    av Carla R Mancari

    Put It In The Bible: Prayerful Requests is a written review of a Christian woman's life and prayer practice. It informs the how and why of it and invites you to adopt the practice in your walk with Jesus Christ. Included is a review of your Spiritual Heart Center and the Christ-Centered Prayer Meditation Method for your consideration. Family names are not used to protect the privacy of the individuals. You are invited to reconnect with your Christian roots.

  • - Teacher
    av Carla R Mancari

    Jesus Christ: Teacher emphasizes the teaching nature of Jesus Christ when He walked this earthly plane. The book also provides a doorway for the reader to realize Jesus Christ's continuing profound, elevated, and far-reaching teaching through the Holy Spirit in His name. For more than forty-four years, Jesus Christ has been my teacher. In 1973 at the Grotto in Lourdes, France, I had a transcendent experience. This experience led me to the realized presence of the risen Lord, Jesus Christ.This book includes a review of the Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer Meditation, and additional revealed meditation methods. The Christ Centered Prayer Meditation may assist you to relate to Jesus Christ, the teacher, and the Holy Spirit teaching in His name.As you meditate, your awareness expands, and your understanding may evolve. All are to help support your inner journey and to allow you to live your life effectively in the peace which surpasses understanding.

  • - The Inner Journey
    av Carla R Mancari

    Christian Spiritual Exercises: The Inner Journey is written to encourage and support the Christian spiritual inner journey. With the help of these exercises, all you will need to get started is yourself. After that, your inner spiritual source will manifest whatever else may be necessary for the inner journey. The spiritual inner journey may be, at times, a difficult one. However, with the help of these Christian spiritual exercises, the inner journey may be less stressful. They are helpers that may contribute to laying the groundwork for beginning a meditation practice. A review of your Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer Meditation, and its practice are included. All to allow your spiritual inner journey to be a smooth one. So, use and enjoy the Christian spiritual exercises. The Bible scripture verses quotes are from The Holy Bible, King James Version, Syndics of Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, American Branch, New York, New York, printed in Great Britain.

  • - Are You One?
    av Carla R Mancari

    A Christian: Are You One? Without all of the theological terms, plain and simple, what and who is a Christian?There probably are as many definitions as there are "Christians." A Christian: Are You One? explores many of the definitions. Christians may move about from one stage to another. It is, after all, a spiritual journey that consists of many doubts and temptations.A Christian is written with the intent to make a proper label claim on Christianity. To seek the answers, why many Christians are "so-called" Christians?A Christian includes a review of the Spiritual Heart Center and the Christ Centered Prayer Meditation. The Christ Centered Prayer Method welcomes all to become aware of their standing as a Christian.A Christian, although written for and about Christians, the teachings may apply to Christians and non-Christians alike. All may begin a spiritual journey.

  • - Mother of Jesus
    av Carla R Mancari

    Mother Mary: Mother of Jesus is written as a tribute to the Blessed Mother of Jesus Christ. My walk with Mother Mary began at an early age and continues. It was through her guidance that my spiritual journey, in this lifetime, began.Included is a review of your Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer Meditation, and its practice. The Christ Centered Prayer Method welcomes all to become aware of their spirituality.Mother Mary: Mother of Jesus, although a Christian autobiography, may apply to Christians and non-Christians alike. Mother Mary does not discriminate. All are welcome within her presence.All Bible Scripture verses are from the King James Version, London: Syndics of Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, American Branch, New York printed in Great Britain.

  • - Its Root, Coerced Celibacy
    av Carla R Mancari

    Sexual Abuse By The Church: Its Root, Coerced Celibacy is written in response to the pain and suffering of the sexually abused. During my many years as a Counseling Psychologist and Metaphysical Counselor, I have worked with adults who have had to bear their pain of childhood sexual abuse throughout their adulthood. The memories, the pain, the hurt never ceases. I have witnessed first-hand the years of torment and devastation that the abused adult's child within them continues to suffer.Fortunately, through the Spiritual Heart Center, in the name of Jesus Christ, I was able to bring relief to those who sought it. No child anywhere, at any time should be subjected to horrendous sexual abuse. What greater sin than under the protection of a religious organization that holds the claim of being Peter's descendant. Hogwash.The Sexual Abuse: While Under The Pretense of Celibacy addresses a subject rarely discussed by Chris-tians: the Spiritual Heart Center. Christians often ignore the Spiritual Heart Center's availability and access.Reviewed are the Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer Method meditation, and its practice. Supports and tools are listed to help with your meditation practice.From its revelation, the Christ Centered Prayer Method meditation has helped individuals of all walks of life. Subsequently, for more than forty years I have taught individuals and groups, the meditation method. The Christ Centered Prayer meditation offers a means of quickly and easily accessing your Spiritual Heart Center where you may have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.The humorous stories included are either ones that I have written or that I have heard many times on my life's journey from many different teachers, masters, and gurus. Therefore, it's not possible to assign credit to any particular individual for the originality.

  • - It's Addictive
    av Carla R Mancari

    Greed: It's Addictive is written with the intent that you may recognize the many traps set by greed and avoid them. If you have fallen into any of its traps, the intent of Greed: It's Addictive is to inform and guide you to safer ground. Included is a review of your Spiritual Heart Center and the Minute Method Meditation. The Minute Method Meditation does not rely on a particular concept of God or any specific religion. All are welcome to become aware of their spirituality.

  • - Yours
    av Carla R Mancari

    Consciousness: Yours may help you to become a more alert and aware being of your many states of consciousness. You are more than meets the eye.Consciousness: Yours invites you on an inner journey from your beginnings in consciousness. It covers your journey from your descending to your ascending, round trip.Your spirituality in consciousness may be realized with a meditation practice. A review of the Spiritual Heart Center, the Minute Method, and the Minute Method practice may help you to realize your states of consciousness.

  • - Spirit and Truth
    av Carla R Mancari

    Grace: Spirit And Truth is written with the intent to delve into its many definitions. Grace: Spirit And Truth explore its different meanings and the promise it holds for its recipients. Included is a review of your Spiritual Heart Center, The Christ Centered Prayer Method, and its practice. As a bonus, there are additional meditation prayer practices.Grace: Spirit And Truth, although written for Christians, the teachings may apply to Christians and non-Christians alike. All may begin a spiritual journey. Scripture verses are from The Holy Bible, King James Version, London: Syndics of Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, American Branch, New York, printed in Great Britain

  • - The Abortion Dilemma: A Scriptural Response, A Woman's Spirituality
    av Carla R Mancari

    This is a study that searches for truth and fairness. The abortion dilemma among women and men is long standing and deep seated. When Women follow their historical-social development closely, patterns emerge and the traps which they have stepped into are clear. Beyond the physical recognition of when life begins, remains a deeper desire to understand morally, when life begins. Abortion and The Bible is a woman's book, written for women who wish to solve a moral issue with a trusted moral resource - The Christian Bible. Discover who the first woman Priest and Pope was.

  • - Teacher - Student Relationship
    av Carla R Mancari

    The Christian Journey: Teacher - Student Relationship explains and clarifies the truth teacher-student relationship during the Christian spiritual journey. The intent is to lessen the confusion that may exist between the truth teacher and the student.There are many spiritual journey truth teachers of all stripes. This work's attention is focused on the Christian truth teacher-student relationship.It is with the hope that a better understanding brings speedier progress for the student on a difficult journey. Included are a review of the Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer Method, and the Christ Centered Prayer meditation practice. All Bible Scripture verses are from the King James Version, London: Syndics of Cambridge University Press, Bentley House, American Branch, New York printed in Great Britain.

  • - Hopelessness - A Disconnection
    av Carla R Mancari

    Depression: Hopelessness - A Disconnection is written with the intention of sharing with others and to give support for those who are in need of it. This teaching is offered from my experience and understanding of depression. Possible suggestions that may help in the processing of it are listed.I hope that the words on these pages are helpful. I am fortunate to be able to share them with you, and I pray that they may contain a seed for the help that you seek. Included are an introduction to the Spiritual Heart Center and the Heart-Centered Meditation. It is a direct path into your Spiritual Heart Center.

  • - A Mystical Understanding
    av Carla R Mancari

    Jesus, The Way: A Mystical Understanding is written for the many who struggle with the scriptural verse "I am the way."Because the Scriptures may be read literally, the mystical revelation of the "way" is often lost. Like the Scripture's parables, there is always the in-depth, higher meaning. To miss the mystical revelation is to miss the teaching of Jesus ChristIncluded is a review of the Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ Centered Prayer Meditation, and its practice. Also added are additional meditation prayer practices.

  • - A Necessity
    av Carla R Mancari

    Humor: A Necessity is written with the intent to impress upon the truth, seeker the importance of having a sense of humor along with the seriousness of a spiritual journey. Humor allows the ups and downs along the way to be more tolerable.Included are a review of your Spiritual Heart Center, the Christ-Centered Prayer Meditation Method, and the practice. Alt-hough written with Christian Scripture references, the teachings may apply to Christians and non-Christians alike.

  • - Living on the Dark Side
    av Carla R Mancari

    Impeachment and conviction of a President are a United States Constitutional means of removing an unfit individual from the office of the Presidency. Impeachment of a President is a sacred trust given to the House of Representatives and to the Senate to convict. Impeachment is a solemn undertaking that this Nation must endure (when deemed necessary) if it wishes to preserve its Constitutional Republic.Impeachment: Living On the Dark Side is a review of the why and how an individual would live in the shadow of the dark side. Why would a President of the United States ignore the rule of law? Why would an individual care more about self-interest than the oath the individual swore to uphold? Impeachment: Living On The Dark Side sets out to answer those questions.Covered also is the solution for an individual to re-enter and live on the light-side. Included are a review of your Spiritual Heart Center, the Heart-Centered meth-od, and its practice.

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