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  • av Ali Mohamed Salah

    THIS COMPREHENSIVE STUDY INTRICATELY delves into the multifaceted realm of atheism, meticulously tracing its historical roots, backgrounds, and the diverse stages it has undergone throughout its existence. While acknowledging the historical passages that have played pivotal roles in shaping atheism, the primary emphasis is placed on its contemporary context, particularly manifested in the writings and speeches of new atheists. The analysis aims to reveal the nuanced stances that these atheists adopt towards Islam and Muslims. Beyond merely exploring historical evolution, the study meticulously examines the contemporary discourse surrounding atheism, shedding light on its intricate interactions with Islam. Through an exploration of past historical passages, the writing aspires to provide a nuanced understanding of the layers atheism has acquired over time. Furthermore, the research incorporates evidence from the Quran and philosophical arguments articulated by Muslim theologians and philosophers. The scope encompasses insights from thinkers from various religious backgrounds and philosophical schools, offering a comprehensive view of the subject.The book unfolds through three main chapters, each housing several sections and parts, offering a structured exploration of the subject matter. The chapters collectively contribute to a holistic understanding of atheism's evolution and contemporary intersections with Islam.DR. ALI MOHAMED SALAH is an accomplished theologian, Islamic Scholar, and jurist with over 30 years of experience in research, teaching, and community leadership roles. In 1991 Dr Ali did his Bachelor's Degree in Hadith and Islamic Studies from University of Madina, Saudi, followed by Master's degree in theology and Islamic Studies from Mecca in 1994, then in 2000 his Doctorate in Philosophy and Comparative Religions from the National University of Malaysia. Most recently, in 2020, he obtained a Certificate in the Art of Arbitration from the Norwegian Centre for Arbitration and and Legal Services. Dr Ali published works include: Qur¿¿n: Moral Compass of the Believer (Looh Press, 2023); Evil Eye: Reality and Remedy (Looh Press, 2023); The Shield of Islam (Looh Press, 2024); Trialogue of Abrahamic Faiths in the Light of the Quran (Arabic, 2023); al-Takmillah (Arabic, 2023); and many other works. Currently, Dr. Salah serves as the Director of the Iqra Foundation and holds the position of Imam at the Tawfiiq Islamic Centre in Oslo, Norway where he lives.

  • av Ali Mohamed Salah

    EXPLORING THE EVIL EYE. REALITY AND REMEDY: AN ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE takes a rigorous and multifaceted approach to the subject matter. The author presents a well-researched and holistic exploration of the evil eye by combining scriptural references, prophetic traditions, and scholarly insights. The book aims to inform readers about the realities of this phenomenon and provides them with practical tools to seek protection and maintain their spiritual well-being following Islamic teachings. This book employs a comprehensive and systematic approach. It begins by defining and explaining the evil eye, examining its historical and cultural significance. It then explores the various signs and symptoms associated with the evil eye, highlighting real-life examples and case studies. The author carefully dissects the teachings of Islam to present practical remedies and protection methods that can be incorporated into one's daily life.DR ALI MOHAMED SALAH is an accomplished theologian, Islamic Scholar, and jurist with over 30 years of experience in research, teaching, and community leadership roles. In 1991 Dr Ali did his Bachelor's Degree in Hadith and Islamic Studies from University of Madina, Saudi, followed by Master's degree in theology and Islamic Studies from Mecca in 1994, then in 2000 his Doctorate in Philosophy and Comparative Religions from the National University of Malaysia. Most recently in 2020, he obtained a Certificate in the Art of Arbitration from the Norwegian Centre for Arbitration and and Legal Services.Dr Ali published works include: Qur¿¿n: Moral Compass of the Believer (Looh Press, 2023); Evil Eye: Reality and Remedy (Looh Press, 2023); Trialogue of Abrahamic Faiths in the Light of the Quran (Arabic, 2023); al-Takmillah (Arabic, 2023); and many other works. Currently, Dr. Salah serves as the Director of the Iqra Foundation and holds the position of Imam at the Tawfiiq Islamic Centre in Oslo, Norway where he lives.

  • av Ali Mohamed Salah

    THE MODERN YOUTH INCREASINGLY move away from Islamic morals, ethics, and cultural values. As a result, their belief in Allah and the Prophet Müammad ¿ has weakened, leading to doubts and misconceptions about Islam. The rise of atheism among the youth and the proliferation of distorted beliefs and ideologies further compound the situation. Additionally, there has been a noticeable decline in moral values across various facets of life. Parent-child relationships have become strained, resulting in high divorce rates and a lack of understanding regarding marital morals and rights. Maintaining strong kinship ties is often overlooked, as the younger generation prioritizes personal aspirations over social issues and family matters. The neglect and mistreatment of older individuals and the growing disregard for young children due to the fast-paced nature of modern life are disconcerting trends. The erosion of moral values can be attributed, in part, to the influence of Western ideals and misleading media portrayals. Traditional values and virtues gradually dissipate, giving rise to a more self-centered mindset. In response to these challenges and deplorable circumstances and stances, the book "Qur¿¿n: Moral Compass of the Believer" has been authored. Unlike previous works on morality, this book specifically caters to the West's second and third Muslim generations, aiming to compensate for the lack of an Islamic-cultural environment during their upbringing. By immersing readers in a Quranic atmosphere, the book addresses the pressing issues and offers solutions grounded in the Qur¿¿n and Sunnah.ABOUT THE AUTHOR: DR ALI MOHAMED SALAH is an accomplished theologian, Islamic Scholar, and jurist with over 30 years of experience in research, teaching, and community leadership roles. In 1991 Dr Ali did his Bachelor's Degree in Hadith and Islamic Studies from University of Madina, Saudi, followed by Master's degree in theology and Islamic Studies from Mecca in 1994, then in 2000 his Doctorate in Philosophy and Comparative Religions from the National University of Malaysia. Most recently in 2020, he obtained a Certificate in the Art of Arbitration from the Norwegian Centre for Arbitration and and Legal Services.¿¿ Dr Ali published works include: Qur¿¿n: Moral Compass of the Believer (Looh Press, 2023); Evil Eye: Reality and Remedy (Looh Press, 2023); Trialogue of Abrahamic Faiths in the Light of the Quran (Arabic, 2023); al-Takmillah (Arabic, 2023); and many other works. Currently, Dr. Salah serves as the Director of the Iqra Foundation and holds the position of Imam at the Tawfiiq Islamic Centre in Oslo, Norway where he lives.

  • av Ibraahim Aadan Shire

    ¿BUUGGANU WUXUU DULMARAYAA marxalad Soomaalida soo martay oo aan w¿eli si buuxda loo soo tebin. Ibraahim Aadan Shire wuxuu si aqoon iyo xirfad leh noogu soo gudbinayaa dhacdooyinkii keenay dullaankii Xabashidu ku soo gashay gobolka Gedo iyo mirihii ka dhashay. Waxaa qoraalku cuskanayaa xogogaalnimada qoraha, oo la noolaa dhacdooyinkaas, tixraacyo qoraallo hore oo si toos ah ama si dadban u taabanaya xaaladdii waddanka ama gobolka Gedo ee waqtigaas. Hab-qoraalka ayaa waxaa xiise u yeelaya in Ibraahim soo xiganayo suugaan hore, sheekooyin iyo qoraal-cilmiyeedyo ilaa laba qarni ka hor laga sameeyey Soomaalida iyo dhaqankooda. Waxaan hubaa in buugganu meel muhiim ah ka geli doono kaydka taariikhda Soomaaliyeed, si guud, iyo tii sagaashanaadkii si gaar ah.¿Qoraa & baresare Cabdulqaaddir Diiriye.Nayroobi, Kiinya¿¿ ¿WAXAA II FARXAD AHAYD INAAN akhriyo buuggaan, ka hor inta uusan soo bixin. Waxaa ugu horraynba, kusoo jiidanayo magaca buugga. Horay inbadan baynu u maqalnay Halgankii Gobonnimaddoonka, laakiin maantay magaca buuggani waa 'Halgankii Günnimaddoonka'. Tolow Gunnimana maloo halgamaa, oo mala doonaa? Jawaabta su'aashaa buugga ayaad kala sheekaysan doontaa. Waxa kale oo aad ku dhex arki doontaa baalashiisa sida dedaallo badan oo tacab la geliyay, ugudambayn ugu soo hoobteen meel aysan u qalmin. Xooggii la geliyayna uu u noqday xoog doofaar lagu eryay, iyo hal bacaad lagu lisay. Taariikhdu sida ay dib iskugu celiso ee ay usoo noqnoqoto ayuu iyadana taabanayaa buuggu. Waxaa intaa usii dheer, inuu yahay buug gorfayneed oo heerkii ugu sarraysay ku gorfaynaaya ururkii Al-ltixaad, wixii uu guday iyo wixii uu gaystay. Sooyaalka baraarugga Islaamiga ee Soomaaliya, ayuu sida oo kale waxbadan ka taabanaya dhigganuhu. Waxaa sii dheer, haddii Tog-Waajale taariikhda ugu suntan tahay inay Amxaaro duullaan kusoo qaadday 1964-tii, dawladnimada Soomaaliya oo markaa un afar sano jirsatay, Booramana ay Xabashidu duqaysay oo arday ku laysay 30-kii Janawari 1984-tii, Gobolka Gedo isaguna maalintii Jimceed 9-kii August 1996-dii, waxa ay u ahayd maalin madow oo ay duullaan cagmaris ah kusoo qaadday dawladda Itoobiya magaalooyinka Doolow, Luuq, iyo Beledxaawo. Duullaankaan iyo daggaalladii ka dambeeyay ee u dhexeeyay jamhaddii Marreexaan ee SNF iyo Ururkji Al-ltixaad, waad ka bogan doontaa idan Alle. Faanoole fari kama qodnee, akhris wanaagsan akhristow.¿Maxammed-Karaama Axmed Xasan.Garbahaarreey, Soomaaliya ¿Dadow maqal daduubtaan ku iri ama dan haw yeelan Ama dhaha darooryiba jiryaye doxorku yeelkiis e Nin ragey dardaaran u tahaye, doqon ha moogaado.¿Sayyid Maxammed Cabdulle Xassan

  • av Shanwiil Baale

    Miyaysan ahayn arrin la-yaab leh in aynnu dhigannay taariikh, xisaab, iyo juquraafi, balse aynnu seegnay fasalkii ahaa sida loogu noolaado nolol wanaagsan? Miyuuse jiray fasalkaas horta? Ka warran haddii aan ku dhaho fasalkaas casharradii lagu dhigi lahaa waxaad ka dheegan kartaa dhiganahaan, waxaana macallimiin kuu noqonaya Epictetus, Martin Seligman, B. J Fogg, Mark Hyman, Kelly McGonigal, Matthew Walker, Cal Newport, Kristin Neff iyo Wallace D. Wattles! Sannaddii 2007 ayaa waxaa ila soo daristay murugo xanuun badan oo igu qasabtay in aan buugaagta ka raadiyo nafis iyo wehel, si aan uga baxsado ciriiriga dhul iyo midka seben ee aan dareemayay. Waxaa halkaas ka bilowday safarkaygaygii qaarinnimada, walow aan yaraantaydii jecelaa akhriska iyo qoraalka. Ma ahayn ruux akhriya buug kasta oo ay dadku ii faaniyaan ama maktabadda yaalla ee waxaan akhrin jiray uun mowduucyada aan xiiseeyo. Muddo markii ay buugaagtu ii ahaayeen barkin ayaan is-weydiiyay culuumtaan aad habeen iyo maalin ku cayilinayso caqligaaga oo aad ku quudinayso qalbigaaga, goorma ayaad wax ka qori ama bulshada uga faa'iideyn, inta ay naftu kaa nuuxnuuxsanyso? Aniga oo og in aanay dadkaygu jeclayn wax akhriska ayaan 2016 bilaabay in aan Youtube-ka ku baahiyo muuqaallo koobkooban. Nasiibwanaag, 2019 waxaan ka mid noqday dadkii ka badbaaday caabuqii Covid-19. Xabsi-gurigii uu cudurku igu xukumay ayaa waxaa ka dhashay in aan ku curiyo KASDAREEN.

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