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Bøker av FUNA

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  • av Funa

    Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated anime now streaming!Expanding businesses in the New World, maintaining her home territory… Mitsuha’s been hard at work. But now she’s about to get even busier with the biggest challenge of all: Beatrice’s debutante ball! All those casual promises of lavish foods and entertainment… Well, guess who remembered? (And guess who forgot?) Meanwhile, there’s suspicious activity in the Aldar Empire and it’s creeping toward an neighboring nation. Mitsuha must fight to protect her ally, and she’s about to summon a gusty force of divine power.Come hell or high water, Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano the world-jumping hustler knows no limit!

  • Spar 13%
    av FUNA

    Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated anime now streaming!Just as business in the New World is starting to look stable, Mitsuha learns that something hostile is afoot in the Kingdom of Vanel… They’re on the brink of war!All of her hard work will go to waste if she doesn’t do something to stop her enemy from gaining too much power.Time to get busy! Training the Zeglusian navy, planning a maritime warfare tactic… How will Mitsuha use her world-jumping ability to solve the crisis?Meanwhile, our busy heroine has no idea of the tension running between…Beatrice and Colette?! Behold, the (fabricated) miracles of the Goddess!

  • av FUNA

    Times may have changed, but not the trio of girls known as KKR! Kaoru, Kyoko, and Reiko have punished Roderich, the arrogant and corrupt Relinas Trade Company branch manager, who's now looking to get back at them-both overtly and behind the scenes. Kaoru'

  • Spar 13%
    av FUNA

    Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? A fun twist on the isekai genre with elements of transporting between worlds! With an anime adaptation now on Crunchyroll!Joining forces with the ambitious merchant Lephilia, Mitsuha is on a roll in the New World.But now their inventory’s been stolen by a jealous rival! She’s not letting them get away, though. It’s payback time—with the cunning use of her world-jumping ability, of course.In this volume, our heroine is cooking up even more storms: an exclusive club for young noble girls, a manmade island, and a new kind of weapon that’ll knock a boy’s socks off?!Sure, saving up gold coins for her retirement is important, but right now, Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano is amped up to undermine her enemy and strengthen her own county’s and kingdom’s economic power like a full-fledged ruler!

  • av FUNA

    Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated anime now streaming!The newly opened gallery café Gold Coin is a huge hit with the locals thanks to the savvy manager and waitress running it.Meanwhile, the café’s owner Mitsuha is going on an undercover mission to the New World. Disguising herself as a foreign noble/royal, a sweet innocent fan of the navy, and even as the Envoy of the Goddess, Mitsuha gathers intel and spreads disinformation, sowing her seeds for future invasion.Joining forces with a young and ambitious local merchant, Mitsuha plots to tip Vanel’s economy with Earth’s spoils: sugar, spice, and other nice but useless foodstuff.Dodging pushy nobles, meeting the King of Vanel, and introducing a new business plan to Yamano County, the world-jumping heroine is on the fast track to becoming...the head of a secret evil economic empire?!

  • Spar 12%
    av FUNA

    "The Crimson Vow saved the world, and raced up the ranks of the aristocracy as their reward. But they're not about to rest on their laurels--especially when there are still uncharted lands to explore. Even the Wonder Trio are on the move, registering as hunters in this new land. Clever, dangerous new monsters, a hitherto-unseen Fluffy Paradise, and more inter-party drama await the Crimson Vow as they set out once more"--

  • av FUNA

    Having completed their diplomatic delegation, Mitsuha and the girls finally get to go home…but there’s no time for our heroine to relax! In Japan, she becomes a small business owner and also opens her first store on Earth: an art gallery café. In the other world, the viscountess ventures solo to the enemy land across the sea, and even launches another shop!“I am Nanoha, crosser of dimensions in the name of a wandering god! I cast open a path to another world!”Using her world-jumping ability, Mitsuha becomes an explorer of the New World, a spy, a sculpture artist, and more! There’s no stopping her now! Business is booming in volume 4!

  • av FUNA

    The board game tournament is finally over, and Mitsuha’s General Store is open for business...occasionally, anyway! Actually, Mitsuha’s going to be away from the capital for quite some time, now that she’s been attached to a diplomatic delegation?! She’s already got a lot on her plate, but she can’t very well ignore a command from the king himself…And so Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano, aka the Lightning Archpriestess, sets off with Sabine and Colette in tow... But with a fully-equipped RV—not to mention Mitsuha’s world-jumping power—it’s not exactly going to be an arduous journey. Delicate negotiations, handsome princes, and bandit raids await as the girls leave their kingdom and their comfort zone for the first time!!

  • av FUNA

    Kaoru reunites with Reiko and Kyoko, and the trio known as KKR is back together for the first time since their previous lives! Kaoru's goal is the same as ever: to save unfortunate children, teach them to support themselves, and punish evildoers as a defender of justice(?)!The three girls use their cheat powers to make the world a better place...but Kaoru's also planning to use her potions to survive and live as she pleases!

  • av FUNA

    "The Crimson Vow s investigation finally leads them to the home of the one race they have yet to make contact with a village full of demons! There, they meet a being who claims to hold all the secrets they've been searching for."--

  • av FUNA

    Having saved the kingdom from invasion, Mitsuha suddenly finds herself elevated to the rank of viscountess. Exploiting her world-jumping ability to the fullest, she’s now busy improving things in her new domain (with a little help from Earth’s advanced knowledge and technical skills). But with ballroom season on the way, it’s her obligation as a noble to return to the capital. Sure, the timing couldn’t be worse, but it might also present a perfect chance to showcase her new flagship product—popcorn?!That’s not the only iron Mitsuha has in the fire, though: when she decides to hold a tournament to drum up sales for a new line of board games, things go a little too well! Between that and the arrival of unexpected visitors from a distant land, the newly-minted Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano really has her hands full!

  • Spar 16%
    av FUNA

    Mitsuha is your average teenage orphan—until one day she falls off a cliff, and finds herself in another world strangely akin to medieval Europe! Beset by wolves, she discovers she has the ability to travel freely between the two worlds, and decides to make a life for herself in both. Now all she needs to do is save up 80,000 gold coins for a comfortable retirement... Piece of cake, right?! No matter how out of control things get, Mitsuha keeps her cool, turning every hurdle into a business opportunity. From shopkeeper to war hero to viscountess, her meteoric rise seems unstoppable—but with each success comes new obligations and new costs. Does every step up just take her further from her goal??

  • av FUNA

    HAPPY TRAILS!Mile and the Crimson Vow are up to their old tricks—chasing after cats, beastgirls, treasure, and glory—in the final volume of this 4-koma spin-off series. Join this irrepressible group for one last romp as they bring fantasy and everyday life together, turning misfortune into fun.The final volume!

  • av FUNA

    "The Crimson Vow come face-to-face with yet another group of elder dragons, leaders among their kind, who come bearing an unexpected request. Then it's off to a fluffy paradise: the village of the beastfolk! Even in this fuzzy-eared haven, villains come calling with wicked intent--but the Vow's shining blades of justice always cut through the darkness of evil!"--

  • av Funa

    "The Crimson Vow takes on a job escorting Dr. Clairia back to the elven village to reunite with her family. From there, the girls dig deeper into the secrets shrouding the world's origin as they venture into a neighboring country and run into a fresh batch of abnormal monsters. What sinister force moves these strange beasts? And are the Crimson Vow ready to find out?"--

  • Spar 18%
    av FUNA

    With the ring of cute girl kidnappers brought to justice, their captives share tearful reunions with their families¿except for the tragic Layette. It¿s too much for Kaoru, who declares that she¿ll take the girl in without a second thought. Their journey continues to the Kingdom of Jusral, where Kaoru finally gets the chance to put her potion powers to good use, open the workshop of her dreams, and maybe keep her head down this time¿but her products may leave her customers more satisfied than she bargained for! It doesn¿t take long before everyone from army brass to noble bigwigs have their sights set on her formulae. Kaoru would much rather find a husband or set a good example for the local orphans, but she¿s got rent due first¿right? Will Kaoru pull through? Scratch that, will someone buy her skincare routine already?

  • Spar 17%
    av FUNA

    War is Hell!Kaoru thought she could save everybody, but no plan survives first contact with the enemy. The Aligot Empire is on the march, and she's right in their path! Hemmed in by geography, the Empire invades neighboring Balmore, looking to secure a path for future expansion, as well as the Angel of the Goddess and her magical healing potions. But Kaoru, despite claiming to want a peaceful life, has no intention of letting this sort of thing slide. Alongside her loyal followers, she's going to use her potion powers to make this invasion a nightmare for the aggressors -and maybe even uncover a sinister conspiracy involving the clergy of the Goddess Celestine along the way. As the Eyes of the Goddess come under fire and Francette reveals her fearsome fighting force, can our heroine potion her way to victory?

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