Om HandBook of Medical and Orthopedic Gymnastics
The classification of Gymnastics, Gymnastic apparatus, Gymnastic terminology, The education of a gymnast, Gymnastic positions, Fundamental positions, Gymnastic movements, Free standing movements, Massagemovements, General rules for gymnastic treatment, Gymnastic prescription and daily treatment, The respiration during gymnastic treatment, Amount of time sufficient for the gymnastic treatment, The gymnast's position and relation to the patient, Diseases of the circulatory organs, Diseases of the genitourinary organs, Diseases of the kidneys, Diseases of the bladder, Diseases of the male genital organs, Diseases of the nervous system, Peripheral nervous diseases, Vasomotor and trophic neurosis, Diseases of the spinal cord, Cerebral diseases, Neurosis without any known anatomical causes, Diseases of the muscles, Constitutional diseases, Diseases of the bones and joints, Spinal curvatures, Dietetic gymnastics
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