Om Here Ghost Nothing: Halloween Party Series (AB Shared World)
Just like a ghost, she haunts his dreams. Three years have passed since I met her, and we shared one unforgettable night. She left without giving me her name but slipped a note into my sleepy hand.All she wrote was that when the time was right, she'd return to the annual Halloween gala and that she hoped I'd be there.Every year I return, hoping that our time has come, and every year she doesn't. Still, I dream of her so often and intimately that they feel like memories. Her name may escape me, but I think I know who she is, and I've got something important to ask her.This Halloween, will the curvy younger woman who ghosted ex-firefighter Zane finally return?Author's Note: Here Ghost Nothing is a short and steamy second-chance contemporary romance read. This second print edition contains a bonus prologue.
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