Om Girl Behind the Fence: CoDependency
Over 40 million Americans, mostly women, struggle with codependency. In fact, 14.4 million of them were also diagnosed with depression. The lower their self-worth, the more they alienated themselves, the less self-awareness they had, and the more severe their depression was. As a natural continuance, the more severe their depression, the less independent they were, and therefore, the more codependent and debilitating their symptoms were. As you can see, it's truly a vicious circle.
Codependent relationships can be between friends, romantic partners, or family members and often the relationship includes emotional, verbal, or physical abuse. Friends and family members of a codependent person do NOT want them to get well because...
Take the SELF-INVENTORY inside and see if codependency is ruining your life. The bad news is that symptoms increase when ignored. The good news is that with proper support, you can regain control of your life and become your authentic and independent self.
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