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This book is based on the principles of mnemonics and laws of controlled association, and if you apply the principle you will be able to bestride both the world of memory, and world of knowledge simultaneously, giving yourself greater self-confidence, a growing mastery of imagination, improved creativity, and vastly improved perceptual skills.In fact, education system has created pressure on students in which memory, the technique, by Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury, can provide some rescue.
In this book, we explore the many shades and nuances of his towering and unique persona. The wisdom and skill with which he has managed his whole life is astonishing, and worth the time spent in appreciating and understanding it. Sri Ram teaches us to respect and obey our Guru and parents, love our brothers and reach out to our friends and well-wishers (indeed, all of society) selflessly. His is the rare (indeed, the only one of its kind) personality that will even risk his life to keep a promise, and to protect those who have approached him for shelter. Humble, sensible and far-sighted, Sri Ram abides by his duties and the call of truth and righteousness his entire life and continues to captivate, charm and guide us by the near-divine judiciousness and perfection of his many-layered nature.
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James Allen was born in Leicester, Central England, November 28, 1864. The family business failed within a few years, and in 1879 his father left for America in an effort to recoup his losses. The elder Allen had hoped to settle in the United States, but was robbed and murdered before he could send for his family.James Allen is a literary mystery man. His inspirational writings have influenced millions for good. Yet today he remains almost unknown...... None of his nineteen books give a clue to his life other than to mention his place of residence - Ilfracombe, England. His name cannot be found in a major reference work. Not even the Library of Congress or the British Museum has much to say about him.Who was this man who believed in the power of thought to bring fame, fortune and happiness? Or did he, as Henry David Thoreau says, hear a different drummer?...... James Allen never gained fame or fortune. That much is true. His was a quiet, unrewarded genius. He seldom made enough money from his writings to cover expenses.As A Man Thinketh was Allen's second book. Despite its subsequent popularity he was dissatisfied with it. Even though it was his most concise and eloquent work, the book that best embodied his thought, he somehow failed to recognize its value. His wife Lily had to persuade him to publish it.The financial crisis that resulted forced James to leave school at fifteen. He eventually became a private secretary, a position that would be called administrative assistant today. He worked in this capacity for several British manufacturers until 1902, when he decided to devote all his time to writing.Unfortunately, Allen's literary career was short, lasting only nine years, until his death in 1912. During that period he wrote nineteen books, a rich outpouring of ideas that have lived on to inspire later generations.Soon after finishing his first book, From Poverty To Power, Allen moved to Ilfracombe, on England's southwest coast. The little resort town with its seafront Victorian hotels and its rolling hills and winding lanes offered him the quiet atmosphere he needed to pursue his philosophical studies.James Allen strove to live the ideal life described by Russia's great novelist and mystic Count Leo Tolstoy - the life of voluntary poverty, manual labor and ascetic self-discipline. Like Tolstoy, Allen sought to improve himself, be happy, and master all of the virtues. His search for felicity for man on earth was typically Tolstoyan.The works of James Allen are eminently practical. He never wrote theories, or for the sake of writing, or to add another to the existing books. According to his wife, Allen wrote when he had a message, and it became a message only when he had lived it in his own life, and knew that it was good. Thus he wrote facts, which he had proven by practice.
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Franz Kafka, the author has very nicely narrated the story of Gregou Samsa who wakes up one day to discover that he has metamorphosed into a bug.The book concerns itself with the themes of alienation and existentialism.The author has written many important stories, including ?The Judgement?, and much of his novels ?Amerika?, ?The Castle?, ?The Hunger Artist?.Many of his stories were published during his lifetime but many were not. Over the course of the 1920s and 30s Kafka?s works were published and translated instantly becoming landmarks of twentieth-century literature.Ironically, the story ends on an optimistic note, as the family puts itself back together.The style of the book epitomizes Kafka?s writing.Kafka very interestingly, used to present an impossible situation, such as a man?s transformation into an insect, and develop the story from there with perfect realism and intense attention to detail.The Metamorphosis is an autobiographical piece of writing, and we find that parts of the story reflect Kafka?s own life.
Learn Oriya In 30 Days Through English is a book by Krishna Gopal Vikal, that serves as a reference manual and comprehensive guide in teaching its readers Oriya by means of English . The book promises to teach Oriya in just 30 days using the medium of English . With its engaging chapters and informative content, the book is a promising compilation to teach Oriya in a quick period of time.In a country like India, where the regions are diversified with different languages and cultures, English serves as a backbone in connecting to the various parts of the country. So, it is essential to have books that teach the regional languages through English . Learn Oriya in 30 Days Through English does the exact same job. The book is divided into five parts which deal with various aspects of the Oriya language. Part 1-Alphabet gives an introduction to alphabets, vowels, consonants, conjunctions, parts of speech, genders and numbers. Part 2-Words deals with pronouns, verbs, tenses, often confused words and adjectives. Part 3-Classified Sentences deals with useful expressions, imperative sentences and three tenses. Part 4-Situational Sentences deals with sentences on home, shopping, craftsmen, food, drinks, hotels, restaurants, post offices, banks, telephones, etc. Part 5-Conversation indulges the readers with real time conversations like that of talk between two friends, about money, asking the way, on the bus, doctor and patient talks and the likes.
'The Hound of the Barkervilles' is the crime novel written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holmes. Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle (22nd May 1859- 7th July 1930) was a British writer and physician. He created the character Sherlock Homes in 1887. Sherlock Homes is a fictional private detective. He is known for his proficiency with observation, deduction, forensic science and logical reasoning. He is characterised in many investigating cases for a wide variety of clients including Scotland yard. This character has been picturised in many events. Holmes popularity and fame are such that many have believed him to be not a fictional character but a real individual. Even 'Guinnes World Records' lists him as the most portrayed literary human character in film and Television industry. Doyle was a prolific writer. His works include fantasy, science fiction stories, plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction and historical novels. The novel narrates on crime and focus on Dartmoor. The detective Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson are called to investigate the mysterious death of a healthy Dartmoor, whose death apperars to be connected with the curse of a legendary, monstrour hound of supernatural orgin. The story is set in the moors at Baskerville Hall and the nearby Grimpen Mire, and the activity takes place at night hours. It all happens in order to inheriot the family estate our and all the whole story seens very thrilling and full of horror and mystries.Except from the novel :-"I have in my pocket an manuscript," said Dr. James mortimer."I observed it as you entered the room," said Holmes."Early Eighteenth century, unless it is a forgery.""How can you say that sir?"
What is Ikigai? Ikigai is the art of living life in a way that a person is always inspired to remain focused on their goal. The meaning of Ikigai is to make your life meaningful. The people who use the principles of Ikigai always wake up in the morning with a sense of meaning. This is the reason why, despite having been destroyed in the second world war, Japan did not only develop, but also became a nation of longevity. How was all this possible? This was only possible by adopting the principles of Ikigai.This book will not only provide you with theoretical ideas, but also how to lead the Ikigai life with practical examples. It is then that you will know what this Japanese way of living actually is. How the people of that country achieve their goals. How they scale great heights in society and achieve a high social standing. What do they eat that they are able to live a long and fruitful life. This book will help you live a successful life, meaningful long life and achieve new heights of success every day, and you will enjoy it.
Niccolo Machiavelli, the author, was an Italian. (Born 3rd may 1469, died 21st June, 1527). he was a diplomat, philosopher, historian, politician and writer. He is best known for his book ?The prince?. his notable works are ?the prince? and ?discourses on livy?. ?the prince? is basically a political treatise and a sort of guide for new princes and royals. It was published five years after niccolo?s death. When he was alive, there was some controversy in his book. It was published only after seeking permission from the Medici Pope Clement VII. The prince is one of the best works of modern political philosophy, in which truth is highlighted rather than any abstract ideas or incidents. The beauty of the text is that it has a recognizable structure and the author has indicated himself in most of the portions. The book narrates mostly about princedoms. That too about hereditary princedoms. it?s easier to rule. Also, avoids comparison between monarchy and tyranny. Again, the beauty of his writing is that his character of the story, Cyrus the great, is totally different from those who have got their Thrones without any efforts IE as a successor and those who have acquired Crowns after putting their hard labour and efforts. He has cited Roman ways to the new princes. machiavelli has narrated about those kingdoms where one can enter in an easy way but difficult to hold such a kingdom. He has given one such example also IE, of France. He also writes that reforming an existing order is one of the most dangerous and difficult things for a prince, because in most of the cases the subjects are against or resistant to any such change or reform. Moreover, it is very difficult for the prince to satisfy or come out with everyone expectations. Other situations, when a prince comes to power due to his destiny then it will be very difficult to hold it for a long time. Some exceptions are always there. even if a prince is overly generous to his subjects, that situation will also not be appreciated and will cause greed for more. So, different sorts of kingdoms, princedoms need different styles of controlling any realm. The author has put his best efforts in narrating all such types of realms. The work is really commendable and very much beneficial to the rulers. a must read book for self development and how to be a good leader.
Thalassemia, sickle cell Anemia or various types & stages of cancer, this Book will help you understand various kinds of blood disorders beyond the conventionally accepted definitions. From the consensus in medical science to the conspiracy of medical industry, the book will lead you to a permanent cure, to end the endless dependency of blood, transfusion and the silent suffering of the patients. For the First time in the history of the medical science, this book introduces the 1" 40 thalassemia patients who could free themselves from the dependency of drug/Red Blood cell transfusion with Living Water Therapy. This 6 step- "Do At Home" method can be seen as a potential cure for patients suffering from all kinds of blood disorders.
H.G. Wells, the author, has been called the father of science fiction.?The Time Machine? is one of his most notable science fictions. It?s a Time Traveller?s journey into the future. He explains that there are really four limensions, three of which we call the three planes of the Space, and a fourth, Time. Also, there is no difference between Time and any of the three dimensions of Space except that our consciousness moves along it.The book narrates how the Time Traveller plans for a machine to travel through time and disappear. Comparison between the present time and future time. Like as, the air is free from gnats, the earth from weeds or fungi; everwhere were fruits and sweet and delightful flowers; brilliant butterflies fly hither and thither. The ideal of preventive medicine is attained. Diseases are stamped out. No contagious diseases. Even social triumphs too is effected. Like as, the mankind is housed in splendid shelters, gloriously clothed, and as yet are not engaged in toil. No signs of struggle, neither social nor economical.The population is also ceased to increase.No one can predict anything about the future Time.This book seems very interesting, in this way. Solves many queries raised by the various characters in the book with the Time Traveller.The author has written his best to enthrall the readers.Many future films and Television Series are made on ?The Time Machine?, which has in turn inspired to write new books on the topic of ?The Time Machine?.
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The word "cancer" may mean death and suffering for most but not after knowing "Rabbit-Tortoise Model for cancer cure". This book not only exposes the dark secrets of cancer industry, how the healthy people are converted into cancer patients but also presents a step by step evidence based strategy to get rid of cancer and escape the trap of the cancer industry.
Chhatrapati Shivaji is an epoch-maker and his name is known to each and every Indian. He added a new chapter to the Indian history by stablishing an independent Hindu state at the time when the entire country was under the Muslim rule. No Hindu has done such praiseworthy work in the history of India. Though born of poor parentage and deprived of proper education, he established an independent state with his own struggle and strength. Just like a lion is not coronated, he occupied the status with his own power and strength.
The Upanishads were born nearly five thousand years ago. They are a secret communion, a transmission beyond scriptures, beyond words, between an individual and existence.The seven steps to samadbi or enlightenment that the Akshi Upanishad describes are a like a seeker's map or guide to the inner journey. The first three steps are the waking state of the mind, the surface of our personalities; the fourth and the fifth steps go deeper as we enter into our subjectivity; the sixth stage is still deeper, where there are no longer any objects or subject, and the seventh is not a step at all, it is our very nature, our being, Like Osho, the Upanishads don't teach renunciation. Instead, Upanishadic wisdom encourages us to live in the world, play in the world, rejoice in life, and to experience the unchanging and eternal as we journey on these seven steps."The world of the Upanishads is very close to my approach. In fact, what I am doing here is giving a rebirth to the spirit of the Upanishads."
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