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Bøker av John Bowers

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  • - Understanding Form and Function
    av John Bowers

    Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design: Understanding Form and Function An interdisciplinary approach to two-dimensional design--now revised and updated Introduction to Two-Dimensional Design, Second Edition gives readers a revised and updated edition of the comprehensive foundation text.

  • av John Bowers

    Nick Walker has been a Yancy West fan his entire life. The western hero embodies all the finest qualities of law enforcement that Nick embraces, and actually meeting the great man-even if he is only an actor-is a real treat. When Yancy West (real name Rodney Manchester) invites him to visit the movie set where the latest title is being shot, Nick takes his first vacation since becoming a U.F. Marshal. He's never been on a movie set and finds himself like a kid at a carnival. Famous actors, male and female, and an Ancient West cowtown like those in the movies...what's not to love?Hell, Nick might even get to act in a few scenes as an extra. But when accidents begin to happen-live ammunition instead of blanks, a flash-fire in the soundstage-Nick quickly suspects that something sinister is going on. Too many accidents to be a coincidence. Nick has faced down slavers, traffickers, kidnappers, mobsters, armed cults, and even a terrorist or two, but never has he encountered such a web of confusion, deceit, and downright evil as he does now. In this, his final adventure, Nick Walker must not only get to the bottom of events on the movie set, but try to survive a threat to himself and his family......if it's the last thing he ever does.

  • - Colonial Defense Attorney
    av John Bowers

    Still tender from his horsewhipping while a prisoner on Sirius, Nick Walker is back on the job. But he's on light duty, which doesn't leave him much to do, so he finds himself helping his fiancée, defense attorney Victoria Cross, defend a pair of bank robbers who said they robbed a bank in...self-defense! Victoria Cross, once a Federation prosecutor and now a Colonial defense attorney, is nothing if not passionate about her work. Although she and Nick work opposite ends of the law (he arrests 'em and she defends 'em), this time they are on the same page. Matthew and Allison Saulsbury robbed the bank because they owed a loan shark who promised to kill them if they didn't pay. Problem is, the loan shark, himself a former Star Marine, is determined to keep the defendants from testifying. His own criminal enterprise is at stake and he will stop at nothing, from kidnapping to murder, to prevent the Saulsburys from exposing him. Bank robbery. Kidnapping. Arson. Witness intimidation. Murder...and lots of gunfire. Don't miss the explosive action as Nick Walker works both sides of the legal street...and Victoria Cross throws down against one of the most dangerous men she has ever faced. Victoria Cross: Colonial Defense Attorney is the 11th volume of the Nick Walker series, and it only gets better after this!

  • av John Bowers

    Eight years ago, when Nick Walker was a twenty year-old Star Marine, his unit was deployed to Alpha Centauri 2 to put down an insurrection by the Rebel Coalition. Eighteen months of hard fighting led to a dramatic showdown in the little mountain town of Trimmer Springs, where Nick's unit-cut off, surrounded, and outnumbered-held out for two days until relief arrived. With most of his comrades dead or wounded, Nick took a sniper rifle into the church tower and became a one-man killing machine, stopping the rebel forces cold for more than thirty-six hours.Now a United Federation Marshal, Nick returns to Trimmer Springs to keep the peace. The war is over, but memories remain. Most of the men Nick killed in those terrible two days still have relatives living in the area, and they know who he is. Fueled by hatred and cultic religious fervor, some have vowed to take revenge, by any means necessary...and they don't care who gets hurt along the way.Guns of Alpha Centauri is Nick Walker's third assignment as U.F. Marshal, and his most deadly to date. At least he isn't alone this time-Suzanne Norgaard, his stunning Vegan girlfriend, is with him, and she's a crack shot with a rifle...but how long can the two of them survive against a quarter million rabid religious fanatics?

  • av John Bowers

    Nick Walker, ex Star Marine and fresh out of the United Federation Marshal Academy arrives on Ceres, part of the asteroid belt, with a laser pistol, a .44 Magnum, and a head filled with zero tolerance. He's immediately plunged into a mystery of murder, sabotage, and fraud on a gigantic scale.Nick is on his first assignment, confident he can tame the galaxy, bust the bad guys, and bring relief to the downtrodden. Reality check is just around the corner.The Asteroid Belt is no place to raise a family-the Belt is the final refuge for fugitives, deadbeats, and creeps in general. Ceres, in particular, is a true den of iniquity, and law enforcement is a full time job.To Nick, the law is the law, everything is black and white, and never the twain shall meet......or shall they?Nick is quickly confronted with the hard reality that sometimes good and evil can coexist, and not everyone is so easily classified. It's a hard life on the final frontier, and even an idealistic young lawman might learn a few lessons.The trick is staying alive long enough to learn them.

  • av John Bowers

    When Colonial Senator Gil Prater of Alpha Centauri receives a wanted poster with his name on it, he calls in Nick Walker, U.F. Marshal. Nick travels 2000 miles to investigate the threat and walks into a whirlwind of conflicting characters and agendas. Within hours of his arrival he finds himself at odds with the local police chief, a pair of small-time thugs, a Rukranian mercenary...and even the Senator himself seems a little flaky. Aided by beautiful journalist Cybele Gannon, Nick tries to make sense of a baffling case: who wants the Senator dead, and why? Or is the whole thing just a giant hoax? Nick quickly realizes he can trust no one, then learns the stakes are even higher than he ever imagined. The only person he can truly count on is his fiancée Suzanne, but she's back home in Trimmer Springs. He's called for backup, but backup is always late. This time he's on his own.

  • av John Bowers

    Four months after returning from Centauri B in what was his most dangerous assignment ever, United Federation Marshal Nick Walker now faces an even greater challenge. In fact, he is now in the deepest trouble of his life. When four starships go missing without a trace, the Federation calls on Nick to investigate the disappearances. After a brief study of the available data, Nick learns that one passenger-a mole-was on board all the missing ships, which suggests the ships may have been attacked by pirates, or someone posing as pirates. Nick is aware that slavery and human trafficking are rife in the Sirian system, and suspects that Sirius is at the heart of the mystery. When the same mole books passage on a fifth starship, so does Nick. If he can identify who is behind the disappearances, he might be able to gain enough information for the Federation to take them down; failing that, perhaps he can at least protect the passengers on the fifth ship. It's a dangerous assignment with little chance of success, but someone has to try. The biggest risk to Nick is the fact that he is a wanted man on Sirius. For six years the Sirian KK has been hoping to capture him and punish him for his actions in Sirian Summer; if he ever falls into their hands, he is almost certainly looking at torture and execution, but if he doesn't take the risk, thousands of innocent people may be killed or enslaved. Return to Sirius will be Nick's deadliest mission yet as his life comes full circle and he slams head-on into the most brutal regime in the galaxy.

  • av John Bowers

    Barely recovered from his adventure at Binary Flats, Nick Walker is suddenly sucked into another situation so bizarre it almost defies belief. His reputation as a two-fisted lawman has spread throughout the settled galaxy; many compare him to Yancy West, the fictional Hollywood hero of the Ancient West, and billions are grateful for what he does. But not everybody. Just as he is about to take on the most dangerous adversary he has yet faced-a terrorist organization intent on the overthrow of the Federation-Nick gets sucker-punched by a "legal-eagle" tinhorn in a $4000 business suit who thinks Nick's law enforcement methods are just too violent. Assistant U.F. Attorney Brian Godney seeks an injunction against Nick, and a court hearing to determine if excessive-force charges can be filed. If that isn't enough, Godney's assistant is U.F. Attorney Victoria Cross, a former Star Marine with whom Nick was once involved...and his fiancée, Suzanne Norgaard, isn't going to be happy about that. Nick finds himself juggling terror attacks, the media, and courtroom antics as he struggles to make sense of it all-and if the U.F. Attorney doesn't get his head...the terrorist leader wants him dead. Don't miss this fast-paced, high-octane thriller as Nick Walker faces the possibility of prison even as he tries to save the planet from the raging terror threat. It will all come to a head during the Gunfight on the Alpha Centauri Express.

  • av John Bowers

    When Nick Walker arrives on Sirius 1 to take over the United Federation Marshal's office at Kline Corners, his first priority is to find out who murdered the man he is replacing, Ron Gates. Kline Corners is like no place he has ever seen - it looks like an old West cow town, complete with sheriff and saloon.But things are not what they seem. Nick soon discovers an epidemic of missing girls, talk of racial oppression, and outright human slavery. If he can get to the bottom of those issues, he may learn who murdered Ron Gates. Nothing happens in a vacuum, and Nick's activities come to the attention of powerful people who don't want any changes to the status quo. Working largely alone, except for the help of a teenage boy and an aging sheriff with questionable loyalties, Nick soon finds himself facing a powerful bureaucracy who will stop at nothing to shut him down...permanently, if necessary.Sirian Summer, a science fiction adventure, is a fast-paced tale of action and romance on the Final Frontier, racially motivated and politically charged. You've never read anything like it. "A great read for scifi/fantasy fans ..." -Flying With Red Haircrow"... will keep you turning the pages right to the end ..." -Ben

  • av John Bowers

    Six years before Nick Walker became a United Federation Marshal, he joined the Star Marines. A revolution was already brewing on Alpha Centauri 2, then a Federation colony; two religious cults had banded together and were attempting to overthrow the Colonial government. The shooting started while Nick was still in training, but the Star Marines were not deployed for another year, when it became clear that neither the Colonial Defense Force nor the Federation Infantry could contain the rebellion. By the time Nick's regiment arrived on the scene, the Rebel Coalition had conquered an entire continent and it seemed that nothing could stop them. You already know the story of Trimmer Springs, of Nick's heroism in the bell tower with a Browning .49 cal sniper rifle; now read the entire story, from the moment Nick and the 33rd Star Marines first set foot on the planet. The fighting is brutal, the fear is constant, and survival seems unlikely. What some might consider atrocities often become routine events, the only means to stay alive. Combat changes a man. Even the most innocent, idealistic recruit, if he survives, will never be the same. Not even Nick Walker. Follow Nick's evolution from combat cherry to weary war veteran. This is Nick as you've never seen him, just twenty years old, raw and unsophisticated. Grab your helmet, your canteen, your bandoliers, your .291 assault rifle-and brace yourself for action! This will be the hottest fight of Nick's life, and you will be right there with him. Revolt on Alpha 2 is Nick's 8th adventure. Don't miss it!

  • av John Bowers

    Two years after his court-ordered exile, Nick Walker has hit bottom. He's out of a job, has lost his fiancée, his best friend, and everything he cares about--and the man responsible has got away. After the gunfight on the Alpha Centauri Express, terrorist Kenneth Saracen fled Federation space, heading for parts unknown. Nick tracked him until the leads ran out, but now the trail has gone cold. Once the toast of Federation law enforcement, Nick is out of leads, out of ideas, and has nothing left to live for. But he still has one friend who hasn't given up on him. Victoria Cross, once his lover, now his lawyer, is determined to find Nick and drag him back to civilization. She knows his anguish from personal experience, and understands where his self-destructive path must lead. Come hell or high altitude, she will find him and set him on the trail again. She knows he will resist her efforts, but she has an ace in the hole that he won't be able to ignore: She knows where to find Saracen.

  • - United Federation Attorney
    av John Bowers

    Victoria Cross had her chance with Nick Walker...and blew it. They were in the Star Marines together, fell in love in boot camp...then she broke his heart. Now, ten years later, they are both on Alpha Centauri 2, Nick as a U.F. Marshal, Victoria as a U.F. Attorney. They haven't spoken in nine years and Nick doesn't even know she is on the same planet, but sooner or later they are bound to meet. Victoria dreads that meeting, because Nick wants nothing to do with her. He has a new love now, Suzanne Norgaard, and has put Victoria in his rear-view. Seeing him again will only stir up the old pain that she has tried to put behind her. The problem arises when Antiochus Groening, the cult leader who started the revolution, comes to trial for attempted murder. Nick arrested Groening and will have to testify...and Victoria will have to face him. Unless... She can hand the case off to a colleague. Brian Godney is a bright young U.F. Attorney striving to make his mark and will be happy to take the case. But avoiding Nick will not be easy, since the U.F. Marshal's office is headquartered in the same building as the U.F. Attorney. But Vic can't dwell on it. She is handed another case with an even higher profile than Groening's. An ex-con is charged with the murder of an ACBI agent, and the pressure to obtain a conviction is intense. If anybody can put this guy away, it's Victoria Cross...but there is one problem: The evidence doesn't match the charges.

  • av John Bowers

    As a U.F. Marshal, Nick Walker has tracked down bad guys all over the Final Frontier. He has taken down killers, corrupt corporations, slave traders, mercenaries, terrorists, and criminal religious cults. But when two government agents drag Nick off to a secret meeting with a clandestine politician, it can't be good. And it isn't. A Federation Ambassador has been assassinated. Beta Centauri is about to ally with Sirius, which has turned rogue and now threatens other star systems. Federation President Vivian White Wolf is scheduled for a diplomatic summit in three weeks, but Beta C is controlled by the Rukranian mob and her mission may be compromised. The Federation needs an undercover man-a gunslinger-to turn things around. Nick, who has never worked undercover, has three weeks to get the job done. And there are no rules. Not only Nick's life hangs in the balance, but so does the future of three star systems. If he gets caught, the Federation can't afford the diplomatic fallout-he is on his own-and even if he survives the mission, an assassin is waiting for him at home. This is Nick as you've never seen him, working alone on a hostile planet where a single error can mean violent, agonizing death. The Rukranian mob is ruthless and unforgiving; can Nick break their stranglehold on the BC government and give diplomacy a chance? Don't miss the bullets, the bombs, the hair-raising intrigue, the violence and betrayal as Nick Walker embarks on his most dangerous mission yet.

  • av John Bowers

    This book draws on the author's expertise as a KC and original interviews with political insiders to tell the story of declining ethical standards during the government of Boris Johnson and propose concrete reforms.

  • - Understanding Theory and Application
    av John Bowers

    Graphic design has long based decision-making on instinct, trends, and personal preference. This book introduces a range of practical methodologies (quantitative and qualitative) pertinent to the interpreting, targeting and creating of forms and messages.

  • av John (Cornell University) Bowers

    A radically new approach to argument structure in the minimalist program.

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