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  • - A Life in Letters
    av Johannes W H Van Der Bijl

    This narrative commentary explores Paul's letter to the Galatians by placing it in the larger context of Paul's life and ministry. Combining cultural and archeological research, Rev. Dr. Johannes W. H. van der Bijl draws together details from the book of Acts and the Pauline Epistles to offer us a unique glimpse into the real-life issues facing Paul, Barnabas, and the first-century church. While centred on the writing of Paul's letter to the church in Galatia, the author follows Paul's story and theological development through his early life and conversion to his ministry in Antioch and first missionary journey. By presenting Paul as a tangible, flesh and blood human, readers will better understand the message of Galatians - that there is unity and freedom to be had in Christ.

  • av Kwiyani Harvey

    This remarkable collection of essays explores the role of African Christianity in God's mission around the world. Featuring the contributions of African scholars and mission practitioners from throughout sub-Saharan Africa and the diaspora - including both men and women, veteran scholars, and fresh new voices - this volume provides a diverse perspective on missiology as understood and practised by African Christians. Engaging such wide-ranging topics as gender violence, globalization, Westernization, peacebuilding, development, Pentecostalism, urban missiology, theological education, and African Christianity in Europe, this volume ambitiously bridges the gap between academic and practitioner perspectives, engaging both theological discourse and the hands-on reality of how God's mission is taking shape in Africa and beyond. This book offers an empowering look at the work God is accomplishing in and through the African church.

  • av Katharina Penner

    Las bibliotecas y los bibliotecarios son vitales para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes y la formación de investigadores a nivel de doctorado.Este libro identifica cinco áreas y dieciséis principios que las instituciones de educación teológica deben considerar a fin de optimizar las operaciones de su biblioteca para servir a los programas de doctorado. Como ilustración de estos principios, el libro relata las historias de cuatro bibliotecas teológicas -en Nairobi, Hong Kong, Bangalore y Ámsterdam- que han navegado con éxito la transición a servir a los programas de doctorado. Los contribuyentes presentan las mejores prácticas comprobadas y comparten sus experiencias exitosas desarrollando bibliotecas al servicio de programas de doctorado en situaciones difíciles. Este tomo, invaluable como recurso para bibliotecarios y bibliotecarias del mundo mayoritario, también ofrece recomendaciones sobre lineamientos de calidad para agencias de acreditación que buscan apoyar a las instituciones de educación teológica en el desarrollo de programas robustos y fructíferos.

  • av Valeriia Chornobai

    In the beginning, God declared that it was not good for human beings to be alone. Yet the ache of loneliness is rampant in our societies, knowing no boundaries of age, sex, geography, culture, or religion.This book offers the reader a robust theological understanding of loneliness as a multifaceted phenomenon impacting the lives of believers. It identifies five different types of loneliness - emotional, social, cultural, existential, and spiritual - and illustrates each type through well-known biblical narratives, exploring what each narrative reveals about the relational nature of God and the humans created in his likeness. Yet beyond a theological framework, this book also provides practical and effective strategies for understanding and combating loneliness in the contexts of our contemporary lives. It pays particular attention to the historic and contemporary challenges of singleness and celibacy, especially as experienced in collectivist cultures and evangelical contexts.Chornobai and Hrytsenko aim to equip all those suffering from loneliness - as well as those walking alongside them, whether pastors, counselors, or social workers - to better understand the inner and outer factors impacting their experience and to find more effective strategies for coping and thriving.

  • av Fritz Deininger

    L'ICETE Programme for Academic Leadership (IPAL) a été officiellement créé en 2010, né de la nécessité de fournir une formation aux institutions théologiques dans différentes régions du monde. L'IPAL propose des outils de développement professionnel pour les responsables académiques évangéliques et les administrateurs afin d'aider les institutions théologiques dans leur recherche de qualité et d'excellence.Cet ouvrage est le troisième et dernier volume d'une trilogie issue des formations proposées par l'IPAL. Il vise à présenter des pratiques utiles aux responsables académiques en vue du développement professionnel du corps enseignant.Le développement professionnel du corps enseignant est au coeur de la formation théologique. Ce livre pose les bases permettant aux responsables académiques d'accompagner, de former et de soutenir leurs enseignants afin d'améliorer leur enseignement et leur recherche. Les auteurs de ce volume partagent les résultats de recherches menées dans des institutions académiques évangéliques dans divers contextes à travers le monde afin que d'autres responsables académiques puissent améliorer la qualité de la formation théologique dans leurs propres institutions.

  • av Katharina Penner

    Les bibliothèques et les bibliothécaires sont indispensables à l'apprentissage des étudiants et à la formation des chercheurs au niveau du doctorat.Ce livre identifie cinq domaines et seize principes à prendre en compte par les écoles de théologie lors de l'optimisation des opérations de la bibliothèque afin de servir les programmes doctoraux. Pour illustrer ces principes, l'ouvrage présente les cas de quatre bibliothèques de théologie - à Nairobi, Hong-Kong, Bangalore et Amsterdam - qui ont réussi leur transition vers des programmes de doctorat. Les auteurs présentent de bonnes pratiques éprouvées ainsi que leurs expériences en tant que pionniers de bibliothèques au service de programmes de doctorat dans des situations difficiles. Une ressource de formation précieuse pour les bibliothécaires des pays du Sud, ce livre offre également un aperçu de directives pour les agences d'accréditation qui aident les institutions théologiques à développer des programmes solides et florissants.

  • av Jessy Jaison

    As the church grows ever larger in areas once considered impervious to the gospel, theological training is failing to keep up with the needs of local congregations. This lack of missional capacity, alongside an overwhelming shortage of trained leadership, indicates a pressing need to revisit the aims and approaches of theological education globally.Engaging qualitative research from South Asia, Dr. Jessy Jaison demonstrates that both formal and non-formal approaches to theological training can support the church's missional calling. However, she challenges the growing normalization that theological education is an end in itself, distant from those it was meant to serve. Dr. Jaison calls for a church-centered paradigm in which all forms of training would collaborate with and for the body of Christ. Not only will readers be introduced to theological education in the the South Asian context, they will also benefit from the practical and collaborative model demonstrated and how they can revitalize the process in supporting the church in its mission.

  • av Timothée Joset

    Drawing on archival records and firsthand accounts, this work explores the history, theology, and missiology of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). It examines how IFES's commitment to immediacy, mediation, and participation are grounded upon a firm belief in the priesthood of all believers and a missional ecclesiology that presupposes God's involvement in all aspects of life, including the university. It traces the impact of diverse cultures and theologies upon the manifold expressions of mission IFES has engaged, and the role of IFES in extending the presence of God's people in places, and among ideologies, where traditional church structures have limited access.This book is a powerful reminder of the transformative impact created when believers, whether students or otherwise, participate in the missio Dei as faithful and creative witnesses in their own contexts. Bearing relevance for all those interested in a Christian perspective on the university or the theological reverberations of student ministry, it also offers a robust theological framework for understanding the legitimacy of parachurch organizations and lay ministry.

  • av Robert Falconer

    There are many books about the cross of Christ, but few are written from an African perspective or with an African context in mind. In this book, Dr. Robert Falconer offers the reader a holistic understanding of Jesus's atoning work that powerfully addresses African realities and concerns. Grounded in Scripture and Christian theology, this book gives careful attention to the implications of the atonement for African traditional spirituality. Presenting a biblical perspective of the cross - one rooted in penal substitution and Christus Victor theology - Falconer demonstrates Christ's power in all aspects of our lives, including over ancestors, evil spirits, witchcraft, and sin. This book provides a deeper understanding of contextual issues facing the African church, while also demonstrating the role of the atonement in addressing our cultural concerns and restoring the hope of liberty, reconciliation, redemption, and resurrection.

  • av Charles R. Ringma

    How are we to sustain activism and compassion amidst the never-ending crises of the twenty-first century? While the concern for social justice is deeply biblical, cynicism, burnout, and despair are all too common side effects when action is divorced from contemplation. To effectively serve as the hands and feet of Jesus, the church must attend to the revitalization of its inner life through the spiritual practices which feed, support, and sustain the work of the kingdom. Rather than the fragmentation and dualism that have led denominations to choose between prayer and service, evangelization and justice, the church must integrate heart, mind, and body in order to fulfil its calling to transform the world from within. Drawing from Scripture and a wide range of Christian traditions - from the monastic to the evangelical - this book inspires its readers to integrate spiritual renewal and prophetic witness for the glory of God and the good of his creation.

  • av Paul A. Barker

    Trauma is a universal phenomenon that can be caused by international catastrophes or individual, personal tragedy. Trauma is also a severely neglected topic in Christian literature, and while it can challenge someone's faith in Christ, God and the ministry of his Word is central to dealing with the emotional and psychological impact of trauma. By his Spirit, through his Word, and through his church, God is available to minister to people suffering from trauma and bring transformation to their lives.In this book, a team of experienced and informed Christian professionals from around the world promote a deep biblical response to trauma through clinical and theological wisdom and their first-hand experience of witnessing and experiencing trauma. The contributions provide practical responses to people's trauma, rather than mere descriptions of the problems, making it an ideal resource for pastors, counsellors, humanitarian workers and students.

  • av Laurie Nichols

    This collection of essays draws together a diverse group of scholars and practitioners as they pay loving tribute to Dr. Tetsunao (Ted) Yamamori, one of the great leaders of global mission and mentor to a generation.From dean, professor, and author to CEO of Food for the Hungry and international director of the Lausanne Movement, Dr. Yamamori has contributed to world evangelization over a lifetime of faithful service. In this book, his students, friends, and colleagues explore the far-reaching impact of his engagement on questions relevant to a new generation of church mobilizers. Touching on topics of hospitality, diaspora, entrepreneurship, poverty, theological education, Bible translation, collaboration, leadership, student ministry, the digital age, and church growth, this collection honors one of the great leaders of integral mission while exploring how the church must continue to grapple with the changing landscape of a changing world. Far from a reflection on the past, this is a book that looks to the future, drawing on the life and ministry of Dr. Yamamori to cast a vision for how we can meet the challenges and opportunities of global mission in the twenty-first century.

  • av Peter Nyende

    The church in Africa is thriving, both numerically and in its boldness and fervour. Yet the challenge of African folk Christianity - a Christianity shaped more by traditional beliefs than the Bible - continues to loom large, and there remains an acute need for life and faith to be biblically informed.In this introduction to biblical theology, Prof. Peter Nyende draws from nearly two decades of experience teaching the next generation of African church leaders. Maintaining the vital importance of a holistic understanding of Scripture and its unified nature, he presents the central story of both Old and New Testaments as the restoration of God's dwelling and kingdom in the world. He traces this narrative through its many stages of development - creation and fall, God's covenants with Israel, exile - to its ultimate fulfilment in Jesus, the church and the new Jerusalem.Though written with pastors and theological students in mind, this book is accessible to any who desire to increase their biblical literacy and partner more fully with the work of God and his kingdom.

  • av Michael F. Kuhn

    From the monastic devotion of the church fathers and mothers to the spiritual disciplines we espouse today, the church has always searched for ways to deepen discipleship and to grow in Christ. In the book that this discussion guide complements, In Quest of the Rock, the author delves into the source material, exploring Peter's transformation from fisherman to apostle through the power of relational encounter.As readers are empowered to see their own journeys in the light of Peter's, they will recognize their disappointments and unfulfilled aspirations as invitations into the reshaping and healing of their own hearts. This is a powerful resource for all who desire to grow in Christ, as well as those involved in the discipling of others.Intended for small group settings, this accompanying discussion guide journeys through each chapter of the book, to deepen the reader's understanding and encourage fruitful, challenging conversation.

  • av Maggie Low

    Is it a sin for Christians to be angry? After all, didn't Jesus teach his disciples to forgive unconditionally?Rev. Dr. Maggie Low answers both of these questions with a resounding "No!" Debunking unhealthy assumptions about anger and forgiveness, God, I'm Angry! lays the groundwork for a biblical understanding of righteous anger, conditional forgiveness, and unconditional love. Low thoroughly engages both Old Testament and New Testament texts to demonstrate that biblical forgiveness is always reliant upon repentance. Examining the psalms of vengeance in their original context, she also establishes that there is such a thing as a healthy, and holy, expression of anger - a way to "do anger" with God that makes space for healing and restored relationship.Alongside profound theological insight, this book provides a step-by-step guide for application in pastoral counseling contexts and includes real-life examples from Low's extensive ministry experience. It is a source of practical wisdom for spiritual and emotional growth towards freedom, wholeness, and fullness of life.

  • av Tim Monger

  • av Arend Van Dorp

  • av David K. Ngaruiya

    The identity and nature of the Holy Spirit has long been a critical - and often divisive - topic among Christians. Yet it is one with which we must continue to grapple if we are to grow in our understanding of the personhood of God, the calling of the church and the life of the believer.The seventh volume drawn from the annual conference of the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology, this collection of essays addresses questions of pneumatology against the rich background of African church history. African theologians explore centuries of Christian understanding, from the writings of Augustine to the doctrine of African Instituted Churches, and examine the impact of pneumatological belief upon the life and worship of the believer. Serving as a corrective on pneumatological heterodoxies while making space for both the diversity and unity of the African church, this volume provides a powerful reminder of the centrality of the Holy Spirit to Christian doctrine and praxis.

  • av Aldrin M. Peñamora

  • av Kiem-Kiok Kwa

  • av Federico Villanueva

  • av Marcelo Vargas A.

  • av Anwarul Azad

  • av Michael F Kuhn

  • av Joseph Too Shao

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