Om Saving 80,000 Gold in Another World for my Retirement 8 (light novel)
Can Mitsuha collect 80,000 gold coins so she can live a leisurely retirement!? The anticipated anime now streaming!Expanding businesses in the New World, maintaining her home territory… Mitsuha’s been hard at work. But now she’s about to get even busier with the biggest challenge of all: Beatrice’s debutante ball! All those casual promises of lavish foods and entertainment… Well, guess who remembered? (And guess who forgot?) Meanwhile, there’s suspicious activity in the Aldar Empire and it’s creeping toward an neighboring nation. Mitsuha must fight to protect her ally, and she’s about to summon a gusty force of divine power.Come hell or high water, Viscountess Mitsuha von Yamano the world-jumping hustler knows no limit!
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